Chapter 33: 33. Harry called. "I love you!"
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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On Halloween morning everyone woke to the smells of cinnamon, nutmeg, baking pumpkin pies, pumpkin bread and pumpkin cookies. The third years were looking forward to their first Hogsmeade visit and were talking about all the places they planned to visit and about having their first Butterbeers. There was a lot of excitement and talk about the feast to be held later in the afternoon.
Severus was glad his schedule was light on Thursday. Other than the first, second, and third year Slytherins and Gryffindors, he only had his NEWT class. He enjoyed those the most because the students actually wanted to be in class and he didn't have to be constantly circling the room to make sure the students weren't trying to undermine each other's potions as in his younger Gryffindor-Slytherin classes. He would be finished by the time Harry was done in his last class and they would be leaving immediately for the Godric's Hollow cemetery.
Harry was looking forward to visiting his parents' final resting spot. He had always longed to see it, but his aunt refused to take him, saying she wasn't going to waste her time visiting the graves of a couple of alcoholics who were dead due to their own carelessness and stupidity.
The weather had taken a turn for the worse. It was windy, rainy and cold. Harry dressed in a warm coat, his Ravenclaw scarf, a stocking cap and gloves. Severus had changed into Muggle clothing, wearing black jeans, a green jumper and dragon-hide boots and a knee-length black coat and black leather gloves. He wore his Slytherin scarf around his neck. They walked outside and through the gates. Severus held out his arm. "Take hold of my arm, Harry. I'm going to apparate us. It won't be pleasant, but it is the fastest way to get to Godric's Hollow."
"Okay," Harry said grabbing hold of his dad's arm.
Severus turned on his heel and suddenly Harry felt as if he was being forced through an incredibly tight tube. They landed in front of the gates of the cemetery. Harry stumbled a bit when they landed, but managed to prevent himself from falling down.
"Are you all right, Harry?" Severus asked anxiously. "If you are feeling nauseous I have brought an anti-nausea potion with me."
"I'm fine, Dad, but that was weird!"
"Yes, it is, but you get used to it after you have been doing it for as long as I have."
Since he had been to the Potter grave site many times and knew the shortest route there, it only took a few minutes before they were standing in front of their headstone.
Harry stared at the headstone. "Dad, what does that inscription mean? The Last Enemy to be Defeated is Death?"
"I think if refers to the Christian idea of the Resurrection and an Afterlife, Harry. Many people feel that since they will be resurrected and see their love ones again that defeats death. Death would only win if there were no resurrection or afterlife."
"That makes sense. Was mum religious?"
"Well, I recall she attended Church of England services as a child and for some time after she went to Hogwarts." Severus took his wand and with an elegant movement of his wrist, created a beautiful wreath of deep purple lilacs and gently maneuvered it down on the grave. "Lilacs were your mum's favorite flower."
"Yes, they were, Sev and I appreciate you coming every year, but I really appreciate you bringing Harry with you this year."
Harry's eyes widened. "Mum?"
Severus eyes were even wider than Harry's. "Lily?"
"Yes, Harry and Sev; it's really me," Lily answered with a smile.
"Mum, you don't look like a ghost. I can't see through you like I can the ghosts at Hogwarts."
"That's because this is the one night when the Veil is the thinnest so it takes less energy to come through it," Lily explained.
Severus watched as Lily floated over to Harry and engulfed him in a ghostly embrace. "You've taken such good care of Harry, Sev. I've been watching you since you've had Harry."
"Dad's great, Mum. He adopted me and he makes sure I eat enough and get enough sleep and he helps me with my homework when I need help."
"Which is not very often," Severus said smiling.
"But most importantly dad loves me. I was just a waste of space to Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Dudley."
Lily's expression darkened for a moment. "I never meant you to go to Petunia and her family. You were supposed to go to Sev or Alice."
"Lily, why are you here tonight?" Severus asked. "I have been here for the last nine years and you have never appeared before."
"I know you have, Sev," Lily replied. "And I've enjoyed every one of your visits, but I came tonight because I've been offered a chance to return."
"Mum, are you going to do it?" Harry asked. "You could live with Dad and me in our quarters at Hogwarts."
"Hold on, Harry," Severus cautioned. "Your mum would not be allowed to live in our quarters, but I am sure Professor McGonagall will be able to find her other quarters within the castle."
"Is my father coming back too?" Harry asked. He hoped not. He didn't want to have to deal with both him and Sirius.
"I don't know, Harry if he was offered a chance to return."
"When will you come back, Mum?""I can only return at the hour of my death which was at midnight ten years ago."
"Will we need to return here or to the house here?" Severus asked while making a mental list of all the things he would need to bring.
"Neither. I will be able to come through in your quarters at Hogwarts, but for now I've got to leave to prepare for my return."
"We will be waiting for you, Lily," Severus assured her.
"Bye, Mum," Harry called. "I love you!"
"I love you too, Harry," Lily's fading voice called back.
Before Severus apparated them back to Hogwarts he knelt in front of Harry and said, "Harry, we need to keep this just between ourselves for now. I'd rather not have Professor Dumbledore find out."
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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