Chapter 26: CHAPTER 24

Jungkook and Tiger reach home out of breath. Namjoon and Hoseok run to them with a frown on their face.
"You - you explain it," Tiger groans, shutting his eyes closed, "tell them who - who we saw. Please, it's important."
Tiger closes his eyes for a moment and blinks them open, the eyes showing Taehyung's natural colour.
"What - what are we doing here?" He narrows his eyebrows, exploring his surroundings as if it will give him a clue of what happened.
His left hand holds onto something warm and soft, the opposite of a cardboard box. He drops his gaze cautiously to said hand and raises his head to discover the owner. He lets go sharply and Jungkook shakes his arm without muttering a word.
"Come, let's talk." Namjoon leads them to the sofa.
Hoseok leaves for a moment to make some tea, he intuits the others will join as well as the situation requires it.
"Jungkook?" Namjoon questions him, raising an eyebrow.
"Hold on. Taehyung, do you remember something?"
He shakes his head. "You didn't want me to choose the same ones ... then ... um," Taehyung looks at the ceiling and pouts his lips, "a blurry image and everything turns black."
Hoseok comes back with seven cups neatly collocated on a wooden tray and disappears upstairs to call the others. The rest of the boys eventually come down, their sleepers against the floor fill the quiet space. When each one of them take a seat, Namjoon nods at Jungkook.
"I went to the convenience store with Taehyung, but suddenly he—Tiger, actually—dragged me out of there after making eye contact with a woman. We ran for a while until he hid us under the stairs of a building. I only saw her red sharp heels, but Tiger met her. He told me that woman kidnapped Taehyung and he took over, that's why he remembers her. He also mentioned you rescued him thanks to Jimin."
Taehyung moves to sit on Jimin's lap burying his head on his chest, memories of that day flashing in his mind. His boyfriend holds him by his waist drawing small circles. He doesn't remember anything of his days with that woman, but his body ached for a full week when he took control again, a few scars still remain in his body.
"What the fuck is she doing here?" Yoongi spats to no one in particular. "I thought we ended her."
Hoseok places a hand on his shoulder and Yoongi leans back in his seat.
Seokjin takes a long sip, emptying the small cup. "Listen to me, are we talking about Mimi? The woman obsessed with colour red?"
"Yeah, I think so." Namjoon rubs his chin.
Seokjin crosses one leg on top of the other. "Did she say something, Jungkook? Did she talk to someone in particular? Perhaps yelled in frustration? That's one of the most famous mistakes in this world."
"No, she only chased us. I think she didn't see my face, only Ti - Taehyung's."
"Mm-hmm, let me see what I can do. I've the old cases archived in my office, probably we missed something since our first priority became Taehyung."
"Shit, that's it. She just disappeared. I couldn't track her anymore and Bang PD decided to call it a case closed and just moved on."
"Mmm, I remember it now." Hoseok taps Yoongi's thigh.
"Jinnie, are you going to work on it? Bang PD forbidden us -"
"Do I look affected by Bang PD's words?" Seokjin scoffs, "He only provides us a place to work and money. We don't need to depend economically on him anymore and we can find a new place for us to practice. Besides, I can work with contacts I made myself."
"So, who wants to go solo now?" Yoongi grins and raises his hand.
Namjoon shakes his head with a smile making its way to his face and puts his hand up at the same time as Seokjin, the others hesitate but end up imitating him. Jimin raises his hand the last thinking he might catch Yoongi's attention.
They haven't resolved their misunderstanding yet. He hoped Yoongi would try to solve it today, but he hasn't spared him a glance since they woke up. His heart becomes smaller in his chest, as if someone has punched it multiple times.
* * *
Yoongi's fingertips almost brush his favourite picture with Jimin, while The Reason by Hoobastank plays on his phone. Drops of tears fall on it and he quickly places it down, pressing his black sleeves gently to dry it.
Hoseok took this picture with an analog camera last Christmas: Jimin messed around with a bottle of wine and Yoongi contemplated him with a gummy smile, eyes sparkling. He has kept it with him ever since Hoseok revealed it.

Yoongi saw for the first time how his eyes shined fondly at the sight of them. They don't need words to understand what they mean for each other and an I love you never satisfies Yoongi, it doesn't make what he feels justice. He wishes he could give them his heart and feel it for themselves.
He needs and wants so badly to talk with Jimin, but first he has to understand what's going on from someone else.
* * *
Jungkook bobs his head at the beats coming from the speaker, unaware of the new presence in his room. Someone turns the chair around and Jungkook almost punches Yoongi, stopping his fist a centimetre away from his face.
"Holy moly, Suga! What on earth is wrong with you?" Jungkook lowers the music until it becomes inaudible. "What do you want?"
Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm not gonna waste our time, so you better tell me everything."
Jungkook pinches the bridge of his nose."I told you what Tiger told me, okay? I don't know anything else. Seokjin's already working on it, so you can go ask him."
"Jimin—what do you want from him? Why do you look at him like that?"
Jungkook rolls his eyes, tired of the same delusional accusations. "I can't change my eyes, but for you I would take them off and put on new ones. Does blue works for you or are you more into green?"
Yoongi pulls his own hair to restrain himself from something he may regret later. For the first time, he wants answers, not accusations. "Don't pretend to be a saint with me, what do you want from him?"
"Nothing." Jungkook shrugs. "Are you done?"
"Why did I find you hugging in the hallway? Why did he come to you and not us? Why did he search comfort in you and not us?"
"You should talk with Jimin, I can't answer that." Jungkook answers calmly.
He actually pities Suga, he must have gone through so much to become this insecure. Would Jimin's feelings change for him if he loved me too?
"Are you two hiding something from us?"
"I can swear Jimin doesn't hide anything regarding me."
"And you, JK? Do you really think I would never notice the way you look at him with those doe eyes of yours? What a shame, I began to like you after everything you did for us and Jin. But we came back, and so did the disgusting way you look at Jimin and your ridiculous complains last twenty four hours a day."
"First, I don't look at Jimin with disgust. Second, didn't you think I may have a reason to be annoyed twenty four seven? A reason that doesn't include any of you? If you don't have a life outside this team, this house, this world, doesn't mean I don't."
Jungkook can swear a glint of pain crossed Yoongi's eyes for a moment, but his poker face comes back and with it his dark, empty eyes. A wave of regret hits Jungkook, if all their pasts look similar to Jimin's, he didn't want to know what Yoongi went through to end up here.
"I find it disgusting, but that doesn't mean your look holds the feeling, kiddo." Jungkook tilts his head, completely lost. "I find it disgusting because you," he pauses and takes a breath, "you've the same sparkles in your eyes. You look at him the way I and the rest of the boys look at him. Why?"
Jungkook has never noticed how obvious his eyes show the longing to hug Jimin again, to recover his old friend, his best friend, his Jimin-ssi. He made sure to keep all his feelings to himself and he thought until now he had done it successfully.
Jungkook stands up to keep it cool. "I just want to know what do you want, what do you want to hear, Yoongi? I'm willing to give you the satisfaction if you let me alone."
"What does Jimin mean to you?"
"My only friend inside this madly household. No offence, but all of you should reconsider getting your unsolved traumas together and, for real, forget about me."
"Jungkook," Yoongi pronounces his name slowly, "you can't fool me. I'll end up discovering why you joined our team when we didn't need you, why you only paid attention to Jimin when you got your ass here, and why you keep treating him like he's your favourite."
"Because he's my favourite and the unicorn follows behind. Jimin and J-hope are the only ones who tried to approach me sincerely—Namjoon and Jin did it out of courtesy at first, but we're kind of growing fond of each other. You and Taehyung would probably be in the same path, but your obssesion with Jimin and me has blinded you."
Yoongi's lips become a fine line. He studies him for what he sees, not for what he thinks. "Who are you, Jungkook? And I don't ask about JK, I want to know about Jungkook. To understand what's going on between you and Jimin I must know where you come from."
"How much do you care about Jimin?" Jungkook blurts out.
He knows he's anyone to question Yoongi's love for him. They clearly love each other and a different, stronger connection links Jimin to Yoongi.
He scoffs and pokes his tongue in his cheek. "I can't put it into words, you idiot. I would kill for him. I would kill myself if needed. I would do anything for him to be safe, but because of you," he presses a finger on Jungkook's chest, "our relationship hangs by a thread. Because he doesn't believe me. He doesn't fucking notice your eyes every time you get lost looking at him, admiring him."
Do I get lost admiring Jimin?
Jungkook bites his tongue. Even if he met Jimin first, he acknowledges Jimin would choose Yoongi over him. Love can't be measured, but in his savage way Yoongi wins him when they talk about caring and loving Jimin. If he were Yoongi, he would have actually punched himself. A stranger looking at your partner as if it was an unforgettable love? Jungkook would also want to know what's going on, but he can't risk it. He found Jimin, but his main mission remains the same; to kill Bang PD.
"I can't explain it to you right now, but one day everything will make sense. Hate me now, understand me later, understood?" Jungkook holds onto the hope Yoongi will drop the topic, as he's not providing useful answers.
Yoongi shakes his head, defeated. "At first I thought you were obsessed with him. You would seduce him and make him stay by your side, maybe, who knows, kidnap him."
Jungkook scrunches his nose. "Kidnap him?"
"Fuck, I know it , it doesn't make sense. You're hiding something and that involves Jimin, you already exposed yourself. So you better spill it before I lose my temper and disfigure your face."
Jungkook's heart jumps. "I didn't."
"I can't explain it to you right now, but one day everything will make sense. What the fuck does it mean? You better tell me the truth, kiddo. Who are you?"
"Has Jimin ever told you how he ended up involved in this world? How he found Bang PD?" Jungkook changes the topic, raising an eyebrow.
Yoongi groans and leans his head backwards. "A mafia kidnapped him and kept him hidden for ages. Bang PD and his men saved him. They could end those psychos, the only thing I thank him for. The boys had already been corrupted and used to this world that they couldn't come back to their old life."
"Did Jimin want to come back?"
"Yeah, kind of. He shrugged it off, he was only eight when it happened. Jimin says he doesn't keep a lot of memories from that time and wants to keep his family - oh - oh shit, that's what I was talking about. Why are you so interested in him? Why do you ask so many questions about his life?"
Jungkook tilts his head. "Did he mention someone of his past life?"
Yoongi narrows his eyebrows. "No. Why?"
"Once you told me you hate Bang PD, can I know why?"
He ruffles his hair and walks to the bed. "I told you why; he threatens my persona, turns out yours too. Now spill your tea."
"Is it true you want to kill him? Do you want to kill Bang PD?"
"Nothing would make me happier, but that's - ugh, why do you keep asking me questions?"
"To make sure I can trust you. No one was supposed to know about it, but you won't stop annoying me plus telling Jimin who-knows-what about me. If you'll keep your eyes on me, I would rather you do it with the truth."
Even after saying it, Jungkook still hesitates. Out of all the Bangtan Boys he can trust, Yoongi ranked first starting from the bottom—turns out it doesn't, not anymore.
Yoongi pats the spot next to him.
"If you tell someone, even a single person, especially Jimin," Jungkook warns, "and you ruin my plans, I'll break all your bones. Understood?"
Yoongi pats the spot again, not looking at him. Jungkook takes off his slippers with a few shakes and sits with his legs crossed.
"Suga, the boys trust you. Can I trust you?"
Yoongi carelessly nods. "Spit it out."
"Jimin used to live in a small -"
"How do you know that?!"
"Don't interrupt me, just trust my words." Jungkook clears his throat. "Jimin used to live in a small town, we were neighbours. We met one day in the park right in front our homes. I admired him, I wanted to become like him one day. When I turned six, we met in the park like we used to and he drew a cake in the sand. I blew up the fake candles," Jungkook giggles, "some of the sand got in Jimin's eyes, but he didn't scold me. We had just made each other a promise when a few men appeared out of nowhere. They took Jimin and I cried, I tried to run after him, but I fell and I couldn't keep up with their pace. I saw how he put them in a black van. An old couple from the vicinity found me and I told mum what happened—as best as a six year old can explain himself. They didn't believe me, why would someone kidnap Jimin? Our town was known for its calmness, everyone knew each other ... " Jungkook makes a pause, his eyes lost.
"But you were only six, how did you end up here? Did they kidnap you as well?" Yoongi lowers his voice, encouraging him to keep going.
"I've never forgotten Jimin. To be honest, I tried to forget what I saw; Jimin kept kicking the man and screamed my name between his tears. I kept a picture of both of us in my room, even if I had nightmares I didn't want to forget him. Obviously, the police couldn't find him and a few months later they claimed him dead. His parents were devastated, a few years later they moved to the city. My family stayed. I refused to believe it. I spent a lot of years yearning to see him again. When I turned eighteen I started investigating myself—my taekwondo's mentor had a few contacts. I only told him one of my closest friends went missing. Later on, they introduced me to Bang PD and I thought he had good intentions. His mafia protected others, so why wouldn't I consider joining in the future? But when they took me to the training area I saw more of his men, that's when I recognised two of them—older, but still the same men that took Jimin."
"What the fuck?" Yoongi tightens his fists, digging his nails deeper on his skin.
Jungkook nods. "I ... I couldn't trust anyone and I ended up doing my own investigation. I contacted Bang PD's enemies first—they would tell me more than Bang PD's men, bet he must tell them half of the truth. It took me a lot of research and connections and time, but I finally found the proof I needed to confirm he was the one who snatched Jimin his beautiful life. On the other hand, I needed to know where he kept Jimin because I still refused to believe he killed him. Jimin is the main reason I joined your team, to be close to him. I cried in my room when they told me Bang PD accepted me. I promised myself I would kill him for what he did to Jimin—for what he did to me. We wouldn't be here if it had never happened. We would probably be studying something normal or having a not abnormal job right now. Jimin and I could have had an ordinary and joyful life together ... and Bang PD ruined all we had."
Jungkook stares at the wall, biting his lip and cracking his fingers. He doesn't dare to look at Yoongi, he has a lot to digest and perhaps he ends up not believing a single word.
"Jimin's your childhood best friend ... and Bang PD took him away from you and his family? You've spent more than a half of your life waiting for Jimin ... because you never gave up on him?" Yoongi asks cautiously, almost as if it's his own personal situation.
"Yes, something like that—yes."
Jungkook opens and closes his mouth a few times to explain himself better, but his whole body paralyzes when a pair of arms wrap around him and a hand pats his back.

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