Chapter 22: CHAPTER 20
Yoongi thought he couldn't hate his boss more, Bang PD had the great idea to put the boys on an indefinite break. Even if each one of them could drown with all the money they earned these past few years - less Jungkook, he indeed needs the boys - it meant they wouldn't be receiving any until their boss decides to cut out this useless joke. Namjoon assured his boyfriends and Jungkook that everything would be all right. They had made a big mistake in their boss's eyes, but the man also knows they're his best team. The mafia would never be the same without them, as much as it hurts Bang PD's pride. Namjoon thought instead of calling him and making a scene in the middle of the company, they could enjoy this time as fake break, before they've to put their lives on the edge once more. Only if the boys could drop this job once and for all, but they've all been exposed too much in this world, they couldn't retake an ordinary life, with an ordinary job. As Seokjin thought, there's not enough lies to cover what they've been doing for years.
Between slow mornings and savage nights, Seokjin's body starts reacting to the chilly September breeze. Autumn's around the corner, and Seokjin has the need to put on his favourite sweater. He thought it was in his wardrobe, but the last time he used it he spent the night in Namjoon's room.
He sighs to himself, It's not in his wardrobe either.
He decides to take one last look before giving up on the piece of clothing. His hand reaches the end of the cabinet and collides with a small box. He narrows his eyebrows, grabs it stretching his fingertips and takes it out.
Why does Namjoon hide this? He brings it close to his ear and shakes it. If it made a sound, he couldn't catch it. Seokjin knows he should respect his privacy, or at least ask him first, but right now his intrigue is bigger than his common sense. He sits on the edge of the bed, staring at the black box in his hands. It can't be that bad.
He opens it slowly, but regret hits him as a basketball in the face before he can fully open it. Would Namjoon lose all his trust on me, if he ever finds out? I mean, come on, it's just a small box. A face of an angry Namjoon flashes through his mind ... No, no, no. I shouldn't do this. He must have his reasons to keep this -
He slowly lowers the lid, but the silver ring in it shines too bright for Seokjin to ignore. He tilts his head in confusion, Namjoon was only eighteen when they met. Was he secretly married to someone else before he met us? Or could be ... Dora's? Did he gift it to her and she denied to keep it when they broke up? That bitch, she should have at least kept it -
Seokjin closes the box as fast as he can and smiles anxiously at Namjoon, who questions him from the door frame.
"Namjoon, I'm so sorry. I didn't ... It wasn't my intention - it actually was - but I came here only looking for my favourite sweater, it happened I found this instead." Seokjin raises his fist, attempting to show it to him. Perhaps unconsciously, he has his hand all around the mysterious box, preventing Namjoon to recognise it from where he stands.
Namjoon lets out a short giggle and closes the door behind him. "The last time I saw it Jimin was wearing it." He sits next to him and observes Seokjin for a few moments. "Anyway, what are you talking about? What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine. I can't believe you forgot your own rule." He chuckles, and Soekjin feels his heart coming back to its usual rhythm.
"Um ... I'm talking about this." He hands it to Namjoon. "You gifted it to Dora when you dated her, didn't you? How did she have the guts to return it? She didn't deserve it anyway, too pretty for her."
Namjoon stares at the ring for a few moments and his smile slowly disappears. "Where did you find it?"
"In the bottom of your wardrobe." Seokjin sighs and bites his lip. "Are you mad? I know I shouldn't have opened it, I should have respected your privacy. Just because we're dating doesn't mean I've the right to look at your personal belongings. I just acted impulsively. I'm sorry. You know I'm not that kind of boyfriend ... right?" His voice comes out almost as a whisper at the end, too afraid Namjoon would actually get upset with him.
Namjoon shakes his head slowly, as if he's recovering from a small shock. He takes his time to answer. "I'm not mad ... Just ... Surprised. I almost forgot about it."
Namjoon takes out the shiny jewel from the chain he had added to the ring. He admires it for moment. Times flies, indeed.
"It's pretty." Seokjin comments with a sincere smile. "Did it belong to one of your ex-girlfriends? That's why you hid it? I don't recall ever seeing it before."
Surprisingly, an awkward laugh comes out of Namjoon's lips. "Uh ... It was for you, actually." He faces him for the first time after what it feels like an eternity. "I bought it before we met the others."
Seokjin nods, not quite understanding the situation yet. "That's a long time ago. It's a forgotten birthday present, then?"
Namjoon shakes his head and wets his lips. "I - I lied, actually." Seokjin doesn't mutter a word, waiting for Namjoon with close attention to say something else, to put another piece of the puzzle together. "I lied that day, in the hospital. I lied to Taehyung - God, you should have never found this." Namjoon sounds more nervous than what he did a minute ago. He puts the jewel back to the box and closes it.
"What's wrong, Joon? What did you lie about in the hospital? If you talk with Taehyung, I'm sure he'll understand ... But I don't understand what it has to do with the neckless. I mean, it's just a necklace, isn't it?"
Namjoon takes a deep breath before speaking. "The problem's not it, but its meaning. This is your ring, Jin." Seokjin blinks, still having no clue how can he put these two facts together.
"What do you mean my ring?"
Namjoon lets out an audible sigh and bites his lip. Seokjin stares for a second at his boyfriend's bouncing leg, it takes him all his self-control not to rest a hand on his thigh.
"I love you the most, Jin." He confesses guilty, avoiding his gaze. "I know I should love you all equally - as I promised Taehyung - but I just love you a little bit more. God, you don't get it, do you? I wanted to marry you!"
Seokjin pulls his face away in surprise. "Ma - marry me?!"
"I had our life together planned in my head, you know? I would have asked you to marry me, even if it's still forbidden in South Korea. You would have said yes, and we would have lived together forever. I would have dropped this stupid job and take you somewhere far away ... Maybe an island like Bora Bora, but it would have been expensive, wouldn't it?" He lets out an embarrassed giggle, his cheeks flushing slightly. "But before I could actually ask you, we met Yoongs and Hobi. We lived surrounded by chaos for a couple of months, and then it turned out we weren't alone in our relationship anymore. I thought it was ridiculous to ask something like that at that time - of course, I wasn't ready to also marry them. I couldn't find the courage to throw it away, in hopes I could actually marry all of you one day ... I added the chain to keep it with me. Actually, I wore it a few times, but I stopped when I almost lost it one day. I found it under a chair in my office. Nevertheless, I promised myself I would keep it safe, so every time we moved, I shoved it in the wardrobe. It can't never be lost in there, can it? "
Namjoon smiles nervously, hoping Seokjin will make a joke about it and minimise his silly, mad story. Seokjin has never given any signals to Namjoon about his desire of getting married, so maybe he would have rejected it. At that thought, Namjoon's cheeks become almost crimson. To his good - bad for him today - luck, Seokjin isn't the type of boyfriend to joke around his partner's problems nor push them aside, as if they have never been revealed.
"Oh, Joonie," Seokjin whimpers, "You should've told me that before." Seokjin hugs him, resting his head on his shoulder. "Why did you keep it to yourself? You could have asked me ..."
Namjoon pulls away to take a better look at him. He holds his hands and caresses them softly for a few seconds. "It didn't seem right, Jinnie. We had two more boyfriends, and two became four. It wasn't Jinnie and Joonie anymore."
Both of them try - unsuccessfully - to hide their smiles. Even if they still use their old nicknames, there was a time where they leveled their relationship to 'Jinnie & Joonie' (Seokjin still has a bracelet with the name craved). Namjoon remembers Yoongi's disgusting face when he first heard it, and how offended Seokjin had felt. His old self understood his boyfriend, but twenty six year old Namjoon pity Yoongi. It did come out cringe, after all.
"Mm-hmm, but I would have loved to hear this question coming from you."
Namjoon's hand moves to Seokjin cheek, who tilts his head unconsciouslly, and caresses it with his palm. Looking fondly in each other's eyes, he asks, "Would you have said yes?"
Seokjin giggles and kisses his palm. "You'll never know."
"Oh, c'mon!" Namjoon laughs, hitting gently his chest. "Tell me, I deserve to know."'
Seokjin shakes his head and leans on for a quick peck. "But do you want to know a secret?" He whispers without pulling away, his breath warming Namjoon's lips. "I also love you most."
Namjoon cups his cheeks to properly kiss him, but it doesn't last long as Seokjin pulls away with a smile. "Can I keep it? I would like ... I mean, it's pretty ... And you thought about me - us - when you bought it."
"It has always been yours, little prince."
Namjoon opens the box again and grabs the neckless. He leans to put it on around Seokjin's neck and kisses his cheek when he finishes.
"It's odd. I've the feeling I'm dating you from the start." Seokjin touches the ring with his fingertips. "Do you feel guilty? As if you have betrayed the others?"
"Can you cheat on your boyfriends with your boyfriend?" Namjoon questions with a smile, and it makes an effect in Seokjin, as his facial features become more relaxed. "All of us have a special someone, it's not just us, you know? I always thought Yoongi loved Hoseok more than the rest of us - for obvious reasons - though I'm not sure anymore."
"How come?"
"Don't you think he has a soft spot for Jimin? If he could, he would hold him and never let him go. He babies him too much sometimes, don't you think? He actually had a word with Yoongi about that, Jimin told me."
"Well, don't forget Yoongi has a soft spot for each one of us. Jimin just happens to be the cutest among us - I don't blame him - but he should really cut the babysim, it can get pretty annoying." He emphasises the word 'annoying', expecting Namjoon would catch the hint.
"Could be ... but Taehyung's the cutest to me. Have you seen him?"
"I'm not blind, of course I see him."
Namjoon laughs and pats his back, but before he can have another word someone knocks the door and opens it after a few seconds. Yoongi sticks his head in, "Oh, Jin, you're also here. Good. Dinner's ready, be quick."