Chapter 8: CHAPTER 6

Taehyung goes directly to find his Blacky, while the others wait for him outside the airport.
Along the drive, Namjoon can't resist holding Yoongi's hand. He lowered the affection towards his boyfriends since Jungkook arrived, too afraid he would find out. Eventually, the leader takes advantage to be on the back seat, while Jungkook stays on the passenger seat. Taehyung doesn't want him close, but he also doesn't like the idea of not knowing what he does inside his Blacky.
"Home sweet home." Hoseok hums. "What a shame we can't fully enjoy this place." He clears his throat and his heart smile disappears. "Hurry. I don't want to miss dinner. I'm starving."
Jungkook frowns and shakes his head. Says the one who didn't stop eating on the plane. He grabs his suitcase from the boot and closes the door.
He walks towards Namjoon and smirks. "So, what's the plan leader?"
* * *
"Why can't I sleep alone? This is bullshit!" Jungkook protests in the middle of the reception.
"Don't raise your voice you idiot, people are already staring at us." Yoongi says, calmly.
"I don't think that's my fault."
Taehyung sticks his tongue and turns his back at him.
"When will you stop behaving like a child?" Jungkook walks towards him, but Namjoon stops him putting his hand on his chest.
"You can stay in the double room if you want. If nobody wants to share rooms with you, I'll do it. We don't have a single room and it can be dangerous. Better working in pairs than alone, kid."
"How lovely." Jungkook mocks, taking Namjoon's hand off him.
Seokjin approaches the two males. "Guys, I don't mind. We'll only sleep in that room, so you won't have to interact with me if you don't want to."
Jungkook thinks about it and finally nods. "At least you don't rave."
Namjoon and Seokjin share briskly a confused look, before the others join in the conversation.
"But Jin, I wanted to share the room with you! Why him?"
Seokjin giggles and ruffles Taehyung's hair. "You only say that because I share the room with Jungkook."

Taehyung pouts. "But I meant it."
"Don't worry Taetae, we'll share a room." Jimin almost hugs him from behind and ends up putting his hands awkwardly inside his jean's pockets.
"Count me in!" Yoongi raises his hand.
"Hoba, you're with me." Namjoon pats Hoseok's back and his heart smile comes back.
* * *
Hoseok and Seokjin order another dish, while Namjoon and Yoongi study the situation. Some of the guests laugh, others enjoy the pretty view from the window, while enjoying their desert. All of them wear fancy clothes, ready to get out of the hotel again once they finish. Namjoon's feel the pasta he just ate making all the way up to his throat. All of them are oblivious of the situation, and one of them would probably die today if they couldn't trap those men.
Namjoon thinks again about the conversation he had with Seokjin a few days before they left. The owners of the hotel come from a wealthy family, living in walls made of gold since they were born. Why do they keep it open after the murders? They don't have a reason to keep it a secret, though the image of the hotel will be damaged once people find out. Unless they've another reason. . . Why would they want to kill their guests? It doesn't make sense, does it? Everyone in this room has to have a decent amount of money, but that doesn't make sense either. The owners are still richer than them.
"Joon?" Yoongi whispers. "What are you thinking about?"
Namjoon shakes his head. "Later."
* * *
The boys reunite in the leader and the second leader's room. They changed to darker clothes, ready to step out before midnight.
"We'll need this." Namjoon shares six walkie-talkies out, keeping one for him. "Okay, let's recap the plan."
"Taehyung will chill in the van while I connect my laptop to the hotel system. Once I've hacked my way in, I'll come back to him."
Namjoon nods. "Hoseok?"
"Seokjin and I will guard the main entrance. We'll follow whoever seems suspicious."
"Remember, I don't think the authors of the crime were in the dinning room. There're more probabilities they aren't staying in the hotel as guests." Namjoon clicks his tongue. "Unless someone is already hiding them here."
"We'll watch out the hallways. All the victims died in their rooms." Jungkook adds.
"That's perfect." Namjoon smiles.
"I'll stay with Jin and Hobi. Jungkook, if you find yourself parting ways with Namjoon and you need me, don't hesitate to call me."
"And that's an order."
Jungkook shuts his mouth, shocked as seeing for the first time Jimin's dominant side.
"I hope we won't have to use it," Namjoon drops seven guns on the bed. "Let's come out of this one alive, boys."
The Bangtan Boys nod and pull their hands together—less a certain black haired male.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" Jungkook asks, examinating the gun in his hands.
"You don't know how to use a gun?" Hoseok exclaims, amused.
"How would I? I only use my body to fight." He defends himself, dropping the gun on the bed.
Namjoon groans. "Why didn't you tell us before?"
Jungkook frowns, dropping his hands down. "I thought you knew, leader."
"Okay, okay. Namjoon, he's staying with you. At the very last boy, try to avoid the shots if someone aims at you. Don't be stupid."
"I'm gonna slam that gun in their faces before they take off the safety."
"Hold on—you know how a gun works?" Jimin asks, approaching him.
"I watch action films." He shrugs.
"Keep it—just in case. A boy who doesn't know how to aim, is still better than a boy without a gun."
Namjoon takes a deep breath. "Let's get this shit done—and boys, take care."
"There's no need to be a drama queen right now. We won't die." Jungkook opens the door, stepping outside.
The boys follow Jungkook with a tornado in their stomachs. They always hug and kiss each other before every mission if they've time—if they don't, they do it early just in case. They promised each other to start a mission without any misunderstandings going on. They've always won, but nothing changes in the end. A small possibility awakes every time they start a mission, one of them may die today.
Taehyung grabs Jungkook's wrist harshly when the others walk away towards their starting position. "Do you want to know when will I stop my childish behaviour, am I right?"
Jungkook can swear his voice dropped some octaves and his eyes shifted a few shades darker. He tries to remove himself from his grip. It doesn't work.
"Well, I stop now." Taehyung smirks, letting go of him. "Good luck. Ah, and don't get shot."
Jungkook finds himself dumbfounded in the middle of the hallway, Namjoon waiting for him at the other end. He caresses the red skin, cursing to himself. That was his way of saying good luck or he actually wants me dead? Either way, fuck him.

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