High Assault Commander's New Life with the Thera Virus

Chapter 4: First Encounter with the Thera Virus

Megabuilding H2

2:59 PM

As I slept I couldn't help but remember the horrors of the planets we were dropped off into and the first fateful encounter with the mutated version of the devastaors my team had faced.

The more I thought about it the more I tossed and turned in my bed and felt my mind turn black as I started to go through the whole ordeal of that nightmare of a day.

Victor's Memory POV

Pilot: "Listen boys, your mission is to retrieve the Vaccine and research papers to make the Vaccine from a research Lab on Thera's Sub-district 06 before the Jolt ship blows up the planet"

Victor: "Hmm, how much time do we have until the Jolt ship begins destroying the planet…?"

Pilot: "You will approximately have 40 minutes once we drop you off a nearby terminus, kill all infected before the gates open and go underground and get inside a train heading towards the research lab"

Pilot: "If you haven't perished yet, call me to pick you up on an open area"

Victor: "Understood, Mitch and Ezekiel you guys understood the mission?"

Friedrich: "Understood Vice Commander!"

Ezekiel: "Understood Vice Commander!"

I nodded and prepared my weapons, making sure there wouldn't be any jams while in battle.

3 minutes later

Pilot: "Go! Go! Go!"

We all dropped down from the dropship and made our way to the terminus thats overcrowded with infected humans.

Ezekiel: "Time to let her rip!"

Ezekiel, our teams Heavy, pulled the trigger to his weapon the Krakatoa and as the barrel began to spin pure compacted lava spewed forth melting the bones and flesh of our enemies.



I aimed at the rushing bloater and pulled the trigger of my HIKS 888 CAW and an electro magnetic bullet shot forwards bursting the sound barrier as it pierced through the bloaters stomach and 9 zombies behind it.



I pulled the trigger again and another electromagnetic bullet pierced through multiple infected and through the wall killing most of the infected roaming the outside of the terminus.

Victor: "Everythings clear! Friedrich can you hack open the Gates?"

Mitch: "On it boss!"

Ezekiel: "Victor, I don't know how or why but I got a sudden bad feeling"

Victor: "Hmm, now thats a bad omen huh? Guess we will have to be even more careful than I thought"

Ezekiel: "Yeah, especially with the rich kid"

Friedrich: "I can hear you, and atleast I fight unlike those other rich kids"

Victor: "Let him be Ezekiel. Your still our VIP so we must protect you otherwise Critical Mass CEO will skin us alive"

Friedrich: "Well can't say nothing on that part, but the gates are opened"

Friedrich, our teams Medic, a surprisingly well balanced member who has vast training and goes in missions to train himself to the position of Critical Mass next Heir.

Guess he also is able to hack onto things which has come to save us when Combot started to withdraw the transfederations control over most facilities in our solar system.



As the gates oppened an infected rushed forth, wanting to bite Friedrich but he raised his weapon, the CM 000 Kelvin, and pulled the trigger as a burst of blue lazer like bullets penetrated the infected's body before it turned into an ice sculpture.

Friedrich: "Hah, always gotta love uncles R&D department! So you where saying im just a rich kid huh?"

I simply hummed while Ezekiel groaned and Friedrich retreated quickly behind Ezekiel as multiple groans were behind the opening gates.

I put away my HIKS 888 CAW, and pulled out a pair of GG17's from my holsters and all three of us backed off before we started shooting at the horde of rushing infected.








I aimed at the rushing crowd and pulled both triggers and saw their corpses turn to ash with Ezekiels Krakatoa. Some of them being turned into ice sculptures by Friedrichs CM 000 Kelvin before breaking into pieces.




My own bullets penetrated through their body leaving wide gaping holes in their bodies that burned their skin and flesh.



Once the horde was cleared, we moved forwards and turned right before more infected rushed upwards from the stairs that led to a different station.



As we kept shooting I swore I heard the entire terminus shake from something down below. Once we finished, we walked down the hallway then turned left where more infected lay ahead.








Friedrich: "That should be all of them! Now to go underground to the train!"

Victor: "Lets keep going Ezekiel!"

Ezekiel: "Need to hurry up!"

I nodded and we all headed below underground were more infected rushed at us before meeting their demise while we were busy shooting at the horde.










Victor: "EZEKIEL MO-!"

Ezekiel: "What d- ARGHHH!!!"

We couldn't hear the sound of walls breaking through the subway and before we knew it, A monstrosity broke through and smashed onto Ezekiel who barely had any time to react and had a fist the size of his body smash onto his right side.


As I watched one of my friends have his entire body flung through a wall my heart stopped beating and my body froze entirely.

Before I knew it the red monstrosity quickly approached me but as it was about to punch me, Friedrich had started shooting his weapons ar the red monstrosities back making it turn around slowly.

Friedrich: "VICTOR SNAP OUT OF IT!!!"

Hearing Friedrich shouting, I snapped out of my current state and looked at the giant red bulking beast full of muscles with only one emotion.

Raw unfiltered rage

I aimed both my GG17's at the beasts legs before I pulled the trigger and walked forwards shooting nonstop.








The beast charged forwards and with a left swing I rolled under and reloaded before dodging again as the mad beast swung once again.


As I stared at the fucking beast with rage in my eyes I pulled the trigger of my guns into its flesh.



Friedrich: "Victor! FROM ABOVE"

Looking at the beast raising both its arms clenched together to strike me down I kept shooting it before I moved around it as it brought down its arms and the ground caved in.




I kept shooting its legs until finally it buckled under its own weight of its muscular upper body as it groaned in pain.


But it did not take it laying down as it delivered a surprise attack with its fist punching my body and I was flyng backwards through a wall body battered and bones broken.




Friedrich POV

Friedrich: "GOD DAMMIT!!! Ill fucking kill you!"

I pulled the trigger and never let go but as I roared out all of my pent out anxiety and fear the red monstrosity started crawling before it used both its massive arms to launch itself towards me.

Friedrich: "DIE YOU SON OF A-!"

Ezekiel: "Get out of the way!!!"

I witnessed my colleague that was sent flying earlier stand on his feet again but with a large Iron Riot Shield as he blocked the heavy hit of the red monstrosity and was sent flying back the hallway.

Ezekiel: "FUCK!!! How can such a beast exist in this planet!?"

Friedrich: "E-Ezekiel you old bastard, your still alive!?"

Ezekiel: "Although extremely unexpected, I wont die by just crashing through a wall! I am the Wall of Steel!!!"



Ezekiel: "You bastard! Cant you see were talking over here!?"


Focusing once again, I positioned myself to continuously fire onto the red monstrosity as it kept launching itself towards us.



Ezekiel: "Friedrich! Go check on Victors condition! Ill handle myself here!"

Friedrich: "Understood!"

Making sure to stop firing onto the now slowing red monstrosity, I ran forward and looked through the subway walls to see Victor covered in his own blood.

Friedrich: "V-victor are you able to move!"

Victor: "I am able to move but… *cough*…. Im feeling rage at this very moment…"

Friedrich: "Wh- what does that have to do with anything?"

I closed in and with a medkit started to bandage his bleeding wounds but it was so many I wouldn't have enough.

But more importantly, I saw an empty syringe lying in the ground beside the Vice commander.

Victor: "I stabbed myself with adrenaline, and you might see a new side of me"

Friedrich: "But how is that different from regular adrenaline?"

Victor: "I had gotten bit once but my antibodies were strong enough repel them supposedly"

Hearing him say that shocked me to the point I was speechless. But how would he survive this long? How did the transfederation not figure out he was infected or bitten?"

Friedrich: "Just….How?

Victor: "I don't know exactly but you would be the second person knowing this"

Friedrich: "Damnit, I guess I can't help you in your current state?"

Victor: "No, but whatever that bite did is *cough* making me think of killing the red monstrosity and devour its heart"

Friedrich: "Damn I will get in trouble, but please help us in killing that damn beast Victor"

Victor: "Sure thing, but you won't get in trouble if you stay quiet- Arghh!"

In that moment I backed off and saw the usually stoic and amicable Victor change with red veins popping up and his muscled body start growing slowly before he launched himself out of the wall and intercept the lunging red monstrosity.



As I witnessed the battle of two charging beasts I didn't know what to think of it all until Ezekiel grabbed me and brought me towards the Train where we entered and as I was about to ask why we were leaving Victor back he shook his head.






Ezekiel: "I'll guess he told you?"

Friedrich: "Yes, but how is he still alive?"

Ezekiel: "I dont know either, but we need to quickly go find our mission objective"


Friedrich: "Damn, I can only hope he manages to get out of the planet with us"

Ezekiel: "Indeed!"

We both entered the train and the doors closed and slowly the gears shifted as the train started speeding up to the next three stations.


As the metro train sped through the rails there were occasionall bumps but ut must've been the infected's bodies turning to meat paste.

2 minutes later

As we arrived at the first station Ezekiel raised his weapon before pulling the trigger as infected rushed inside from the station.



I aimed and fired at the rushing infected who got the taste of pure magma and pure ice, of course there were mutated infected who developed the ability to spit out their stomach acids.



Dodging the acid spit I moved down the spitter infected who attacked from the other side of the train car.



Not even 20 seconds later we moved up train cars and repeated the same process for the next 3 minutes.

When we reached the last station, we got out immediately before firing at infected policemen who had riot shields up but it was all for naught with Ezekiels Krakatoa burning right through.

We rushed up the stairs and saw the entire street filled with egg sacs bunched together alongside a horde of infected who rushed towards us.

Ezekiel:" Kill them all Friedrich! I'll burn the eggs that keep spawing these infected beasts!"

Friedrich: "Understood! Lets get the vaccine!"






I reloaded before firing at the zombies around the stairs and ezekiel focused entirely on burning the eggsacs and as we kept killing I heard wailing and loud roars coming from down the street of the research lab.

2 minutes later

Friedrich: "All clear!"



We heard the ground beneath us break and I jumped out of the way but Ezekiel couldn't jump far enough due to his equipment weighing him down but he managed to grab the ledge.

I ran over before sliding and grabbing onto his hand and tried pulling him up but he was to heavy!

Friedrich: "Grab my hand!"

Ezekiel: "Damn it! Grab Krakatoa and pull me up!"


I grabbed Krakatoa slowly from his body and as he handed it over to me I heard roaring behind me and looked at Ezekiels fearful face.

I didn't know what would happen next but I thought of my family and my two colleagues who slowly turned into good friends besides the age gap.

All I could think of and do was say two words before something happened.

Friedrich: "Im fuck-"

Narrator POV

At the moment Friedrich wanted to pull up Ezekiel, a long and purple skinned humanoid

creature with red spots on its back managed to crawl on all fours behind Friedrich without being noticed.

When it appeared right behind him and was about to swing its arm to crush young Friedrich into a red bloody paste a dark shadow crashed into its side and punched into an abandoned building in flames.


Both Ezekiel and Friedrich looked at the man they knew as Victor change completely from the enraged form earlier, this new version of his was vastly different.

Having grown to 3 feet with pitch black chitinous hide, fleshy tendrils coming out of his body, and his left arm being a large tentacle with serrated jagged bones poking out.

Both men understood that the beast in front of them no longer was the Victor they once knew but a beast that has taken over his mind.


As it roared towards the other beast it charged forth and started attacking it with its arms that bulged massively before dealing an enhanced strike to its head.


Ezekiel: "Damnit Victor!!! Friedrich we need to quickly enter the lab and retrieve our objective!"

With both men snapping out of their state, Friedrich lifted up Ezekiels body up and both ran inside the research lab before breaking into security to open the locked doors.

Both men fired at the infected zombies that layed inside and quickly swept through the rooms until they found the green vaccines and carried them on their backs.

Ezekiel: "Lets roll out!"


Friedrich: "Where do we go from here Ezekiel?"

Ezekiel: "A nearby parking lots rooftop!"

As both neared the research lab's entrance to exit they saw the purple skinned humanoid beast be stabbed by a weapon made from "Victors" bones.


Ezekiel: "Get the fuck out now!"

Both ran out of the research lab and turned left before they ran into an opened area full of infected who turned to look at them before rushing forwards.





Ezekiel switched to his steel riot shield as he charged forth before firing off two rounds of his Mustang into the rushing crowd that got turned into ashes from the shrapnel bullets.








We slowly cleared through the dense crowd and ran up the stairs of a nearby parking garage and did not stop as the two rampaging beasts fought closer and closer.





3 minutes later

Ezekiel: "Finally! Call the pilot to come pick you up!"

Friedrich: "Got it, Ill sta- wait what do you mean for me?"

Ezekiel: "I have to bring back my battle buddy even if it costs me my life. Hes the only family I have close to me, I can't lose him even if he has turned into a monster"

Ezekiel: "I will prepare a proper burial for him back on Aartis. So if I don't make it, I don't want your death to lay on my conscience"

Friedrich: "Hah? I won't leave without you guys!"

Ezekiel: "Listen to me! Take my Vaccine and get out of here to drop them off to the government!"

Friedrich: "Damn, I knew I shouldnt have taken a liking to the two of you!"

Friedrich: "I have a mission as well to get rid of you two so all companies can profit from weapons manufactured to fight an eternal war against these undead people"

Ezekiel: "What? What did you just say? Then why the fuck have you not-"

Friedrich: "Because you two became friends and I can't betray your trust! So lets stop wasting time and help Victor!"

Although Ezekiel had many questions in his mind, it couldn't change the fact that Victor needed to be saved.

Ezekiel: "Then lets go!"


We both placed down the vaccines carefully on the stone floor before rushing down the stairs towards the ongoing fight of two monsters.



In the count of three both aimed and fired at the Savage Necrosis who didnt expect to be attacked by two more enemies.

Victor had turned back and stopped momentarily while looking at Ezekiel and Friedrich before it turned back to the Savage Necrosis with newfound rage.


Victor used its tendrils to pierce through the Necrosis skin and as it bled, its blood was sucked into the black tendrils and empowered Victor once more.


The Savage Necrosis suddenly arched its back and its back started expanding before it suddenly exploded with a burst of acid, balls of flames, and rock like projectiles.

Ezekiel: "Duck!"

Friedrich ducked just in time to avoid a rocky projectile coming his way and stayed ducked long enough until the projectile had bounced back from hitting the parking garage concrete.




With a fireball being sent Victors way he took it straight and groaned in pain before his flesh regained its initial color and rage overtook his mind once more.

Both Ezekiel and Friedrich kept firing helping Victor who slowly started changing the more it stared at the magma and ice form on the Savage Nicrosis outer skin.




As if remembering something, Victor plunged his right hand in the ground as tendrils broke through and the ground caved in below the Savage Necrosis and a concentrated mass of black tentacles wrapped around its body.



As it hissed and tried to move its body it could not move around and slowly its body started to expand before its entire body dissapeared from within the ball of tentacles.



With a defiant roar the humanoid Necrosis charged forward as it expanded its body and another wave of attacks rampaged all around itself.







Victor charged forwards with his left hand raised as it shot off multiple chitinous spikes towards the Savage Nicrosis who dodged the spikes and spat out acud towards Victor who pushed forward.



Victors left hand turned into large claws as it scratched Nicrosis head as it screeched in pain before its back expanded once more and multiple projectiles were shot out that hit Victors battered body.






With the combined efforts of Ezekiel, Friedrich, and Victor. The Savage Necrosis took a few stumbling steps back before it roared one last time and its back started expanding to insane proportions.

Victor rushed forwards wanting to finish it off completely but he couldn't reach in time before the Savage Necrosis exploded and 3 smaller Necrosis crawled out of the original Necrosis Corpse.




Ezekiel and Friedrich ducked just in time to avoid a flying Victor who was sent flying through 2 buildings.

As both humans focused on the new arrivals, they knew they needed to buy time for Victor to awaken once again.

All three Necrosis spawn looked at the two humans who were doing its predecessor damage before rushing at them in rage.


Ezekiel: "Friedrich we can only live if we keep moving around and shooting!"



Friedrich: "I know that but the fucking green skinned thing keeps spitting acid at me!"

Friedrich had to turn around and shoot back while retreating but wasn't quick enough that the blue skinned necrosis dissapeared and appeared right behind him ready to lunge.



Ezekiel: "Friedrich duck and run towards me!"

Friedrich followed Ezekiels words and ducked as the blue skinned necrosis spawn lunged over his body and crashed onto the red burning necrosis spawn that roared at the blue skinned necrosis spawn in anger.



Friedrich took the chance to run towards Ezekiel who picked him up and ran forwards as the three Necrosis spawns followed.


Ezekiel: "Friedrich! You will need to keep shooting at the bastards while im carrying you over my shoulder!"

Friedrich: "What? Fuck it, we dont have that much time so just keep running and ill keep shooting!"

Ezekiel: "Then tell me if these things dissapear or spit out acid!"

Friedrich: "Understood!"



Ezekiel focused on running forwards with his mustang shooting forwards at infected zombies who heard the explosions earlier.

Friedrich: "Acid spit!"

Ezekiel turned left before aiming his mustang at the blue skinned necrosis spawn who had just teleported to slash his claws but was met with two point-blank flaming buckshot making it shriek loudly.



Friedrich didn't waste a moment to target the green necrosis spawn's mouth as it opened up its mouth to spit out acid.



With multiple bullets hitting its mouth in that instance, the necrosis spawn started to claw at its own neck to get rid of the ice crystals forming in its throat.

Friedrich: "One of them is temporarily stopped and cant shoot acid!"

Ezekiel: "Got it!"


Friedrich continued shooting at the blue skinned Necrosis until finally its body slowed down and its teleportation was shortened due to the ice weighing down its body.


With two of the three necrosis spawn temporarily disabled, Ezekiel ran around the three necrosis spawn with Friedrich never letting go off his trigger before reloading and pulling the trigger once more.

Ezekiel ran towards the building where Victor layed and saw him embedded in the wall with black tentacles wrapping around his heavily bleeding body.

Ezekiel: "Victor! Victor! Wake up you fucking bastard!"

Ezekiel put down Friedrich who did not stop shooting and let Ezekiel try to talk or awaken Victor in his form.

Victor POV

Ezekiel: "VICTOR!!! Get a grip on yourself and come back to me brother!!!"


In that moment I felt something hard punch my face and slowly I groaned as I wanted to wake up from a deep slumber.




As if awakening from a deep slumber I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ezekiels fist about to punch me but I unconsciously used my new tentacle limbs to grab onto his hand to stop it.

Ezekiel: "Shit! Its not Vic-!"

Victor: "EzEk-..kIeL…? WhAt hApPeNeD?"

Ezekiel: "Holy shit your fucking alive!!!"

I looked at him confused before I blankly stared at the tentacles wrapping around Ezekiels arm as I cautiously let go of his arm without harming him.

Victor: "HoW LoNg dO We HaVe?"

Ezekiel pulled up his sleeve and looked at the military clock before his face grimaced making me know what that meant before looking at Friedrich.

Victor: "Need… tO mAkE sure He LiVeS.."

Ezekiel: "Yeah, but the entire mission was rigged from the very beginning!"

Ezekiel: "We were never meant to retrieve the vaccines but the corporations and government wanted to get rid of the planet even if we made it out or not"

Victor: "I SeE…"

As I took in that information I nodded sadly and looked at my transformed body with sadness before looking at Ezekiel.

Victor: "Ill Be KiLlEd EzEkIeL…"

Ezekiel: "Then fuck em! Im not leaving my brother out here to die!"

Victor: "I don't… wAnT yOu tO Live wiThOuT rEgReTs…"

Ezekiel: "Leaving you here to die would be my greatest regret, I don't leave family behind!"

Friedrich: "Hey you two! Stop the Bromance and help me kill these three monsters!"

I remembered the explosion and blacking out so seeing three identical yet smaller monsters of the one I faced before made me growl before getting out of the hole I was embedded into.

I coiled the tentacles in my left arm like a spring before lunging at the blue skinned humanoid monster who dissapeared and appeared behind me.

Not bothering with the one behind me I focused on the green skinned monster and in an instant stabbed my tentacle through its open mouth and in a burst of speed penetrated its acidic fleshy insides and came out of its back.



With the first of three killed, I looked at the beasts corpse before feeling intense hunger and my stomach opened up with sharp teeth and a long tongue that wrapped around the beasts body and dragged it within my mouth before the large mouth started eating.




Not long after, I looked at my lower body in surprise and disgust as blood burst out the openings of the gnawing teeth breaking the beasts flesh and bones.

Ezekiel: "Victor the blue one is to yo-! Holy Shit!"

Ezekiel: "Friedrich with me! We need to call the Dropship we don't have that much time!"

Friedrich: "Understood! Start climbing!"

Feeling my instincts flare to the right I twisted my body at an inhuman angle and grabbed the lunging blue beasts hind leg before my body started shaking with eyes appearing throughout my body and green acidic liquid coating my left tentacle arm as I pulled the blue beast towards me with my body's stomach opening up.




I turned my right arm into a long cylinder tube and aimed at the figure of the teleporting blue beast that tried running away.

I formed a long piece of bone coated in acid within the bone and flesh tube before I shot out the acid coated bone into the blue beasts head killing it in an instant.


Ezekiel: "Ah the red ones after us!"

Friedrich: "I can stall for time! My weapon should affect it and cool down its flames! Ezekiel go up and call our ticket outta the planet!"

With both forming a plan, Friedrich spread out from Ezekiel and kept shooting the burning humanoid beast with his weapon that did more damage with the amount of ice fragments forming on the burning beasts skin.

As I kept devouring the blue beasts flesh I closed my eyes and slowly tried using its ability to teleport but my body was heavy with three corpses stored inside my body.

I gained an exponential amount of muscle mass from the first Red Monstrosity that I devoured and took his gains for myself.

The two corpses I held now were being digested unconsciously trying to devour their essence that held their abilities.

Victor: "The…TrIcKy one Is tHe blue one…"

As I spoke to myself I realized my vocal chords were changing to my human self's version, which I found intriguing yet dreadful of.


Remembering the last one I turn around to rush into the parking garage's fifth floor but I see Friedrich patching his scarred arm with bandages.

Friedrich: "Ah, how nice of you to pass by Vice Commander!"

As he was speaking he raised his weapon at me with a bitter smile on his face as if already giving up.

I said nothing and looked the corpse of the dead monster and back at Friedrich.

Friedrich: "So this is how I en-"

Victor: "Get a grip…on your…. Self…"

Friedrich: "What? You! You really came back to your senses!?"

Victor: "Indeed but…if you dont….mind…"

I pointed at the somewhat dead corpse of the third beast whose flames seemed to linger but they were dimly lit.

Friedrich: "Sure! Ill go up to check up on Eze-"




Sensing something wrong I moved my tentacle to wrap around Friedrichs body and pulled him back as a rocket flew into the stairs from another buildings rooftop.

Friedrich: "What the fuck! Were we not the only team sent here!?"

Victor: "Hmm, if their not with… you then someone…. hired them to… get rid of us…"

Friedrich: "If their not with CM their the other companies!"

Victor: "Go to the top and…help Ezekiel…"

Friedrich: "Then take care Victor"

I raised my tentacle arm and fully focused on trying to create small bone tubes on it and felt it work and I aimed towards where the rocket came from.







Three separate high velocity bone spikes were launched from the tubes into the three Black clad figures who died instantly with their organs impaled.

If the penetration of the bullet through their body didn't kill them, the concentrated acid would eat out their flesh matter.



But that wouldn't be the last of them as I felt a bullet hit the right side of my skull. I stared at the sniper in the distance before I wrapped my tentacle arm around an abandoned car

and flung it towards the sniper.



Within seconds the car exploded in flames, engulfing the shocked sniper and their crew entirely in flames.

Not long after, I heard footsteps from below and my rage started boiling the more I thought of having both my brothers in arms die here.

Focusing on my body, I wanted to try to expand my body to quickly save my two brothers in arms.





My body started expanding in massive proportions and slowly my bestial nature wanted to take control but I closed off the voices and focused on my goal.

???: "C̵̨̝̥̤͎̭̮̜͉̟̈́̄͛̓͋͗̒̏̎̍͜ͅͅọ̶̟̱͙͈͈͖̰̣̋͊̕͜͠ͅn̵̥̈́̓̒́̀̏̾̈͐͘͝ś̶̡̱̎͋̔͛̌̓͋͆͐̈͗̈̔̓̓ù̶̗̾̉́͑̓͒̊̾͑̍m̴̳̦̳͎̬͐̅ę̵̛͖͔̦̻̠̹͎̞̉͐̋̾̄̍̐ͅ…̸̨͍̩̙͉̖͍̃̓̾͒́̋͑͝

???: "E̴̬̙̿̄̕͝v̵̧̧̧̠̭̠͎̜̱̥̪̞̼̫͋ö̸̧̦͓̞̘̱͙́̍́̅̄̃͘ļ̷͙͎̼͙͙̙̳̖͂̊̆̒̇͌́͆̒̋̓̔̆̑͠ͅv̷̨̺̯̞͕̹̤͓̠̪͎́̈́̃̏͛́̈́̀̕̕͜͝͝ę̷̩̺̼͈͇̺̙̲͙̻̄̌͐͂̄͒̆̂̓̏̉̾̅͒̊̕̚.̸̫̰̤̈́͗̓͆̕͝

???: "D̶̨̛̩̗̺̬̝̍̒̒́͑̓͆̔̂̀́̚͠ę̷̩̭̫̰͎͙̥̫̪̲̈́̽͂̐̈́̉̍̋̕͝v̵̨̹̠͙͚̬̬̘̫̱͖̭̙͈̲͐̍́̓̄̽̃̀̌̈́͘͘ǫ̶̢̪̳̝̟̥̜̰̔͆̃̊̀͜u̵̢̧̡̘̙̫̣̝͇͈̞̝̓́͐̈́̀͝r̴̡̪̲̩̣̪͙̗̣̥̱̣͈̘̾͛̄̒͛͑̑̀̔̐̈́̀͘͝…̸̨͈̜̞͂̒̽̿̆͝͝

Victor: "Fuck off!"

Narrator POV



???: "Fuck! The fifth floor blew up!"

???: "What was that commotion!?"

In that very moment, the parking garage's 5th floor exploded by an entire mass of red flesh that started rampaging with multiple tentacles penetrating all the way through the cemented floors until they drilled into the mercenaries bodies

Mercenary 3: "What j-"



Mercenary 8: "ARGHH!!!"



Mercenary 4: "Run di-"



Mercenary 5: "Arghh! My sh-"



???: "Run to the elevator quickly!"



With three running towards the elevator, they reached it but as they were about to enter they were skewered by a large bone projectilel that stuck all three in the stomach.

???: "ARGHH!!!"

???: "D-am *cough* wha-"

???: "WHAT IS T-"


As the elevator doors opened up a blob of red flesh crawled out and with its fleshy tentacles that burst out of its body it wrapped around the skewered trio and pulled them within its opened mouth before closing it with screams being heard not long after.









The remaining mercenaries started shooting at the mass of flesh but it didnt due much before tentacles and smaller bone projectiles tore through their flesh and pulled them into its opened maw as it devoured them whole with their weapon.

???: "St- ARGHH MY ARM!"

???: "Do- ARGHH!"

With their body being devoured and crunched into paste, the mass of flesh grew before devouring the rest of the mercenaries and slowly started to merge back into one being as it crawled upstairs and as it started compacting back into one humanoid being.

Victor POV

Victor: "Grr, I feel…weird but I need to go to the… other two"

I looked through the opened parking garage to the nearby buildings before taking a deep breath of relief.

I walked upstairs all the way to the top and saw the dead bodies of RIA Special Forces with melted armor and few turned to ice fragments.

Victor: "Are you….alright Ezekiel?"

I stared at Ezekiel who had been shot in the shoulder and at Friedrich who was bandaging up his wound. Ezekiel looked at me seriously before looking at Friedrich and back at me"

Ezekiel: "Tch, as much as I hate it. Unless we get rid of the Vaccines we wont be leaving the Jolt Ship Alive or in future missions…"

Friedrich: "He speaks the truth, other companies will hunt you two down to get rid of the vaccines and continue this War that they can profit in"

Victor: "I see…but how… do we get rid of the vaccines?"

As they both stated at me I suddenly realized their plan and nodded solemnly. If I can turn back I wouldn't mind spending my days in Earth and going on missions.

Friedrich: Then lets give it a shot!"

Soon Friedrich and Ezekiel walked over with both vaccines in their hands and Ezekiel looked towards Friedrich on where to plug the Vaccine in.

Friedrich: "If we want him to not worry fully of turning back into this monster then straight in the heart and behind the neck that connects the spinal cord"

Ezekiel nodded and soon both carefully plunged the vaccines needles into my heart and Ezekiel slowly pushed the plunger into my spinal cord and I slowly felt my mind plunging into darkness.

Ezekiel POV

As I looked at Victors monster form twitch wildly for the next couple of seconds I clenched my fist and we both watched Victor slowly turn back into his human self making me sigh in relief and laugh outloud.

Friedrich: "What the fuck!? How is this old bastard packing heat!?"

Ezekiel: "Shit if I know, lets just change him with these fuckers clothes"

3 minutes later

Once Victor was fully clothes and armored the dropship arrived from orbit and slowly opened up its bay door.

Pilot: "Get in! We only have 5 minutes before the Jolt Ships Super weapon blows this hellhole of a planet!"

We nodded and brought in Victor with us and we left the city and went back into the Jolt Ships hanger bay.

I only hope they take our excuse and those companies seem fine with our response. But with Friedrich helping us join him we should be fine.

1 hour later

Once we arrived at the hanger bay we dropped outside and saw multiple RIA Special Forces, HVM's Soldiers, Shotlite Soldiers, and CM waiting outside.

Unknown to the teams standing outside of their crews deaths they wanted to see who brought back the vaccines so they could earn fame and promote their corporation.

???: "Now well see who won in the end huh?"

???: "Hah! As if you HVM fuckers want to fight us!"


Once the bay doors opened up as the Rubicon Industries soldiers wanted to run towards their crew seeing their gray steel shoes but stopped seeing only three people with blood covering their armor clad bodies.

Ezekiel: "What a good warm welcome huh?"

Friedrich: "Oh the guys that were hired are here!"

In that moment Friedrich raised his weapon before aiming at the Rubicon Industries and the Rubicon Industries Special Forces raised their guns and their captain spoke in a flabbergasted manner.

???: "W-what is the meaning of this!?"

Friedrich: "If your people tried killing us harder this shouldn't have happened. So goodbye!"


Friedrich pulled the trigger and a volley of blue lazer beam bullets blasted through the RIA Special Forces chests and the Shotlite Soldiers aimed at the other soldiers of the other companies before pulling their Supermarine's triggers.

Victor aimed one of his now white and red GG17 and pulled the trigger killing the first two in front.

I aimed Krakatoa and pulled the trigger tightly as I aimed at the dumbfounded soldiers of a famous corporation without a shred of hesitation as I watched their bodies burn and melt into puddles from the magma.





Within seconds the entire hanger became a warzone with lead and grenades flying across the field until a shot rang out throughout the field and 3 squadrons of Black armored Soldiers arrived with the current Transfederation President.



Hearing the presidents loud voice reverberating around the hangers large walls made everyone stop firing and quickly recover and grab their wounded.

???: "S-Sir! We were trying to get the Vaccines to the doctors b-but these traitors started shooting at us"

President: "Stand down all of you! You three tell me, did you manage to recover the Vaccines?"

Ezekiel: "Unfortunately no sir, while we were trying to run to the exfil point a savage monster had come out and attacked us"

Friedrich: "Whilst trying to kill the monster, we were attacked by other corporations groups and the vaccines were destroyed"

Victor: "Hmm, most of them are your people who attacked my vaccine retrieval team…"

RIA Captain: "theres no evidenc-"

Victor walked back inside before dragging with him two dead RIA Captains covered in blue crystals and red scorched holes through their bleeding bodies.

All of a sudden the entire hanger went silent before loud shouting came from Rubicon Industries injured captain.

RIA Captain: "Impossible!!! They were only told to incap-!"

In that moment, the RIA Captain had slipped and told us all in public of their actions involving the destruction of humanity's vaccines and acting as our scapegoats.

Friedrich: "Well that solves that huh? But I believe your superiors will have discussions with my father about the assasination attempts on my life"

RIA Captain: "Why you little-"

It didn't matter to us as Victor simply threw both dead RIA Captains at the captain and left with us to the Shotlite Soldiers who waited for us before entering their own Space Shuttle.



Victor POV

Victor: "So, will we be able to continue our missions Friedrich?"

Friedrich: "Yeah! Whilst you were sleeping I wrote a formal contract that made you guys into my bodyguards and only be ordered around by me not even my father!"

Victor: "Hmm, you proofread the entire Contract Ezekiel?"

Ezekiel: "Yeah, surprisingly enough we have more liberties than all previous jobs beforehand"

I simply nodded and closed my eyes as I sat down on an empty seat and thought back on the strange feeling and voice I heard.

Flashback 30 Minutes back




In a mad haze I charged at the red monstrosity with my body starting to change. I slowly grew taller with my skin turning fully black and my armor creaking as it started to merge with my flesh.



???: "C̴͎͐̍͋o̴̗̼͍̳̫̭̜̠͔̩͇̒͆͆̒̋͆n̵̙̟̆̇̄̒̏ͅš̷͕̩͇̪̘̈́̂̎̐̓̂̅̚ų̷͓̦̲̬̜͚͙̯͔̗̑͗͒̐͋̀̈́̃m̷̧̡̢̭̮̞͖̮̣͚̳̻̗͙͈͂̈͑̉͌͑̆̐͛͐́̌̕̕̕͝e̴̯͙̺͚̠̭͓̺̫̤̟͈̿̈́̔̅̒̓̇́͋͊̑̅͝ͅͅ…̷̨̹̫͙͗̑͛̓̌͝͝,̴̣̝̞̟͙̥̆̒̎͜͝Ę̸̻̹͉̟̭͈͂̿̋̋̐̈́͘͘͘v̸̢̹̫̘͓̦̦͍̼̞̹̘̣̳̩̩̊́̈́̇̂͘̕̕o̷͔͔̺͈̞̒̋̈́̒͒̓̂͘͘̕͝͝l̶̡̡̡̥̯̗̮̫͈̬̰̱̩̬͙̳͌̿͊͊͛͐͋̽̅̀̎̋͝v̷̧̨̟͚̫̙͉̤̖̝̯̰̭͂̀̇́̐̀̌̒́̿̌̚͜ë̶̖̤̘̥͖̖͙̥̪͉̝̥̘̠́̏̊̈́̌ͅ…̶͈̲̮̒͛̕̚͠,̷̡̧̢̧̛̻͚͎̬͍̣̬̜̤̘̬̈͋̆̒͑̄̌̌̏̈͗͘͜D̴̢̤̬͇̲̘͇̪̖̪̠̣̀͛̃͒͌̑̓̿͌̾̈ͅę̴̰̙͉̹̻̓̌̊͋̄̿͗͐͑̉͑v̶͙̹̘̦͇͎̩͇͈̗̼̼̲͍͖̎͆̂̅̄́̑̄̑͜͝ǒ̵̎͐̆̅̎̅͑̒̿͛̊̏͊͑͠͠ͅų̶̛͍̥̰͒̍̀̃͒͑̎͋̒̉̎̚͘͝͠r̴̨̹͇̤̖̾͐̋̆̎͑̂̽͛̀͑̍̚͘͝ ̵̨͖͚̱̹͓͎̞̈́̽̌̈̿̈́͊̾̐̔̍͌̀͝͝ą̷̞̩̦̭͉͖͖̯̰̼̖̒͊͂͂̈́̀l̴̛͎͚͇̲̳͍͕̈́̋̐̌͊͗̅̈̿͗͋͊͋͜͝͝l"

Whispers started to appear in my mind and the red haze overtook my vision and I plunged my combat knife into the red beasts eye socket.


With a pained roar it grabbed my left arm and ripped it right off yet I did not feel it.

I twisted my combat knife and feeling my left arm start shaking I instinctively pointed it into its face.




Victor: "DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!"

Within seconds a large fleshy tentacle grew out from my left arm and through its opened eye socket and slowly as it roared in pain it ceased to exist a few seconds later dropping to the ground.

At the same time the whispering voices became loud shouting for me to consume its flesh, devour its core, and evolve further beyond my human self.

???: "Ć̵̼̝̉̆̀͂̓́͝͝o̷̢̝̺̯̱̠̱̺̮̫̣͠ͅn̴̛̮͉̝̬̲̔͂͗̈́̽͊͌̓̍̌̿̓̕͝s̴̛̛͔̱͇̙̣͆̿̉̉̀͆̾̉̽̈̀̕̕͠͠u̷͎̗͂́̈̄͛͌͐́̂̐̊̕̚͠͠͝͝m̶̢͚̣̤̪̺̠̦̣̳̜̀̂͑̀̿̽̊̃̓̈̀̋͊̾͘͠͝é̸͓̜̹̼͈͕̫͍̳̏̿̿́͗͌͗͛͐̀̏̕ͅ ̵̧̨͕͓̩̼̘̱̜̳̳̝̝̘͈̉́͆̌i̷̹̖͛́͊̇̔̐͒̒̾̈̽͊̉͌t̸͔̠͉͔̫̝̠̫̼̆̾͗s̶͕̙͇̫̱͉̱͈͓̺̟̱̅̽̉̚͘̕͝ ̷̡̡̡̛̣̯̤̪͉͈̥̼̩͋̂̽̅͗̄̿̽̀̅̚̚͠͝͠͝ͅf̸̨͉̈́͛̆̈́̒̔̐̎l̸̡̘͓̭̮̩̙͈̯̇̀͝ę̵̟͕̥̙̳̟̮͎̘͍̘̩̗͕̔̽̈́́͂̿̐͘͝͠s̸͖̯͎̼̹̘͎̬̜͖̥̘̰̺̃̿̈͋̌̿̒̆ͅh̶̹̺̱̘̀͒̋͋̓̐͜!̵̡̛̩͚̥̙̖̖̳̆̇̏̈́͗̀͆͛̌͘͝ ̷̙̦̭̫͂̊̉̊̀͒̈́͘Ḑ̸̱̝̖͔̠̘͚̮̹̲̘͇̲̼̩͔̊͊̒͐͆̉̒̀́͂e̴͇̱̞͉̞͓̟̞͈͆̋͋̃͗̈́̿͊̍̌̐̄͐̕v̴̨̨̨̻͇̲̦͚͎̫͈͖͉̍̂̓͐͌̾͊̚͠o̵̢̨̟̠̰͊̆̽̕͠͠͠͝ų̴̢͚̪̭̟̤͍͍̰̉r̷̡̮͕̣͎̩̀͐̄͒͝ͅ ̵̡̹̖̬̮͚͈͍͆́̃̂̀̌̈́̾́͌́̑̅̉̚̚͝î̵̢̛͕͙̻͓͕̹͙̲͕̓̒͑̈́̓̍̄ṭ̵̝̈̆̀̿̈́̾͆̌́̕͝ŝ̴̡̡̭͙͈̺̗̹͇̈́̽́͒̎̂̐̃̑̇̄͜ͅ ̶̳̜̄̊͌̀̅̀̋̓̌͗̾͐̅͐̚̚͝C̸̮͍̤̺̓͌ó̶̠͇̹̱̟͈͉͇̝̻̈́̓͋̈̐̄̂͗͛͒́͒̕ͅr̴̘͚͍̄̋e̸̲̥̘̫͎̰̠̳͗͐̋͗͗̀̽͠!̷̜̯̜̪̤̼̲̹̳̙̟̟̬͍͆͆ ̸̢̙̦̰͙̟̹̆̎̀E̴̛̠̐̓̆́́̀̂͒̎́̌͊̽̕͝v̵̢̡̜̬͉̥͕̯̙̮̭̒̒͋̀̓̂̓͂̕ͅͅö̸͙̱̰͔̝̈́̈́͒͑́̏͝l̶͔͆̌̎̂̉̒̑̆̚v̷̠̮̹͛̑̿̑̀̏̈́͘ȩ̷̢̝̘̰̺̰̙̪̗͛̾̉̿̊͌̎͒̒̕̚̚ ̵̧̭̥̭̝̜͚̭̖͉̺̭̬̰͊̐͋̂̂̾̋̊̇̀̓͛̂̋͝f̴̧̨̹̗͎̲͖̱̋̄̉͠ų̴̢̜̮̪̙̈́̀͛͂́͊̅r̶̛͍̺͚̦͙̱̱̓͑̈̽͛̀̽̒͑̚͠͠t̴̤̫̥̙̐͑̇̅͛͘ͅh̵̡̧͓̘͇̣̹̳̜͍̖̤̝̆͂́́̕̕͜͝͝ę̷͉͚͔̙̞̼̹̦̣̩͙̪̓͊̿̀̅r̵̡͉̖̥̜̼̊̀ͅ!̷̯̣̹͈̅́͐̿͑͌̌̔̈́̊̃̆͜!̸̪͌̋̔̅͝ͅ!̵̛̝̦̭̮̯̉͆͑̀̿̀̎̕"

Victor: "ROOOOAR!!!"

Feeling my consciousness fade slowly I could only remember biting my teeth into its flesh as blood dripped on my body it mattered not for the intense hunger I craved.

Slowly I devoured its flesh entirely and with it its massive physique further changing me to the point of insanity as I could no longer control my self.

Victor: "D̸̢̛͖̲̫͕̱̩̪̜̦̗̩͙̓̀̇ȩ̶̠̠̪̠̹͍̥̮̫̜̟̲͔̲̗̺̎̋͝v̸̰̳̻̠͉̞̪̥͕͗̆̊̓̒̂̉̄̂̑̃̇͜͝͠͝͠o̷͙̅̏̂͐̎́͋̾̅̀͂̚͝͝ų̸̞̼̻̋̒͆̈̌͋̽̕͘̕͘ŕ̴̡̠̳̬̺̙͉̝̪̩͐̏͌̔̉̿͌̀́͌̿͜͝͝ͅ…̸̭͓̮̘̜͆̊̇̈̔.̴̨̻͉̗͖̬̱͖̮̠̟͇̰͆̉̎̏̔̌͗̌̌͛͌̚̚͜͜͝͝ͅ.̸̢̢̧͚͓̲̖̯́͊ͅe̷̛̛͓̞͓̤̻͍̭̮͕̘̖͇͐̓̓̊̈́̄͘͝a̴̞̍̕t̵̙̲͔͛͊̈̆…̶̖̈͋͂̈́́͛̏̿͗̂̈ẇ̷̬͕̳̯͈͕̗͒̈́̚͝͝ͅḣ̸̛͎͎̖̌͛͆͒͐͑̄̈́̕̕̚͘ͅơ̵̡͖̪̰̫̲̬̥̗͔̞͒̇͑̈́́͛͂͒̏̂l̷̛̗͈̻̯̠͚̤̺̮̆̐̀̍̎̓̈́͛̆͝e̶̢̛͙͖̝̺̼̗͙̻͜"

After eating through its extremely tough exterior of bone and pure muscle mass I saw a shining piece of blue within its chest and I ate the piece of blue metal which is where I fully changed into an unknown creature.

The last thoughts I had where to keep repeating words of protecting my two brothers in arms until I heard a distorted female voice and everything went black.

???: " D̶͕͖͈̬̠̠̘̥̬͙͚̪͇͕̖̼̏͒̀̏͆͒͆͗̀͆̇̂̀̈́͘͜o̷̰͖̯͉̬̖̣̖͉͆̋̈̑ ̷̪̺̳̠̺̗̲͈̬̺̦̝̼̗́̓͜n̵̨̛̺̪̦̠͈̭̊͐̒͂̾̈́͋̍̓̔͘͠͠͠o̴̲̣͍̫̤͍̼̘̓̎̆̎̉͆͑ț̵̲̖̒̎͛̅̌̈͛̉̀͆͘ ̷͕̺͖̺̝͇̟̪̘́̈́̈́̿̈́͊́͗̅̔̀͛͝͝f̴̟̬̘̥̱͙̠̗̆͜͠r̷͓̩̰͎͕͕͉͎͚͎͐̿̐̆̀̈́̀͂͛̅̋̂̑̉͠ȩ̸̛̻͕̩̯̤͈̃͐̃̅̇̈́̋͑̀̔̆͐̿̕͝ţ̵̤̦̦͓̋͒͊̀̇͑ ̶̹̈́̓͊̓̓̆̓f̴̦̠̠̥̝̺̞̖̝̘̣͚̤̎́̽̈́̀̈́̄̚̚ơ̴̧̢̨͈͈͙̯͓̩͑̌̿̾̆̂͑̽̏̀̓̇̀̎́ͅr̸̟̬̯̿͌̐̈́ ̸̡̨̯̞̮͍̖̞͇̣̻̤̹͔̬̩̆͂̅͑͑͋͘y̸̧̡͓͍̺̜̱̘̻̙͓̙̙̔͂̈̎͆̉̽̆͋̔͛͜͜͠͠ơ̶͕̖̥̥̮̬̤͈͎̹͕͕̹͈̅̑͆̾̓̀̑́͘̚ͅͅu̸̘͐̏͗̎̔̔̌̆̃̾̚͠͝ͅ ̸͎̙͇̤̥̬͈̗́s̷͚̦̠̮̲̰̠͖̬̐͌̄̃͊͋̒́̎̏̆̆̕̕͝h̸̀͌̃͜a̴̯̭̪͓̔̍̉̾͛͒̓͆̋͌̌͒̎̽̅͠l̵̛̗̩̪̹̄͌̃́͝l̴̢͎̲̰̤̯͓̼͖͈̺͔̓̈́̿̐̋ ̵̧̡̞̤̞͍̗̟͙͙̼̦̻̘͌̀͗͑b̴̛̘͈̲͖͇͈̈́̊͒̊̅̊͋̀͌͊̿ě̵̢͚̗̖̩̬̼̲͙̫̩̱͋̈ĉ̴͔̦̥̣̘̺̠̻̤ò̷̡̢͙̥̠͚͍͍̠̥̭̌͋͊̀͐̃̓̿͂̓́͘͝͝m̵̢͔̩͉̹̯͎̲̜̲̻̱͕͉̜̩̏͐̈́̌̓̈́͆͗̏̏̀́̕ͅę̴̻̬̞̩̦̗͕̯͖̰̱̙̞̎̾̽̂̈́͜͝ ̷̗̥̠̙̂̊t̶̨̖͚͍͇̝̜̹̉̀́̈̊̊͋̑͐̄̃h̵̡̳̪̯̻̞̬̼̝̣̠͇̤́̓̃̈́͒̓́̂̚͜ȩ̵͔̪̫̫̼̝̻͎̼̱̮͔̱̜͈͑͝ ̵̛̩͙̹̥͎̲̜̻̣͕̘̘̼̩̪̓́̓́̊͋͂̆́̌̈̐̈͜͜͝͝p̷̢̗͖̬̭̖̟͓͎͚̑́̀̈́̽̅̆̆̀̿͆͘͝ị̴̛̯͉̳̔̅ͅn̴͓͙̭̼̟̖̥̿̇́́̿̎̿̍͐̌͝ņ̷͖̘͓̺̤̖̼͙̩̙̗͕̘͍̦͖̇̋̋̓̈̓̓͋͒̈́͗ã̶̡̛̛̬̺̠̐̀̀̀̐̈́̒̎̋́̄̐c̶̛͔̺̄̀͂̈́̈́̓͑̊̈́́͆̊̉͂̄ļ̸̧̥̹̹̦̯̽͒̑e…"

Flashback End

Feeling someone shake me I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ezekiel looking at me worriedly.

Victor: "Im fine, but we have much to talk about…"

Ezekiel: "Understood, just relax and tell us everything when you feel comfortable"

Friedrich: "Well, were nearing the Critical Mass private Space station soon so we should prepare for the bunch of talks of the vaccines destruction"

I nodded but didn't pay much attention when he talked of nearing his corporations space station. All I was thinking about was the strange distorted voice before I blacked out and if I have the blue piece of metal deep within my chest.

Sigh, I just hope to survive and continue helping the population from getting killed and infected by the dead.

Victors Dream ends

In a sudden twist and turn I woke up loudly gasping for air and clutching the sheets I loudly breathed in and out quickly before calming myself down.

Victor: "Hah! Ah, it was only a dream.."

I asked Combot for the time and recieved a response surprising me but more importantly there was a robot in the corner of the room arranging the guns neatly and disassembling my guns for any problems.

Combot: "It is currently 4:37 AM"

Victor: "And why is there a robot checking up on the weaponry?"

Combot: "I managed to hack a militech Robot that was patrolling nearby alongside 4 other Militech Robots"

Hearing Combot speak lightly as if it was your everyday monday, hacking into a multi-billion dollar corporation is nothing at all.

Victor: "Then you erased all of their code and rewired them fully?"

Combot: "Indeed, having tapped into the net I managed to learn enough information to make 100 new robotic modules to improve their code but the issue is the materials and current form that is flawed"

Victor: "Hmm, ill ask the Valentinos or Miguel if he knows people I can buy some materials from tomorrow"

Combot: "Understood! Have a good rest of your sleep"

Victor: "Hmm, you sound just like Friedrich and Ezekiel…night pal…"

Combot: "Ah? Goodnight…"

Thus I went back to sleep with thoughts for tomorrow and how to build a better robot for Combot.

Wait a goddamn minute! Ah whatever, I can only hope he doesnt do anything strange but it will be nice working with others again.

Well guess we will see what happens in the vast future and see if I can live life without Thera.






To be continued

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