Chapter 27: CHAPTER 25
ungkook takes a moment to speak. "Why did you hug me?"
Yoongi's eyes wander around the room, taking his time to find the right words. He himself doesn't exactly know why he did it. He acted by an impulse, a tied feeling in the deep of his heart.
He clears his throat. "Because ... your Jimin is my Hobi." Yoongi nods to himself. "No one has ever taken him away from me, but I don't know what would have I done without him years ago. I would have never been able to do what you did for Jimin if it had happened to us. I would have given up on myself completely."
Your Jimin.
Jungkook not even in a million years would have thought these words would ever come out of Yoongi's lips.
"I've noticed you're closer. I realised it when Hoseok was beyond heartbroken when he thought you were dead."
A small smile appears on Yoongi's lips and softly says, "Yeah, we're close."
"Has anyone ever told you how did you end up in the hotel? The day you got stucked in that house." He clarifies.
Yoongi shrugs. "You came to rescue me, that's for sure."
"Hoseok came, not us. Namjoon wanted to wait until sunrise, there wasn't enough light at night and it could be dangerous for everyone. On the other hand, if we decided to wait maybe you died. When Seokjin went to Hoseok's room to tell him we would be rescuing you before sunrise, he was gone. He came back a few hours later with you in his arms."
Yoongi snorts and clicks his tongue. "Hoba doesn't stop surprising me, this guy ..."
I wish I could have someone who would risk his own life to save me.
"Everyone can notice he truly loves you."
An awkward silence appears after Jungkook's last comment. He scratches his neck and Yoongi fills his mouth with air, acknowledging this is the first decent conversation he has with Jungkook since he joined the team. Moreover, his brain still processes Jungkook's point of view of Jimin's past.
"You won't tell anyone, will you?" Jungkook asks almost in a whisper.
Yoongi shakes his head. "But there's one thing I don't get. Why haven't you two said anything? I get you didn't trust us, but Jimin?"
"He doesn't remember me. Well, he does, but he doesn't know the kid's me. Yesterday in the hallway he told me he still misses him—me. I told him wherever he is, he misses him too. I asked him if I could hug him, even if it wouldn't be the same because I'm not him."
"But you're him, kiddo."
Jungkook sighs and shuts his eyes closed for a second. "What if he doesn't believe me? What if he's in denial after knowing the truth? What would he think if he finds out Bang PD is the cause of his hell? And the others? I want to finish my mission before telling him who I am, but perhaps ... perhaps he realises who I am sooner. I wish he could, I wish he would."
"Oh, wait—killing Bang PD you said? Count me in, this bastard deserves hell. No one touches Jimin and leaves as if nothing happened if I can prevent it."
Jungkook gulps. "Hold on, are you willing to help me?"
"We're talking about Jimin's life, of course I'm in. He'll regret ever putting a finger on him."
* * *
"Seokie, what did you find? Are you about to finish?" Hoseok asks, playing with a small alpaca figure in Seokjin's desk.
"I just miss spending time with you, Seokie. Can I help you? Please?"
Seokjin hums. "I'm quite busy now, why don't you go with one of the boys? I'm going to - aha! Find it! How didn't I recognise him? I must have been too shocked for the accident." Seokjin takes his glasses off.
"What did you find?" Hoseok leans closer to read the paper, even if all the words are upside down.
"Do you remember Mimi's partner?"
"She has a partner?"
"Changmin, The Black Eagle's leader."
"Oh, she must have found he's dead."
"Exactly. She found out what we did it and she probably wants revenge. I'm a genius, Namjoon has to know about this, see you later baby."
"But Seokie -"
Seokjin pecks his lips and leaves. Hoseok keeps playing with the small alpaca, the one he gifted him for their anniversary.
"Do you miss him too, RJ?"
He moves his head in agreement.
* * *
"You're a genius, little prince." Namjoon takes the papers.
"Damn right I am."
Namjoon chuckles at his antics and reads them briefly. "She must want revenge now."
"That's what I told Seokie. What are we supposed to do, Joon? Can you come out with a plan? We don't count with the company's devices, but we've guns, Blacky, and Jimin has some small bomb balls in his bedroom, just in case, remember? Yoongi doesn't need Bang PD's help to track someone and Jungkook can always do his part."
Namjoon returns him the papers. "Let me think about it. Does anyone else know?"
Seokjin shakes his head.
"Did you find if she has allies in her mafia? Another team or someone going solo? She must belong in the The Black Eagles', that's probably how they met. Yeah, the perfect pair. " Namjoon's sarcasm makes Seokjin grin and he hits his chest softly. "Come on, let's tell the others."
* * *
"Oh my, they were dating?" Taehyung grimaces. "How can they both have bad taste?"
"They got married, actually." Seokjin explains. "We believe she wants revenge because we killed her husband. She must want to kill each one of us, or only one, or three or four, she wants to give us the same pain. That bitch's so obvious."
Yoongi scoffs and stands up, but Hoseok grabs his hands and pulls him down. "So now she plans hunting us to death? He deserved it and so does she. Why people don't fucking realise no one can mess with us and come out alive?"
"Well, that's understandable. If you killed my partner, I would also want to kill you. Wouldn't you want the same? Everyone would do the same. They may appear heartless to us, but everyone has someone they love, even Bang PD."
"Bang PD?" Hoseok questions. "What does this have to do with him?"
Yoongi gives the youngest a funny look and Jungkook clears his throat. "Well, he owns one of the biggest mafias in the world. He clearly ain't the most angelical person in the world. He has a lot of enemies, right?"
"Oh, you've got a point."
"Taehyung," Namjoon interrupts, "I need to talk to Tiger. He spent a week with her, he must know how she works, her movements, or some of her contacts. He must have useful information. Seokjin will probably need his help as well for further investigations."
"Why? Tiger can't appear for himself." Taehyung pouts. Yoongi holds his hand noticing the younger's discomfort.
"I know."
"Moni ..." Jimin bites his lower lip, "we've to put Taetae in an uncomfortable situation to make him appear ... and we don't want that."
"I know."
"He doesn't like us," the blond head continues, "how do you know he'll collaborate?
"Because he cares for Taehyung just as much as we do."
"Namjoon you're not making sense right now." Seokjin comments, the others agreeing mentally with him.
"I know, but I've a plan."
"Spit it out."
"We only need an empty room, a lock from outside, and Jungkook."
Said male's eyes widen. "Me? Why me? Why do you always drag me in the middle? Seriously, what's your problem? This is becoming personal, I wasn't expecting that from you, Namjoon."
The leader can't help himself but smile, already expecting this kind of reaction. "The last times he took over you were around, and Taehyung mentioned more than a few times he despises you. You're the best option if we don't want Taehyung to actually suffer, we're not going to do that."
"Just looking at him makes his presence stronger." Taehyung growls loudly enough for everyone to hear.
Jungkook rolls his eyes. "You're both unbelievable. Besides, he saved my life today and it doesn't look he hates me more than Taehyung does. He could have ran alone, but somehow decided to bring me with him."
"You've got a point, but Joon's idea's not bad. We lock you in a room, fight like you always do and, surprise," Yoongi raises his arms, "Tiger appears. We get you out, Namjoon gets the information, and Taehyung comes back. I don't see any flaws in his plan."
Taehyung moans and steps his feet fast in the floor. "Why him? Why? Why him?"
"You can't stop behaving like a child, can you?" Jungkook groans and stands up. "Where's the room? The sooner we start, the sooner will end."
Jimin kneels in front of Taehyung and caresses his knees. "Taetae, it won't last long. When you come back it will be over, okay? I'll make sure I'm the first person you see when you come back. We can watch a film together later, what do you think?"
"And have a bath with bubbles?" Taehyung says with his famous pout.
"And with rose petals."
"Pinky promise?" He shows his pinky at the high of Jimin's nose.
Jimin bites his lower lip, but smiles. "Pinky promise."
Jungkook watches the scene from the other side of the room. Images of the pinky promise they made eighteen years ago clouding his vision. Only a soft hand on his shoulder brings him back to reality.
"This way,"