Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto



Two years after the Uchiha massacre,



“Gilgamesh, your first reinforcement mission is before you…” Shikaku stated as he began to read through a scroll before the presence of Gilgamesh and Mura who wore special cloaked robes with Gilgamesh’s jutsu inscriptions on them obviously.


Gilgamesh had been tinkering with his flight technique and began to apply other features of air around himself, causing his body to be unable to reflect light… in other words, Gilgamesh had attained the power of invisibility!


In a few training sessions with Mura, he applied his flight jutsu on Mura, enabling him to fly and also tested his invisibility jutsu which also worked on Mura! Now he could hide anything with the property of air, technically his jutsu gives anything he touches the ability to be invisible because it couldn’t reflect light. This meant it was invincible to those with Dojutsu or special eyes like the Sharingan or the Byakugan.


Although, Gilgamesh gave Mura a year to develop his flight jutsu so he doesn’t have to rely on him to be able to fly.


Speaking of which, Mura’s growth became a thing of concern for Danzo since he had spied on Mura and a few times when Gilgamesh didn’t feel like trapping his spies under genjutsu, some of their training sessions as well. Just under a year and Mura's battle prowess already touched the jounin ranks, not to mention his ultimate attack that the Anbu had already documented, Mura’s Flowing Fist Vortex! That attack was capable of destruction that only Kakashi in the Anbu could match, and Kakashi’s tenure was almost over for the Anbu and that concern only grew.


Danzo had already learnt not to mess with Gilgamesh too much, since more than half of his spies would be under genjutsu for weeks without breaking out. Any forceful external breakout would cause the person to lose their mind as he had elites from the Yamanaka clan try to break his genjutsu but failed.


Gilgamesh was also seen clashing with Mura in the air and was said to cause a shockwave that cleared the clouds in the skies. His ability to use all chakra natures too was rare, reports also came in that they had yet to see Gilgamesh exhaust himself and the escort missions were something of low calibre for his status.


The fact that his genjutsu proved more potent than Kurenai made Danzo stop sending spies as his spies might even be compromised by Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was silently accepted as the best genjutsu expert in the village and possibly the ninja world by a select few in the Anbu and Danzo but never spoke of it.


Gilgamesh’s data book was updated and there was instruction not to treat him as a child as appearances may be deceiving. Danzo, however, did not allow for anyone to put in details of what Gilgamesh could do but only added the fact that his ninja rank should not deceive anyone.


“I may need to see Gilgamesh,” Danzo walked to the balcony of a building overlooking a beautiful sunrise.



Gilgamesh of Squad Zero, you are to reach the Hidden Grass Village and provide support to Anko and Ebisu who were escorting a high-value merchant to the Hidden Stone Village.


“Apparently, a large group consisting of a hundred and fifty genin rogue ninjas attacked the carriage. Anko managed to take down sixty-three of them and Ebisu twenty-three but they eventually overwhelmed them with more numbers and kidnapped Anko and the merchant. Ebisu sent a messenger bird to us three hours ago. Ebisu could handle the rescue alone, but in the event they follow them they need fresh ninjas whose chakra reserves are high enough and capable of defending their rear while they journey to the Hidden Stone.” Shikaku finished with a sigh as he rolled the scroll up and tied it.


“I chose you Gilgamesh since you are the only chunin with jounin levels of chakra and with your versatility in chakra natures combined, you should be able to make them rethink following you. But, this mission is also a test to see if you are ready to take on important missions as team zero. This would be your first time as Team Zero with a mission like this. A good strategy always wins over causal altercations.” Shikaku ended as he turned to face his office window.


“Team zero will leave now. I will put the fear of the leaf headband in their heads if they live. Whenever they see someone with a leaf headband they would think twice before approaching. But also, they will come to know the horrors of team zero, they will know me.” Gilgamesh said as the light flickered in his red iris.


Mura took in a deep breath as his hands shook in nervousness and anticipation. Maybe this time, he would be able to use his Flowing Fist Vortex!!




“Yes, sensei!” A taller tanned older teenager with black hair answered as he came close to his captain.


With a hand on Mura’s shoulder, the both of them vanished!


“Isn’t that Shisui’s body flicker? But Gilgamesh’s movement is buttery smooth and fast!” Shikaku exclaimed as the boys he ordered in his office vanished using a technique that was well known in the third great ninja war.


Gilgamesh appeared atop the Hokage mansion with Mura and was met with Anbu surrounding two seconds after he appeared there.


Without further ado, Gilgamesh activated his flight jutsu for himself and Mura included and the both of them took to the sky.


Seeing that action, a particular Anbu member ordered the others to stop any attacks they were preparing.


“The only person that can fly in the village is Gilgamesh. He modified a particular wind jutsu to make this happen, but I wonder how much chakra it consumes? And the only one capable of using genjutsu possibly better than the late Shisui without limit is of course Gilgamesh. I hope to God I am not in another one of his genjutsu’s. If you see him, leave him alone, he has been given temporal immunity by The Third and Danzo. If you know what’s good for you wouldn’t want to test how good his genjutsu is.” Said a masked Anbu, leaning on a tree with his back and folding his arms.


“There he goes! He turned invisible along with his subordinate! Damn it, am I already caught in his genjutsu?!”


After that testimony more Anbu ninjas grew wary of Gilgamesh and many started preparing countermeasures in the event they would need to fight him.






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