Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch7- World Quests

The next day, an ominous cloud seemed to cast a gray shadow over the usual sunny disposition of Konoha, the bustling village stilled, as if holding its breath. Academy classes were cancelled, and Horyu found himself among the sea of awestruck villagers, standing before the towering facade of the Hokage Building. It was the heart of the village, the nerve center of power, and now it was the backdrop to a scene that would be etched into the history of Konoha.

In the center of the grand stage stood a young man, Uchiha Shisui. At eighteen, he exuded a maturity and stoicism that was rarely seen in those his age. His jet black hair was spiked and short, neatly arranged to show off his sharp features and intense, onyx eyes. Shisui's posture was erect, a cloak of calmness draped around him as he stood by the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who looked more stern than ever. Alongside them were the two other council members, their faces tight with gravity, and the elusive Danzo, whose eyes betrayed nothing. Behind them, two Uchiha elders, their age showing in their graying hair and weathered faces, looked on solemnly. To the side, Itachi, his face impassive, observed the scene with hawk-like eyes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen cleared his throat, silencing the murmurings of the crowd. "Two nights ago," he began, his voice echoing over the crowd, "a dire event unfolded that has shaken the very foundation of our village. The Fourth Hokage, Minato, and his wife Kushina plotted to unleash the Nine-Tails, Kyubi, upon our peaceful village. Their intended victims were the noble Uchiha clan."

Gasps echoed across the crowd. Horyu felt a chill crawl up his spine. He had heard whispers, of course, but to hear the truth so starkly put was unnerving.

"It was young Uchiha Shisui," the Hokage continued, "Yondaime's appointed guardian, who discovered this treacherous act and promptly alerted me. In doing so, he knew he was breaking the trust of his mentor and defying his duty, but to Shisui, the well-being of the village and its citizens was paramount. Acting upon his intel, and with the help of Uchiha Patriarch Fugaku, we were able to apprehend Minato and Kushina before it was too late."

Sarutobi paused, his eyes scanning over the crowd, letting the information sink in. "However, we were not quick enough to prevent the release of Kyubi. In a heroic effort, Uchiha Fugaku managed to quell the rampage of the demon fox and, in the process, end the lives of Minato and Kushina."

Another wave of gasps filled the air. The crowd was in shock, the revelations too much to digest. Horyu could see the disbelief on the faces around him. The Fourth Hokage, a traitor? It was unthinkable.

"Sadly," Sarutobi continued, his voice slightly wavering, "their children, Naruto, Himawari and Hirato, despite their tender age, were also a part of this plan and managed to escape. The search for them is underway."

"Regrettably, Fugaku Uchiha fell to his injuries last night." Hiruzen's voice wavered with a blend of sorrow and regret. A murmur of dismay rippled through the crowd. "As per the clan's customs, his son, Uchiha Itachi, will ascend as the patriarch of the noble Uchiha Clan."

Horyu watched as Itachi remained impassive, his dark eyes betraying nothing of the burden that was just thrust upon him. A ripple of murmurs spread through the crowd at the announcement, an unspoken consensus of agreement. The Uchiha prodigy, despite his young age, had a reputation that commanded respect.

"And finally," Hiruzen's voice rose, a new edge of gravity seeping into his tone. "Regarding the seat of the Fifth Hokage... After much consideration and discussion, the council and the Daimyo have made their decision."

The crowd fell silent, each villager holding their breath as the Third Hokage paused, heightening the anticipation that hung heavy in the air.

"We have elected Uchiha Shisui, the brave and astute Uchiha prodigy, as the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure."

A stunned silence blanketed the crowd for a moment before a cheer erupted from a group of villagers. The applause and whoops of excitement quickly spread, enveloping the whole crowd.

"Shisui!" the villagers chanted, their voice ringing through the square.

Horyu found himself at a loss for words, the magnitude of the announcement catching him off guard. It felt like he was part of a poorly written play, the plot too ludicrous to be true.

"Congrats, you are officially a part of a bad soap opera," Horyu muttered to himself, sarcasm lacing his tone.

Sarutobi raised his hand for silence and the crowd obediently quieted, their eyes once again turning to the aged Hokage. Shisui was now donning the Hokage hat, his youthful features adorned with a mature air of responsibility. The sight sent another wave of applause echoing across the square.

Horyu blinked, quickly scanning the quests that had materialized in front of him. The glowing characters stared back, offering a clear choice of paths but none of them seemed particularly appealing. He sighed, his brows furrowing in consternation as he internally weighed his options.

Path of Shisui, to join forces with the newly anointed Hokage, aiding in the consolidation of Uchiha power. Path of Madara, the path to raw, undiluted power and control. Path of Naruto, the path of a potential traitor but one filled with hopes of balance and redemption. And finally, Path of Independence - his path.

Sarcasm dripped from his thoughts, "Oh, what wonderful choices. All I need now is a spin-the-wheel to decide." He mumbled to himself, the ghost of a bitter smile playing on his lips.

He let out a quiet sigh. The reality of his situation hadn't fully sunk in yet. A small, stubborn part of him still believed that he could wake up from this nightmare, from this twisted reality, and yet, here he was, tasked with choosing a path in this war-torn world.

Despite his sarcasm, Horyu knew he needed to take these quests seriously. Each one represented a different future, a different outcome for Konoha and himself. He'd need to choose carefully, and soon. Time was of the essence.

The Path of Shisui seemed appealing at first glance. After all, who wouldn't want to be on the winning side? But Horyu knew better than to take things at face value. The Uchiha clan had always been ambitious, and the sudden ascent to power didn't bode well for anyone who might stand in their way. A sense of unease bubbled within him as he recalled the severe expressions of the Uchiha elders and the weight of responsibility now resting on young Shisui's shoulders.

"Join forces with Uchiha Shisui," he mused aloud, letting the words roll off his tongue. "That does sound like a convenient way to survive. Too convenient, perhaps."

His gaze then flitted over to the Path of Madara. It was a path tainted by blood and darkness, a path that promised immense power but at an unimaginable cost. The thought of wielding the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan was tempting, he couldn't deny that, but the price that came with it was too steep, too brutal.

"Tempting," Horyu murmured, a wry smile tugging at his lips, "But I've always been averse to eye transplants."

The Path of Naruto was a completely different story. It was a path of uncertainty, of possible treason, and yet, it was also a path filled with hopes of balance, peace, and redemption. But it also meant siding with the fugitive, and the consequences of that choice could be dire.

"Help Naruto Uzumaki..." Horyu sighed, rubbing his temples. The name felt strange on his tongue. "I'd probably get hanged for treason before I could say 'believe it'."

And then there was the Path of Independence - a path shrouded in the unknown. It was a path that offered him freedom, a chance to carve out his own destiny. But it was also a path of solitude, a path where he'd have to rely solely on himself.

"Create my own faction..." Horyu echoed, pondering on the possibility. "Just what I need, more responsibilities."

Despite his sarcasm, Horyu could feel the weight of his decision pressing heavily on his shoulders. Each path led to a future so vastly different from the others, he had to ensure he was ready to bear the consequences.

"Maybe I can add 'coin toss' to my list of jutsus," Horyu muttered, unable to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. As ludicrous as it all seemed, he knew he couldn't afford to take this lightly.

As he looked around, seeing the people of Konoha cheering for their new Hokage, Horyu couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. The stakes were high, and whatever path he chose would irrevocably alter his future - and possibly the future of Konoha.

With a heavy sigh, Horyu dismissed the translucent screen, his gaze returning to the stage. A lot rested on his shoulders, more than a ten-year-old should bear, but he knew better than anyone - life wasn't fair.

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