Chapter 21: CHAPTER 19
The boys sit on the classy fur sofa in Bang PD's office. The man raises the cup of coffee and places it between his lips. He doesn't take a sip and puts it down, along a sigh. He stares at them for long moments. I gave them an order and they didn't have a better idea to do the complete opposite.
"What have I told you to do with The Black Eagles?" His voice comes out deep and slow.
He takes his time to swallow a sip of his drink. He rests his chin on top of his hands and observes the boys blinking at him. He smirks to himself when he notices the panic in the boys' eyes, they should already know not to mess with him nor the missions.
"To bring them to you." Jungkook finally comments, not giving Namjoon time to control the situation.
"Mm-hmm, and what did you do?" Bang PD encourages, clenching his jaw.
"Let them rot in hell, just how they deserve." JK makes himself more comfortable on the sofa, enjoying how his boss's ears become slightly red.
"Listen, they almost killed Seokjin. We couldn't risk getting hurt again. They were dangerous, okay?" Namjoon tries to resonate. "What would have you done with them, anyway? They would have spent the rest of their lives in jail, right?"
"Don't speak to me as if I'm your friend, RM. I'm your boss and you must do what I say. You lead The Bangtan Boys, but don't forget who leads you. You all would be dead by now if it wasn't for me. Did you boys forget your past? Did you forget where you come from?" He clears his throat and adjust his tie. "If you ever disobey me again . . . This job isn't another game of yours. My job isn't a game."
"Would you have taken responsibility for Seokjin's death?" Jungkook challenges. Who does he believe he is? My life wouldn't have been ruined, if he wouldn't have taken my most precious thing away from me. Fuck you, we were just kids. "What would have you done, huh? Bring him back to life with some kind of trick? Of course you don't care, it's not your life the one being threatened."
Jungkook's dark eyes send daggers to his boss, but the man holds the stare. Bang PD studies him for the first time since he joined his mafia. He always looked familiar, but he thought it was because he saw him on TV frequently. When Jungkook smirks, a blurred memory flashes in front of his eyes as vivid as it could ever be. Hm, so he's the kid that was with Jimin that day. He remembers what I did, doesn't he? Jimin pleaded for months to bring him back to his Kookie. But if they're, indeed, the same person, how did he end up here? Bang PD shifts his sight to Jimin, but the blond boy stares at the floor holding his hands together. Does he know? Do they all know? Does Jimin remember? Have these boys discovered I'm the one who put Jimin through hell, only to rescue him years later to join my team?
Jungkook crosses his arms against his chest and grins. This is going to be fun.
* * *
"Okay, kiddo. What the fuck was all of that about with Bang PD? And why are you still here? I bet he would kick me out if I ever dare to speak to him like that." Yoongi rests his feet on the table, observing how Jungkook sits on the other sofa.
Jungkook raises an eyebrow. "Weren't you the one cursing on his name every chance you got?"
"Yes. I still do. That man can go fuck himself, but I'm not stupid. If Bang PD knew what I actually think about him, he would move skies and oceans to find me. "
"You mean he would move heaven and earth to find you."
Yoongi just rolls his eyes.
Jungkook leans closer, his arms resting on his thighs. "Suga, do you have a specific reason to hate him so much? Have he ever done something to you? Or to someone you love?"
"He's a threat to my persona. To all of us. Well, not you. You're not gay. Consider your heterosexuality lucky." He lets out a bitter chuckle, with a smirk.
"No, I'm not gay. But that doesn't mean I only like women."
A loud gasp comes from the beginning of the stairs. When Jungkook moves his head to catch the person, Hoseok's already next to him. "Wait, wait, wait. So, you're also into men? Since when? Do you bottom or top? Are you a switch like me? Tell your Hobi everything. Do you find any of us attractive? Do you have a boyfriend already? Oh my God, something told me you were fruity!" He claps, loud giggles filling up the whole living room. "EVERYONE, JUNGKOOK'S INTO MEN!" He screams from the bottom of his lungs.
Yoongi laughs at Hoseok's comment from his seat, and Jungkook doesn't miss the sparkles in his eyes. His eyes never transmit any kind of emotion when he talks to him, he has the same dark ocean over, and over again. Oh, right, Suga has the capacity to fall in love, too.
"Calm down, unicorn. You all don't need to know the details."
"Oh, I do." Yoongi rests his head on Hoseok's shoulder. "Do you like Jimin? I fucking knew it. Stop daydreaming over him, he's not yours." Yoongi's empty eyes stare at him again. "Go find yourself another guy."
Jungkook lets out a long sigh and gets up. "I'm not having this conversation again. And for the last time, I. don't. have. any. thing. for. Jimin."
Seokjin clears his throat from the bottom of the stairs, and Hoseok giggles when he notices who stands in front of him. Without a word, the eldest pats the blond's shoulder and makes his way to the kitchen.
Jimin stands there, blinking. Should I hide under the sheets again or pretend I didn't hear anything?
He ends up doing none and smiles to his boyfriends. "Anyway, who's gay?"
"I'm not gay." Jungkook explains.
"But you like men."
"That doesn't make me gay."
"You're not gay?" Taehyung asks, embracing a closed biscuits package with his arms. "Wait, since when were you gay? And why do I care?"
Yoongi facepalms himself, while Jungkook groans in frustration. "Just stop it you all already."
Jimin slowly raises his hand to comfort him, but he lowers it again before anyone can notice. He sighs to himself, also tired of this weird accusation. If Jungkook actually liked him, he would notice. I'm not stupid, I can tell when someone's attracted to me or not.