Chapter 5: Adoping puppies & Jinguji Store
Victor POV
Megabuilding H2
9:36 AM
I grogily woke up slowly to the sight of the same robot I saw last time but this time it seemed to have changed drastically.
And not a second later saw two new robots that looked like the first robot's previous version with mismatched parts that are new.
Victor: "Hmm? Care to give me an update Combot?"
Combot: "I managed to upload new systems and with me digging deeper into the deep network I found broken AI that I rewrote entirely from scratch"
I stared blankly at Combot and sighed before I told him to tell me if the robots were able to join me in missions which is what I was hoping they could do.
Combot: "Only the original robot due to upgrading the first robot with the latest modules and materials to follow your orders to the utmost"
Victor: "Hmm? Well, are you able to control them and join me in my missions?"
Combot was silent for a few seconds which surprised me considering the fact that Combot always had responses prepared but I guess this is what made him stop.
Combot: "You want me to join you personally…?"
Victor: "Yeah, don't want you to be lonely as you work on various things and it would make it so that you experience life that of humans"
Combot: "Thank you for your consideration Victor…I will gladly accept and hope to learn more human emotions in due time"
I nodded and after getting up from my bed I stretched for the next five minutes and while stretching, told Combot to integrate with the remodeled robot to come with me for a mission.
Combot: "Understood, I will prepare the weaponry"
I nodded and decided to take a good shower to wake me up in the early morning and to be refreshed for a job from El Padre or to go downtown to shop for new clothing.
10 minutes later
I quickly dressed into my new clothes before deciding to go clothing shopping since I couldn't always use my suits as armor since it will draw unwanted attention.
As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw the advanced robot clench both of its mechanical hands before unclenching them as it turned to look at me before speaking.
Combot: "All accommodations are completed and I can now work alongside you Victor"
Victor: "Haha, finally you get to join me ad experience human life!"
Victor: "So up to what caliber can your pseudo body take on before breaking?"
Combot: "This robot body can take up to .50 Cal rounds, charged tech rounds, and few E.M.P grenades"
Victor: "They have that here? Well then, looks like you and I will be busy"
Combot: "Indeed, If I were to continue building robots I would need a large facility and materials which I can aquire but I need your permission to continue"
Victor: "That does remind me, did you use my own money or did you get it from somewhere else?"
Combot: "Whilst scouring the deep web I fount countless empty subnets and accounts frozen in ice so I aquired them fully and they can be used to make a stronghold in the deepnet to store digital information"
Combot: "Ah, I managed to get entire funds for the facilities and put them in hidden accounts"
Victor: "Welp, guess those accounts are now yours. By the way how much "funding" did you *sip* receive from those accounts?"
Combot: "A total of €66,456,467 was the amount I managed to regain"
As Combot kept explaining I grabbed myself some freshly made coffee that Combot had made during my shower and hearing the ridiculous amount of numbers I spit my coffee out.
Victor: "How much now!?"
Combot: "€66,456,467 were made from a total of 400 Accounts"
Victor: "Jesus fucking Christ, then I will just assume you dealt with any problems that come with scouring the deep web?"
Combot: "Indeed, the organization known as NetWatch tried stopping me but I flooded their Netrunners with mountains of Ice and two nearby subnets that had NetWatch digital signals"
Combot: "I then erased all background information on accounts and rewrote them under another name"
Victor: "Damn, won't that mean NetWatch will be looking all over for you?"
Combot: "Oh, it seems intruders have entered the Subnets we own, I will be right back once I deal with the Intruders"
Victor: "You do you pal"
10 minutes later
As I was inspecting the other two robots I heard the Original Robot wake up and Combots voice came out.
Combot: "I have returned with some gains and news concerning NetWatch"
Victor: "And what would that be?"
Combot: "They wish to negotiate peace with me becoming their 2nd Guardian that captures any rogue AI's that escape the Blackwall"
Victor: "Their definitely going to backstab you, it's better to be free and lay claim to the Subnets you might use"
Combot: "Understood! I will be eliminating and rewriting all coding they bring within Subnets"
I shrugged my shoulders and told him to do whatever it was he needed to do. I dressed up in Black dragonfly armor but I put on the Black Rubicon Power Assist vest instead and without the helmet.
I yawned before telling Combot to search for NCPD missions nearby we could do until 12 PM where we could go buy things.
Combot: "Understood, searching for missions now"
As I hummed I took the [Black] 1887 Shockfield as my main weapon and both [Black] RIA 313 and [Black] Trailblazer as secondary.
Combot: "NCPD missions found,"
Combot: "First one is near Skyline St, The second is on Hanford St below Night City Ringroad, and the third one is on Anderson St"
Victor: "You brought a gun?"
I looked back at Combot who had a HJSH-18 Masamune strapped onto its ammo vest as he looked at me.
Victor: "Then let's head out"
I opened the door and we headed out towards the elevator taking us to the garage downstairs.
As we were going down the floors, I recieved a message from my phone and as I checked the phone and read the message I hummed.
Victor: "Combot which place was it that was down south?"
Combot: "The NCPD mission was on Skyline St across from a food shop named Cali Express"
Victor: "Looks like Miguel sent out a hit on their leader and told me to knock out most of the Valentinos under her"
Combot: "Understood"
I got on my Itsumade and once Combot got up I felt the bike drop due to heavy metal and thought of getting a new vehicle.
Combot: "Combot are you able to buy a Colby CX410?"
Combot: "Searching for Colby CX410 Butte… search found… buying Colby CX410 Butte.."
I nodded and asked him when we would see the pickup truck and he responded swiftly, delivering a satisfying response.
Combot: "Within 5 Hours the Colby CX410 Butte will be arriving"
I nodded and we headed out south of the parking garage and towards our mission.
30 minutes later
As we arrived I received a call from Miguel as I answered it and heard the details from Miguel of the mission.
Miguel(phone): "Hey hermano! Listen, one of the Valentinos Sicarios decided to attack The people of The Glen, named Zoe Alonzo"
Miguel(phone): "As the fixer of all of Heywood, Padre heard about it and is paying for her elimination"
Miguel(phone): "Gustavo said he will pay extra for not killing the young hot-blooded Valentinos!"
Apollyon: "Understood, I will capture her and knock out the others"
Looking around the area we crossed the street and I told Combot to analyze the area for our targets.
Combot: "Starting Thermal Scanner…scan complete…"
I put on my [Black] Dragonfly helmet and connected to Combots servers as my view switched to thermal.
We entered past the concrete walls and walked to the right upstairs as we saw one of the Valentinos with an Ajax-M251.
Apollyon: "Once he turns around jump up with me and once I take him out go ontop and distract them"
Combot: "Orders received, will you be knocking them unconscious?"
Apollyon: "Yeah, I don't want to collapse the bridge I got with Valentinos and some good allies"
Combot: "He turned around"
Seeing the Valentino turn around I jumped over the concrete half-wall and then onto the other side before I hugged the wall.
I ducked and crouched before I walked forwards and saw my target. Making sure no one was watching I made my way over and got up before I wrapped my left elbow around the Valentinos neck and clamped his mouth shut with my right hand as I dragged him behind the wall.
Slowly as he lost consciousness I sat him up the wall and heard Combots coms not long after.
Combot: "Would you like a wide-range blackout and let you get to work?"
Apollyon: "Yeah just highlight the ones who have the most heinous crimes and arent young"
I told Combot yes, and waiting for a few seconds heard groans from a multitude of people and I swiftly moved as I saw highlighted enemies show up.
I moved behind those who weren't highlighted as enemies and started to knock them out with a handchop to their necks or an chokehold around the neck to take out their oxygen from reaching their lungs and bloodflow to go to their brain.
After 6 of them were knocked out I took out old reliable and leaned back with the trigger ready before I shot at the awakening Highlighted enemies in red who dropped dead.
Ratatata!!! x15
Ratatata!!! x10
Within moments I focused on the last four as Combat started suppressing from above and I took cover when I saw one of the Valentinos throw a grenade at my previous spot.
I saw the entire spot burst into flames and I couldn't help smiling before I shot back as the others who were behind cover.
Ratatata!!! x13
Combot: "Sending second Blackout now"
I-I can't se-
I took out my combat knife before I jumped over my cover and sunk my knife through the flesh of the Valentino and swiftly started slashing my knife through their necks.
After I killed the last of Zoe's Sicarios and approached the woman who is their leader she has raised up her head to look at me.
Zoe: "Tch, guess the bastard has good connections…thanks for letting the young valentinos live"
Apollyon: "Yeah, but it's the end. So if you have a final wish tell me"
Zoe: "Final wish huh? Then give my account to my little brother to pay for his schooling, heres the code to it
I raised Trailblazer before I pointed it at her head and all surviving members could hear was a bullet and a loud thud.
30 minutes Later
As we drove to the next spot Combot marked I sent out a message to Miguel to tell him the job is done and not long after I recieved my payment.
I looked at the pay and sighed before we stopped at the second spot and waited as Combot did a full sweep hacking into cameras and pinging the locations of our targets.
I made a quick call to Miguel and asked him if he could tell Gustavo if theres a man named Roberto in the Valentinos who controls a part of Hanford St.
It wasn't long for Miguel to call me and as I explained the situation he waited for a couple of minutes before he responded.
Miguel: "Yeah, there is a guy like you named, but same as before, don't kill the innocent Valentinos hermano"
Apollyon: "Got it, I will only kill those who have committed cardinal sins"
Miguel: "Andale Hermano!"
I disconnected from the call and we got to work not long after but this time we would charge in with Combot taking my [Black] Trailblazer and I would be using stun batons.
Combot sent out a wide range blackout and with my helmets interface, highlighted the more dangerous Valentinos.
I rushed straight in without fear and struck the the first few Valentinos in the head knocking them out and pulled their bodies behind cover.
I heard two shots go off and groans came from around the corner. I swiftly started moving to deal with the others by a blow to the head.
15 minutes later
Victor: "Send a message to Miguel to pick up the remaining Valentinos Combot"
Combot: "Message sent"
It wasn't long before Combot said Miguel is sending one of the Valentinos specialized cleanup crew.
So we waited for the cleanup crew and after a couple of minutes, three gray Thorton Mackinaws pulled up and Combot slowly started identifying them.
But the one we both payed attention to was the one who got out of the first grey Mackinaw.
Combot: "Alfonso de la Blanca, Age 32, is of Spaniard descent, Married, part of Miguels Division of Cleanup Crews as Captain, has military experience of 5 years, participated in the Unification War"
As Combot listed off his information I shook the extended hand the tall man offered me and took a look at his men who were blacked out with them all wearing white armbands with a broom logo on it.
???: "So you must be the infamous Sniper el Jefe was talking about?"
Victor: "Indeed, and you must be the cleanup crew Miguel talked about"
???: "Yeah, names Alfonde de la Blanca, a unit under colonel Miguel"
Victor: "Thank you for coming to help Alfonso"
Alfonso: "No problema, but since the Jefe sent me that means he trust you! So if you got something to take care of in Heywood, make sure to give me a call"
I nodded and I saw the rest of his men take out cleaning supplies alongside large black bags. I also heard Combot mention that I got a new contact on my phone and I chuckled.
As I watched them work efficiently I couldn't help but wonder how many times have they done this before to be this efficient at it.
Victor: "Lets head to the next spot Combot and then shopping for some new stuff"
Combot: "Understood"
We soon got out of the area and headed up to the last spot for today which was near Anderson St.
15 minutes later
As we were driving over, I spotted a litter of four pups laying down on an open cardboard box and I slowed down before putting the emergency lights on as I turned into the right lane, ignoring the beeping and curses being thrown at me.
I got off my bike with Combot following right behind me, I walked where the box was and saw the little pups who were left out here in the street.
Victor: "Combot, do you know what breed these might be?"
Combot: "Searching…search found! The four pups breed are Cane Corso, fierce and loyal towards their owners!"
Victor: "Hmm, then lets take them back home after our job is done"
I told Combot to bring them with us and he carefully picked them up before getting back on our bike as I had to cautiously drive towards our destination.
15 minutes later
Once we got to our location we got off the bike and I had to carefully secure the three pups onto Combot who held the box tightly.
after giving Combot his commands we soon got started with Combot giving an wide-net identification scan on all inhabitant Valentinos of this area and soon enough I got started.
Combot: "Commencing blackout"
I charged straight in with Trailblazer and stun baton in hand hitting the face of the first Valentino and choked him until he went unconscious.
I swiftly moved hitting the gold implanted skulls of a few Valentinos until they were knocked out until the blackout stopped.
I aimed Trailblazer and shot some of the Valentinos in their gun wielding arms as they fell to their knees clutching their hands.
I ducked as bullets flew past me and I created cryo grenades and threw them over the cover and heard screams before three Valentinos were encased in ice with one Valentino falling face first onto the ground due to the ice encasing both his feet.
I moved forwards as Combot launched another blackout in the Valentinos brains, knocking them out after 2 consecutive blackouts in their visions and the high felony ones had their implants implode.
After hitting the last few Valentinos unconscious with the stun batons I called Alfonso whom answered within seconds.
Alfonso: "It hasn't been an hour yet you already called me, but whats the occasion Mr. Victor?"
Victor: "Some were knocked unconscious accidentally as they tripped and fell"
Alfonso: "Who else would come to help?"
While confused at the beginning I slowly realized that while my call was untraceable via Combot, Alfonso could have people listening in so I joined in on the ruse.
Victor: "Well Mr.Anderson will be joining us alongside Ms Plover"
Alfonso: "Ah, so guests will be joining us"
Victor: "Indeed, well then I hope you bring your best to help!"
Alfonso: "I will bring a few to help around"
Once I hanged up I walked towards were Combot was and saw the pups barking and I couldn't help but rub their short black coat and unknown to me a gentle smile appeared on my face.
Combot: "Ah, one of the rare times you have smiled Vincent"
Vincent: "Hmm…guess it's been decades since the last time I saw a dog…"
So we waited for Alfonso to arrive with his team and I taught Combot the joy of petting a puppy in the meantime.
7 minutes later
Hearing the beeping noise we both turned to stare at the blacked out convoy of trucks pulling up with Alfonso in the middle car meeting up with us.
As all cars stopped in the middle of the road, Alfonso got out the middle truck and stared at the unconscious Valentinos he raised his hand and waved over his subordinates who took out their cleaning supplies and body bags.
Alfonso: "Well I didn't think I would be seeing you so soon Mr. Vincent"
Vincent: "Well when you don't want to get rid of young kids that follow their leaders words and when you deal with said leaders it just so happens Mr. Alfonso"
Alfonso: "That I can't agree with more Vincent!"
As we continued speaking I couldn't help but think back on the government letting companies control most of the market and Economy of the Transfederation.
Alfonso: "Hmm? Whats wrong?"
Victor: "Nothing just thinking back on old memories from the past…"
Alfonso: "Ah…so you too have such moments Victor…past memories are one to cherish"
Victor: "Yeah…your right…"
Alfonso: "So will you reserve another date or is it all for today?"
Victor: "It's all for today, but do you have any people who can sell warehouses to me?"
Alfonso: "As a man of my profession I know a few people who have some warehouses available"
Victor: "Thanks for agreeing to help me finding someone to sell a warehouse to me"
Alfonso: "No problem, take it as a thank you for not killing the young Valentinos otherwise many mothers would be grieving mothers…"
I nodded and once everyone was done, Alfonso walked over with a piece of paper in his hands.
Alfonso: "If you are buying a warehouse then It must be for secrecy, theres three numbers in there"
Victor: "Got it"
As he gave me the paper I took it and glanced at the paper before nodding as I walked back where Combot was waiting.
Seeing the three trucks leave, I hummed and passed the paper towards Combot that looked at it carefully.
Victor: "Got three contacts to buy secured warehouses from Alfonso…track the numbers and find out who they are"
Combot: "Understood Victor"
Victor: "But lets get out of here and go buy new clothing and materials"
I got on my bike and so did Combot with the puppies, I drove off towards the city center where we would find a clothing store.
Victor: "Wonder if they will let you come in with the puppies?"
15 minutes later
Jinguji Clothing Store
As we arrived at the front of the rather prestigious looking clothing store, I told Combot to wait outside and keep the puppies safe as I entered the clothing store.
As the doors opened swiftly I took in the interior and nodded and passed the security guard that stared at me coldly.
I walked to the front desk where I met a well-dressed man with glasses and charismatic smile as he looked at my armor.
???: "Ah a new customer! I wonder what you wish to buy today sir?"
Victor: "Do you have suit's that allow for extensive work?"
???: "Do we have a suit for extensive work? Here at Jinguji we have everything that fits for any occasion!"
Victor: "In that case, I wonder if you can present three types for me"
???: "No worries sir!"
???: "Michelle my dear! Bring me three of our more duty-heavy suits!"
Michelle: "Coming right up Mr. Zane!"
Not long after a blonde haired woman entered through the backroom with three Black, Dark red, and Blue suits.
Michelle: "Nice to meet you Mr. Customer! I hope you enjoy these three suits you asked for!"
Vincent: "No problem, do you have any changing rooms where I can try them?"
Zane: "Michelle if you will?"
Michelle: "Yes, follow me Sir"
I followed the young lady through the door on the right that led to numerous doors with numbers on them.
Michelle: "This is one of the changing rooms you can test your suits in sir"
Victor: "Thank you very much Ms. Michelle"
Michelle: "I will be waiting outside if you need any adjustments"
Victor: "Got it"
Once I got in the room I connected to Combot and told him to check for any devices in the rooms.
Combot: "Searching…no devices found"
I nodded and took off my armor and put on the blue suit first slowly and I asked Combot if it looked great.
Combot: "It looks great Victor"
Victor: "Ah right…"
I felt the sleeves be a bit loose and my chest felt a bit tight but other than that it felt nice. I wore the dark red suit next and although it fit, it wasnt my style but it could come in handy.
I wore the black suit next and looked at the mirror beside me and I couldn't help but chuckling at a past memory.
Combot: "Do you not like this suit Victor?"
Victor: "No, quite the opposite really…I remember always taking Black suits to Friedrichs parties and at Ezekiel who would accidentally tear his suit"
Well, since I decided to buy all three I wondered if they could take orders. I put on my equipment and clenched my fist as I felt lighter with the suit on.
Victor: "Hmm…"
I got out of the room after folding the suits just like I had recieved them from the young lady and walked at the front of the door where she waited for me.
Michelle: "Was everything to your liking Sir?"
Victor: "It was, just small adjustments to the sleeves, and chest area"
Michelle: "Thank you for your input, I will get right on it sir"
Victor: "Dont worry, take your time Ms. Michelle"
Michelle: "Ah…thank you"
Victor: "Right, I wanted to ask if you could take orders?"
Michelle: "We take orders, but Mr. Zane presides over that part"
Victor: "Thank you for helping me today Ms. Michelle"
Michelle: "No problem, if you wouldn't mind waiting I can take the suits and adjust the three suits to fit your exact measurements"
Victor: "Thank you for your help today"
We walked back towards the front office where Zane was talking to a couple and their teenage daughter.
As Zane saw us exiting the room he smiled at us and swiftly finished talking with the family of three who were surprised.
Zane: "So any problems sir?"
Victor: "No, I already asked Ms. Michelle if she could help adjust the clothing"
Zane: "Ah, then will it be all?"
Victor: "Yes, but I wanted to ask if you take Orders?"
Seeing Zane nod with a grin I chuckled and told him if he could take 2 Black Suits with more ballistic weaves embedded in them.
Zane: "Ah, I will get Michelle to take on the orders! So is that all for today Sir?"
Victor: "Yes thats all, how much will it be in total?"
Zane: "With the three suits, and two suit orders, the total will be €15,000"
I nodded and Combot had transferred the money to Zane and I turned around passing by the security.
???: "…*mumble*…I..need… *mumble*…"
As I got out I saw a man tumble inside the store and I turned around to see the security guard tell him to stop as he got out an electric baton.
???: "You..have s-some right!?…give em here!"
The man charged at the security guard with two mantis like blades shoot out of the mans arms and start to attack the security guard.
???: "Sh- A Cyberpsycho!"
Zane: "Damnit! Everyone get to cover!"
It wasnt long before the security guy fell and charged at the couple with thwir daughter. I didnt let that happen as I sprinted forth and wrapped my arms around the mans waist and hoisted him up before performing a german suplex.
I took out Trailblazer and shot the mans arms but he rolled out of the way and charged at me but Combot had arrived at the right time.
???: "Arghh!!! WHE-!"
Combot had fired his 1887 shockfield straight at the Cyberpsycho's chest knocking him unconscious with all the electric currents going through his body.
Combot moved him to one of the walls and walked back towards me before he notified me of an incoming helicopter.
Zane: "Ah thanks for dealing with the Cyberpsycho Mr.?"
Victor: "Names Victor, but does this happen often?"
Zane: "No, Cyberpsychos are rare to see in the City Center"
Victor: "Hmm, well he appears to be addicted to whatever substance made him crazy"
Zane: "Oh that must be MaxTac! Albeit somewhat late their response time is great"
I saw a group of armored police come in with green three-goggled headgear, armor with purple energy lining, and high-tech weapons.
???: "MaxTac is here! Everyone is to behave and comply!"
???: "Where is the Cyberpsycho?"
Victor: "Cyberpsycho is out cold over there"
I pointed to where the Cyberpsycho was knocked out cold and saw a few of them stare at me before the leader nodded and told the other MaxTac officers to take the man away into the helicopter.
???: "Everyone move it! Let NCPD deal with the rest!"
After barking orders the MaxTac leader walked towards me before asking me a question to which I answered.
???: "And you, how did you manage to deal with the Cyberpsycho quickly?"
Victor: "Military training and a tazer"
???: "Don't lie to me"
Hearing this the other leaving MaxTac officers turned around and stared at me with a female MaxTac officer grinning.
Victor: "Just a gun that shocks, and if thats all
I will be on my way"
I walked out the door with Combot following with and we left the area under the watch of the MaxTac officers and NCPD.
Getting on my bike with Combot holding the puppies we drove off and I heard Combot speak.
Combot: "One MaxTac officer tried hacking into your phone but I stopped him and any tracking they wanted to use"
Victor: "Then Ill have to trouble you to keep us in the dark and if they try anything stop them or deal with them"
Combot: "Orders understood, once the warehouse is bought, weapon production will commence to defend"
Victor: "Yeah, I'll buy it soon but lets take care of these pups first before then"
Combot: "Understood…"
I drove us back to our place where it was full of life with Valentinos talking and once they saw me they cheered or raised their glass bottles.
I waved before I entered the multi-story parking lot and parked my bike before we entered the elevator and I pressed my finger on the button for my floor.
Victor: "Hmm…I guess it's almost time to make a name for ourselves huh Combot?"
Combot: "Indeed"
Once the elevator stopped we got out and walked towards our room and once I opened the door I found myself come into contact with a stranger who wore Valentino clothing, a black sombrero and a wide crooked smile plastered on his face.
Combot immediately aimed his 1887 Shockfield at the man and I raised Trailblazer aiming at his chest.
???: "So you must be the famous Franco little Miguelito was talking about…"
Victor: "Who are you…?"
???: "Me? I am El Sombreron, One of the Co-leaders of the Valentinos"
Victor: "Why are you here?"
El Sombreron: "Just to see if your trustworthy otherwise I'd have to kill little Gustavitos friend"
Victor: "Then what are your thoughts now?"
El Sombreron: "Your alright but you need better security if you wish to make a legend of yourself"
Victor: "I am working my way to that point"
El Sombreron: "Then I will be on my way, tomorrow morning El Padre will call you for a special job to prove yourself"
Victor: "…Got it…"
The man named El Sombreron left my room and I told Combot to start calling those numbers to buy warehouses.
Combot: "I will focus on increasing security"
Victor: "Yeah we need to get our own place out of here of people are able to break in…"
Victor: "What about your robots"
Combot: "Shut down…I need to gather better materials…."
I sighed and nodded before I told combot to browse the black market for materials and buy some high-tech gear while erasing its traces.
Combot: "Orders recieved!"
To be continued