Grass Story

Chapter 27: Promise and Geyser.

In a room that bore the faded semblance of a painting that had weathered the test of time, two figures stood engaged in conversation. A green-haired girl and a pink-haired girl exchanged words amidst the backdrop of this ethereal scene.

Kusa's inquiry was gentle and empathetic. "So your friends are all animals?"

Satori's response carried a touch of sadness, her eyes betraying the loneliness that had been a constant companion. "Yes... They're not afraid of me like humans are."

A tender smile graced Kusa's lips as she listened to Satori's words, understanding her unspoken desire to be embraced. In the unspoken exchange between their hearts, Kusa felt an overwhelming urge to hug Satori, to offer her the companionship she had lacked for so long.

The conversation turned to the responsibilities Satori bore. "So you manage the Palace of Earth Spirits and the Hell of Blazing Fires?" Kusa's curiosity was evident as she inquired about Satori's roles.

Satori nodded, her voice carrying a softness that belied her weighty responsibilities. "Yes..." Her acute perception picked up on Kusa's yearning, the internal struggle to offer comfort through an embrace.

Kusa's next question was laced with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "For how many years have you carried these responsibilities?"

Satori's response bore a tinge of melancholy. "I can't remember..." The words carried a certain weight, accompanied by Kusa's silent contemplation of her past. The realization that she had spent 16 years in solitude, her sanity teetering on the edge, was a memory that still haunted her.

"I've been alone for 16 years, and I've lost my sense of reason," Kusa's thoughts echoed, juxtaposing her own experiences with Satori's resilience.

As if responding to the unspoken bond, Satori shared her truth. "I have a younger sister and my pets, so I'm not entirely alone." Her words carried a reassuring tone, a reminder that amidst solitude, there could still be fragments of connection and kinship.

"Still, I can tell that you want to connect with others," Kusa observed, her tone gentle and perceptive. She considered how to navigate this delicate situation, aiming to extend an olive branch without causing harm.

Satori's heart warmed at the genuine concern directed towards her. "This warmth, this connection... I wish it could linger," she mused, her longing palpable.

Kusa's voice carried a mixture of resolve and melancholy. "I want us to be friends, but I'm afraid this encounter might fade from your memory," she admitted, the weight of impermanence heavy in her words.

"Why?" Satori's confusion was palpable, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation. Was this genuine connection to be snatched away from her? Did she misinterpret Kusa's intentions? A wellspring of emotions surged within her.

The tearful gaze that Satori directed towards Kusa held a plea for understanding, a desire to uncover the truth hidden beneath this bittersweet encounter.

Kusa's explanation came tinged with sorrow, a recognition of the ephemeral nature of dreams. "This realm we're in is a dream, and what unfolds here will remain confined within it," she explained, wishing she could offer more. She signaled for Satori to pause her mind-reading momentarily, shielding her thoughts with her reconnected bond to nature.

Satori's reaction was one of profound disappointment, a deep-seated reluctance for their connection to dissolve. The dreamlike encounter felt too precious to end.

Kusa's admission held a mixture of regret and inevitability. "I'm sorry, but every conscious being eventually awakens," she said, her voice heavy with the weight of farewells. Kusa's form enlarged, her hand affectionately ruffling Satori's hair one last time before severing the connection.

Yet hope was not extinguished completely. "But if you ever wish to see me again, place your favorite flower in your room. I'll come to visit you from time to time," Kusa's words carried a promise, a flicker of the bond they had formed that could endure beyond dreams.

Satori's gaze held a mixture of hope and yearning. "Promise?" she asked, her voice carrying the weight of her desire for this connection to extend beyond the boundaries of dreams.

Kusa's response was wholehearted and enthusiastic. "Promise!" she declared with a bright smile, affirming her commitment to the bond they had formed within this ephemeral realm.

Her plea having been answered, Satori's expression transformed into one of genuine happiness, a rare emotion that had been eluding her for so long. The prospect of continued connection was a gift she hadn't anticipated.

With renewed enthusiasm, Kusa suggested, "Since we have a little more time, why not continue our conversation?" Her gentle smile conveyed her sincere interest in getting to know Satori better, turning what could have been a fleeting moment into an opportunity for genuine connection.

"Yes!" Satori's voice carried her genuine enthusiasm as she unknowingly delved into Kusa's heart. Kusa's intentions were laid bare before her – a selflessness that aimed to bring smiles to those she encountered, yet she carried a weight of self-disapproval that left Satori intrigued but hesitant to bring it up.

Their conversation continued, weaving tales and sharing experiences. Satori soaked in every word, asking questions that demonstrated her growing knowledge of the surface world that Kusa described. Laughter and understanding flowed freely, creating an unexpected bond between them.

As time ticked away, the dream's fabric began to fray, and the cracks in the room signaled its imminent end. Kusa's expression turned bittersweet as she realized the dream's conclusion was approaching.

"It seems it's time," Kusa whispered, her touch gentle as she ruffled Satori's hair once more, leaving behind a memory of warmth.

Satori's plea echoed as the darkness enveloped her, her voice reaching Kusa's ears even as the dream faded. "Wait! I want to talk to you more!" But Kusa's response was a bright smile, promising a connection beyond the realm of dreams.

"Remember to put your favorite flower in your room!" Kusa's cheerful words lingered in Satori's mind, filling her with a sense of longing and anticipation.

When Satori woke up in her room, her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Confusion swept over her as she wondered why her heart felt so heavy. Slowly wiping her tears with her blanket, she pondered the emotions that the dream had stirred within her.

"Why is my blanket a different color? The bed is smaller..." Satori's voice held bewilderment as she observed her surroundings, realizing that her dream had transitioned into reality.

Her gaze shifted to the small table beside her bed, and her confusion deepened as she saw the intricately crafted wooden cup resting there.

"A wooden cup?" Satori's curiosity sparked, but caution held her back from immediately interacting with it.

After a moment of hesitation, she brought the cup to her lips, taking a cautious sip of the liquid within. Her expression contorted as the bitter taste hit her palate.

"Bitter..." She uttered, her brows furrowing as she contemplated the strange circumstances.

As she sat there, lost in thought, the fragmented pieces of her dream started to connect like a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. The green hair, the mention of a favorite flower, the radiant smile that left a lasting impression – it all coalesced into a single name.

"Kusa!!!" Satori's exclamation carried a mix of surprise, joy, and a tinge of disbelief as she remembered the enigmatic and heartwarming encounter with Kusa in her dream world.


In a world of white expanses, a blue-haired girl sat engrossed in her reading, seated behind a short desk on a comfortable bean bag. Little did she know, a mischievous thought was forming in someone's mind.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Kusa's playful nature came to the forefront as she suddenly materialized near the girl.

"BOO!!!" Kusa's voice chimed with an innocent cuteness as she playfully startled Doremy.

The unexpected intrusion left Doremy visibly surprised, her words momentarily escaping her. Her balance wavered as she began to fall, but Kusa's swift action prevented her from tumbling to the ground, ensuring she settled back onto the bean bag safely.

Doremy's initial shock quickly turned to frustration, and she unleashed her irritation at Kusa.

"Stupid! Idiot! Fool! Dolt! You are an imbecile!!" Doremy's scolding words poured out as she expressed her exasperation.

Kusa's response was a serene smile, seemingly unfazed by Doremy's outburst.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry," Kusa replied in a casual, nonchalant manner, her demeanor suggesting that she didn't quite take Doremy's anger seriously.

Doremy's fury gradually subsided, and she fixed Kusa with a disapproving look, a warning that she wouldn't tolerate such antics again.

"I hate it when you do that!" Doremy's tone held a clear emphasis on her annoyance, making her stance known.

Kusa's response was once again a breezy apology, though her internal thought process hinted at a different reason behind Doremy's mood.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry," Kusa repeated with a hint of mischief, leaving Doremy to grumble at her friend's antics, even as a begrudging smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Kusa took it upon herself to create a spread of fruits and a cup of tea for Doremy, an attempt at making amends for her earlier playful antics. Doremy's response was a derisive snort, which she promptly muffled by raising her book to her face, effectively hiding her emotions from Kusa's view.

"My sincere apologies," Kusa offered with genuine contrition, her voice reflecting her earnestness. Doremy's reaction was a nonchalant hum, and she lowered her book onto the table, finally allowing her face to be visible.

"You have a way of catching me off guard with your lack of presence," Doremy admitted begrudgingly as she nibbled on the fruits and sipped the tea. Her tone held a mix of annoyance and resignation.

"Seems like I'm still in a dream, so let's make the most of it and talk, Doremy," Kusa suggested, creating another bean bag and placing it in front of Doremy.

Doremy's response was swift and dismissive. "Talk to yourself, idiot," she grumbled, her annoyance clear in her expression.

"Yes, I'm an idiot," Kusa acknowledged with a light-hearted smile, seemingly unperturbed by Doremy's blunt words.

Despite Doremy's protests, the two of them ended up engrossed in conversation, discussing a range of topics that flowed effortlessly between them. As much as Doremy tried to keep up her facade of annoyance, the genuine warmth and companionship Kusa exuded seemed to wear down her defenses, and the two of them found themselves talking far longer than either of them had initially anticipated.


"It seems it's time for me to go now," Kusa announced with a soft sigh, the dream world beginning to fade away around her. Doremy felt a pang of disappointment, but she quickly masked it with her usual air of disdain.

"Bye! And don't even think about returning," Doremy retorted, her eyes firmly fixed on her book. Unbeknownst to her, she was reading the book upside down, a detail that didn't escape Kusa's notice and prompted a hearty laugh.

"I'll come back whenever I feel like it!!!" Kusa's words echoed playfully as she disappeared from the dream, leaving behind a hint of her vibrant energy.

As Kusa's presence vanished, Doremy's demeanor seemed to lift subtly. Her normally aloof tail began to sway gently, a sign that despite her best efforts, Kusa's influence had left a mark on her.


The four friends spent the rest of the day chatting, sharing stories, and enjoying each other's company. Laughter and warmth filled the air as they cuddled and savored the moments together, not wanting the day to end.

As the next morning approached, Mokou's announcement that she needed to leave cast a tinge of sadness over the group.

"Already?" Kusa's voice carried a hint of reluctance, her eyes locking onto Mokou with a touch of disappointment. Mokou, understanding Kusa's sentiment, gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Of course, I have responsibilities to attend to, especially in the Bamboo Forest. You know how it is," Mokou explained, her tone reflecting a mixture of duty and fondness for their time together. The bamboo forest was often a haven for sudden appearances, making Mokou's presence there essential.

Kusa's response was a muted acknowledgment, though her eyes revealed her internal struggle. She was well aware of her ability to save those who got lost in the forest using her connection to plants, yet Yukari's counsel echoed in her mind: the natural balance must be respected. It was a dilemma that gnawed at her conscience, leaving her feeling conflicted and hypocritical.

Mokou sensed Kusa's turmoil, scratching her head as she tried to find a middle ground. "I'll be here at night, so don't be sad," she reassured Kusa, her words offering a glimmer of solace.

The spark of hope in Kusa's eyes didn't go unnoticed by Mokou.

"Hmm... Okay! Remember not to be grumpy!" Kusa said with a playful smile that made Mokou laugh.

"Who's grumpy?!" Mokou decided to mess with Kusa's hair, making her playfully pretend to hate it.

As Kusa playfully protested against Mokou's hair-messing antics, the two of them engaged in a lighthearted exchange that showcased their comfort and affection for each other.

Amidst their playful interaction, Marisa made her appearance, quickly picking up on the situation. "Ehh? Are you heading back already?" Marisa's words reflected her understanding of the unspoken emotions in the air.

Mokou nodded in response to Marisa's question. "Yeah, the village and the Bamboo Forest need me, after all," she explained, a sense of responsibility evident in her tone.

Reimu, having overheard their conversation, approached the trio, her presence bringing a sense of contemplation to the moment. She looked at Mokou and asked a question that had been on her mind, "Mokou, why don't you live with them?" The question was more for Kusa, as Marisa pointed out that Mokou was also supposedly Kusa's other lover.

Mokou's eyes briefly met Kusa's, a mixture of longing and apology in her gaze. "I want to... but my duty calls," she replied, her regret evident in her words.

Reimu nodded in understanding, having an inkling of the complexities of their relationships and responsibilities. The weight of duty was a familiar burden to her as well.

With a soft sigh, Mokou straightened up, preparing to leave. "Well then, I'm off," she announced a mixture of determination and sadness in her voice.

As Mokou turned to leave, Kusa reached out and gently squeezed her hand. "Stay safe," she said softly, her eyes conveying her emotions without words.

Mokou gave Kusa a warm smile. "You too. I'll see you at night," she promised before finally departing, leaving behind a lingering sense of connection and anticipation.


Three girls were gathered by the fish pond at the back of the shrine, their attention fixed on the slow movements of the turtle swimming gracefully.

"Bored," Marisa muttered, voicing the sentiment of restlessness that seemed to hang in the air.

"Bored?" Kusa echoed, tilting her head in curiosity at Marisa's reaction.

"Bored," Reimu chimed in with a sigh as if the peaceful scene was too mundane for her liking.

"Bored??" Kusa repeated with a playful grin, trying to tease her friends out of their boredom.

Marisa chuckled at Kusa's playful tone, "Why is today so slow? I was expecting something to happen."

Kusa raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by Marisa's impatience. "The day has just started, Marisa. You can't expect incidents to occur on demand."

As the conversation shifted, Reimu offered an alternative idea. "Do you guys want to eat something? I can cook."

"Of course!" Marisa's eyes lit up at the mention of food, already imagining a delicious meal.

Kusa, however, had different plans. "I'll be the cook this time!" Her enthusiasm was palpable as she volunteered.

But Reimu had a surprise for them. "Nope, let me handle the cooking," she said with a hint of challenge in her voice.

Marisa and Kusa exchanged surprised glances, then burst into laughter almost simultaneously. "You know how to cook?!" they exclaimed in unison, their skepticism evident.

Reimu's expression turned mildly irritated. "Huh? What's so surprising? I cook during festivals, you know."

Kusa and Marisa exchanged another glance, clearly caught off guard by Reimu's revelation. Their skepticism quickly turned to amusement as they imagined Reimu in a kitchen setting, trying to prepare a meal.

With a smirk, Kusa couldn't resist a playful jab. "Well, Reimu, I guess we'll see if you can handle the heat."

Reimu's eyes narrowed playfully. "Oh, you'll see. I'll show you both."


The tranquility of their meal was abruptly interrupted by the sudden eruption of a geyser in the distance. Kusa's eyes widened with fascination as she observed the unexpected phenomenon.

"Ohh~" Kusa couldn't help but mutter in amazement, her curiosity piqued by the sudden display of nature's power.

Reimu and Marisa exchanged a knowing look, a silent understanding passing between them. With a shared grin, they both voiced their plan simultaneously.


Their synchronized declaration was followed by a confident handshake, sealing their agreement to turn this unexpected event into an opportunity for relaxation.

"Eh?" Kusa blinked in confusion, momentarily left out of the loop. However, her excitement overpowered any confusion as she quickly caught on to their idea.

With teamwork, the trio set to work, making use of their talents to create a makeshift hotspring. Kusa's command over plants allowed her to easily shape the base, while Reimu and Marisa utilized their magical abilities to adjust the water temperature and ensure it was soothingly warm.

After some time and collaborative effort, the hotspring was ready. The steam rose from the inviting water, casting an almost mystical atmosphere around their impromptu creation.

The three friends wasted no time and eagerly took a dip in the hotspring, sighing contentedly as they felt the warmth envelop them.

"This is the best," Kusa sighed, feeling the energy of the plants and the natural heat of the hotspring infusing her with renewed vitality.

"I agree," Reimu chimed in, her tense muscles finally relaxing in the soothing water. It had been a while since she allowed herself such a luxury.

"Finally, after a series of incidents, we can relax," Marisa's voice was languid, carrying a sense of relief that matched the calming waters of the hotspring.

Kusa gazed at both her companions, their words causing her to raise an eyebrow in amusement. It was almost as if they were tempting fate by acknowledging the rarity of their peaceful moment.

"Now that you mention it, the incidents we've dealt with lately have been quite... bizarre," Reimu mused, her tone pensive as she reflected on the strange occurrences that had kept them busy.

"I'm glad we've managed to bring an end to them," Reimu continued, her voice holding a touch of pride. It was clear that despite the challenges, she found a sense of accomplishment in solving the mysteries that had crossed their path.

"It would be quite the twist if this turned out to be another incident," Marisa chimed in, her words carrying a mix of jest and irony. She shot a playful glance at Kusa, who pouted in response.

"You're putting up another flag, Marisa!" Kusa exclaimed, her voice laced with playful annoyance. She knew that Marisa's words often tended to attract strange occurrences.

Marisa chuckled, raising her hands in a mock defense. "Hey, the flags aren't real! Last time was a total coincidence—"

Before Marisa could finish her sentence, the tranquil ambiance was shattered as a surge of earth spirits burst forth from the geyser. The trio exchanged glances, a shared understanding passing between them as they watched the unexpected spectacle.

"Can we just ignore that for a moment?" Marisa said, breaking the silence with a wry grin. She was trying to shift the focus away from her inadvertent 'flag-setting' comment.

"I mean... why not?" Kusa's nonchalant voice carried a sense of indifference as if she couldn't be bothered by yet another incident, knowing it would likely be resolved soon enough.

"I'm in favor of continuing our relaxation," Reimu chimed in, a hint of determination in her tone. She was determined to make the most of their brief moment of respite.

Marisa, who had been sinking herself deeper into the warm water, paused at the sudden interruption, turning her attention to the new arrival. Her gaze settled on Patchouli, who appeared to be in a state of panic.

"This is dangerous, and we must address it promptly!" Patchouli's urgent declaration hung in the air, causing the atmosphere to shift from one of leisure to one of seriousness.

The tranquility that had enveloped the group seemed shattered, replaced by a tense silence as the trio focused their gaze on Patchouli. Their expressions seemed to bore into her, each reflecting a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Patchouli seemed to realize the weight of her interruption, her expression softening slightly as she let out a small sigh. "Well, I suppose a brief dip is acceptable," she mumbled, her tone slightly resigned.

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