HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 34: 34. Lily

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"Because he'll try and use mum like he does me. I won't tell anybody," Harry promised. "But I can't wait for midnight!"

"I think if he attempts to use your mum, he'll end up with a boot in his arse," Severus said smiling. He was excited as Harry. He had been given a second chance with Lily and this time he wasn't going to let it slip away as he did the first time.

When they got back from the cemetery Severus immediately went to his lab to get the potions he would need when Lily returned.

"What are you doing, Dad?"

"I need to have the proper potions right at hand when Lily returns."

"What kind of potions?"

"I would imagine returning from the Veil is hard on your magical core so I will need the Elixir of Power and a Strengthening Solution. Those two are always given together. I always keep a few vials of both on hand as does Madam Pomfrey. It is rare that a student needs them, but it has happened on occasion."

"What can I do to help, Dad?"

"In the chest at the end of my bed is a heavy blanket. Can you please get it for me, Harry?"

"Sure!" Harry went into his father's room, opened the chest and took out the blanket. He returned with it to the living room.

"Thank you, Harry," he said placing the blanket over the back of the couch. "Shall we go upstairs for the feast? I expect we have a lot to celebrate tonight. Now remember, eat something nutritious and not just sweets."

Harry grinned and said, "For sure, Dad!"

When they got to the Great Hall Harry joined his friends at the Gryffindor table where they were sitting that day. The first years were excited about their first Halloween Feast and the third years were constantly talking about their first trip to Hogsmeade.

Fred and George were talking animatedly about what they'd seen on their first visit and planning what they would do on their next visit. They talked mostly about Zonko's Joke Shop that was obviously their favorite place, but also described Honeydukes in a way that left the first and second years drooling and about the Shrieking Shack that was described as being the most haunted place in Wizarding Britain.

"The Three Broomsticks is worth visiting just for Madam Rosmerta's grilled cheese sandwiches and a flagon of Butterbeer," Percy contributed.

"And Madam Rosmerta isn't hard on the eyes either," Lee Jordan who was best friend to Fred and George, added.

"You're very quiet tonight, Harry," Millie observed.

"Well, dad took me to visit my parent's grave. It's the first time I'd ever been to visit them because my aunt and uncle would never take me."

"I'm sorry. I forgot you lost your parents on this night," she murmured. "My parents are probably wearing black and mourning the death of You-Know-Who."

"Thanks, Millie and it's okay because I don't guess anybody ever told you," Harry said.

"If it's any consolation, Millie, my parents are probably doing the same as yours," Theo said then asked, "What about yours, Draco."

Draco shrugged. "Probably, but I try not to think about it too much."

"Are you coming back to Ravenclaw Tower tonight, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"No. I'm going to stay with dad tonight. He and my mum were best friends and I don't want him to be alone tonight and I don't want to be alone either," Harry replied.

"Aww …is the Git-Who-Lived going to start blubbering over his mummy croaking tonight?" Weasley mocked him.

Vince who was sitting near Ron took a big spoonful of mashed potatoes, pulled the spoon back and let it go, hitting Ron directly in his face and wiping the sneering expression off of it. Greg followed suit with the baked squash.

"Great shot, you guys," Fred complimented and followed with a spoonful of peas while George fired off a spoonful of corn and Lee a spoonful of carrots. Neville shot off a final spoonful of stuffing at Ron. "Now you have a complete meal," he joked.

Ron got up in a rage and stormed out of the Great Hall.

"Hey Weaselbee! Aren't you going to wait for dessert too?" Draco yelled after him.

Percy sat eating and chatting with Hermione while pretending not to notice what was going on at the table.

Professor McGonagall also pretended not to notice what was going on at her house table either. Mr. Weasley had been acting like a bully towards Mr. Potter-Snape ever since the first day and she thought a little 'peer pressure' might help him adjust his attitude.

"Mr. Weasley does not seem to be very popular with his housemates tonight, does he?" Severus commented mildly.

The main meal vanished and every kind of sweet imaginable appeared. All the first year's eyes widened noticeably. Every table contained a bowl of lemon drops including the head table.

After the feast was finished and the students dismissed, Harry and Draco walked down to the dungeon together. Harry cast the Muffliato spell that his father had taught him around Draco and him and then said, "I'm sorry, you have to hear bad comments about your parents when you know they aren't what everybody thinks they are."

Draco shrugged. "I'm used to it, Harry. I've been hearing them since I was a little kid, but I know what my dad really is so it doesn't bother me that much."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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