Hunter’s love for Futa

Chapter 168: THE LOST BOY CH. 07 By DamienDeath20

"Do you want more cookies?"

Ian turned around in his seat on the sofa to look at the beautiful buxom raven-haired Sherriff of Shelter. Dressed in a deep purple apron, baggy t-shirt and fabric short shorts, showing off her fair shapely legs and bare feet. One hand that held a hot tray of steaming chocolate chip cookies, fresh from the oven. It was strange seeing her hold the tray straight out of the oven, apparently the searing metal didn't bother her skin at all.

Apparently, this hardened tough cop had a passionate fondness for baking. Especially for her special half-breed boy.

He smiled at her and nodded, "Yes please."

She then used a spatula to delicately transfer the treats from tray to plate taking care not to knock any over the edge and kicked the oven door closed behind her.

"I guess I ended up pretty lucky after all." Ian thought watching her move. The last week had been amazing, he'd stayed at Valerie's house for the first few days which was great. Valerie had a bright energy about her that just filled up the room they were in. She took him on a few walks around town, albeit discreetly. The girls wanted to make sure they didn't have any repeat incidents of a stray sister getting any ideas and trying to snatch him up.

But she managed to show him a few of the sights, like the beach. He'd only seen it once before at night and was trying to run and hide. So he didn't get to appreciate it, but the seaside view during the day was breath taking.

Plus, the sex was a great perk as well.

He unfortunately didn't see much of Melody, claiming that she was knee deep in hundreds of years of Shelter history that she NEEDED to go through. Why? She wouldn't tell but she seemed dead set on doing it.

But now he had spent the last couple of days at Liline's and found out that although she had a rough and aggressive exterior personality. When she was alone with Ian, she became so tender and nurturing to him. Kind and gentle, always making sure he was fed and comfortable.

And when it came to the bedroom, she turned into the wild, primal, and dominating sex Goddess she showed him the first day they met.

It was perfect. Ian was...happy.

He felt like he was at home.

Liline came around over to him on the couch and laid the plate of warm cookies down in front of him. "Thank you, mommy." Ian said leaning towards the sweet aroma emanating from them. Liline's own grin widened, God she loved it when he called her that. The chocolate chip temptation called to him as he reached forward to take one of the fresh snacks from the plate and bite into its gooey texture. "Mmmm..." He moaned into the bite.

"Good?" She asked to which Ian immediately nodded.

"Mhm! Dewishious." He said, mouth full with a big smile.

The Sherriff giggled as her half breed boy toy chewed, then she reclined far back onto the couch, putting her feet up on the coffee table relaxed.

Ian casually scooted over closer to her and snuggled up into her side bringing his own well shaped bare legs up onto the couch, he also was dressed in comfortable pajamas. A pure white soft cotton t-shirt and fuzzy light blue fabric booty shorts with 'Cutie Pie' written across the butt with one word on each cheek and some grey ankle socks. A generous and humorous gift from Valerie in addition to some other clothing she bought him. Turns out his suitcase with his minimal belongings was still missing but Val and Melody both denied touching it. So, she very enthusiastically took Ian on a little clothing shopping spree.

Which led to a very interesting and embarrassing trying on clothes session in the changing room.

"Oh come oooonnnn, if you try on the thong for me, I'll show you what it looks like on meeeeee."

He felt the urge to roll his eyes as her voice sang in his head, Valerie was quite an interesting one. But he couldn't deny, that while the PJ's were very revealing, they were also extremely comfortable, so he didn't mind wearing them. Plus the girls said that he looked sexy in them, which further encouraged him to wear them proudly.

Different from Valerie's energetic take on living arrangements though, being here with Liline, things were just so calm and relaxing instead. The large flat screen T.V. in front of them, the volume was turned down low and an old re-run of the show Gunsmoke was playing on it.

Liline brought her arm down to wrap around Ian's shoulder and absentmindedly started stroking it up and down. She felt content, Ian had food in his belly, was cozied up next to her, safe and warm. She was finally able to take proper care of him, and she was the happiest she'd been for a long time. Who knew she could get so attached to someone in such a short span of time? She never suspected someone as special as him to land on her doorstep.

Her eyes trailed down to look over his soft features, her smile warming as she traced them in her mind. His lips sucked on his fingertips getting the residual remains of chocolate off of them, missing a tiny bit stuck to the corner of his mouth.

She chuckled and moved her free hand to wipe it away, "Messy." She teased, then brought the chocolate to her own lips and licked it up.

Ian giggled and blushed a bit, "Whoops, sorry mommy." He then in a bold but not unwelcome move, leaned upward towards Liline's lips to capture them in his own. Tasting both her and the tiny after taste of chocolate still there.

The couple smiled into the quick kiss, then pulled apart and Ian again rested his head down on Liline's chest to continue snuggling.

"He's so fucking cute!" Liline thought resuming her pattern of gently stroking his arm. But then, her smile started to sober, and turned to a more somber expression. "Damn it, just one more day. Why couldn't I have had just one more day?" She felt him sigh gently into her side. A little 'hmmm' sound coming out as he made the noise. Her eyes looked back to his own and saw that his were closed, Ian had become so comfortable with her that he was ready to just cuddle and nap using her as his pillow. There was practically nothing better than falling asleep on the warm body of someone you cared about.

This gesture was almost enough to make her bite her tongue and not have this conversation at all. She knew she had no other choice, better to prepare him for tomorrow than just spring it on him with no warning.

" boy?" She quietly said, mentally steeling herself.

"Mmm?" He didn't move from his spot, "Yeah mommy?"

Everything in Liline's body was screaming at her to not say what she knew she had to, just hearing him say that again just pushed all of the right buttons within her. However, she knew in her heart it would be better to just get this over with and not drag it out any longer than she already had. "...You probably...should hold off on calling me that...for a little while."

At that Ian's eyes opened and he tilted his head up to look at Liline, confused. "Huh? I thought you liked it when I called you that?" He tilted his head, "Did I say it too much?"

"No, no, no, sweetie that's not it at all. I do like it a lot, fuck I love it. It's just..." She paused, contemplating how she was going to go about telling him everything he needed to know. "It' a little awkward if you call me that in front of your real mother."

A short silence fell between the two of them at that, Ian blankly staring up at his Succubus lover who returned the look. He seemed to be processing her words carefully, translating what she meant by both her statement and her expression.

He sat up fully moving away from her warmth, "I can see my mother now?"

Liline nodded, "Yes you can. But...there are some things you need to know about her before I bring you to her...Tomorrow."

Ian blinked, surprised. "Tomorrow? I thought you said it could take weeks for her to-"

"I know, I know." She cut him off, "When word got to her that her son was in town. She was...pretty quick to respond." She also sat up, feeling like this topic required a more serious demeanor. "I should've told you as soon as I found out but...I didn't want to spoil our time together by telling you there was a quickly closing in time limit. I'm sorry."

The boy shook his head, "No it's okay, I've...really liked our time together too."

Again, the pair fell silent. Liline already hating herself for starting this talk despite knowing she had to. Everything was perfect. Just a second ago.

Ian wasn't sure how to feel, when first informed that his mother was here after being freed from the trailer park. He was ecstatic, knowing that he was another step closer to finding his family was something he'd dreamed about for a while.

But now having spent so much time with the girls here, he had gotten...comfortable. He was with them day in and day out, they took care of him, fed him, cleaned him, gave him a bed, and even though they had a rocky start, now it seemed almost foreign to envision a day without them.

Of course, he was excited to see his mother, but leaving Liline...

"We'll...still be able to...see each other...right?"

"Yes!" Liline instantly answered, "Absolutely yes, she may be your mother. But I'm your mommy." She poked his chest putting on a feigned commanding voice. "Although, again probably shouldn't call me that in front of her." The pair managed to laugh at that, breaking the tension for a few precious seconds. "But yes, tomorrow I'm gonna bring you there and you'll finally get to meet her. Sin is her name."

Ian quirked his brow, "Sin? Her name is Sin?"

Liline raised and lowered a shoulder, "Hey I didn't name her. But that's not the important part." She leaned forward, getting a little closer so that she was eye level with him. "There's a reason why only your mother is here, and not your dad." Her hand fell onto his bare thigh, "You're mother never would have let you go had she been given the choice. She loved you, absolutely head over heels. And I'm sure she wants to see you even more than you want to see her." She gave his thigh a light squeeze, "You see...when you were born...your father took you away."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Her eyes closed for a moment, thinking about whether or not she should sugar coat this for him or just be brutally honest. She eventually chose the latter, "He stole you."


Ian's back stiffened slightly. "What? Why?"

"He was a monster sweetie." Liline said shaking her head, "He took you away and spread the lie around that you died soon after birth."

Now it was Ian's turn to shake his head, "But...but why? Why would he do that? Why would he do that to me and my mother?"

Liline reached forward and cupped his face, "I don't know Ian. But that doesn't matter, he was a horrible man. But you are a miracle, and what matters is that you are alive, and you're good, you're such a good, kind soul and I'm so thankful that I met you." Their faces were only an inch or so apart. "And I want you to know that even though your mother is getting you back I still want to be there to take care of you. Because I care so much about you, and if you ever don't feel safe, or you change your mind, or anything, and I mean ANYTHING makes you feel like you're in trouble. I want you to invoke my name." Ian's gaze turned from inquisitive, when before his mind seemed to be racing with questions as to why his apparent father had kidnapped him when he was a baby, now Liline had taken his mind back from that place and brought him to her again. "I want you to say my name, if you're scared or lonely, or even if you just want to see me and can't contact me any other way. Invoke my name. Okay?"

He nodded, "Okay, I will."

"Say it for me." She said, not being demanding, just making sure she got the message across.

"Maeghedda." Ian quietly uttered her true name, the pronunciation practically rolling off his tongue delicately. She told him a day ago after one of their more tender moments.

He hadn't really called her that very much, when she told him to refer to her as Sherriff Liline. The rest of the time it was either Sherriff or mommy, it was almost odd. But not in a bad way just...different. To say her creation name.

Hearing him say it though made her heart flutter. Not like how it did when he called her mommy, it for some reason stirred up a strange butterfly feeling down in the pit of her tummy. Something she was certainly not use to, but wasn't one hundred percent opposed to feeling it more.

She smiled, "Hm, I think I like hearing you call me that too." The moment she saw Ian return the smile she closed the few inches gap between them and kissed him again.

Ian's hands came up and gingerly cupped Liline's face, quietly encouraging her to deepen the kiss. She picked up on this and parted her lips, pulling open his as well and slipping her tongue inside.

"Mmm." The boy moaned feeling the wet appendage dip into his mouth and he quickly sucked on it, pulling her into his willing cavern. Moving both arms around the back of her neck as hers looped under his waist, the couple hugging closer together in a sweet passionate embrace.

It didn't stay simple and sweet for too long though as Liline began to crawl forward, not breaking away from the French kiss with her boy toy. Carefully laying him onto his back near the arm of the couch with his head resting on the embroidered throw pillow there. She propped herself up on her elbows while Ian happily parted his legs to welcome her between them.

Her lips gave his a few more deep smooches before peppering his cheek with lighter ones and moved further down below his chin to his tasty neck, nibbling on his pulse once or twice. Ian bit his lip, already feeling his toes begin to curl as her lips heated his skin with their touch. His hips on reflex bucked upwards slowly, brushing up against a quickly forming bulge in her fabric PJ shorts. Her kisses trailed down to his collar bone but stopped when they reached his shirt.

Liline looked up at him with a smirk and grabbed at the concealing garment, pulling it playfully a few times. Ian picked up on her wordless request and lifted his arms above his head while she lifted the t-shirt up, pulling it over the boy's head revealing his torso, then tossing it to the floor. He left his hands above his head submissively while her lips came down to his nipples.

The erection throbbing in Liline's shorts was demanding attention, but since this was her last night with her baby, she wanted him to enjoy it thoroughly. So she gave his pink nubs some sweet loving and tenderly sucked on one of them while her thumb casually drew circles around the other. Ian arched his back almost pushing his chest further into Liline's face, trying to get closer to the taboo sensations she was offering him.

She grinned a bit and gave his nipple a love bite, hard enough to entice a slight whimper from Ian, who bit his lip at the pinch. She then started crawling further down his body, leaving a trail of more kisses and tender light licks along his taut tummy and abdomen.

He squirmed a bit feeling her electric attention travel down his form, the volts traveling through his body to the core in his pelvis.

Eventually her venture brought her to the hem of his shorts, and she briefly took the waistband of them between her teeth to teasingly pull on it with her mouth, earning another cute giggle from Ian before looping her fingers into them and starting to tug them down. He eagerly lifted his lower body to assist her with removing the article, it practically glided down over the swell of his booty and down his thighs. He picked up his legs and drew his knees back for ease of removal. Liline's smirk grew as the shorts came free from his supple limbs and tossed them over her shoulder, knowing they would not be needed for the rest of the night.

Ian now laid there dressed only in ankle socks, knees still up slightly with his cute cock steadily pulsing between his legs. Slowly he spread them apart giving the Sherriff a hell of a view, and trying his best to give Liline a seductive look. Biting down on the tip of his index finger to entice her into ravishing him.

Her hard rod threatened to rip a hole through the front of her bottoms from this site alone. Ian was incredibly bashful, so when he tried to seduce her, it was both cute, and unbearably sexy.

But she was going slow, she didn't want to pounce just yet.

Carefully Liline lowered her body down till she was practically lying prone on the couch, her face coming very close to the valley of Ian's ass.

Ian looked surprised that she didn't jump on him, she had gotten much better at self-control since their first office room romp. But she had urges, and he was shocked that he didn't get her to satisfy them immediately.

His self-doubt though barely got the chance to surface though as he felt her hands press against his inner thighs, pushing his legs back a bit and parting them a little more. He was now laying spread eagle with Liline's face resting beneath his perineum, licking her lips as she gazed at his beautiful star.

She leaned in and let her tongue come out to play, giving his entrance a few tantalizing licks before putting her lips directly to it in a nice firm kiss. Ian gasped from the tingling feeling that jolted up, then slowly breathed out a relaxed shaky sigh as her tongue worked it's magic on his hole. She held his legs in position and tenderly began to make out with his sensitive spot.

"Ooohhh...mmmmmmm..." Quietly he cooed from her attention and let his arms come down from above his head to pinch his nipples of their own accord. He'd come to realize that they were also incredibly sensitive, and giving them some love rewarded amazing delights.

Soft lip smacking sounds came from between his pillowy butt cheeks, Liline kissed him there like she was romancing a lover. Her tongue poking in beyond his anal ring every few licks, slicking up his hole with a good helping of her saliva and giving the bundle of nerves in that area some attention.

He tasted amazing, as usual, and she savored the flavor of his forbidden hole that had become a perfectly tight cock sleeve. But it deserved some sweetness every now and again too.

She spent a good amount of time slowly licking his ass hole, occasionally glancing up at the closed eyed and blissful face of her half breed boy. His adorable hard cock jumping with his heart beat, clearly enjoying the oral attention. Even though it itself had still been untouched for weeks.

"I think it's learning to love being cucked by his ass." Liline had to stop herself from chuckling at the thought. And instead chose to simply relish in the fact that Ian seemed to be completely reliant on anal orgasms for his pleasure. Never once did he ask for his little prick to be touched.

After she felt he was sufficiently prepped, she gave his star one last peck before crawling back up his body. Ian opening his eyes upon the realization that she stopped giving him anilingus, and was now back up above him.

The couple shared another quick kiss, Ian getting a quick taste of himself before she leaned back up and situated herself between his splayed legs on her knees.

Her eyes never left his as her hands came to the bottom of her shirt, "Have you...ever tits baby?" and she slowly, almost in a stripper tease fashion, began lifting her shirt up. Ian's lips parted as his breath quickened even more, watching as more and more of her porcelain flesh became visible, and shook his head. Liline smiled as it came over her breasts feeling them bounce slightly as they were released and then off the top of her head, exposing her full chest to the now heavily blushing boy below. She left the shirt in a forgotten heap beside them and just watched him for a moment. Loving how his face had gone cherry red while he gawked at her big perky breasts. "Well?" She said, sliding her hands up her front and cupping them. "Do you like them?"

Ian was practically stunned with the sheer incredible view he had, Liline was a pale, raven haired Goddess, and she was all his.

Dumbly he nodded, "Th...they're beautiful..."

"Would you like to suck on them?" She suddenly asked moving forward again to prop herself higher above him allowing her tits to hang in his face. Ian couldn't get the word out before he leaned up to capture one of her bright pink nipples between his own lips. Liline closed her eyes and smirked again at this and moved one of her hands down to her shorts, pushing them down enough to pull out her monster while Ian nursed on her. "Good boy...are you ready for me?" She asked peaking down at him.

His eyes were closed while he sucked on her voluptuous breasts, but when she asked this his eyes opened wide with anticipation. She even felt his thighs readjust as if he was prepping himself, bracing for penetration.

"Mhm!" He nodded, removing his mouth from her tit to lash at it a few times with his tongue.

Again Liline giggled and wobbled her shoulders a bit to shake her boobs in front of Ian's face for a few seconds. "Good..." She then re-positioned as well, lowering so she was chest to chest with the smaller body. Ian's hands wrapped around Liline's back as he felt her tip touch his entrance. Then slowly, she started to press forward.

The pair held their breath while the tip carefully broke through his anal ring, entering into his boy pussy and digging in deeper and deeper until her pubic bone made contact with the space below his smallish balls.

They both released their breath.

"Fuck you always feel so good." Liline breathed in a hushed whisper, for only the two of them in this moment. "So tight..." She pulled her hips back and gyrated them forward, sinking back into the boy and making sure not to leave his searing heat for long.

"You''re so big..." Ian returned bending his legs at a ninety-degree angle and just barely hooking them around her lower back to pull her in deeper. Quickly they set a moderate pace of rocking their bodies against one another. This wasn't a wild fuck session, it was different.

There were lots of kisses, his hands desperately clutching at her bare back. Her hands stroking along his sides and up his legs feeling him everywhere. She filled him to the brim with her meat, and he felt whole with her inside. Like they were made for each other, the lock and the key, fitting perfectly together.

"Oh...oh baby..." Liline's hushed voice panted into Ian's ear.

Ian got a small smirk of his own then, "I...I know, I'm meeting my mom...tomorrow..." He panted, " it okay...if I call you mommy...just for tonight?"

Liline almost laughed, apparently, she wasn't alone in the desire to be called that.

So she leaned closer to her boy and said, "Fuck yeah it is baby..."

Ian grinned, "Please fuck me mommy..."

Liline smashed her lips against his, and their bodies bucked together satiating the most natural desire in the world.

They wouldn't have tomorrow, but they had tonight, and that's what mattered.

The night ended some time later, the lovers having traveled from the couch to Liline's bedroom. Cumming together, Liline spilling her seed deep into Ian's tummy and Ian shooting his own all over himself and a little on Liline's glorious tits. Reaching their peaks of lust and desire tangled up in each other's arms.

The Next Morning

The first dark clouds of early Autumn were beginning to wash in from the coast. Ian had been here for nearly a month now, and Summer was clearly on the verge of being nothing but a thing of the past. Liline found the weather appropriate for her rather sour mood today, rainfall down poured from above hammering onto the roof and windshield of her cruiser, winds picking up and blowing the quickly turning red and orange leaves about the streets. Day by day the trees became a little bit more skeletal. The first rainy day they'd had since Ian arrived.

She kept the drive below forty mph, telling Ian that she was just being a safe driver. But in reality, she was driving slower to simply milk the time she had with him just that little bit more.

As they passed a few of the familiar residences during the drive, Ian noticed that the mid-twentieth century style architecture of Shelter was becoming harder to find. Instead, many of the homes and buildings were taking on more of a Victorian style appearance now. High peaked roofs, and cone pointed towers on many of the houses giving off more of an 1800's feel.

"How often does the town change styles?" Ian asked staring out the passenger window.

Liline shrugged, "The Autumn amusements are gonna open in Shelter in about three weeks so the Wretches are already going to work on the place."

He turned to look at her, "Wretches?"

"Eh, just...nasty Pigmy looking things that work around here, don't worry about them." She said with a shake of her head. Ian then noticed her shoulders rise up then fall with a heavy exhale, "We're...we're here. The big grey house right there, that's where she lives now." He looked back out the side window up to the tallest building on the street. Three stories high, and dull grey slightly peeling paint.

Even though Halloween was still some ways away, already numerous horror themed decorations littered the yard and the tall, clearly diseased elm tree beside the house.

Liline frowned as the car rolled down the lane pulling up to the haunting building. She knew that many Sisters around town enjoyed the holiday and season of Autumn, and Sin was certainly not an exception. But bringing out these many decorations already just seemed a little too enthusiastic for her tastes. Some of the windows were boarded up, whether for legitimate reasons or horror themed purposes was unknown. Along with two rows of ghastly looking carved pumpkins, and a quite realistic looking skeleton, hanging from a noose tied to the tree, lightly swaying in the gusts of wind.

She glanced over to Ian and saw the clearly nervous look in his eyes. This place definitely didn't come off as the 'welcome home son' type. So she carefully reached over to put her hand on his shoulder, "Remember if you need me, call me. I'll be listening."

Without looking back at her Ian nodded, keeping his eyes on the building before him. He was nervous, but not for the reason Liline initially thought. The décor didn't bother him or disturb him or anything, it was the thought that this was it. He was going to meet his mother, whom he hadn't seen in...forever.

It had been his mission to come to this mysterious town and find out the truth about his heritage and his parents. And while the news of his father wasn't too pleasant, maybe that wouldn't be the case with his mom.

"I will." He said quietly and pulled the handle to open the door and step up, out of the car.

Liline eyed him sadly as he shut the door behind him, feeling a pang in her chest as he did so. It still hurt to watch him go, but she knew this was important to him. And a promise was a promise in Shelter, she just hoped that Sin would treat him right. He deserved only the best love and care.

And if she wouldn't give that to him, Liline wouldn't rest until she got him out of there and brought him home.

But until he said so, there was nothing more for her to do. So she slowly shifted the gear into reverse and began to pull back away, her morning shift started soon anyways so she needed to get to the office.

That didn't stop her from watching him every inch of the way though.

Pellets of water bombarded Ian's jacket, he didn't have a hood and simply stood there in the freezing rain staring at the house. He wasn't sure how long he just stood there, forgetting how to move for a while. Eventually his legs robotically carried him forward a few steps.

"What if...what if she doesn't like me..." A sudden doubt rose up in the back of his mind, forcing him to stop moving and stand still. "What if she changes her mind and doesn't want me back?" Ian was starting to shiver in the rain, he heard Liline drive off a minute ago and he should've just immediately walked to the front door after she left but he kept stopping every few steps. Second guessing every move he'd made, 'what if there was something wrong,' what if this was another elaborate trap for him,' what if everything had been a lie?'

...What if she didn't love him anymore?"


Suddenly the front door to the home burst open, the wood slamming hard against the exterior of the house and jolting Ian out of his negative thoughts.

Soft thuds of bare feet padded onto the wood of the porch for a few steps then stopped at the edge of the stairs just before the overhang.

Their eyes met.

He could see them, two large brown orbs looking into his own blue ones through the rain drops. Time seemed to slow in this moment.

He had received no info about what his mother looked like, but somehow as these two strangers eyed each other a few yards apart. He knew. He just knew.

She was a very tall woman, taller than any other he'd met in Shelter, it was hard to get an idea from her elevated position currently. But she appeared to be nearly as tall as the doorframe, putting her at about 6'5 bare foot. She looked to be in maybe her late thirties or so, and her hair was a wild mane of black that cascaded far over her shoulders, a waterfall of wavy dark ink with a few blue highlights.

Aside from the blue parts, their hair was the same color.

She was wearing a one-piece wrap around dress in a black color, and her skin was a gorgeous bronze with a hint of caramel.

She was beautiful...God she was beautiful...

Both of their lips were parted, heavily breathing while they stood dumbly waiting for the other to say something, or do something. But the pause between them seemed to last forever. Ian completely becoming numb to the chill of the rain.

Ian swallowed the lump in his throat and just barely managed to choke out a single word, "...Mama?"

Instantly Sin's breath quickened and a tiny desperate sob squeaked out from her chest as she broke into a run, straight out into the falling rain. Bolting for the smaller boy with everything she had, not caring at all that her dry clothes and hair were going to get drenched.

That didn't matter, he was here. Her baby was finally here.

Her body crashed into his, arms sweeping him up into a tight embrace, literally lifting him off of his feet. Ian quickly returned the gesture and swung his own arms around her, his mother, his real mommy. The moment felt surreal.

He could hear her crying against his shoulder, hard sobs causing her body to tremble.

"...My baby...oh my baby boy..." Her voice was wrecked with cracks and some stutters. The moment she thought would never come was finally here, "My little baby..." She turned her head slightly and started to kiss his cheek hard. Rain drops leaking between their faces as her full pink lips connected with his cheek.

A sob forced its way from Ian's own throat, but not a sad one. His lips turned up in a happy grin as tears began to form in his eyes. "Mama...Mama!" He huddled into her, desperately grabbing at her back to hug her closer. Sin's knees buckled and the mother and son fell to the wet ground, both sobbing in each other's arms. She squeezed him as tightly as she could, as if she would never get the chance to hold him again. Her arms were well muscled enough to easily raise him up high in her arms, but not so much to be unwomanly. Still though they had incredible strength to them and hurt Ian a little, depriving him of air for a few seconds too. He didn't care though, nothing mattered in this moment aside from just holding her as he continued to say between sobs of joy, "Mama..."

They rocked back and forth, Sin quietly whispering, "My baby...oh you're little Shakar'i..."

After spending maybe five minutes or so just holding each other in the rain, Sin eventually found the willpower to stand up again, and keeping Ian under her arms, brought him to the front door and inside, finally pulling away to close it behind them.

He wasn't aware of how much he was shivering until he made it in here. The interior of her home was surprisingly warm. They appeared to be in a large front room with a staircase straight ahead, a living room to the left with a roaring fire burning in the fireplace and a kitchen beyond that. To the left there was an array of coat racks with one more prominent one close to the door, a black leather leash and collar hanging from it.

"D-do you have a d-dog m-mama?" Ian asked folding his arms to try and keep some of his body heat contained.

Sin looked over to the hanging leather and shook her head with a playful smile, "No, no baby. Not at the moment. But my gosh look at you! You're soaked! You must be freezing." She walked by him and quickly went into the living room to retrieve the big fuzzy black blanket she kept folded up on her couch.

"Th-thank you." He said waiting patiently as she left the room for a few seconds then returned with a large warm looking blanket in her arms.

"Anything you need darling." She said setting the folded bundle down on a small chair next to the door then reached out to undo the buttons of his jacket to remove it. Ian had been standing in the rain for nearly a solid ten minutes without any letting up from mother nature. He was soaked to the bone, through his jacket and his shirt beneath.

At first he accepted the assistance with removing the coat, but then when she began trying to peel off his shirt under that Ian protested, "Oh it's o-okay mama, I can-"

"Shush sweetie, I've been waiting for the chance to take care of my baby boy for far too long." She interrupted him with a warm smile. It felt a little awkward suddenly being undressed by his mother, whom he also just met. But he was able to understand her reasoning, so with a little reluctance, he allowed her to lift the sopping wet shirt off above his head. Hearing it practically slosh against the floor.

But after that, she suddenly squatted down near the front of his jeans and started undoing the button and zipper.

This caused him to protest again, "Uh those too? But...mama I-"

"Shhh." She quickly shushed him and undid his pants completely. Before taking them off though she leaned further down to pull off his shoes and damp socks. Then moved to tug his jeans down. "Just let mommy take care of you honey."

Ian's heart skipped a beat hearing that. It sounded oddly similar to something he'd heard last night.

"Stop, don't think like that. This isn't the time, and she's your mother!" Ian chastised himself in his head, hating the fact that he had been so overly exposed to sexual situations over the last few weeks that he almost started to feel aroused at the image of his mom pulling his jeans and boy short underwear down his legs and removing them completely.

He was completely naked in front of her for a moment, but only a moment as she grabbed up the blanket and wrapped his body in the soft material.

But not before sneaking just a quick peak at his pale bare behind.

"My baby's all grown up..."

She then lead him into the living room telling him to warm himself up by the fire while she got some cocoa going for them.

Her home was much nicer looking from the inside, nice comfy and inviting furniture littered the living room. And the coziness that the crackling fireplace provided gave it a homey appeal that made Ian feel relaxed. Happy to realize that the exterior seemed to only be in bad shape because of the early Halloween decorations.

In his overview of the room though, his head turned toward the large open archway that lead to the kitchen. And there he could see his mom had already put out two mugs of piping hot water, but was now wringing out her hair over the kitchen sink. A bright light illuminated the kitchen over her and highlighted her profile, her slightly bent over, curvy profile.

He froze watching her, she stood tip toed over the faucet, seeming to be focused on twisting her hair like a towel to work the water out of it. But from this angle, Ian could see every curve and contour of her banging body. The soaked dress clung to her perfect hourglass form, the slit in the side of it showing off her inner thigh, muscular but smooth. Her ass seemed to be perfectly sculpted and shaped to fit the body of an amazon Goddess.

For some reason he couldn't stop himself from staring, her arms shifted further up towards the tips of her wild hair, giving Ian a tantalizing glimpse of the valley between her inner breasts. His breath hitched in his throat as he watched her, hearing the droplets of water splash into the sink.

"Whoa..." Between his legs, he could feel his prick beginning to rise. Pulsing steadily with excitement at watching the curvy form of his mother.

Suddenly she turned her head to look at him, smile adorning her lips.

Ian gasped and immediately flung his head in the other direction to act like he was looking out the living room window. Only to realize it was boarded up and there was nothing but wood to be seen. Ian's cheeks began to fill with heat, "Oh my God, oh my God! I was just checking out my mom! What the hell was I doing!?" He shook his head, unbearably embarrassed with himself. "Well...maybe it's normal? I mean this town does things to people, and we've only just met? Maybe she'll understand? ...Or she'll think I'm a perv and kick me out..."

His thoughts darkened for a moment, but then he could've sworn he heard the faintest ghost of a giggle coming from the kitchen.

A minute later Sin returned from the kitchen with two mugs of steaming liquid in her hands. "Here you go sweetheart." She handed it down to him, and Ian found it difficult to look her in the eye now.

Still blushing a bit, he accepted the cup. "Thank you." Carefully he blew on the hot chocolate flavored beverage and took a sip. Only to then be suddenly gathered up into Sin's arms very close to her still damp chest.

"Come here sweetie, I wanna cuddle with my baby boy." She placed him in her lap, Ian quickly closing his legs tightly to try and hide the semi-chubby that formed while he ogled her. Her free arm reached out and grabbed the TV remote and turned on the old box television set in front of them. She put on an old black and white show that he hadn't heard of before and turned the volume down low enough to hear, but not loud enough to interrupt their conversation. "So tell me darling."

Ian looked up at her confused, "Tell you what mama?"

"Everything!" She exclaimed, "I wanna know about you, everything I've missed. I wanna know it all." Both of them smiled.

The day went by right there, neither of them moving from there comfortable spot. Mother and son, happily reunited after years of separation. Speaking in hushed whispers about each other, mainly Ian told about his experiences taking care to leave out the gritty stuff not wanting to spoil the sweet moment. Sin listened intently, relishing in finally getting the time with her son she always wanted.

Later That Night...

Something smelled amazing, a very warm and deep scent. Rich with a floral undertone filling his nostrils.

Ian tried to open his eyes, but his lids were very heavy. The last thing he remembered was resting his head on his mother's shoulder while she quietly sang to him. A lullaby of sorts in a language he couldn't understand, but she kept calling him her Shakar'i. Her hand stroking his hair as he slowly faded away.

But now he peaked his eyes open a bit, light coming in through a different window. Not the living room one, and not natural daylight. It was a bright streetlight casting light through this smaller...bedroom window?

He heard some creaking and a weight come settling down beside him.

"Mmmm..." He groaned groggily as this happened, sleepily trying to hug the fluffy blanket closer to his form. Only to have it suddenly tugged down his body to the hip and he felt fingernails rake down lightly along his bare back. Not cutting him, but definitely waking him up. "Huh?" He shook his head only to feel somebody else's plunge down into the nape of his neck and draw in a deep breath.

Sin inhaled her child's heavenly scent. "Oooohhh fuuuuuck he smells soooo good..." Her hands continued their travels along his exposed skin, rubbing and squeezing his soft flesh. Eventually finding their way down to his pert butt hidden still under the blanket. Though she didn't need to see it in order to find her target. Quickly her hand dipped down further over the small of his back and down his ass crack, immediately sinking her middle finger into his tight boy hole.

That really woke him up.

Ian gasped and pushed himself up on his arms, looking over his shoulder at whatever was molesting him.

Only to catch a quick glimpse of the face of Sin. His mother, messy wild black hair cascaded around her face, and a wild grin. "Ma-Mama? What are yo-Ah!" Sin's hand came up and roughly pushed the back of Ian's head down putting him face first into the pillow. "Mom!?" He squirmed beneath her, but her body was much larger than his, and she was far superior in the strength department. She was in complete control, as her finger suddenly began to harshly pull out and push back into his butt. "Ahh! Mama! Stop!" She hadn't lubed him up at all, and although his inner power adjusted his body enough to be able to have sex without lubricant, it still hurt a bit.

Plus she was his mom!

Her digit picked up a fast pace of fingering him all the way to the final knuckle, feeling out her babies' insides. She bit her lip as the velvety interior clenched up around her finger, "Oh...I love you so much darling...I've missed you..." She added a second finger, opening him up a bit more.

"Ahh! Mama no!" Ian struggled and tried to push up off the bed with his arms, only for Sin to shift her body over and plant her knee down on his back. Pinning him to the mattress, helpless. "Stooop! Aaahhooww! Stop!" He cried out as her fingering got faster and faster, creating a searing pain-laced friction inside his ass that seemed to stir up a natural reaction of arousal from within Ian's belly.

His cock was caught between his abdomen and the mattress, wedged delightfully so as her hand was practically rocking his body into the bed. Forcing him to unwillingly grind his boyhood into the soft surface.

"Ooouuu...ooooouuuuuu yes baby...let mommy take care of you..." A third finger was forced into his hole.

Ian's eyes went wide and mouth went agape. "N...noo...Mamaaaa...please!"

Her three digits spread apart his rectum painfully, but the kind of pain that Ian liked. And she resumed thrusting all of her fingers into him, pounding his behind hard with her hand. He felt tears beginning to well up in the corner of his eyes.

In this town, he had been raped by a lot of women, but at least none of them had been related to him. This was his mother; his own mother was violating him.

"Just relax darling...Mommy loves you...I know you like this, be honest with your mother sweetie. Here..." She curled her fingers inside to touch the tiny almond sized gland inside his anus.

"Uhh! Uggghhh..." Ian cried out again as she stroked his prostate, followed by resuming her vigorous thrusting into his butt. Now targeting his P-spot to make him squirm, "Ma...maaamaaa...uuuhhhhhh n-no...please don't...don't make me..." The rough finger fucking, combined with his dick being rubbed sinfully between the sheets and his belly was already forcing a tide of reluctant pleasure out of his balls, bringing him extremely close to the edge. "I...I caaaan't..." His hands gripped the pillow hard, clawing at it for something to vent his frustration and arousal. His legs kicked out behind them, both to try and wriggle free, and to simply move them about, channeling the powerful surges her fingers were sending through his frame.

"Oooohhh it's okay sweetie..." Sin's voice went higher, almost like she was baby talking Ian. "You can do it for me...go ahead...cum for me..."

He tried to hold it, trying to shake his head as if refusing the impending climax that was coming. But as experience showed, he wasn't good at holding in his cum. And with a weak desperate cry, Ian felt his belly tightening and his small testicles pulse out their seed onto the sheets and his stomach, "Aaaahhhaaaa!"

Sin watched his muscles twist and flex on his back while she knelt on it, and his rectum guiltily squeezed the fingers inside as they stimulated his prostate into releasing a reluctant load of girly spunk.

"Ooooohhh good boy baby...gooood boy." She whispered to him tenderly, pushing her fingers in and out a few more times before carefully pulling her now moist fingers free from his stretched-out hole. Immediately she brought them to her lips and began to lick them, tasting her baby's sweet essence for the first time. " good darling...Mmmmm, mommy love's you."

Ian panted, still pinned below her, his heavy breaths slowly turning to heavy sobs. He couldn't believe it, of all people his mom just did that to him. "Mama...don't do this..." He weakly tried to speak, "Please Mommy...please..."

He felt her hand begin to stroke his hair, "Oooohh sweetie...this was always going to happen...I've been longing for you every single day. You could no more stop the night from falling than you could keep my hands off you." The hand in his hair continued trying to soothe him while the other went to work gathering up something...special.

She looked over at the rolled up collar and leash in her hands, the words 'Mommy's Boy' Sewn into the thick material.

"Mom...I don't want this!" The boy continued to beg, tears rolling down his face, "Please stop!"

Again, she shushed him softly, "Relax darling..." Ian heard a slight jingle coming from above him, as well as the sound of leather unrolling and something swishing across the sheets on the bed. "I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to show you how a good mother truly loves her son..."

Sin brought the collar down and expertly fastened the leather around his neck. Ian yelped at the unexpected contact. She clipped the hook into place securing the leash to it as well, then pulled up on it hard.

"Aah!" Ian gasped as his airway was suddenly blocked for a brief moment as the collar tightened up on his neck, forcing him to quickly rise up in the direction he was pulled. Thankfully Sin removed her knee from his back allowing him to get up off his face at last. It then pulled again goading him to continue moving and turn around, now on his hands and knees.

When he fully turned however, he was greeted by a sight that he was sure was going to be burned into his memory forever.

Sin, his mommy was completely naked. Her bronze caramel skin in full view of the crying boy before her. Large hefty breasts that held still such a perky beauty to them that could hypnotize with just a single look. A taut smooth belly that glistened just a bit in the light from the window, possibly from her getting sweaty while she fingered him.

But below that...was something that made Ian's jaw hit the floor.

"'re have a..."

Sin smiled, and her available hand moved to sensually trace a finger all the way from the very tip of her cock, down to the base of it. Quite a long journey given her massive size.

She had the biggest cock Ian had ever seen, bigger than Liline, bigger than Melody, bigger than Gloria! It looked like it was maybe over a foot long, possibly thirteen inches, thicker than Ian's arm, with two twin baseball sized balls hanging below. She was fucking huge, clean shaven too. It twitched as it pointed straight up at Ian's lowered face, and slack jawed, unoccupied mouth.

"I missed the chance to feed you my milk when you were little sweetie, so many missed opportunities we could've had with you growing up. But I intend to correct that tragedy right fucking now..." She said firmly and tugged hard on the leash sending Ian practically sprawling towards her dick face first.

"Wha-!? No! Mama don-MMMMM!" She didn't allow him to say anymore as she took hold of his face with one hand, and rolled up the leash tightly in her other to keep him from pulling away. Then she quickly fed her cock into Ian's protesting mouth, "MMMM! MBLMMM!" He cried out over her girth. Her fist gripped the back of his hair as she plunged her inhumanly long rod down into his gullet with only the first third. His lips stretched uncomfortably wide in order to open his mouth enough to give her unwilling access. "GLCKUGGHH!" He gagged as she kept going, not giving him any reprieve and stuck it in deeper and deeper, bypassing the gates to his throat and tucking her mommy meat away inside.

"Ooooohhhh that's a good boyyyy..." She cooed lovingly as she made it all the way inside her son's petite passage. Her shaft was sheathed from tip to balls in his mouth nearly causing Ian's eyes to roll back while he gagged trying to expel the intruder.

Her nutsack was rested against his chin, her balls literally were bigger than the lower half of his face. Ian could feel his throat bulging out as she hilted herself in his tunnel, his neck felt like a log shaped lump had formed down the center.

"This can't be happening..."

Slowly her tummy began to gyrate in front of him, carefully sawing her shaft in and out of his neck. "Mmmglck! Gluuckk, glickk, glrrggl." Ian was unable to speak, still crying as he struggled against her. Trying to disengage from the forced oral sex, but she was so strong. Plus the grip she had on the leash gave her extra leverage to use against him.

It was hard to take; her cock was bigger than any other he'd handled before and his throat whined a bit from being stretched so much. His lips also were beginning to feel sore as they were forced to suck on the cock wedged between them. Sin noticed he was struggling, both to get away, and just to take her in. But she had no worries about him, she knew he was perfect for her and he would be able to handle it. Besides his squirming felt amazing as his soft wet passage lovingly stroked her meat as she gyrated in. Especially when he involuntarily swallowed, his esophagus flexed entirely around her schlong creating a sensation that made Sin chew her bottom lip harder. Along with the collar that squeezed his throat choking him further, it gripped her cock through the flesh with an even tighter feeling that felt amazing. "Mmmm that's my baby boy...Oooh I've wanted this for so long..." She lifted one leg up so that way she was kneeling with one knee on the bed and the other was up beside him. Then leaned forward, grasping the bed post for better leverage. She didn't want to hurt him, but she couldn't fight the urge to plow her baby like there was no tomorrow.

Her gyration turned to more aggressive thrusting, fucking Ian's face as she pulled about a third of her rod out of his mouth before shoving it back in.

Ian's head was swimming, her balls thumped into his chin hard enough to make a light clap sound. "Bblmg, guuhh, gllrr..." Guttural throaty sounds choked from the poor boy, unable to catch his breath as she picked up speed.

"Oh...such a good boy. You're being such a good boy...making your mommy feel so good...oooohhhh" She tilted her head back, riding into her sons face with growing enthusiasm. The leash tugging around his neck serving to further squeeze her length from outside his neck. "Mmmm...I'm don't want me to do this baby..." She panted, "A good boy shouldn't want it at first...but a good...bad boy...will learn to loooove it..." She leaned further over Ian's body, bucking hard into him. Ian was almost afraid he was going to receive a bruise from how hard both her pubic bone and ballsack were bumping into his face.

"Oh fuck..." He thought, his senses being filled with the taste of mommy cock. And her baby making testicles scent flooded his nostrils, musky and feminine, clouding his mind. "My mom's...cock is...I can't breathe...oh God..."

"That's it baby..." Her breath was hot and heavy, "You'll learn...I know you will...haah...haah, and I'll...uuuh, spend...eternity teaching you. If...if I have to...babyyyy..." The words ended with an arching crescendo in the volume of her voice, as she finally felt it. The cum in her balls churned up and ready to meet her son. Her cock tingled and swelled up stretching Ian's already plugged up throat. "OooooOOHHH!" Her hand gripped the bed post hard as her body started to spasm, unable to contain the sheer bliss he was helping her achieve. Ian could actually feel the streams of her sperm pumping up and out of her cock tube. The slimy contents of her nuts spraying down his throat facing no resistance at all as she was already fully swallowed by him. His eyes practically bugged out from the sheer quantity she was erupting, literally he watched as her balls jumped and flexed while they pulsed her baby batter into his mouth. Where it would surely be disappointed as there was no egg to impregnate, just his belly to fill up. Sin smiled as she relished in the feeling of giving the load she had been saving up for weeks to her baby, feeding him the way she always wanted to. "Oooohh that's it baby...drink mommy's milk...drink all of mommy's milk..."

Her balls continued to flex, pumping what felt like gallons of jizz down Ian's throat for what seemed like forever. Until finally Sin leaned backward, her mommy meat pulling Ian's body along with it as it 'shhhlurrped' out of his mouth.

"Ugggh!" Ian gagged, immediately retching hard and coughing up the last few droplets of sperm remaining on his taste buds. His mother just looked down at him fondly as he did this. He didn't have long to recover from the throat fucking though as she came upon him again, pulling the leash in the other direction to plant him flat face down on the bed. "Aah! Mama! Please stoooop!" He coughed again.

She ignored his plea again and pulled up on Ian's waist. Face down, ass up. It was time to finally have her baby the way she always was meant to.

She nudged his knees apart with one of her own, spreading him wide and kneeled immediately behind the boy. His prick dangled with his grape sized balls hanging beside it, semi-hard and just so sweet looking to her as it was maybe a fifth of her size when she was soft. Probably an eighth when she was hard.

Her cock nestled between his beautiful soft ass cheeks and hot dogged him for a moment, allowing him to feel the sheer length so close to his most sacred place. Then she took hold of it with one hand, the other still clutching the leash, guiding it to his entrance.

Ian flinched as the tip touched his puckered hole, her head alone was maybe three times the size of his hole. There was no way it would fit.

"She can't! It won't fit! I...I can't take that!" Ian thought panicked, but before he could scream out no again. His mother whispered out.

"" And she slammed home.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Ian screamed.

Her thirteen inches of solid mommy meat plowed into Ian's depths, now lubricated with Ian's saliva, but no less painful as she broke into his ass with one full thrust. Burying her cock all the way into her child. The leash still pulled tight in her hand.

Ian's body shook, he felt so full. Uncomfortably so, the pain caused his tight ring to burn for a bit. But thankfully she didn't begin pounding yet, she simply stayed hilted inside for a while, giving him a period of adjustment.

She was well endowed, so it was only decent of her to make sure he didn't have too much difficulty taking her.

"Oooooohoooww...mama please...pull it out...pleeeeease..." His begging softened, no longer panicky, just desperate. His mind racing from the sheer unbelievability of the situation. His mom was inside of him, fucking him. This was wrong. So wrong. The most wrong thing he'd done in this town. It was terrible.

Why was his cock getting hard again?

"Shhh..." Softly she shushed him as she did before then tugged the leash up, Ian gasped as she did so forcing him back up to all fours. Then she grabbed a fistful of his hair with the other hand, giving her complete control over his head and neck. His back was arched into a sharp crescent, as her thrusting began.

She withdrew her cock as far out as her hips would allow, about two thirds of the way, and then pounded it back inside.

"Aahha! Mommy pleeease...Ah!" He was ignored, this was it, nothing was going to stop her now. She pounded away. Her pace going from still, to boundless fucking as she slammed into her boy's bottom relentless. "Uhh! Uuuuhh! Aaaah! Mommyyy!"

"Nnnf that's right're mommy's boy now." She started to whisper huskily as she railed into him, hard enough to start rocking the bed. "You're mine. Mommy's little fuck hole...uuugh, my little cum hole..."

Ian's cock twitched again. This was horrible, why was he getting turned on? Her size alone was intense, but becoming less painful and earning more of a natural response from his loins.

"Don' can't...not like this...this is so wrong..."

"Uuuughh FUCK!" She tugged on his hair arching his back even further pushing his flexibility limits. "YES, yesssss...Mmmm I'm gonna fuck you till the sunrise sweet heart UGGH! FUCK! You're so good, you're the perfect boy whore for me, aren't you?"

Ian tried to shake his head, but couldn't due to his hair in her grasp. "Nnnooo! Mommyyy...Aah!"

The bed creaked as she railed him, the force behind her rough thrusts rocking his body fiercely. She was so rough.

"MMmm! Mm, mmmm! Yes that's it, Mommy's little cum whore...take my milk baby...uuugh! Take all my milk...aah...AAHH! FUCK!" Sin tensed up again, slamming into Ian's plush booty, the velvety insides lovingly squeezing her in a tight death grip, milking another full load from her balls.

This time instead of it going down his throat, it was going up his ass. But that didn't stop him from feeling every drop of it shoot from her tip and into his bowels. He whimpered at the intense heat filling him up as she owned him hard. Marking his insides pure white with her endless seed. Thankfully she didn't last too long, seeming to have been holding her loads for quite some time.

She was saving every drop of her baby butter for him.

"Fuck..." Ian thought squeezing the sheets between his fingers, "Ohh why does it have to be so much...and so warm..." His now, fully hard prick jumped excitedly as he was given his heaping cum enema.

Sin however, was not done. And with a growl she released his hair as her fingers raked down the sides of his ribcage, again lightly scratching the surface of his skin, drawing a weak squeal from Ian. "Mmmmm fuuuck, you were so worth the wait darling." She growled, a strange echo in her voice but then she giggled, "You and me are going to play forever!"

She then hugged Ian around his midsection from behind and pulled both of their bodies backwards eliciting another yelp from the small boy. That's when he realized her cock had cum twice now, but it had not gone even remotely soft.

He fell downward with the back of his shoulder blades resting on her large tits, but his legs still bent as if he was straddling her in a reverse cowgirl position.

Her hips then became a blur as she again started pounding.

"UUUGHHH! Mommy! Pleeeease! Aaah stop! I can't...I can't take it pleeeeasee!" He begged her, from this position, her cock had a perfect shot at his prostate. And as she bucked upward, she hammered away at it mercilessly. "OOOHHH FUUUUCKK!" He screamed, her balls jumping up with each thrust smacking into his own tiny boy sack.

"Never baby!" A sick sadistic open-mouthed smile adorned her face. Eyes wild with delight as she watched her baby boy writhe in denial and ecstasy. "You're mine now! Forever and ever!" Her eyes suddenly began to glow, the pupils slit and a bright crimson red color emanating from her orbs.

"OhGodohGodohGodohGod!" Ian's brain was turning to jelly. His prostate had never received such a deep punishing pounding. His mom's cock dug so far into his tummy that he could feel a slight bump press up into his abdomen with each rough shove. He was going crazy, this wasn't right.

But it was so good.

Tears continued to flow like a river from his eyes as the emotional confusion wrecked him, but he couldn't help it. Her nails sharpened, extending out and wrapping further around his sides. Her claws coming out. His ass was on fire for her, his body caked in a thin layer of glistening sweat. It was wrong, guilty pleasure. But it was pleasure, sweet intense amounts of it that destroyed his resolve. He couldn't fight it.

"MOM! AHH HAAAH I'M CUMMING!" He screamed, her nutsack basically spanking his own as it forced his flailing tiny prick to erupt, spewing his cute white seed up and out of his abused balls. It spurted free and flew far about, splattering on the blankets and even covering his chest "AAAAAHHHHHH!" A high pitched girly scream of forbidden bliss wrenched itself from his body as he came.

Came for his Mommy.

Sin watched him squirm in agony, his hands-free orgasm like a work of beautiful art that made tears fall from her own eyes. "Oooooh baby! You came for me! I made my baby cum on my cock!" She immediately leaned down and kissed his neck repeatedly, and his shoulder nibbling lightly on some parts. "'re perfect! You're everything I've ever wanted! My little baby boy!"

Ian's world then flipped as she rolled out from under him dropping him flat on his bell in a daze. She rolled him onto his back, practically folding his body in half, heels up by his ears.

"Oh no..." Ian knew what position she was putting him in. A position that he reeeeeally liked.

His toes pointed a bit as she climbed over his form, missionary position. But with a little bit of a deeper penetration twist to it.

"Fuck yessss." She drilled back into him again allowing her power to take form in her voice. Slamming every last inch back into his belly with all of her strength. Sin's feet suddenly morphed from human feet, transforming into hooves. Her skin darkening slightly.

"Uuuhuuuuhh..." Another weak groan emerged from Ian, he was getting very tired. The savage bucking and gyrating took a lot of energy out of him. But Sin seemed un-phased, ready to keep going all night as she propped herself up on her knees to pound away.

She laughed happily, "Oh my Shakar'i...I love you...I love you so much. You're mommy's cock whore now. Forever and ever okay? You'll love it here, you'll love my cock, you'll want it all the time. Okay baby? My sweet baby?" She wasn't really asking him questions, more like she was just stating a story, "Mine! Mine! My baby boy! My cum slut! Ohhh fuck yes!"

Ian's body was being used like a rag doll, she picked him up again at one point to hold him by his waist and just plop him onto her hips repeatedly, like he was a sex puppet. Her cock violated his hole harshly, his well abused prostate felt annihilated. His asshole was stretched and stuffed beyond full, and her lukewarm cum sloshed around in his tummy. Drool began to leak out of Ian's mouth as his tongue lolled out in a daze. Again he felt her claws dig into his asscheeks, her teeth bit into his neck again, all of them sharp and pointed like shark teeth.


She dropped him again and bent his body once more almost in a pile driver position and hammered down while she squatted over him. Her breasts bounced with her heavy movement, further enticing Ian's arousal despite his desire to not enjoy this. He could see her suddenly monstrous form, an insanely wild sharp tooth smile, long sharp claws bracing themselves on the bottom of his thighs as she thrust from above, bright glowing red eyes, her hooved legs mounting him from above and her bronze skin darkened.

An image of demonic lust and violation. His mother...fucking him raw.

Her cock again forced a third orgasm from the growing weaker and weaker Ian, this time his eyes rolled all the way back into his skull as his cute pink tip blue a powerful shot of cum straight onto the underside of his jaw. Other bits spurting up onto his face and chest, some spilling between his lips and into his mouth and occasionally splashing up onto Sin's chest. He felt like his mind was breaking, splitting in two.


His belly almost swelled as she too came again, he felt her drop an even bigger load now into his full tummy. Practically giving him a light baby bump on his front.

They were drenched in sweat and cum, and even though her dick had just unleashed another torrent of baby making mix, she still...was...not...done...

Ian's arms were above his head, his own seed soaking him. And all strength leaving his body, it was too much. The mental and physical exhaustion taking him. It was too good...too...wrong...too...good...

The last thing he heard as his consciousness faded was his mother's deliriously happy laughter, and her saying again, "Mommy's little fuck're mine forever...and ever...and ever...and ever..."

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