Ice vs Fire

Chapter 36: Ready to Rumble

Feeling anxious?

Why would I feel that?

Hehe you are going to be playing against the best players in the world.

Yes and I will beat them.

That's the attitude I wanted to see but there's just one little thing Alex.

What is it?

This finale is a best of 3 and if you lose you will still have two more chances.

What do you mean why would I lose?

For you know for us to become billionaires.

Oh shit! I totally forgot about that.

Yes you have to lose like two games on command and then win 3.

Michael you really sure about that?

What happened Ross? let me and Alex talk this through.

No we are at the stage that was only present in our dreams and now you want us to take this huge risk for money.

Isn't that what makes you different from others?

just think about it while others are lusting for a win you can win or lose on command doesn't that make you like way better than other players?

Hm I yes it does we have done it in the past so why not this time.

Cause this time it's completely different.

Why is that it's the same game same audience and same players nothing has changed.

I mean the paraphernalia of the game itself has changed now we are not looking for a way to get to the world title we are achieving it in front of our own eyes our hopes, dreams, aspirations all will be fullfilled if we win.

Nice speech King but no Michael is correct if we are truly the best we should have the power to control our wins and losses on comand.

No we are getting somewhere and what's the plan for it Mike?

It's quite simple let's give them an amazing victory and then two soul crushing defeats and another win and the last match will decide everything.

You sure that we should give them a chance to you know-

Ofcourse we should see Ross life is not a one off event where your bad past will hold onto you or the good future will keep you forever successful.

That I know but one thing that I may never understand is why are we humans never satisfied to the fullest why do we always want more?

The answer is simple my pupil, back in the day food, mates, shelter and safety were scarce one small infection and you are dead one small mistake in hunting and you are dead so we had to be greedy, fearful, aggressive, intelligent and unsatiable.

Hehe isn't that a good thing?

"A deep silence fills up the room".

Now what do 'you' mean King?

Just think about it we can't eat all weeks food at once we can't have lifelong fun today so why do you think that your success will be for life?

That means I'll have to successful again and again?

No you won't have to you get to be successful again and again.

So now that your life talk is done why not prepare for the match tommorrow?

Yes tommorrow is the day we conquer the world and fullfill our dreams don't you feel amazing Alex you are not even playing for 1 year and you get to have a shot at the summoner's cup?

What I am feeling is beyond your imagination.

"Ross whispers to other teammates" did anyone gave him drugs?

"Max whispers back" no I did not.

Maybe he is high.

What are you guys whispering about? "Alex questions their mysterious behaviour".

No no nothing we were just talking about aa a our "King looks at others to help him finish his sentence".

Merch our merch they are so cool you know.

Yeah yeah yeah exactly that.

Hm ok then.

*In the betting bar*

The anticipation is killing me why can't the finals start today.

Don't worry too much bro just relax we have already won a lot on All Stars but now it's time to become rich.

Hmm but what if they lose? That would push us back to zero.

Oh look at the previous games.

What is it about those games.

"Both gamblers from ch 29 have made quite a fortune by betting on All Stars".

So how is your college going?

It's not great the exams were tough and those fucking professors waste too much time and give lots of homework and how is your life going?

Oh bro it's amazing no stress from stupid professors and homework like you said and I can spend all the time researching about league teams and their matches.

So what do you think about All Stars? They are the dark horse of this tournament.

Dark horse not really bro they are betting on themselves and losing on purpose.

What? Is that true?

Yeah I have watched their best of 3 against Royal over and over again and yes they are indeed losing on purpose.

Good thing I had exams and didn't bet on that day and why didn't you bet?

I have an upset stomach guess the heavens are really protecting us.

Yeah bro let's just say heavens gave us an opportunity now we have to take advantage of it if a thing like that even exists.

Bro c'mon it was a metaphor I'm not a kid who believes in everything he hears hehehe.

Hahaha damn right.

So will they try this reckless act again?

Most likely they have extreme confidence on their gameplay and coach.

Then what match will be you know lost?

I'm not quite sure there are three combinations they can execute:

1. First two wins and two or one loss then win.

2. First one loss second one win third one win and forth one loss and fifth one win.

3. Early two losses then three victories in a row.

Oh no these are some complex plans and what if they lost on a unintentional game?

I don't know if we should manage our risk or bet to make riches that a normal person cannot make in a lifetime?

Bet bro don't forget where we started even if we fail we can still bounce back.

But still bro all of this money can really help us out we don't have to take soo much risk.

"Conflicting beliefs about money is what runs the world if everyone devalued money there would be no rich or poor at the same time if everyone valued money to not waste it the businesses would not flourish and less people would get bankrupt".

Ultimately both get to the decision to only risk half of their networth.

Now then if we win or lose we won't be affected as bad.

Yup now we can think and analyze correctly.

Lets get this thing going...


Yeah what do you wanna know now?

ee have been together for almost 3 years but I never asked your name.

Come to think of it yeah you did not why is that?

I dunno myself but yeah let's exchange names shall we?

My name is Benjamin Nut you can call me Ben.



Hahahahahahah! Oh my god holy shit your parents are mrs and mr nut.

Yeah yeah can you stop laughing now and tell me yours go ahead I'm ready.

Aaf wait a sec I have to catch my breath real quick my name is...



Hey hey why are you getting shy all of a sudden?

Moe my name is...

Oh Moe thats a nice name.

Hear the full sentence bro Moe Lester.

Moe Lester? "Ben starts laughing furiously as well" hahahahaha your parents really rocked this one didn't they?

It was the last wish of my grandfather for my name to be joe but because oh spelling mistake it got printed moe.

Brother how are you gonna go for elections with that name?

Maybe I'll change it when elections come.

Nonetheless Moe we have a very bright furture ahead of us.

Hey hey I want you to know "Moe gets flash forwards of them getting married, making love, going on honey moon, cuddling, sipping whiskey from the same glass" I won't marry you ok?

Hey hey where are you taking this conversation.

You said "our" furture so.

Oh not like a spouse but as a partner you know as a true homie.

Oh oh my bad.

Moe don't make these types of misunderstandings when betting cause that would be expensive, quite expensive.

*The next day*

Ladies and gentlemen we have ourselves the finalists entering from south we have All Stars!

"The cheers of crowd makes the commentators voice feel silent".

And from the north we have Sk telecom 1!

"Skt!" "Skt!" "The cheering gets even louder".

"Skt1's roster bow towards the crowd to show their appreciation for their cheers"

So JJ what will Skt1 opt for in the first game.

In my opinion they should not play too agressive as we could calculate from the previous games Skt has played some very kill based games.

On the other hand All Stars have tried every single play style from agressive to defensive to no contact to turret pushing and it has worked wonderfully for them.

Yes in this best of five we will get to see what cards they have up their sleeves.

And let's get ready to rumble! This is the place where heroes become legends and moments become history.

The banning phase has been started.

The first ban goes to Skt what will they ban?

그라가스를 꺼내세요. (Take out their gragas.)

아니 그들의 아리. (No their Ahri.)

"Skt의 코치는 첫 경기를 회상하며 선수에게 Fizz를 금지하라고 명령합니다." ("Skt's coach gets a flashback of their first game and commands their player to ban Fizz".)

Fizz가 잠겨 있습니다. (Fizz it is locked in.)

Ohh looks like Skt wants to ban Fizz.

But Fizz is such a niché pick that it certainly never comes.

"Both JJ and Shelly were unaware of their scrims before the Worlds".

Second ban by All Stars is Orianna.

No Orianna for Faker.

Third ban by Skt is...

우리에게 가장 큰 문제를 일으키는 것은 무엇입니까? (What can cause the most trouble for us?)

니달리 아니면 그라가스일 수도 있어요. (Nidalee or maybe Gragas.)

안 돼요! (No way!)

무슨 일이에요? 뭔가 느껴지나요? (What happend? you sense something?)

응, 하지만 내 직감을 믿어야 할지 잘 모르겠어? (Yeah but I'm not quite sure should I trust my guts?)

헤헤 네, 옳다고 생각되는 일을 하는 것 외에는 자신의 감정에 답할 수 있는 다른 방법이 없을 것입니다. (Hehe yup you should there is no other way to answer your feelings than to do what feels right.)

그럼 바로 "벵이가 직감으로 오공을 금지한다"는 것이다. (Then that's it "Bengi confidently in his gut instinct bans wukong".)

Wukong have they gone mad I still have my prime champions unlocked.

No Ross their main objectice was not to take away your champions but stop a unstoppable duo.

You mean Alex and King.

Yes and we should also take away their main champions.

And what might they be we have already banned Orianna and next?

Why not ban Lee sin and Zed.

Why Zed? We have a Zed main right here "Johan defends Zed by apointing at Alex".

No their Mid and jungler make an amzing combination with these champs.

Don't worry kids we have the upper hand now choose what picks you want to pick to win.

Ok sir "Max bans Blitzcrank" Oh nooooooo!

What happend?

I miss clicked.

Fuck who would have played Blitzcrank in worlds?

맙소사, 그 사람들이 내 선택을 예측한 걸까, 아니면 우리를 염탐하는 걸까? (Oh my god sir they predicted my pick are they spying on us?)

그럴 수도 있고 아닐 수도 있지만, 이번 경기가 끝난 후 증거를 확보하기 위해 반드시 룸 체크를 실시할 것입니다. (Maybe or maybe not but I'll definitely conduct a room check after this match to get some evidence.)

What a ban All Stars has banned Blitz that have not been used in worlds at all.

Maybe what team comb they are opting for Blitzcrank is a huge threat.

제 생각에는 알리스터가 5번째 금지 조치를 취하는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다. 코치님은 어떻게 생각하시나요? (I think Alister would be nice for the fifth ban what do you think Coach?)

흠 정말 네 말이 맞아. 눌러줘 얘야. (Hmm indeed you are correct press it my child.)

Alister both supports were targeted now for the final ban what will All Stars ristrict from Skt.

And for the final ban it will be?

Jaaaaarvan 4 by All Stars.

Now for the picks All Stars gets the first draft what will they pick to start this game of?

So guys does anyone have a champion that you want me to pick?

Nidalee for me King.


Nidalee from All Stars.

After all these matches Itachi finally gets to play his best champion.

계획대로 가십시오. (Go as planned.)

알겠습니다. (Yes sir.)

Ohhh Corgi and Janna in just two seconds.

Skt really wants to neutralize Nidalee with this team composition.

Corgi and Janna why not use Ezreal and Lux for to make their life difficult?

Nice idea lets do it.

Ezreal and Lux locked.

Tsk Lux는 골치가 아플 것입니다. (Tsk Lux will be a pain in the arse.)

약간의 고통은 큰 문제가 되지 않습니다. (A little pain won't be a big deal.)

카사딘을 선택해 온몸을 아프게 만들어보세요. (Pick Kassadin and make their whole body pain.)

그리고 정글을 위해서? (And for the jungle?)

마지막 드래프트에서 유리한 정글러를 뽑을 때까지 기다리세요. 지금은 상위 라인에 집중하세요. (Wait for the last draft to pick a favorable jungler right now focus on top the laner.)

럼블과 함께 가자. (Let's go with Rumble.)

the crowd is getting more excited as the champions are being selected.

Rumble huh I've never played against him what do you think Mic what would be an amazing champ to play against him?

Malphite or Pantheon.

Pantheon it is, I sought power on the targon's peak only to find it within.

Ok nice quote by pantheon huh.

I'll carve my scars into the heavens! "King falls in love with pantheon's inspirational quotes".

Oh man you scared me.

Note: if you feel confused

Alex what will you pick?

Take the pick that will make your name echo throught the heavens!

Ok but nothing too especial ok?

Zed is especial but ok let's go. "Max thinks about how he can combo with Zex".

Pantheon and Zed assasins to slay the squishies and the final pick goes to Skt.

주저하지 말고 기억하세요. (Don't hesitate remember that.) "SKT 코치, 벵기에게 웃으며 맞선다" ("Skt's coach confronts Bengi with a smile".)

네, 정말 코치님. "벵기가 리신을 선택했다". (Yes indeed Coach. "Bengi selects Lee sin".)

All Stars "red" vs Skt1 "blue"

King (Pantheon) Impact (Rumble)

Itachi (Nidalee) Bengi (Lee Sin)

Alex (Zed) Faker (Kassadin)

Max (Lux) PoohManDu (Janna)

Johan (Ezreal) Piglet (Corgi)

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