I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 210: The Sudden Emergency!

"So you know about this poison, huh... you pass." I patted Rembrandt on the shoulders. "As you may as well know, the Human Bloodborne Poison is one of the rarest poisons passed on by ancestors who had the Poison Bloodline. Well, it's nothing fancy, just a number of clans whose next generations inherited their Poison Element."

"How did you know that... unless... " Rembrandt's eyes were wide with shock as he realized what I meant. Well, he's more or less assuming that my ancestors had the Poison Bloodline as well.

"And because you're quite capable. I'm going to impart to you some of the most high-grade poisons I know. Are you willing to be my disciple? Of course, I'm not going to take you in alone. I will take the entire Fourth Battalion under my wing as well."

"T-then... we'll be under your ca— "


I was on the verge of receiving his approval when an explosion erupted by the edge of the settlement. Judging from the sound of the explosion, I could tell that it was a serious one since it almost busted my eardrums by how loud it was. My head immediately whirled towards the general direction of the explosion and from there, I saw something that I wasn't expecting at all. In fact, it was so unexpected that I found myself dropping my jaw in shock.

A rockslide! A few feet up the left side of the valley, there was a huge boulder that came crashing towards the Settlement. And behind it was a couple of rolling rocks as well, creating a chain reaction that resulted in more boulders rolling through the valley.

There was no time, in an instant, I used my Time Stretch Skill and Berserk Skill to increase my speed and power. And while balancing those skills, I accessed my other Qi Cores to shoot out orbs made out of elements. Luxor and White joined in on stopping the rockslide as well, buying enough time for the other 'Settlement Troops' to get there in time.

Fortunately, the rockslide event lasted for only a minute before dying down, and the majority of the Settlement Troops took care of it. In the end, there were no casualties and none of the houses nor any infrastructures were destroyed. The quick response of the battalions were on-point, as expected of soldiers in the Middle Plane!

"Yongrui, thank you for responding in time. Had it not been for you, we would've been two to three steps too late." Luxor cupped his hands towards me.

"Is everyone all right?" I asked, slightly ignoring Luxor, much to his disappointment. But when I was about to speak next, I detected something.

Four or five kilometers away from the settlement, a huge horde is advancing!

Sigh~ this is just one thing after another huh. Is this a coincidence? Or are they attacking now because I already got here? In any case, I should warn the entire Settlement before doing anything. This is the worst, if we can't stop the advance of the horde, then death is the only thing that awaits this shelter. I hope that it won't come to that.

"Settlement Leader, I need to talk to you." I continued, grabbing Luxor and White by the shoulders and leading them out of there. They had all the time to get out of my grasp but they didn't, probably because of my expression. Honestly, I'm too panicky to think of what expression to wear that I don't even know how my face looks like. But then again, it's not like my expression is the important thing here.

Now that I think about it, I may have caused a little bit of panic to appear in the minds of the battalion since I suddenly pulled Luxor and White away from them... but that's all right, I guess. It's better if they lose their composure in their heads. Because that way, they won't express it that much, they would just think about it. The worst thing that could happen is that the whole battalion panics, bringing the rest of the residents of the settlement down with them.

"Yongrui, what is it?" Luxor worriedly asked as his forehead creased because of worry. "Is there something wrong?"

"Yongrui, you should tell us what the problem is so we can sort it out as quick as we can," White spoke up. "We can't just leave the residents and the battalions to themselves right now. They might start a frenzied panic for all we know."

I pulled them to the side, just enough so that the others won't hear us. If the battalions had the gall to listen in on our conversation, they might've done so, but I figured they won't. They may be trained as soldiers but they aren't trained to spy on people.

"There's no time to explain. Settlement Leader, White, is there an underground portion for this settlement? Or perhaps, another place where residents can evacuate? Maybe an abandoned settlement or something? If so, please tell me now." I didn't waste any time asking them. Half a minute from now, the rabid humans would come barging through the entrance of the Settlement.

"No, why?" White was the first one to respond.

"A huge horde is coming. Don't you have any backup plans in case something like this happens?" I asked.

"A huge horde?!" Luxor exclaimed but he didn't raise his voice. "What do you mean, Yongrui? Are you joking right now?"

"No, please focus your senses on the entranceway to the shelter and then try to detect a little farther from there, maybe three or more kilometers. You'll see that I'm not joking."

Luxor closed his eyes. A split second later, he opened them as his breathing became ragged. "You're right! A huge horde is coming!"

"So, what do we do? Do we just wait here? We'll be sitting ducks if we did."

"No, we can't possibly stay here... but we have nowhere else to go." Luxor relayed as his face became ashen white. "A few weeks ago, we got rid of a small horde right outside this valley, draining out supplies quite a bit. And it's not like there are any settlements nearby, this is the last one."

"So we just wait here?" I asked.

Luxor and White pursed their lips as they nodded. So much for being the last settlement of the Middle Plane. In just a few hours of getting here, it's already like this. What are they expecting? And what kind of defense do they have in this place? It's not like this settlement hasn't been around for years, right?

"Please understand, Yongrui, this settlement has never suffered any attacks ever since we built it up. And throughout the years, we realized that the rabid humans don't even venture near this place and so... we've gotten lax in our defenses. We thought that maybe an attack will never happen. And so, we focused all our resources on our troops, so they can be properly trained to bring the fight to the Black Spirit Sect." Luxor explained.

"Well, that won't help us right now. We have about ten or twenty seconds before that horde gets here. I suggest you inform the people of the event and guide them in one place of the Settlement. That wa we can defend on the frontlines without being bothered by them." I advised. It may not be a sure-fire way of defending the settlement but at least it would hold the rabid humans at bay for who knows how long.

But I know all too well that if these guys didn't do anything, then chaos is bound to ensue within them. That would be worse than any other rabid human attack because it will destroy the Settlement from the ground up. They'll basically kill each other before the rabid humans were to arrive if that were to happen.

"We'll do what we can, Yongrui," White responded as he grabbed his hands by the shoulders. "Dad, get a grip, you have to inform the people of this settlement as soon as possible so we can direct them in one place. This would enable us to keep them safe more efficiently. As for me, I will inform the troops to prepare. Currently, the first Battalion is out on a zombie subjugation mission so we'll just have to make do with the three battalions we have."

"T-thanks, Yongrui, White," Luxor stammered as he wore a false front of a dignified expression. "I will inform the citizens right away and guide them to the agricultural part of this settlement, on our way here, I'd have them get as many cattle as we can so we'll have enough food while they stay there. The 'move' will last for approximately fifteen minutes so please... I'll leave the troops in your care, son. Yongrui, please assist White as much as you can."

Wait, why am I part of this?!

"Sure, don't worry," I responded even though I reacted the opposite way.

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