I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 211: Power Against Skill

Before I could slowly internalize what was going on, I was presented with an army. In total, there were fifty or so men in front of me, all of which are in the Heavenly Plain Realm, two realms higher than mine. And you're telling me that I'll lead all of them to war?

And to top it all off, I only have ten seconds to prepare them. What sort of a difficult quest is this?!

"Yongrui, you have to tell them something." White nudged me with his elbows while clearing his throat.

"Shouldn't you be the one to do that? Your dad told me to assist you, not replace you in leading them." I clarified but he wasn't listening to me. I don't know if it was because he has never experienced leading an army before, or may he was just nervous. Needless to say, he wanted to pass the duty onto me.

We were running out of time so I had no choice but to do it.

Without further ado, I stepped in front of the Four Battalions and cleared my throat to attract their attention. The Four Battalions stared at me cluelessly. I'm guessing that they weren't told why they were gathered there. Luxor probably didn't have any time to brief them about the upcoming war.

"Everyone, listen to me." I didn't go through any formalities whatsoever. Right now, my goal is to tell them that the Graudon Settlement is about to be overrun by a huge horde of rabid humans. there was no time for appearances. "Ten or so seconds from now, this Settlement is going to be overrun by rabid humans— zombies. And right now, the residents of this Settlement don't have anywhere else to go. It's up to us to defend the city walls and prevent these monsters from overtaking this Settlement."

The moment I announced that, I immediately noticed the hopelessness in their eyes as they looked around. By now, the horde is near enough that they could detect it, and judging from their headcount, they were starting to think that they might not be able to hold them off.

"You are the Graudon Settlement's troops for a reason, this is your time to shine! Don't back away just because the situation looked grim." I told them. Honestly, I felt a bit furious that these guys are backing down even though they are on a higher level than I am. "Put your chins up high and fight alongside me and White! We have to endure this, otherwise, the Middle Plane would forever fall into the hands of the Black Spirit Sect. Remember your purpose! Why did you join the Graudon Settlement troops in the first place?"


As expected, the horde of rabid humans has finally descended upon the Graudon Settlement. We didn't have enough time as it is. From a distance, I recognize the vague forms of Meatpiles and other countless zombies that were a tenth of the size of Meatpiles. I was expecting them to be at least on the same level as the members of the troops but I was wrong. They were at least a Realm or so higher in terms of power and cultivation. How can rabid humans be like that?! They're on Stage-12 or so, which is on par with Heavenly Axis Realm Cultivators.

Low groans and screeches could be heard from the rabid humans and once again, I was reminded of the time when I regained my consciousness a few weeks ago. Everything else seemed so different and rabid humans are stronger than I was. This is no different. Once again, I found myself in an unfamiliar place with no choice but to fight and the rabid humans are a few realms higher than I am. This is unfair, but what choice do I have?

"Follow me if you want to live or die trying. But if you want to back away, then be my guest. Just remember that you will forever be known as the coward who ran away." I simply said. If that isn't enough to motivate them to fight, then there was no point in encouraging them any further. In a split second, I summoned all my pets and activated my Berserk Mode.

<You have activated your Berserk Skill>

<You have activated your Strong Will Skill>

<Activation successful, you now have full control over your Berserk Skill>

<You have activated your Virus Madness Skill>

<Activation successful, you are now two steps above your current Realm>

<You have met the necessary conditions needed to activate the Automatic Qi Condensation Skill>

<You have activated your Automatic Qi Condensation Skill>

<Activation successful... >

As multiple notifications rang in my head, courtesy of the System, I charged towards the horde of rabid humans without looking back. I didn't want to be disappointed so I decided not to steal a glance towards the Graudon Settlement Troops. I could probably handle this horde by myself, thanks to my Astral Lion, my Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf, my Rare Rabid Human Feng, and my other rabid human subordinates in my zombie barracks. They may not amount to much but they could at least provide some temporary blockade against the horde.

"Yongrui, allow me to assist you." White called out beside me as his eyes became White and lightning coursed through his skin. He was activating his berserk mode or something, just like how he did it when we fought the guardian in the Void Tower.

"Yongrui, please be careful." Natalia was the second one to call out. She was surrounded by frost and snowflakes as she carefully manipulated her Ice Element. Every time she uses her element, her beauty increases by a hundredfold... or that was just me daydreaming.

"Allow me to provide my assistance, Yongrui. I will fight by your side and keep you safe." Zenith was the next one to speak, and together, the four of us charged through to meet the oncoming rabid humans. Now that we got a bit nearer, the horde looked more intimidating than I had expected... but if I backed off now, that would just make me look like a coward, or worse.

The Meatpiles and the plethora of rabid humans may look frightening but I found the courage and reassurance from White, Natalie and Zenith who were right beside me. My rough estimate told me that the horde had about eight thousand to nine thousand rabid humans in it but I didn't mind, I could probably take down half of it.

In an instant, a Screecher-like rabid human approached me, clawing me with it's burning hands. The rabid human was unexpectedly fast but fortunately, Hui-ying warned me to dodge so I flawlessly got out of the way before the claws even hit me. I could see White and Natalia already engaged on the other side of the horde, firing off lightnings and ice as if a thunderous blizzard befell the land. Zenith wasn't resting either. The moment her daggers touched one rabid human, she turned into a blur as the rabid humans were diced to pieces. The rabid humans may have a higher cultivation compared to us but with our skills and techniques honed over the years, they stood no chance against us.

Oh, wait! I shouldn't be celebrating too early! I shouldn't raise a death flag this early in a fight. As far as I know, these rabid humans could also use elements and skills and if that wasn't enough, they may even have one of my exclusive skills that would greatly aid them in a fight— the Berserk Skill.

That's right, I shouldn't let my guard down!

Shards of ice and earth and balls of flames and water rained down on me as more rabid humans got closer. The only thing I could do was tear them to pieces with my hands since my Berserk Skill enabled me to do so. I was a beast, trampling and shredding everything in my path without mercy. A rabid human would dash towards me? I'll cut him in half. A rabid human would try to bite me? Well, let him or her do so. That would just increase the virus in my body and make my Berserk mode and other virus-related skills stronger. In fact, I was so into my Berserk mode that I started biting off rabid humans to pieces. My taste buds were numbed so I couldn't taste it but they probably taste like rotten meat or sewage or worse. In any case, I bit everyone until I became the strongest zomb— nope! Not gonnay say that yet! Hehe

My Astral Lion, Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf, Feng, and my rabid human subordinated were doing rather well as well. They didn't stay too close nor too far to the horde but their projectiles sure packs a punch. The Astral Lion was shooting beams from its mouth and every rabid human on its oath would disintegrate. As for the Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf, it made a portion of the land it's domain and constantly fired off ice spikes there. Pretty soon, it's domain became a !assive graveyard of rabid humans. Feng was doing things differently, he would dart from one place to another, attacking rabid humans with his claws and mouth. Sometimes he would fire off a dark beam but I don't know what kind of element it was... probably the dark element? Who knows.

"Do they need our help?"

"I don't think so."

"They're stronger than us even with their lower cultivations. They must be geniuses."

"No, we're just too inexperienced."

I could hear the members of the Graudon Settlement troops contemplating on whether they should help or not but only a handful stepped up to aid in the subjugation.

It was all going well... too well that my gut feelings started to warn me of a certain danger.

And then it happened.

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