Grass Story

Chapter 28: Meeting Koishi.

Kusa wandered through the landscapes of Gensokyo, her demeanor a mix of frustration and melancholy. The decision of Reimu and Marisa to venture into the underworld without her had left her feeling disgruntled as if she was being sidelined despite her considerable power.

"I have the strength, there's no doubt about that," Kusa muttered to herself, her voice carrying a hint of annoyance. However, a deep sigh followed her words, as she began to ponder the reasons behind their choice.

"They're probably worried about me slipping into another coma, even though it was just a three-day sleep," Kusa mused aloud, her thoughts drifting back to the relief in their eyes when she had finally woken up.

As she walked, Kusa's internal monologue continued, providing a welcome distraction from her frustrations.

"Reimu's team has Suika, Yukari, and Aya. Suika and Yukari make sense, but I'm not sure about Aya... or maybe I'm just biased," Kusa said with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, wondering about the choices made by her friends.

"Marisa's got Patchouli, Alice, and Nitori. Nitori mentioned a nuclear reactor deep within the pit. I wanted to absorb its energy, but that plan went nowhere," Kusa said, a tinge of regret in her voice as she recalled her failed attempt.

"Almost at the brink of evolution, and I squandered my reserves on that energy-draining spell," Kusa chastised herself, her tone heavy with self-blame for not being more careful.

Her self-deprecating laughter echoed in the air as Kusa couldn't help but find a hint of humor in her own mistakes.

"Yet here I am, scolding myself like an idiot," Kusa chuckled, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and frustration.

Still, her feelings of boredom remained palpable. "But really, being without any task at hand is just... plain boring," she admitted, her pace slowing as she contemplated her situation. While she didn't want to burden her friends with her restlessness, the lack of something to occupy her time was becoming increasingly evident.

As Kusa continued her wanderings, she found herself in the sunflower garden, a place typically inhabited by Yuuka Kazami. However, to her surprise, Yuuka was nowhere to be found today.

"Odd... Yuuka's usually here," Kusa murmured, her brows furrowing slightly at the unexpected absence.

Deciding to move on, Kusa pondered her next course of action. A mischievous plan formed in her mind as she considered the possibility of teasing Cirno and Daiyousei, the mischievous fairies that often frequented the area around the lake.

As she made her way towards the lake, she suddenly sensed the presence of another individual nearby. Her attention turned to a green-haired girl walking ahead of her.

"You know, I can sense you're there, right? Not literally 'see,' but the sense is probably the right word," Kusa addressed the girl, a sense of amusement lacing her words.

"Eh?!! You can see me!" the girl, Koishi Komeiji, exclaimed in astonishment. It was a rarity for her to be seen by others without intentionally revealing herself.

Koishi had wavy, grey-greenish hair and dark green eyes. She wore a black hat adorned with a yellow ribbon and sported a closed, dark blue "third eye" over her heart, its cords wrapped around her body and linked to her ankles. Her attire consisted of a yellow shirt with blue diamond-like buttons and a dark green collar, complemented by a light green skirt with a subtle floral pattern. Her socks were black.

"Didn't see me at all, huh? Well, let's just pretend this never happened," Kusa retorted with a hint of sarcasm, her earlier irritation seeping into her words.

Koishi, seemingly unfazed by Kusa's tone, closed the distance between them with a curious expression on her face.

"Yokai?" Koishi inquired, tilting her head cutely as she attempted to identify Kusa's species.

Kusa shook her head. "Nope, not a yokai."

Koishi tried again, her curiosity undeterred. "Human?"

"Nope, not a human either," Kusa replied, her answer unwavering.

Koishi's brow furrowed slightly, showing her determination to uncover Kusa's identity.

"What are you then?" Koishi asked once more, her curiosity piqued.

Kusa smirked mischievously, fully aware that her next answer might not be taken seriously.

"A grass," Kusa answered matter-of-factly, though she sensed Koishi's disbelief.

Koishi's expression shifted to one of deadpan incredulity as she stared at Kusa, seemingly unconvinced by the response.

Unwilling to let the skepticism linger, Kusa decided to demonstrate her claim in a rather unconventional way. In a swift motion, she transformed herself into the form of grass, her body merging seamlessly with the surrounding flora.

Koishi's eyes widened in genuine surprise, her disbelief giving way to amazement as she witnessed Kusa's transformation.

"Eh?!!!" Koi Shi's exclamation echoed her genuine surprise upon witnessing Kusa's transformation into the grass.

Kusa shifted back to her human form, a smug smile playing on her lips as she looked at Koishi's amazed expression.

"See...? I'm just grass," Kusa stated matter-of-factly, gauging Koishi's reaction.

Koishi's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she exclaimed, "Then let's play!!!"

Kusa raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Koishi's sudden eagerness for a game. "Sure!!!"

Before Kusa could fully comprehend the situation, Koishi began to unleash a flurry of laser-like projectiles in her direction. The barrage of colorful lights and energy beams filled the air around them.

"This world and its definition of play..." Kusa sighed with a mixture of exasperation and amusement as she realized that Koishi's idea of a game involved a bullet battle.

Amid the dazzling bullet barrage, Kusa's movements were a symphony of elegance and precision. As she deftly maneuvered through the chaos, her hand tapped into the rhythm of the moment, weaving a spellcard with a delicate green border.

In an instant, the battlefield transformed into a mesmerizing display of magic. Hundreds of translucent, emerald orbs materialized, forming a barrier that absorbed and nullified the incoming lasers with a graceful shimmer. The clash of lights and colors created a surreal dance in the air.

Yet the spectacle had only just begun. The emerald orbs burst apart into a constellation of smaller green bullets, scattering like stardust across the canvas of the battlefield. Each bullet seemed to carry a hint of nature's essence, twinkling as they twirled and spiraled.

Koishi responded to the mesmerizing display with her vivid spellcard, her aura radiating playful energy. Pink heart-shaped bullets materialized around her, glowing with an ethereal brilliance. With a gesture, she sent them spiraling toward the orbs above and near her, their trails of pink light creating a breathtaking visual contrast against the lush greenery.

Kusa's focus intensified as she used her connection to the roots below. With a graceful sweep of her arm, the ground responded, and vibrant green orbs sprouted near Koishi, defying the laws of nature. The orbs hovered momentarily, almost as if contemplating their next move.

As Koishi's pink hearts collided with the green orbs, a harmonious explosion of colors ensued. The merging of pink and green painted the battlefield in an otherworldly palette, like a canvas brought to life.

Kusa's gaze was fixed on the pattern of Koishi's bullets as they formed an unconventional shape, creating a visual spectacle that held a touch of whimsy. She couldn't help but appreciate the unique approach Koishi was taking in their spellcard battle.

Feeling the roots beneath her, Kusa made a connection, causing the earth to respond to her touch. As Koishi's heart-shaped bullets approached, they were met with the sudden emergence of the roots, deftly intercepting and neutralizing the projectiles with a precision that showcased Kusa's mastery over nature.

Koishi, intrigued by Kusa's quick reaction, adjusted her strategy and took to the air, seeking a height advantage. Kusa knew that this would level the playing field for Koishi, as her control over plant-based attacks would be limited without direct contact with the ground.

As Kusa pursued Koishi into the air, she observed the girl gathering energy, a telltale sign of an impending attack. In response, Kusa's hand began to emit a soft yellow glow as she harnessed her energy. However, seeing that Koishi was canceling her attack prematurely, Kusa realized that her strategy had been anticipated and countered.

"Miscalculation on my part," Kusa murmured to herself, acknowledging her oversight. She understood that her hidden attack, which relied on surprise, had been rendered ineffective due to Koishi's awareness.

In a mesmerizing display of spellcard artistry, Koishi orchestrated a symphony of colorful bullets. The air was adorned with shades of blue, green, and pink as the intricate patterns formed rows that stretched across the battlefield. Each release was a ballet of controlled chaos, captivating to witness.

In response, Kusa unleashed a calculated combination of slow green bullets, adorned with the steady pace of a heartbeat, and faster yellow bullets that danced like fireflies in the night. The vibrant bullets sped toward their targets, their trajectories carefully chosen to maintain a delicate balance between offense and defense.

Koishi deftly evaded the faster bullets, her movements fluid and graceful. She retaliated with her bullets, sending them soaring towards Kusa with an intent to strike. As Koishi's heart-shaped bullets advanced, Kusa's surroundings were suddenly filled with an array of green orbs, creating an intricate web that sought to ensnare her opponent.

Recognizing the imminent encirclement, Koishi ascended into the air, attempting to outmaneuver the trap set by Kusa. The green orbs transformed, their hue shifting to a vibrant yellow-green as they gained speed and followed Koishi's ascent. With a burst of determination, Koishi unleashed her heart-shaped bullets, directing them toward the encroaching orbs.

Yet, to Koishi's surprise, the vibrant orbs disintegrated mid-air, a testament to Kusa's command over her surroundings. Kusa's presence seemed to infuse the very bullets with life, allowing her to manipulate their trajectory and behavior.

However, Koishi wasn't one to be easily deterred. She summoned her inner strength and invoked a spellcard of extraordinary power. A cage-like formation of bullets materialized, surrounding Kusa and threatening to close in like a vice. As the formation exploded into brilliant flames, a vivid burst of light illuminated the scene.

Yet, Kusa stood undeterred amidst the radiant fire, her form outlined by the fiery glow. With an air of unyielding determination, she embraced the flames, her silhouette shrouded in smoke and flickering light. The spectacle was a breathtaking display of defiance, a testament to Kusa's unshakable spirit and her ability to harness the very elements around her.

As the fiery spectacle came to an end, Koishi cast her gaze towards Kusa, anticipating the outcome of their intense clash. However, her expectations were defied as she witnessed Kusa standing amidst the dissipating flames, her form untouched by the blaze. Only a few blackened marks on her clothes hinted at the intensity of the battle that had unfolded.

Unperturbed by the turn of events, Koishi summoned her resolve once more, her determination evident in her actions. She invoked another spellcard, and in response, a mesmerizing display of bullets formed a cage-like structure around her, weaving a tapestry of red and blue that enveloped her like an ethereal birdcage.

But Kusa, not one to be outdone, had already taken her stance, a triumphant gleam in her eyes. As the cage-like formation emerged around Koishi, Kusa's voice resonated with joy as she declared her victory. Yet, there was a twist to her proclamation - her voice seemed to originate from beside Koishi, catching her off guard.

Startled, Koishi turned her gaze to where Kusa should have been, only to find her adversary standing right beside her, poised and ready to unleash a solar beam. The sudden proximity left Koishi momentarily defenseless, her cage formation rendered powerless in the face of Kusa's swift maneuver.

Caught in the unexpected turn of events, Koishi could only react with a mix of surprise and resignation. Kusa's strategic prowess and ability to navigate the battlefield with finesse had brought her to this surprising victory. As Koishi canceled her bullets, a pout graced her expression, a playful manifestation of her acknowledgment of Kusa's triumph.

"You didn't fight me seriously..." Koishi muttered, her realization clear that Kusa had held back during their match.

Kusa let out a sigh laced with humor. "I can't fight seriously, or I'll end up getting lectured by Reimu and Marisa. They've already got enough reasons to nag me."

Koishi couldn't help but chuckle at Kusa's response. "Well, at least you're considerate of their sanity. But even though you held back, it was quite fun. I just wish I managed to hit you properly."

"Hey, you did hit me with those explosions," Kusa pointed out playfully.

Koishi rolled her eyes, a mixture of amusement and mock annoyance. "Yeah, yeah, you got me there. But you practically let yourself get hit. Why would you do that?"

Kusa's reply carried a lighthearted tone. "Fire's my thing. I need that heat to get into my top form, so it's a win-win."

Koishi's mind whirled, her understanding challenged by Kusa's unique nature. "But you're a grass... How does that even work?"

With a nonchalant shrug, Kusa replied, "Well, I'm not your usual grass. Anyway, what's your name?"

"Koishi Komeiji," she replied cheerfully, excited to have made a new friend.

Kusa's brows furrowed slightly. "Komeiji? Wait, is your sister named Satori Komeiji, by any chance?"

"Ehh!? You know my sister!!" Koishi exclaimed in surprise, her excitement evident at the thought of her sister having made a friend.

Kusa grinned. "Yep, your sister is a fun one to mess around with."

Koishi gave Kusa a quizzical look. "Aren't you afraid of her mind-reading ability?"

Kusa shook her head. "Nah, it's quite convenient. I can finally have a conversation without having to say anything out loud."

Koishi couldn't help but chuckle at Kusa's reasoning. "You're a unique creature."

Kusa playfully nudged Koishi. "And you're not exactly 'normal' either."

Koishi laughed in agreement, realizing that she shared that sentiment with Kusa.

"So, where do you and your sister live?" Kusa asked, genuinely curious but unaware of their exact location.

Koishi's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait, you're friends with my sister, and yet you don't know where we live?!"

Kusa's innocent expression turned into a sheepish grin. "Well, I've only met her in a dream. But she's never told me about where you guys live."

Koishi stared at Kusa with a mix of suspicion and amusement. "Are you messing with me right now?"

"I know she's in the Place of Earth Spirits," Kusa admitted, her curiosity piqued, hoping that Koishi might divulge more information.

Koishi's eyes widened in surprise. "Then you do know!"

Kusa shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, I know she's there, but I don't know where that is exactly."

Koishi stared at Kusa as if she had grown a second head. "It's in the underworld. You forgot?"

Kusa scratched her head sheepishly. "I guess I did. Thanks for reminding me."

Koishi let out an amused chuckle. "You're something else, you know."

Kusa grinned mischievously. "That's what they tell me."

As they continued their playful banter, Kusa's mind was already concocting a plan. She had the idea of meeting Satori and absorbing the immense thermal heat from the underworld, all while maintaining a casual conversation. The possibilities were intriguing, and Kusa was eager to put her plan into motion.

If you're familiar with the expression "killing two birds with one stone," allow me to introduce you to a thought-provoking alternative: "nurturing a seed for a yield." This saying illustrates that by tending to a single seed with care, you can harvest abundant fruits when it matures into a fully-grown tree.

The profound essence of these words lies in their representation of skill development. When you invest time and effort into nurturing a skill, it flourishes over time. As it reaches remarkable proficiency in the future, it becomes a valuable asset. Countless opportunities that align with your honed skill set emerge, enabling you to reap the rewards of your dedicated cultivation.



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