Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch8- Blind

Horyu had always preferred the shadows, the outskirts of attention where the spotlight never quite reached. Tucked away in the farthest corner of the classroom, nestled against the cool, comforting walls, he was an island amidst a restless sea of youthful chatter. Today, however, that sea churned with the waves of revelations that had rocked Konoha to its core, and even his secluded corner couldn't escape their reach.

"Did you hear? Naruto, Himawari, and Hirato are fugitives now!" Kiba blurted out to Shino, eyes wide with a mix of horror and excitement. His usually energetic Akita dog, Akamaru, was quiet, perhaps sensing the weight of the news.

"No way!" Shino replied, his monotone voice hardly concealing his surprise, his insect friends inside his coat buzzing uneasily.

Nearby, Ino and Sakura were whispering too. The former had a hand covering her mouth as if it would keep the conversation secret while the latter's green eyes were clouded with concern.

"This doesn't make sense, Sakura," Ino said, her blue eyes narrowed with worry, "Naruto... a deserter?"

"I don't believe it, Ino," Sakura replied, shaking her head, her pink hair fluttering around her face, "Naruto would never..."

At the back of the room, Shikamaru leaned lazily against the wall, his hands tucked behind his head. His eyes half-closed, he seemed to be the only one not caught up in the excitement. Beside him, Choji was munching on a bag of chips, as if the gossip held no weight compared to his snacks.

Only Hinata Hyuga, her usually shy demeanor gone, paced around the room nervously. Her pale eyes were full of worry, her hands wringing her jacket as she fretted, "Where could Naruto be? What if they're in danger?"

Her distress didn't go unnoticed. Sasuke Uchiha, the class prodigy and Naruto's closest friend, looked pained. His usually stoic face had a crease in his brows, and he stood by the window, a silent figure brooding in the sunlight.

Watching the commotion, Horyu leaned back against his chair, fingers tapping lightly on the wooden desk. Naruto's sudden outlaw status and Shisui's ascension to Hokage weren't just idle gossip; they were triggers that would change the course of his life. Horyu found himself feeling oddly detached, like a lone boat caught in the surge of a stormy sea. He was surprised at his own calmness, but he chalked it up to his prior life's experiences and the system's interface that kept feeding him information.

Unseen by the rest, a translucent screen appeared in front of Horyu's eyes. His 'quests' stared back at him, a reminder of the choices he had to make.

"Trust the system to turn my life into a game," Horyu muttered to himself, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Unexpectedly, his comment was heard. "What are you mumbling about now, Horyu?" Sasuke asked, his dark eyes flicking towards him, a rare acknowledgment.

"Nothing, Uchiha," Horyu replied, a wry smile on his face, "Just noting how today's news feels like a badly written play."

The look of puzzlement on Sasuke's face was priceless, but Horyu's comment seemed to distract him from his worries for a moment.

"Only you would think of it like that," Sasuke said, shaking his head. For a brief moment, there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Perhaps," Horyu shrugged, turning his gaze back to the screen in front of him. He sighed softly to himself. It was too early to make a choice.

Whatever path he would take, he knew that his life was about to change drastically. The reality was daunting, yet the prospect of carving his own path was equally tantalizing.

Sasuke, smirking, added, "With Shisui as Hokage, the Uchiha name carries even more weight. You should at least try to live up to it, Horyu."

Horyu ignored the barb, choosing instead to focus on the translucent screen that hung in his sight. If he had learned one thing from his old life, it was that arguing with fools was a fool's errand.

Unsettled by the lack of reaction, Sasuke pressed on, irritation tinting his voice, "You're weak, Horyu. Too weak. You're an embarrassment to the Uchiha name."

Seemingly irritated by Horyu's indifference, Sasuke prodded further. "Don't embarrass us, or the leashes you had won't be the first time."

The class fell silent, all eyes turning towards the pair. Sasuke's threat hung in the air like a poisonous cloud, a stark reminder of Horyu's low standing within the clan.

The tension in the classroom was palpable, the eyes of his classmates turned towards Horyu and Sasuke, their conversation forgotten in the face of this new spectacle. Horyu's calm demeanor contrasted starkly with the visible annoyance on Sasuke's face. The Uchiha prodigy wasn't accustomed to being ignored, especially by someone he considered an inferior clanmate.

Despite the venom in Sasuke's words, Horyu didn't rise to the bait. "Uchiha, everyone has their own paths to tread," Horyu said nonchalantly, his eyes fixed on the notebook in front of him. "Some paths are steeper than others, wouldn't you agree?"

The jab was subtle, and only Sasuke caught the hint. His face darkened, but before he could retort, the classroom door slid open with a loud creak, momentarily dispersing the tension. Iruka-sensei walked in, his normally jovial expression replaced with a look of grave concern. His usual greeting forgotten, he walked directly to the front of the classroom.

"You've all heard the news, I presume," Iruka began, his tone somber. The class fell silent. Even the rustle of Choji's chip bag ceased, the enormity of the situation finally hitting him.

"Yes, sensei," Hinata replied, her voice trembling, "Is it... true?"

Iruka looked at Hinata, her usually bright eyes filled with worry. The sight seemed to pain him, yet he knew he couldn't sugarcoat the situation. "Unfortunately, it is," he answered, his voice heavy.

A wave of gasps spread through the class, the news confirmed by their teacher cementing the reality. Among the shocked faces, Horyu alone wore a contemplative expression. Sasuke was back at the window, his gaze far away.

"Naruto is... he's one of us. He wouldn't betray Konoha," Hinata protested, her hands clenched tightly at her sides. The vulnerability in her voice made Horyu turn his attention towards her, his gaze softening ever so slightly.

"I agree with you, Hinata. Naruto wouldn't..." Iruka began, his voice trailing off. The room fell silent, a quiet understanding passing between them.

"Whatever the reason," Iruka finally broke the silence, "we need to trust in the leadership of our village. It's a tough time for all of us, and we must stand united."

His words fell flat in the tense room, the students lost in their thoughts. Horyu, however, couldn't help but scoff at the blind faith Iruka seemed to harbor for the village leadership. If only they knew...

Last night, having returned home after aiding Kakashi, Obito, and Rin in their escape, Horyu had used the rewards he'd earned to boost his chakra level. The Chakra Boost Pills he'd taken had increased his Chakra Volume from 20 to 40, a considerable jump that he mused would be even more beneficial once he actually mastered the basics of jutsu. For all the benefits he had gained from the system, old Horyu's lack of innate talent was still a hurdle he needed to overcome.

Now, he found himself in the training field where Mizuki-sensei was teaching the students shuriken jutsu. His attention focused on his classmates, observing their technique and trying to gauge their individual chakra levels. This task was proving more difficult than expected, as he was still learning how to tune into the energy around him.

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