Chapter 9: CHAPTER 7

Namjoon and Jungkook walk through the hallways of every floor. Whenever an odd sound comes from one of the rooms, they approach their ears to the door. They use the lift and the stairs. From time to time, they part ways to use both at the same time.
"Nothing weird from now, only the old couple staring at me. Nam—"
"RM. Just call me RM." Namjoon corrects, coldly.
Jungkook nods. "Yep. Sorry, I forgot. Anyway, wanna reach the last floor?"
Namjoon caresses his chin. "None of the victims died in the last floor. These men would need more time to scape if they got trapped. It isn't worth it for them."
"None of the victims died in the last floor yet. How are you so sure they won't go today? Let's take a look. The richest people always stay in the highest floor. Better views, you know?"
"Yeah, I know."
Jungkook smirks and presses the button of the lift.
* * *
Yoongi hangs his backpack on his shoulders. Head down, he walks towards the van. He turns slightly his head and sees a person behind the thickets, not too far away from him. Hoseok nods at him and he smiles.
"Took you long enough." Taehyung plays with the small air freshener hanging on the rear view mirror. A refreshing breeze flows down the two boys' nostrils. "Guards?"
"It took me a while to distract him. I dunno how much it will take him to realise my lie was as big as this hotel. Anyway, it made me win time and I got what we need." Yoongi places the laptop on his lap, raising the monitor.
"What did you tell him?"
"A couple was fucking in the entrance of the beach."
"Gross, but kinky." Taehyung raises his brows up and down. "We should try it."
Yoongi studies the hotel's system: the automatic doors, lights, and alarms—but that doesn't stop him from smirking at his boyfriend's comment.
A brief sound comes from the walkie talkie, interrupting them. Namjoon's voice comes from it soon after. "Guys, we're going to the last floor. JK has a feeling they may strike there today."
"Got it." Jimin replies.
"Got it." Taehyung repeats. "The movement here is far from suspicious, but I'll keep my guard up. Yoongi's already with me."
"Got it." Some of them say at the same time.
On the other side of the hotel, Jimin keeps playing with his hands. "Guys, I should go with them. They'll need me if they face them. Will you be okay?"
"Don't worry about us, baby." Seokjin holds Jimin's hand and both of them kneel down behind Hoseok. "Are you feeling okay, though?"
Hoseok turns to look at his boyfriends for a couple of seconds, to make sure Jimin's emotional stability keeps intact. 
"I guess I am, but. . ." He bites his bottom lip. "My heart feels heavy." He caresses his chest.
Hoseok turns around once again, but Seokjin's already kissing the blonde boy's full lips.
"I felt we should have done what we always do, too. But we can't. I'm sorry, Jimin." Seokjin apologises.
Jimin shakes his head. "It's not your fault. Just please, take care."
Hoseok smiles to himself. "Suga and V are close enough to us. I'll stay with Jin. Make your way quick and act cool if you face someone suspicious. You already know what to do as a last resource."
Jimin hugs Hoseok from behind and places a kiss on his cheek. "I love you. Both of you."
"We'll be fine." Seokjin ruffles his hair. "And we love you, too."
Jimin presses his finger against a button from his walkie talkie. "RM, I'll be there in a minute."
"I'll be waiting." Namjoon says
Jimin walks away, mixing himself with a group of friends. Seokjin's eyes go back to the open sectional door of the hotel, from where different vehicles and people return or come to this luxury place.
* * *
"What if those bastards don't come today?" Taehyung asks, resting his hands on the wheel.
Yoongi shrugs, his eyes fixed on the screen. "That's why we're staying here for two weeks. Don't be surprised, these fourteen days will probably turn into a month."
* * *
Jimin gets in the lift and presses the highest number. He bounces his foot, his eyes fixed on the white number in the black screen.
He's almost there.
The doors get open and he steps into an empty hallway. Jimin walks slowly towards the end, where two different hallways start. He hopes Namjoon and Jungkook are waiting there, as he doesn't know who would he be facing, if he tops with those men. During most of their missions, the boys study their enemies' profile, but Seokjin couldn't find out who the authors of the murders are.
He rests his hand on his waist, palming the gun. The other holds one of his ball pepper smoke bombs. When he turns to the right, he sees Namjoon and Jungkook resting their backs on the wall, their eyes glued to the ceiling. He's waiting just as he said he would. That makes him let out a sigh of relief.
Namjoon approaches him first, almost hugging him. "Jimin, did you notice something weird?"
He shakes his head. "I got in the hotel with a group of friends. If they were around, I didn't look like one of the Bangtan Boys. I played drunk."
"In the lift?" Jungkook asks, with his hands on his hips.
"No one pressed the button, so I could make it in one go."
"We'll wait thirty minutes more. If no one comes, go with JK to the other floors. I'll stay here just in case. I'll call you if I need you."
Jimin nods.

"Wait, wait, wait. Why do I have to come with him? I've always protected myself, it won't change now. Besides, it was my idea coming here. I should be the one staying." Jungkook points himself before crossing his arms over his chest.
Namjoon clenches his jaw and looks at him dead in the eyes. "We're not playing games, JK. That was an order. In thirty minutes, you'll go back with Jimin. You don't have a say on this."
Jungkook scoffs. "Why not? I can do whatever I want, as long as we catch those assholes."
"You're not on your own, kid. We're a team and I'm your leader. No matter the circumstances, you'll do what I say. If I say JK stay, you stay. If I say JK run, you run. If I say JK hide, you hide. If I say let me behind and save yourself, you'll fucking let me behind and save yourself. Understood?" Namjoon clenches his teeth, his face disturbing Jungkook's personal space.
The younger only rolls his eyes, sighing. 'You're not on your own kid.' Fucking liar. I've always been and I'll always be. He doesn't have to pretend he cares just because he's the leader.
Jungkook makes eye contact with Jimin for a few seconds, until the shortest lowers his head. Jungkook can swear Jimin's eyes became starry, but he can't figure out why.
* * *
"Do you know why we never got shot since we joined the Bangtan Boys?" Taehyung asks, caressing his chin.
"Why?" Yoongi asks, calmly.
His eyes stay fixed in the window, trying to detect the slightest movement.
"Because we always stay in the car."
Yoongi smiles. "Not always."
"Most of the time."
"Tae, believe me. You're more useful here than out there."
Taehyung frowns, but doesn't fight him.
Yoongi holds the black device near his lips. "RM, any news?"
"All clear." He answers.
"Got it." Yoongi sighs, lowering his head.
"You seem tense." Taehyung pouts. He caresses his shoulder and quickly massages both of them. "Hmm, is it because you couldn't kiss and hug us before we started?" Taehyung teases, his boxy smile making its first appearance of the night.
"Nah, of course not." He ruffles his black hair. "It just doesn't make sense. Any of us detected any strange movements, nor any of their alarms went off. Anything in the system has been triggered yet. We're missing something." He caresses his chin, looking at the front.
Taehyung rests his arm in the wheel, mirroring Yoongi's pose.
"I dunno." He clears his throat. "Let's see, those men killed ten different random victims in this hotel. Why? We don't know it for sure, but we can guess it's for their money. Why the hotel doesn't do anything about it officially? Because they don't want to lose money. Money's the key."
Taehyung snorts. "Yeah, and they contacted Bang PD to go and catch those bastards. So, who are the heroes again? Us, the richest of them all." Taehyung chuckles softly.
"I told you we're the real kings here, we don't need our stupid company. Can we go solo from now on? RM can still be the leader. . . Wait a sec."
Taehyung looks at him. "What?"
Yoongi presses his hand tightly on the walkie talkie and a deep frown paints his face. "Ten murders in less than a week, they decide to contact Bang PD instead of the police, we're the richest of them all, and there's no one out there better than us. . ."
"Why are you repeating what we just said? I don't understand—"
"Shit. Shit. Shit. Taehyung, start the van." He brings the walkie talkie to his mouth. "Guys, get the hell out of the hotel. Right. Now. J-hope, Jin, get your asses here."
"Why?" Namjoon asks.
"What's wrong?" Hoseok says. "There's no one here."
"It's a trap."
Cling. The doors of the lift open, followed by a shot.
Namjoon looks in both directions. The emergency stairs are on the left side of the hallway, while they're in the right. Namjoon gives a quick look to Jimin. Jungkook bounces his foot, failing to understand their silent conversation.
"In the count of three, you run. I'll be right behind you." Jimin says.
The footsteps get closer and someone pulls the trigger again. A window crushes. "This is your end, Bangtan Boys." A deep male voice says, sweetly.
Namjoon grabs Jungkook's wrist and Jimin throws the ball bomb at the main hallway. Soon, black smoke fills the room and the boys run. Another shot. Jimin looks behind him, the wall he was standing three seconds ago has a black hole. He runs even faster, closing the door behind him.
"Can you let go of me?!" Jungkook screams. He goes downstairs as fast as he can, following Namjoon's rhythm.
"I don't trust you. Just keep running." Namjoon orders.
"That's what I'm doing you idiot!"
Another shot.
"Where's Jimin?!"
"Behind you."
"But he isn't." Jungkook says, almost out of breath.
"He. Is." Namjoon hisses, his hold getting tighter.
Jungkook doesn't dare to say another word, as they keep running down the endless mess of stairs.
* * *
A window crushes. Hoseok and Seokjin cover their heads, as pieces of glasses pour near them.
"Bloody hell, let's run out of here." Hoseok looks out for the black van with his eyes. "Follow me."
Seokjin spots the broken window and a few shadows.
"Seokjin run. Now." Hoseok starts running, completely sure his boyfriend follows right behind him.
"Wait, they're there! Do you think the boys are alright?" Seokjin turns around. "J-hope?"
It takes him a few seconds to spot Hoseok getting closer to the van, keeping his body low. Seokjin eyes come back to the reception door. The workers make calls, and the hotel security reunites in the front desk. The guests are not coming out of their rooms.
Another shot, but no window crushes. Seokjin starts running towards the van. Please guys, come back alive.
Another shot.
Seokjin breath gets stuck in his throat and his heels stop. Hoseok opens fully the door and runs to him. He touches his shoulder slightly and he hisses in pain, blood staining his black shirt.
His boyfriend holds him by his waist, running as fast as he can to the van. Seokjin climbs first, holding Taehyung's hand with his unwounded arm.
"You're okay. You're okay." Hoseok says, trying to find a piece of clothing to stop the bleed.
"Shit, Jin." Yoongi curses under his breath. "Taehyung, move the fucking van. They shot Jin, they could easily shoot the van."
Seokjin takes unsteady deep breaths. "It didn't— I'm okay."
"They could have aimed at your chest Jin. Shit." Yoongi hits his fist against the window.
Hoseok takes off his own shirt and presses it against the wound. Seokjin starts closing his eyes, but opens it again when the red hair cups his cheek with one hand. "Baby, I'm here. You're okay. Focus on me."
Seokjin nods, trying to breathe as best as he can.
"Shit. Where the fuck are the others?! They should be here already! RM, where are you?!"
"Almost there." Namjoon answers out of breath.
Hoseok caresses Seokjin's damp face.
"Hold on tight, guys." Taehyung mutters, stepping on the gas.
The boys don't have time to react, as the sound of the engine fills their ears. The car turns harshly to the side. Yoongi hits his head against Taehyung's arm. Hoseok's body lands in Seokjin, and the eldest hits his head against the window.
Seokjin lets out a high pitch scream and gasps for air.
"What the fuck are you doing Taehyung?!" Yoongi yells. "Can you at least warn us sooner?!"
"The door."
Yoongi looks straight. The sectional door that keeps the hotel and the outside world connected, starts closing. They're cutting their only exit.
He puts the laptop again on his lap and starts smashing the keyboard with his fingers. "I can stop it. I just have to shut down their energy system."
"What's—What's happening?" Seokjin says between breaths, panic running all over his body. "Where is Nam—Namjoon?"
"Shh, everything's okay. Baby, you're okay." He squeezes his hand, but Seokjin squeezes it harder. "They're almost here. Breath with me." Hoseok tries to soothe him as much as he can, among all the chaos.
"Wait, Yoongi. The lights will shut down as well. For us, for those bastards, but also for the boys. Letting them in the dark doesn't sounds useful at all. We don't know exactly where they're."
"If we get stuck here, we're dead men. You can't run it over with the van this time, and we can't fight. No with Seokjin bleeding to death!"
"Yoongs. You. Are. Not. Helping." Hoseok growls, unintentionally.
"I'm—I'm fine." Seokjin reassures
"Shit! RM where the fuck are you?! Jin is—"
The second door of the van gets opened and Jungkook throws himself to the first seat he can reach, followed by the others. Namjoon closes it fast, moving to the back seat.
"We made it." Jungkook says, completely out of breath. "I thought we let Jimin behind, but we didn't—" He falls to the floor, hitting his face with the front seat.
Hoseok stops as much as he can Seokjin's impact, but their bodies crush again. Seokjin screams, a few tears running down his cheek. His breath gets worse.
"Sorry about that." Taehyung says. "We almost get stuck in there. Everyone okay?" He doesn't take his eyes off the road.
"I think so." Jimin says next to Namjoon.
These two are the only wants who could avoid crashing into something.
"Yeah, talk for yourself." Jungkook grunts, caressing his face. He sits down and fastens the seat belt, as Taehyung keeps driving at a forbidden speed. 
Hoseok distances himself as much as he can from Soeokjin, trying to help his partner with his unsteady breaths. Jimin gasps and leans forward. The dim light coming from the streets, lets him see both of their chests covered in red.
"Oh God, Hoseok what happened? Why are you shirtless?"
"Is that blood?" Namjoon asks, getting as close as he can to their seats.
"Not mine. Jin's shoulder got shot. The wound doesn't stop bleeding, what do we do?" He looks briefly at Namjoon, before turning all his attention to Seokjin.
"Don't—don't worry about me." Seokjin says, weakly. My boys are fine, they're alive. "Just. . . Let me. . ." He closes his eyes, gently squeezing Hoseok's hand for the last time.
Hoseok touches his face with the back of the palm. "He's boiling. We need to take him to a hospital."
"Guide me and I'll drive us there." Taehyung says, an ear always paying attention to their conversation.
Namjoon curses to himself. "Just keep driving. JK, do you have your phone?"
"Yeah, here." He gives it to him without complaining.
Jimin and Hoseok's eyes keep fixed on Seokjin, making sure he still breathes.
"There's one twenty minutes away from here." Namjoon says. He hesitates before he gives the phone to Jungkook.
"We'll make it in ten." Taehyung grunts, stepping harder on the gas.

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