Horror Camgirl

Chapter 22 - I Was This Close under House Arrest

Chapter 22: I Was This Close under House Arrest

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

I took a deep breath and then said, “I need to check on you at any time.”

He sneered and took off his nightgown in front of me, exposing his naked, masculine body.

I looked away right after. No doubt that he had a better figure even than those super models.

After he got into the herb and waited until the herb took effect, he began to frown.

“Mr. Wei, you might feel painful. You have to stick to it.” I said.

He grabbed the edge of the wooden barrel, face paled, muscles tensed. He tried again and again, finally he roared.

Two bodyguards rushed in and got shocked by what they saw, “My lord!”

One turned back and grabbed me, shouted, “What did you do?”

“Wu, manners!” Wei Ran yelled, “Get out!”

“But my lord…”

“Shut up! Out!” He sounded brutal. They gave me a hard stare before going out.

I touched my nose. What have I done wrong?

“If this doesn’t work on me,” Wei Ran threatened with that ice cold voice, “I will pull your intestine out and wrap it around your neck.”

I got goose bumps. He was too cruel. I kind of regretted now. Maybe I had made a wrong decision to save him?

But things had happened. I could only finish my job.

The pains tortured him for nearly two hours. I checked the time and said, “It’s over.”

He immediately jumped out and stood in front of me, naked and wet. I saw him, from top to toe.

His thing was…incredibly big.

I turned back and lied obviously, “I, I didn’t see anything.”

“You saw everything.” He approached me slowly and exhaled into my back neck, making my hair stand.

“You smell nice.” He said, “Not strong but special.”

My lips twitched, and I tried to change the subject, “Mr. Wei, you are almost cured.”

He clenched his fists and said, “I can feel it. I used to feel the pains in my pubic region when I operated my inner power. But now the pains are totally gone. And I also feel my bones are getting stronger. ”

I was relieved and said, “Great. You will be completely recovered if you have another herb bath. My money…”

“Are you hard up for money?” He asked.

“Who doesn’t like money?” I laughed awkwardly.

He put on his robe and walked outside energetically and briskly. The bodyguards were happy to see him, “Congratulations!”

Wei Ran seated himself on the coach, smiling. He took out of chequebook and wrote figures on it before he handed it over to me.

I looked at the numbers. It was one million!!!

“Mr. Wei, this is too much.”

“Who doesn’t like money?” He smiled.

I was speechless. He said, “This is for two times. You deserve it.”

I accepted it and said, “Thank you. Then I should get going.”

“Wait.” He stopped me, “Why says you can go?”

“Mr, Wei, what do you mean?” I was startled.

“I am not completely cured. You need to stay here until I am.” He sipped the wine his maid gave to him.

“You haven’t absorbed the herbs completely from your first bath. And your next bath will be in next week.” I said.

“Your herb not only fixed my latent injuries, but also strengthened my bones. It is good for martial art practitioners. Many of my family members are martial art practitioners. I want you to treat them as well. Don’t worry about the money.”

I squeezed my fists. I was too concentrated on making money to consider that other people would covet my prescription.

I needed to get out of here.

Silent for a moment, I smiled, “Mr. Wei, do you know why I ran into you when you were at the park?”

He narrowed his eyes.

“My master shifu forecasted that a man would practice there and that man was injured.” I made it up, “He is a big man and he will be very successful in the future. So my master shifu told me to help him.”

I stepped forward, “Mr. Wei, the one my master shifu talked about is you.”

He sized me up as if he could read my mind.

I smiled, “My master is a secluded hermit. He can tell fortunes and change people’s life from bad to good and vice versa. Mr. Wei, if he knows that you put me under home arrest because I helped you, what would he think?”

“Do you think you can become a big shot in the future then?” I became serious.

“Are you threatening me?” Wei Ran bent forward lightly.

“Mr. Wei, we had a great deal. Why are you making it unhappy?” I said.

Wei Ran drunk up his wine and said, “If your master shifu can tell fortunes, you must learn some from him. Today I just signed a contract. You tell me what I signed for. If you guess it right, I will send you home with all my respect. If you guess it wrong, I am sorry, you have to stay.”

I had no idea of telling fortunes at all. But now the only choice I had was to stick to what I said, “My master shifu can tell the past and the future. I am not as good as him. I can’t tell the future but I can tell the past. ”

I took a handful of bronze coins from my bag. They were the rare Five Emperor Coins.

Five Emperors were from the ancient China. The coins could stop hurting from bad luck, maliciousness and evil spirits, but also help enhance fortune and blessing. They were produced in Qin, Han, Tang, Song and Ming dynasties.

The premium Five Emperor Coins were very hard to find. The most commonly-seen were the Classic Five Emperor Coins which were produced during the reign of five emperors in Qing Dynasty.

The classic Five Emperor Coins could expel ghosts, but they were way less powerful than the premium ones. It cost me a huge fortune to collect them.

After all, it could save my life.

I shook them in my hands before I scattered them on the table. Then I lost in a daze looking at them.

“What should I do? I couldn’t make it up.” I thought to myself.

“What now?” Wei Ran rushed, “Can you tell?”

“Don’t disturb me.” I hissed, “This is like disclosing a secret from heaven.

It’s not an easy thing as you thought.”

He hummed and said nothing.

I felt something and looked around. Suddenly I saw a female ghost at the corner of the room.

She seemed to notice me because she was flowing toward me. Judging from her outfit, she should be from the 1970s or 80s. I didn’t sense any resentment in her. She was an ordinary nomadic ghost.

She was trying to say something to me because I saw her lips moving. I couldn’t hear anything. Nomadic ghosts couldn’t talk. Some of them even didn’t have a thought.

Luckily, I could read lips. She said she could help me as long as I sent her to a temple to release her soul from purgatory.

“Miss Yuan, how long do you need?” Wei Ran urged me again.

I looked up and pushed up my hat, “Mr. Wei, from what I tell from the hexagrams, your business was about underground.”

He was surprised. I continued, “The thing you bought was buried underground. It was newly unearthed. But the coin tells that it is not a good thing because it has too much yin qi in it. Even if you have strong yang qi, you can’t outweigh it. If you keep it, your public region will be damaged. Then more serious things would come.”

Wei Ran stood up and stared at me like I was a monster.

“Mr. Wei, can I go now?” I smiled and gathered the coins into my bag.

He went silent and then said to his bodyguards, “Send Miss Yuan home. Show her respect. Do whatever she needs.”

“Yes.” said the bodyguards.

“It is burning hot outside. Can you get me an umbrella?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure.” The bodyguard handed me an umbrella. Then I hid the ghost into it.

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