Hunter’s love for Futa

Chapter 169: THE LOST BOY CH. 08 By DamienDeath20

Feathers brushed the cold steel wire fence. Her wings trailing the border of the carnival, bumping along the chain link. She moved with languid ease, crooning softly as a man thrashed in her unyielding grip. His sweat and fear mixed, stinking in her nose. She didn't mind, Agrat enjoyed these kinds of things. Overhead, delighted mortals shrieked as the rollercoaster whirled by and the delirious lights of the carnival alternated orange and green in her periphery. The man wanted to ply his trade here. He had gone boldly unto the lure, driving all day to find a pretty young girl to murder. She could smell the other three upon his soul.

Behind the rides, but before the trailer park, there was a foot path. On many a night, her sisters had danced in the moonlight, naked and wanton, leading lustful men down into the dark. Agrat preferred to seize her prey. What lay beneath was by no measure delicate. Her thirst for blood, her willingness to risk herself had endeared her to the Old Man. It was why he had chosen her as his caretaker. She did not rule Shelter, but she made sure that it served its purpose.

Her sisters were often loud and loutish, but Agrat was quiet. She did not waste her motions as she started down the steps. Into the earth they went, beneath the moss-covered stones of the old tunnel. It was flanked by natural rock, but the foot path was well worn. Old, and new. The man still struggled, but he had begun to weep. He knew this game. He had played it himself, but as predator rather than prey. He knew how it would end. He knew.

The wretches were thick in the tunnels, but they lurched from her path as swiftly as they could. She had become numb to their gurgling cries long ago. Once, she had enjoyed their moans. But not anymore. Even the bloated human in her grip barely moved her. All had become dust over the millennia, and Shelter was but a spark of pleasure that in the last twenty years had cooled. Stone floor gave way to slick, muddy earth. The cave ahead waited, as it always did. Small, and humble; feral. A single torch flickered, revealing the horror of the cave.

He began to scream into her clammy hand when he saw the stones: one great, one small. The greater stone was a man's height across and waist high. It was painted black with the blood of all who had gone before him. The smaller stone was slightly larger than a man's fist. It glistened red, as if it had freshly drawn blood. It lay upon the greater stone near the center, where it always did. It did not lay, in truth, but waited.

She hurled the fat man upon the stone and there he landed like a beached whale. His pale flesh strained to be free of its shirt. Agrat was upon him before he could try to stand. She bared her teeth as she took up the stone, heavy with the weight of the dead. Once, twice, three times she struck, and his skull caved like the shell of an egg. He gurgled and wept crimson from the wound in his head. The stone drank deep of his blood and life. In the distance, the wretches wailed a greeting to the newest of their number.

Agrat let him fall. He mewled, not quite understanding the penance that was upon him. He crawled, wet and slurping air through blocked nostrils. Baptized in blood-soaked mud. She could hear his panting noises thinning as he left the cave on his belly. Agrat smiled at the cruelty and the mercy of the penance. The stone took their memories. They would suffer, and not remember the reason for their condemnation. Only that they were condemned.

The gloom in the cave deepened, if such a thing was possible. The torch died as the door to the East opened, and Nod touched earth once more. The Old Man entered, a banal little creature a mere five foot tall. The fat of youth had long since melted away, but there was a terrible strength in his wizened frame. He looked as if he were perhaps fifty, but he was nearly as old as she. Muscles like rope knotted his strong frame. A wild head of hair and dark, curly beard almost hid savage features that were handsome if seen in the right light. A man that a demoness could love. And many had.

Agrat hated him as much as she loathed herself. When he had told her of his intention, she had gleefully agreed to be his helpmate. So the last hundred years had flown by. Since hearing of Ian's arrival, she wondered occasionally if he could quicken her, as he had her sisters. But it was more selfishness, the idea that by defiling something good, she could fill the emptiness within her. A stupidity she had played out for thousands of years before embracing her role as a tormentor of the wicked. Better this way.

He laid hands upon the little stone, hissing at its familiar touch. He regarded her with eyes as hard and brutal as any demon's. His voice, when he spoke was roughened gravel from the depths of his chest. He rarely spoke, anymore, and it showed.

"You use my stone. Forbidden. You call me thus. Risk-you." She thrilled to hear his voice, the tongue of Eridu, the first city, before Babel had splintered the languages of men. She nearly trilled in reply. Was she to blame for enjoying conspiracy so much?

"It is time, O man," The mockery in her voice was clear to them both. He was beyond caring what she thought of him, and she still enjoyed spitting venom. How she wished he would visit more often. They were a perfect pair. "Mahaloth has confirmed that her son is returned to her. She can smell her own blood, and yours. This one is pure." His eyes flashed.

"Will he... Serve his purpose?" The Old Man's hand tightened upon the stone, and the wretches shrieked in terror, for their maker had come home.

Agrat flashed her teeth again, feeling a joy so sharp it came dangerously close to rapture.

"I believe he will..."


"Aren't you excited?" Liline was snapped out of her stoic state by Valerie's abrupt voice. "We're finally gonna see Ian! Why do you look so down?" The two women were driving down the street heading towards Sin's house for the pool party. Most likely the last one before Autumn took its full toll on Shelter.

The older sister rolled her eyes at Val's sunny disposition. Over a week ago she had dropped off her precious boy toy Ian at his mother's home and left them to be reunited after a lifetime apart. Some would look at that as an act of a good-hearted person and kindness. To part with something she cherished a great deal, just so that he could be back where he belonged.

But truthfully Liline was regretting it more with every passing second. The lack of having his ass around to cram her cock into was the most frustrating feeling ever. To go from mind blowing sex every day, to none at all was such an upside-down experience that drove the police woman nearly insane. She needed to actually spend a few visits to a friend's house a couple times in order to sate her lust on her own human. 'Borrowing', they called it.

Still that only helped so much, the lingering frustration and buildup of desire was only half of the problems that the separation caused. Just his sweet company was something to be yearning for. She missed her boy! She missed her Ian...

"Thrilled." She said unenthusiastically.

Valerie's shoulders slumped, "Liline, I'm ecstatic. I've been waiting on this party all week. I thought you'd be happy to see him again."

Liline gave her a sidelong glance, "Do you have any idea how many girls were invited to this party? Because I'm almost certain it's more than just the two of us."

"Well yeah but-"

"Exactly, which means there's gonna be plenty of other horny women there all over him." She huffed, "I'll be lucky if I can even get a second with him."

Now it was Valerie's turn to roll her eyes, "Oh come on it's not the first time we've had to share him. Sharing is caring here remember?" She playfully pushed Liline's arm who immediately shot her a 'do NOT touch me' look. "Chillaaaax. We'll get some time with him, geez, besides speaking of sharing where's Melody? Is she coming today?"

The Sherriff shrugged, "She's still got her head in the damn books somewhere for God knows what reason. If she doesn't show up then good, one less chick to share with."

"Hmm seems like somebody's a little greedy with Ian. Are you in loooove-"

Again, Liline interrupted, "I am not!" She nearly yelled, she hesitated seeming to realize the volume her voice reached was quite loud. Then finished with, "I'm just...territorial."

"Code for in loooove..." Valerie mumbled indiscreetly earning a sudden arm punch from Liline.

"Shut up bitch!"

The younger Sister erupted into laughter at that clearly having struck a nerve within the hardened town Sherriff as she continued to drive closer to their destination.

However, it was at this moment that Valerie turned to look back out the passenger window, just taking in the view of passing homes and buildings, that she noticed several figures twitching about some buildings in the distance.

Wretches, a few dozens of them seemed to be in the middle of remodeling one of the local shops for a more Fall theme, but they weren't working like they were supposed to. She only saw it in passing as the car drove by, but many of them were clutching their heads, shaking vigorously, even more so than usual. One even appeared to be rocking back and forth in a fetal position against the wall.

Valerie tilted her head confused, they never stopped working like that. What were they doing?

Sin's Residence

Standing perfectly opposite of him. Unmoving, his face shadowed in darkness. Ian couldn't see him, he didn't have any idea who he was or what he wanted. But there was something glowing in his hand. held down low at his side...

The sound of a drip...

Disfigured bodies...

They were bleeding out...



The figure dropped the object...

The bright red stone hit the floor...


"Get out of bed sleepy head!" Ian felt his body being shaken out of his slumber, his eyes blinking rapidly trying to focus as he was abruptly brought into the waking world.

"Ahh! Wha-...huh?" He huffed dazed.

Above him was his busty mother, big grin on her pure white teeth as she pushed onto his prone form over and over jostling the young boy awake. She was dressed in her signature black silk bath robe, very loosely tied around her waist leaving very little to the imagination. The caramel color of her chest showed in between the open slit of the material and a very prominent bulge pressed against the lower half as well. Ian himself was naked in the bed, several bruises adorned his thighs, wrists and the collar she had gifted him remained wrapped around his little neck.

"Come oooon babyyyy, it's time to get up!" The cheerfulness in her voice already sent pulses of adrenaline through his still drowsy body. And a familiar soreness in his ass started to ache with fear and anticipation.

He turned over on his mother's mattress, she had insisted that they always share a bed together. Again, to make up for the lost time that she should have slept with him when he was little. " Momma? I... I'm still really sore..."

Sin just giggled, "Noooo silly, we're not gonna play just yet. You've still gotta get up though lazy." She said turning away from him and going to a dresser on the other side of the room, "We're celebrating today remember? I told you all about this last night, didn't I?" She looked over her shoulder back at him.

Ian hesitated, "Uh...umm..." He couldn't seem to recall, much of last night was a haze.

She narrowed her gaze and clicked her tongue. "Baby, you passed out on my cock again." She laughed, "Don't worry about it. You still got a good ride at least." She said with a wink, then turned back to the dresser and sifted through some of the drawers. "Well, to refresh your cute little noggin, our party of being together again is today, we're celebrating for the first time as a family! I've invited some of my friends and yours too so we can all have some fun by the pool before it gets too cold." Her hands continued rummaging through the many garments apparently searching for something specific. "I've been up all morning getting the place ready for our guests, so wake up! They could be here any minute!"

The boy rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up, albeit slowly. In addition to being sore all over due to his mom's definition of 'play time', he also hadn't gotten much rest last night. In fact, he hadn't slept much at all these past several nights.

This recurring dream he had was plaguing his mind every single night, and he always ended up being jolted awake by the end of it.

"That sound..." The sharp 'clack' that resonated throughout his skull. It was always so loud, he could hear it right behind his head even now. What did it mean? He'd heard about dreams having some type of deep secret meaning to them, but what was it? If it did have some type of message, or a kind of purpose as to why it kept coming back to his thoughts, what was it?

"Aha! Found them!" Sin suddenly exclaimed proudly extracting a single garment from the dresser. "You're gonna wear these to the party today, you'll look so adorable!" She spun around and held out the item for Ian to see.

He took a moment to process what he was looking at, "...Oh come on mom..."

Later out by Sin's pool

Ian felt a sharp smack to his bottom, barely softened by the uncomfortably tight baby blue swim booty shorts his mother had given him. They hugged his bubble butt tightly and accentuated the feminine curve of his ass. "I told you you'd look cute!" She said rounding on him and leaning in for a kiss on the lips, Ian didn't struggle. "I'm so happy, my baby boy!" Her arms enclosed around his torso for a moment squeezing him in between her breasts before releasing and turning around.

Sin had in fact gone to work early this morning with prepping a party area for their guests whom had already arrived. She must've woken Ian at the last possible minute.

She had hung a giant sign in between two of the skeletal trees in her back yard that read 'Mother & Son' in bright red text. Her pool was in the back yard of the house surrounded by the tall wood fence so there was plenty of space to work with. On the fence it looked like she had placed some decorative tiki torches, probably in line with her Halloween spirit. Several fold open tables had been arranged with chips and drinks available for the picking along with more stylish hors d'oeuvres of varying finger foods. There was also a stage set up beneath the sign, Ian didn't know what it was for but assumed it was like a small karaoke stand or something, despite the lack of a stereo or even a karaoke machine around.

"I' happy too...Mama." Ian told her, trying to convince himself that it wasn't entirely a lie.

He felt her hand be placed against his back and pushed him forward, "Well go on, mingle! Have fun! Today's all about you and me honey. I still have something to set up before the real fun starts" Ian tried to feign a smile but it came out crooked, thankfully Sin didn't seem to notice, or care.

Guests had already shown up and to any other man in the world it would be heaven on earth. A slew of gorgeous women arrived at the house all prepared for what may be the last pool party of the summer. Maybe about a dozen or so, some of them decided to be modest and actually wore swimsuits. Revealing as they may be.

Others however, not so much and simply came out of their cars nude. Tits, ass, and cocks, happily exposed to the world and ready to play by the pool.

Ian silently walked forward through some of the pairs of Succubi as his mother went to do some apparent 'mingling' of her own. He didn't recognize many of them, but they greeted and congratulated him all the same. Some of them taking a few extra seconds to look him over before delicately reaching out to stroke a bare arm or his lower back.

He gave them the same half-hearted smile he gave his mother. Feeling content with the nod's and one word replies he used.

They were all completely oblivious to the war that was raging in his heart, mind, and body.

So he passed them by, ignoring the cat calls and nice views of the Sisters oiling up each other's bodies in the bright sunlight of the day. Quietly after looping around the pool to the far side, opposite of the stage, Ian sat himself down on the edge and let his bare feet dip into the cool water. He had to lean back a few times though to avoid several waves of splashed water as some Succubi had jumped into the pool already and were splashing around almost childishly. Completely oblivious to Ian's state of despair.

"I'm so confused..." He thought. Meeting his long-lost mother was nothing like he thought it would be.

On one hand, it didn't matter that she was a demoness, based on his research in the library, he knew that he had demon blood in him too. So, she was still his mother, and he was happy to finally be with her again.

Then on the other hand...she was crazy.

Ian glanced up at her, she seemed to be accepting praise and encouragement from some of her own girlfriends some ways away. She had also changed out of the bath robe into her own swim suit.

Nothing at all.

Her Goddess tan skinned body was on display and she worked it like no other. Her glorious rack was pert and looked as happy as she was, and down below her flaccid monster glared at Ian from across the way. Even soft it was nearly ten inches long, the over foot long length when it was hard hadn't been reached yet.

He shivered at the sight of it. This was where his body was fighting with the rest of him, the sex was great. Not that he wanted to admit it, but it was really good. The huge size of her stretched him out to such an incredible point that he felt his thighs begin to rub together at just the thought of it. Her aggressive dominating approach as well was something Ian hadn't experienced before, it did excite him. How she was so strong and could just take control over him so easily. But that's where the problems came along.

She didn't stop.

There were times during their several sessions that Ian was legitimately scared of her. Seeing the demonic beast within her come out and ravish him was terrifying. And she was starting to hurt him, not excruciatingly but enough to the point where it got too intense and he'd want her to stop. And she wouldn't.

It seemed like she had no limits to what she would do with him, and his tears only served to egg her on like some twisted form of foreplay. Even Liline knew what was too much and what was just right when it came to the bedroom. Liline learned her lesson from when she went too rough in her office, and after that she never made him legitimately afraid of her again. But with his mom, all bets were off.

And that was another thing, she was his mom! They shouldn't be having sex period! No matter how good or bad it felt, it was incest. Maybe Succubus families had different rules when it came to things like that, normal world taboos were common here. But him being from the normal world made him see it from a different angle, and it worried him.

However, that's where another problem perked up. The sex, was wrong and bad and...naughty.

He knew that he shouldn't like it but, his body caved every time. When her cock was laid out against his belly, dwarfing his own sad little prick, or plopped over his face, smacking against his cheek, or his extended tongue. His toes curled, and his asshole clenched. When she wasn't abusing him too much, the sex was outright mind blowing. He would rub it all over his face, slide it between his ass cheeks to make it harder.

It was insane, he was being pulled in so many directions. Right and wrong, body and mind, heart and soul. So much that he never thought he'd ever have to deal with in his life was happening right now.

Casually his legs kicked back and forth in the water, the sounds of distant conversation droning about around him coupled with some laughs as he remained deep in thought. Truly unaware of what he should do.

A week ago, Liline had given him permission to invoke her true name if he ever needed her. And honestly, his life was much better when he had been living with the Sherriff, Valerie, and Melody. They had a rough start of course, but he grew to passionately care for them, and they were good to him. They treated him like the most precious gem in the world, they fed him, and were gentle when he asked them to be. Or rough when he asked them to be.

Here with Sin, it was just what she said goes, making him miss his girls from before even more.

His girls...

Ian's head fell into his hands, should he invoke Liline's name? Truthfully, he wanted to go back with her, to be in her home with her big cozy bed and large TV. Snuggled up to her side, the smell of her long raven colored hair, so rich and womanly. His belly full of her delicious cooking, and her arms around him in a lovers embrace.


He shook his head, invoking her name wasn't an option either. Because despite everything Sin had done to him, another thing he couldn't deny was that he still cared for her too. His mother, his real mother. What if invoking Liline's true name caused her to attack Sin? What if she killed her in order to free him, or what if Sin killed Liline?

There were too many bad possibilities. Too many awful scenarios, he couldn't risk it. So he was trapped between a rock and a hard place.

"Oohh..." He sadly sighed into his palms, "What do I do?"

He sat like that for a while, not exactly sure for how long though until a soft voice spoke up behind him, "Penny for your thoughts?" Ian looked over his shoulder and immediately recognized the bright lavender locks of the girl from a few weeks ago. Cassiel stood above the down on his luck half-breed, dressed in his own pair of purple boy shorts, and a bright purple crop top which hugged his chest leaving his taut belly exposed. He tilted his head at the somber boy, "You look a little blue." He helped himself to a seat right beside him dipping his own supple legs into the pool.

Ian quickly shifted a few inches to the side to give the 'girl' room to sit, despite there being more than enough space. She almost sat down in his lap.

"I'm uh...just thinking right now. I'm okay." He lied through his teeth.

Clearly though, the big purple colored eyes that matched his hair seemed to see right through this. "Oh come on you can fess up Ian. No need to keep secrets around here."

"Huh? How do you know-"

Cassiel interrupted him, "You're practically famous around here sweetie! Almost the whole town knows your name by now." She said with an infectious smile, "I use to be that famous but I'm pretty sure you've taken the top spot now. Lucky boy." She gave him a cute little fake pout followed by saying, "I'm Cassiel by the way. My Succubus is Samantha, she's over there with your mom now, probably getting the details ready to whore me out again." Again she finished with a giggle. "Not that I mind of course."

It was then that Ian remembered exactly what happened in the Cinelot two weeks back, " mean famous by...the Sisters wanting to-"

"Plow our butts into oblivion? Yes!" She finished proudly, kicking her bare legs in the water and splashing it up a bit. "Don't worry though, I'm not jealous. I'll just have to see for myself at some point if you're good enough for the top." Her happy go lucky smile then turned to a cheeky smirk that made Ian blush.

She had just sat down and was flirting with him? He could recall that she gave him a good look at her ass before, so obviously she had just as much of a sexual appetite as the rest of the sisters.

"Wait...does that mean she's..." He thought for a moment and looked over her body.

Cassiel didn't look like the other Succubi of Shelter, she was small, had a flat chest and with a cursory glance at the space where the legs met the pelvis, he couldn't see any noticeable bulge in the swim shorts.

"Are you...a Succubus too then?" He asked, unable to determine the answer on his own.

"What? No of course not." Cassiel playfully nudged his arm, "I actually, am something else. Something that I think you're gonna love in a few minutes." She leaned over towards Ian who's cheeks suddenly felt very hot, if she wasn't a Succubus...does that mean she's just a regular girl? Or something else? His brain was wracked with the thoughts and possibilities of what Cassiel could be. Nothing seemed to be normal in Shelter.

"Uhh...umm..." He tried to speak, but the sudden closeness and the cock hardening smile she had was more than enough to snuff out his attempts to form words.

" your mom was right when she told us about you." Cassie leaned a little closer, "You're veeery cute. I can't wait for our show."

Ian quirked his eyebrow, "What show?"

At that moment he heard his mother's voice call out, "Ian baby!" He flinched from the sound and looked over towards the other end of the pool where Sin stood. "Get over here!"

Cassiel leaned away, "Heh, speak of the Devil." And without another word, pulled his purple crop top up and over his head leaving him entirely bare chested. Ian's eyes practically darted to the other boy's nipples after that, but didn't get a good look at them as Cas quickly tossed the shirt away then slid into the pool all the way and began to swim forward. "C'mon!" He called back to Ian, let's get up there!"

"Wait but..." Ian tried to protest but Cassiel was already halfway across the pool.

Ian's mother called out again, "C'mon Iaaaaan, don't make me repeat myself." She pointed to the floor next to her and already began tapping her foot impatiently. He recognized that motion and immediately got to his feet to start quickly maneuvering around the pool again towards his mom. "Alright! Okay ladies, it's show time! Give the star of the show a big hand! Woo!"

The attention of the attending party goers then shifted back to Ian and a cacophony of cheers and hoots rang out as they applauded the half-breed boy's approach to the stage. A few stealing a quick swat to his behind as his cheeks jiggled tantalizingly with each sway of his hips.

Ian continued feigning a smile, he still had no clue what was going to happen. Odds were he was going to get fucked again by his mother in front of them all. At least that's what he anticipated, but anything could happen at this point.

He eventually made it all the way over to her, Cassiel also emerging from the pool and stepping up onto the stage dripping wet.

"Girls I'd like to formerly introduce my baby boy Ian, though I know some of you have been introduced already." She pointed to a few ladies from the crowd, Ian didn't look up to see who it was, he was mainly focused on why Cassiel with the two of them. "I've never been so happy in my life. To finally have my baby back in my arms, I could die happy now." Her arm came up and over Ian's shoulder, "I love him sooooo much! I've fed him mommy milk, and taken his beautiful butt the way I should've years ago!" Another few 'hoots' and 'woos!' from the audience emerged. "But there's still one thing I haven't gotten to experience with him yet. And it's something I know that I'll love, and you'll all love to see it too! Is for my big baby boy here to pop his cocks cherry!"

Ian blinked, "What?"

"And that's why we've invited the town's favorite butt slut angel Cassiel here!" She gestured to the young feminine boy at her side who gave the girls a teasing wave and a twirl. The sisters watching went wild at his flirty nature he acquired since being here. "Cassie, are you ready to claim my son's virginity?"

Cass laughed, "Absolutely Mrs. S." He then bent over and pushed down his damp boy shorts letting his own five-inch cock spring up and out, and his plump berry sized balls bounce out, happy to be free.

Instantly Ian recoiled back sharply, out of his mother's arm. "What!? You said you're not a Succubus!" He said sounding a mix of shocked, and hopelessly confused amidst the loud cheering from the women at the sight of Cassie naked.

Cassiel just tilted his head again, "I know, and I'm not. Your mom just told you Ian, I'm an angel."

The half-breed's jaw hit the floor, " angel? But..."

"That's right honey, he's an angel, who fell in love with girl cock and is here to-"

Ian cut her off, "He?? You're a boy?"

The angel shrugged, "A cute one."

"Ian..." Sin's voice dropped a bit, sounding less cheerful. "Stop interrupting your mother and listen to me. Today is our big day, you've made me the happiest mom in the world, so I wanted you to have a present...and that present is a nice hot fuck from Shelter's little divine bitch!" At the end of the sentence her voice elevated happily again and once more she opened her arms out wide as if she was hosting a game show.

Cass turned around at that moment and got down onto his hands and knees only a few feet away from Ian. He arched his back a bit and made sure his creamy pale booty was pert out towards him. His head looked over his shoulder at Ian giving him a very familiar view much like the one he briefly got at the Cinelot.

More clapping and cheers came from the sisters who'd all gathered around the stage and at the edge of the pool to watch, enraptured by the event about to take place. The local new boy toy who smelled amazing and gave off the most intense sexual energy was about to get it on with Shelter's one and only Angel. The tastiest divine energy around radiated from him, so when the two mixed together...holy shit. Boners were already raging all around at the thought of it.

Cassiel wiggled his butt teasingly at Ian and gave him the same wink he did before.

However, the other boy was like a deer caught in headlights. A massive tidal wave of emotions rolled over him, the girls cheering them on, the eyes of his mother, the eyes of the Angel boy below him waiting to be mounted. It was crazy, all of this was crazy. His heart was racing, he could feel his member getting hard and pressing up tightly against his boy shorts. Virtually a fear erection was what he had, and the panic in his face was showcasing it.

Had these demons taken an angel captive? That had to be the case, Ian knew angels were the good guys in every story and in the good book. There was no way he could be here willingly, Cassiel had to be a victim of some type of demonic influence. Something about him just seemed...pure.

There was no way he could do this.

Only Cass seemed to notice this though, the obvious look of doubt and worry on his features actually caused Cassiels flirty smirk to shift into a concerned look.

That's when Ian suddenly say it, "...No."

Sin's grin did a one hundred eighty-degree flip, "I'm sorry what sweetie?"

He shook his head, "No, I...I don't want to have sex with him."

There was a brief pause in both Sins eyes and the audience, but very brief as they suddenly broke out with a few teasing 'boos' and other whines. Seeming to believe that it was some type of joke or game.

Only Ian's mother and Cass could both tell he was not joking, the audience seemed to be too horny to catch on. But Ian was standing his ground, he didn't want to have sex with Cass. Not because he wasn't attracted to him, despite the fact that Ian always considered himself straight, he found Cassie, a boy, VERY attractive. And his glorious butt pointing at him, tiny but adorable, and matching cute pale boyhood dangling down rock hard between his thighs with a leaking pink tip, and the tight love star entrance just begging for him to come fill it up, was so hard to resist. But he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

Learning that Cassiel was an Angel, AN ACTUAL ANGEL. On top of everything just felt like it was too far, Ian just couldn't do it.

Cassiel pushed up off of all fours but remained on his knees to look over at Sin. "I thought you said...he would want-"

Sin merely walked away from Cass and directly in front of Ian to speak in a hushed tone, "Honey...what do you think you're doing? This is our special day remember? You can finally be the one giving the cock not taking it, why are you being difficult?" Her tone once again changed to low and serious.

"I can't mom, I just can't do this." He tried to say.

But Sin's mouth suddenly formed an 'O' as a realization came to her mind, "Oooooh I see sweetie. You don't like being the giver at all, you only wanna take it up the butt I see."

Ian shook his head, "What no! That's not what I-" Before he could finish Ian felt her larger hand come up and grab his chin harshly.

"Shutupshutupshutup!!" Jittery quiet whispers tumbled from her lips. "Darliiiiiing, sweetie pieeeeee, sssshhhhhh." Her voice trembled a bit, "That's the reason why, that's the only reason why of course it's the only reason why. You'd never deny your loving mother would you? Noooooo of course you wouldn't nooooonononoooo...riiight?" Her hand squeezed his chin hard and her other suddenly reached into the front of his shorts to grab his semi-hard member and squeeze it with inhuman strength.

Ian gasped, "Ah! Ow mama! Ow, you're hurting me!" He whispered out, the audience watching just simply cooed in response of seeing his mother dipping her hand into his swim suit.

She squeezed harder and harder, Ian was afraid she was going to rip it off, "Riiiiiight my beautiful baby wouldn't make his mommy go through all this hard work for nothing right??"

"Right! Right! Right! Yes Momma I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you! I'm sorry!" He panickily stated, hoping to get her to release him of her grasp.

Cassiel stood up completely and saw up close that Ian was in actual pain, his mother was gripping his poor boyhood so hard, he was worried as to the reason why.

Samantha and himself were invited here under the pretense that Ian had wanted to have sex with Cass. Which neither of them had a problem with, Sam got paid, and got to watch her boy toy play with the half-breed. Plus Cassiel remembered Ian from the Cinelot and thought he was cute. And he heard the rumors about his sexual prowess with the ladies of Shelter, so he was excited to oblige as well. This was something entirely different than what he had in mind.

"Um Mrs. Sin, it's okay I-"

"Great! It's settled then!" Sin burst out loud, her hands pulling away from Ian's face and crotch. "Turns out my baby's still too shy to lose his cute little cocks virginity yet." The group of girls before them all let out a few 'awws' and some giggles as well. "So change of plans ladies! Instead we're all just gonna have some fun, since he's still happy with cock going up his ass, that's what's gonna happen! But since we've brought him here, I think it's only fair for Cassiel to get first dibs on my babies' booty."

Again, like clockwork the crowd cheered, learning that the main event of the party wasn't completely wasted, and were still all the more eager to see the Incubus and the Angel going at it. Before they were even able to get into position, the cocks were coming out, if they weren't already.

Ian froze again, that look in his Mom's eyes when he tried to refuse her plan. It reminded him of that wild primal essence within her that he saw on their first night. He felt his legs shaking, his fear boner still twitching down below.

Cassiel tried to step forward, "Wait, we don't have to Ma'am there are plenty of other ways to celebrate your family."

His suggestion was ignored completely as Sin tugged Ian's shorts down his legs, revealing his genitals to the crowd, who whistled and cat called in response. "Can I have some volunteers to help my boy stay still?" Sin asked them. It took less than a second for hands to shoot up in the air. Both boys were at a loss for words, the situation was escalating quickly and neither could think of a solution before several Succubi dashed up the stage to take ahold of Ian's limbs and begin forcing him down onto all fours. Sin then put her arm around Cass, "Would you look at my baby boy?" She gestured to Ian's own pale legs, letting her eyes wander up from the soles of his feet to the delicious curve of his ass. "Mmm, wait until you feel it Cassie, you're gonna love how tight my son is."

The Angel couldn't resist the urge to steal his own few glances as well, typically Cass was the one who received during sex. Of course, could you blame him with his own luscious ass? But he did on rare occasions pitch instead. So he couldn't deny that the temptation was there, but still he felt...dirty, knowing that Ian wasn't as willing as he had originally heard.

"Umm...Mistress Sin, really it's okay I..." He gulped, as a convenient breeze wafted by carrying Ian's natural alluring scent up into Cassie's nostrils. Although he was not a Succubus, he could still sense energy. And Ian was a walking power plant. "...I'm not sure if...if we should...if he doesn't-"

"Oh, what was that Cassie? You're happy that I paid for you today and you're so eager to fuck my baby?" She whispered beside his ear, "Ohhh of course you are, go on get in there!" He felt her hands firmly push on Cassiels lower back and she stepped forward with him.

Ian was tugged down into doggy by multiple women, "Wait...wait..." His words were but whispers, shaken to the core by his mother's grasp and unable to really resist as they placed him down. Many of their hands feeling along his naked skin as they did so.

Sin guided Cassiel to directly behind her son's rear, whispering the whole way, "You're gonna stick your cock in that boy's ass, and fuck it while I watch okay? Be a sweet little angel and do what you're here for." She forced him to his knees and took hold of his slim waist, positioning him to begin the action.

"Wait!" Cass protested, ", is there lube at least? So I don't have to go in dry?"

The Elder Succubus just shook her head, "Stupid Angel, you don't know shit about my son. Just fuck him for me." And with that she shoved Cassie's hips forward, his own boy cock was still hard from the entire situation and pointed just close enough to Ian's entrance that with her harsh shove, the tip managed to break unceremoniously in.

"Ah! Ahh..." Ian jolted up, ready to scream as a quick burning sensation hit him, but it didn't last longer than a split second. As immediately after entry, a warm calming tingle swam up Ian's body unlike anything he had ever felt before. When he was penetrated by a Succubus it was this strange rush of pain and pleasure that turned his tummy into jelly. But with Cassiel entering him, it was almost surreal. Like the world around him vanished, and he

"And it's in girls!" Sin shouted.


"Fuck yeah!"


The various women erupted in excitement, literally a repetitive cheering started as the dozen Sisters began saying, 'Fuck him! Fuck him! Fuck him!'

"Now get to work angel boy. Come on!" Sin pushed against his back again, throwing her own body forward a bit, making sure that Cass felt the length of her own stiffening shaft against the small of his back, it would reach halfway up his spine when she was fully hard.

The boy's cock plunged in a few more inches and Cass fell forward, his chest toppling onto Ian's back and both boys gasping.

It was rare that Cassie got to be the penetrator, but even when he did before. It didn't feel this good. He was now beginning to understand why Ian was so popular. An intense searing heat gripped his cock in a tight velvety smooth tunnel. Sparks darted through his loins and caused his eyes to slowly close, his lips parted in a quiet coo. "Ooooohhh..."

Ian felt his panic slowly subside, strangely enough, the loud cheering and hooting from the Sisters softened and all that Ian could focus on was this Angel boy's cock diving deeper into his rectum.

" feel...amazing..." Suddenly Ian could hear Cassie's voice in his head. "Oh my God...I've...I've never felt..." Sin kept assisting Cassiel's movement but only slightly, as he started carefully gyrating against Ian. Slowly swirling his girly hips to hump into the boy below him.

" are you-" Ian muttered quietly, but he was interrupted as Cassie's hand suddenly reached around and stuck his smaller fingers into Ian's mouth.

"Shh quiet. This is just between me and you." His lips closed around the boy's digits on reflex, "I'm sorry that this isn't what you wanted...but maybe we can make each other at least feel good."

'Harder! Harder! Harder!' The crowd goaded the boys on, as they seemed to just be quietly grinding into one another.

Cassiel felt a sharp spank on his behind, he squealed in delight at that as Sin shouted, "Give the crowd what they want boys! HARDER!" Her hands then gripped his hips again and roughly jerked him forward and back.

Both boys fell forward more, yelping as they did so. "Ahh!" They moaned in unison.

"I'm...I'm sorry Ian." The Angel silently told him as he propped himself up on his feet, mounting the half-breed from behind and obeying the command of the Succubus. "At least...I know I won't last...nnff...too long..." And with that, he started pulling out his member from the sweet embrace of Ian's butt, and sunk it back inside, quickly picking up a jackhammer speed.

"Theeeeere you go boys...yeeah!" Sin cheered, keeping her own pelvis dangerously close to Cassiels, making sure he felt her meat with every backward pull.

The audience quickly evolved into a roaring crowd as they watched the boys bucking like rabbits. Ian did his best to simply take what Cassiel had to offer, he definitely wasn't the biggest he'd ever had, but a cock was a cock. And he still felt wonderfully stretched by his size, however it was the warm aura that seemed to pulse out of Cass's pelvis that certainly helped along the process of getting into it.

That didn't stop Ian from being upset though, it didn't matter to him how good it felt to have his butt railed again. He wasn't sure if Cassiel was a victim of circumstance anymore, but he knew that he himself still was. The whole situation was unfair. He tried to say no, he straight up looked his mother in the eyes and said no.

And he was getting fucked anyway.

Always he was getting fucked.

Was this his life now? Was he just going to be in a perpetual state of forced sex until the end of his days?

And why did he enjoy it!? Why did his body respond so positively to being raped?

He hated it, he loved it, he cursed it, he wanted it.

He wanted to go home.

Ian's head fell low and he let out a soft sob, tears beginning to run down his face as Cassie bucked into him harder. "Ooooooohhh!" The boy moaned out, his hips moving with inexperienced speed as he hugged Ian's body with one arm and lowered his other down to place it on top of Ian's hand. Cassiel interlocked their fingers and held on tight.

"It's okay...I was like you once too. And then I met Sam." Ian's eyes opened and he peered over his shoulder into the reddened face of Cass. Purple eyes softly glistening with a begging look of pleasure.

"Wha...what do you mean?"

"Ugggh, I can't...oh I'm sorry!"

"Oh!" Cassiel squealed out loud, "I can't...I can't hold it...Oh Ian!" He hugged the other boy's doggy style body tighter against him. Furiously pumping his boy cock into the heavenly hole Ian offered him, his orgasm approaching at unstoppable speed. "You''re gonna...make me...cum!" Cassie finished with a high pitched girly moan and thrust his hips hard against Ian. Hilting all of his inches into the tight cavern giving him ecstasy.

Ian could feel the angel's prick swell, and the tip started to pulse as his radiant white seed pumped out of his little balls and spewed forth into the half-breed.

The still white Angel wings burst free from Cassiel's back and furled outward as he released his energy, pouring every drop he could of his gooey ball batter into the Incubus.

"Uhh-uhhhh..." A throaty groan came from Ian as the soothing heat entered his stomach. His cum carried the same tingle that his cock did when it first entered, only even more intense and soothing at the same time. It made him feel content.

Slowly Cassie's rutting came to a snail's pace and the two boys settled into a soft grind against one another. Ian had just been fucked by another boy, his heart was hammering, he could feel Cass's love goo gently pouring deeper into his belly. The sperm swimming happily into him, making itself a nice cozy home.

Cassiel's hugging arm slowly rubbed along Ian's stomach and he could feel his lips tenderly press against his shoulder blades with butterfly kisses.

"I...I know this isn't what you wanted...I'm sorry...but it felt so good..." The Angel said, baffling Ian a bit on how he had somehow winded an Angel. "I feel really guilty...that I liked it so much..." He heaved, his skin slick not with pool water anymore but his natural sweat. Ian's was as well.

Ian sighed, "It's okay...I...I did like it too...a little..." He admitted, it was true that he didn't want the sex, but it felt good nonetheless, at least there was that. Also Cassie was much gentler than what he'd been receiving from his mother lately.

That earned a soft smile from Cassiel, who put his chin on the back of Ian's shoulder and looked over into Ian's big blue orbs. And before Ian could say another word, Cassiel leaned in to steal a quick kiss from the other boy's lips.

At the contact Ian's eyes widened further than he felt they had in the past month, and he quickly pulled back away removing his lips from the Angels with a tiny 'click'. Cassiel looked at him surprised, "What? We...we just had sex. I can't kiss you?"

"N...No it's just...well I...I never kissed a...a b-boy before." Ian's lips trembled, his heart skipped a beat the moment Cass leaned in to steal a smooch.

"Oooh." The Angel smirked still red in the face and his wings carefully curled down, "Well...there's a first time for everything right?" He said again leaning a little closer as if silently asking permission to kiss him again. Along with pushing in his softening cock just a bit and stirring up his spent jizz.

Nervously Ian glanced between Cassiel's Angelic colored eyes and his pretty pink lips. Weighing his options. "Uh...I...I don't..."

It was at that moment they heard someone clearing their throat above them. And the two suddenly became aware of their surroundings, a gathering of very horny looking Succubi were standing in a circle around them, all with diamond hard she cocks, starving for anal satisfaction.

"Well ladies..." Sin said, "I think it's time for our fun with the 'entertainment' of our party."

Ian and Cassiel were pounced on, the girls pried their bodies apart and put them both on their knees, surrounded by cocks. Sin of course situating herself directly in front of the two of them, while other Sisters grabbed their wrists and guided them to some of the many shafts.

On pure survival instinct, Ian knew that when his Mama's cock was presented to him like this, he needed to suck on it. So he did, practically throwing his mouth forward onto the head of her whopping thirteen incher. He formed a tight seal around the steely flesh and sucked for all he was worth, while the boy beside him dove down for the balls.

"Good boys...see Ian was it really so hard to just accept the celebration? Why'd you have to go and make things difficult huh honey?" She asked.

Ian's lips came free of her tip with a 'pop' and he said, "I'm sorry mama." His tongue darted out and licked along the side of her dick, "I ewhohn du et agehn." He tried to say with his tongue protruded and sliding along the bulging veins in her rod.

Until he felt another spongy moist appendage suddenly slip along his own coming up from the underside of his moms she cock.

Cassiel had sneakily slid his tongue up and had almost lady and the tramp style stealthily guided their tongues up to the tip of her dick so that they would be touching.

The Half-breed of the two flushed crimson red at the snarky accomplished open mouthed, tongue out smile Cass shot him. Which transitioned into a giggling grin as Ian again recoiled back a bit like a blushing bride.

"Fuck I can't take this anymore!" Sin exclaimed and dove down between the boys.

She took them both, one at a time, first her son. Then Cassiel, she placed them both doggy style in front of her and alternated plunging her cock up into the bowels of both boys. They cried out in agony and ecstasy of her inhumanly large meat, her ball sack beating both of their swaying boyhoods to a bruised state with the force of her thrusts.

Being as it was her party she didn't mind making the other girls wait until she had dumped at least a single load into both of them.

That's when the others got their turns.

Ian didn't know so many sexual positions existed, he'd been picked up, stepped on, flipped around, and held aloft, held the other way, and even put in a full nelson, forced to watch as girl cocks took turns entering his ass one after the other. The sisters went wild on the two, raping and taking what they wanted from them both.

Now the boys faced each other, still on all fours, but being spit roasted on both ends. Cock after cock, and girl after girl lined up to have one of the town's prized boy toy's.

At first it was tolerable, but as time went on, Ian started to grow tired. His ass felt raw and his jaw was very sore, the party started with the sun out bright and shining. It was now nearly dark, they had been fucking them for hours.

The Succubus were in a feeding frenzy. The boys were magical, they could keep producing the sweetest most pleasurable energy that mixed together when they came. It was making the girls practically high on lust.

Their eyes glowed, illuminating the night. When they weren't inside the boys they were inside each other, fucking in the pool or on the ground nearby. Wings were unfurled and revealed as the lack of concentration on keeping their human forms made them shed their disguises.

Dark black, purple, red and more colored wings flew out, tails whipped about and even some hooves for feet emerged from the pack of hungry demons.

'Gulp.' Ian swallowed the first few shots of Succubus slime as another load was shot down his throat then pulled free from his lips mid orgasm and shot the rest onto Ian's abused face, covered in spit, sweat and some dry, some fresh demoness cum. The next cock was lined up with his mouth, all the while the one invading his ass still pounded away.

"Please...I'm so more...please stop..." He looked up begging the Succubi before him, "Please...please let me rest pleeeeease..." His tone sobbed again for a moment, but only until he saw the color of the glowing eyes before him now.

Violet. Dark purple. And hair color that matched the night sky.

"Liline?" Her cock forced its way into Ian's sore mouth and began sawing. She arrived some time ago, during the middle of the gang bang. But the frenzy of energy that the two boys sent out was far too much for any Succubus to resist.

So with a growl she dug her claws into the side of Ian's jaw and fucked his face. Tilting her head back and roaring in the multi-tone demonic voice they all possessed.

Seeing that was too much for him and as he choked on yet another long shaft of cock meat, Ian felt his eyes begin to roll back, and his consciousness fade.

The last thing he managed to feel, was a small hand grabbing his own and squeezing tightly.

Cassiel reached out and held hands with the worn out Inccubus, just as he began to slip away.

Later that night

Ian was shaken awake. "Get up, now."

Every part of his body ached, he felt like he'd been used up about four hundred times over, and he was still stark naked. Only now he was no longer by the side of the pool. He was hanging limply over a shoulder.

"Wha...where am I?" He mumbled weakly.

"You did a very bad thing today saying no to my special plans with you Ian." Now he recognized the voice, his mother. "Everything could've been fine if you just did as I said but no. I guess I've been too easy on you baby." She finished descending the steps into her basement, "From now on, things are gonna be different around here."

Without much love or grace Sin plopped Ian down onto the old mattress she kept down here for her...special behavioral reasons.

"Ouuf!" Ian groaned again, too weak and tired to really get up or fight back. "Uugghh..."

He could hear some rattling of something metal, "Now honey...this is for your own good. You need to learn how to be a good boy from now on, and ALWAYS obey your mother. But until then your easy days are over." He felt cold metal clasp around one of his wrists followed by the other. "From now on your working for your keep here, and you're gonna help me earn up my stock in town too."

Half conscious, Ian barely managed to moan, "Uhh...wait...Mama..."

Sin locked the cuffs to the metal pipe and stood leaving him defenseless and trapped, much similar to how he had been once before.

"From now on, you're earning your living down here on this mattress. And your first day starts tomorrow, so be ready to work slut. You've got some big days ahead of you."

After that all he could here was the clicking of high heels on stone, then wood as she ascended the steps leading out of the basement until she reached the top. "Remember, this is for the better. I love you sweetheart, good night."

And the only light in the room was then snuffed out as he heard the door close followed by the latching of several locks, leaving him tired and weak.

Naked, and chained up, battered and abused, many loads of cum from a dozen different girls slowly oozing out of his ass even now. Ian was done, he couldn't take any more of this today, and let his head fall to the hard mattress, submitting to exhaustion and letting the darkness swallow him.

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