Apokalypsis’ True Nature

What could warrant such alarm in regards to Jun's Apokalypsis Noble Phantasm?

"What about Apokalypsis? And it's Apokalypsis Heart now by the way." Jun communicated.

"The little additions do not really matter. Apokalypsis, a True Name that signifies the collapse on an Order so that another may rise in its place." Ahsaka revealed.

"It is not a power capable of ending all but simply the embodiment of that end itself" She continued.

"The only reason you have been able to use it as a source of power to transform into a mighty Daemon and after that was lost into a powerful dragon, was because those two existences have served as vehicles for the ending of certain Orders."

"In other words, once the true nature of Apokalypsis awakens, such superfluous manifestations of its power will no longer be possible." Ahsaka explained.

"But it's not like the power itself will disappear though right? Even if it takes a different form-" Jun began but was interrupted by Ahsaka.

"It's not as simple as you think it is I told you!" She exclaimed

"Once it reaches its true mature state, that Noble Phantasm will simply activate regardless of your will, triggering a collapse of the current Order."

"Like I said before, it is not a great power that will destroy everything but more like a virus that will infect the current Order, causing it to self destruct." Ahsaka revealed.

"As you are connected to the Root, your Apokalypsis will reverberate through All Things. The self destruction of the Root itself along with everything that ever rose from it . . ."

"It will then all be converted into pure energy, itws most basic and pure form, becoming the singularity that will give birth to the next iteration of the Root which will then give rise to a whole nother Multiverse."

"I had believed Apokalypsis would have a hard time reaching such a stage of completion but I was mistaken. So long as you enter your Aurea Poculum with your true body, it will draw out Apokalipsis' true nature and trigger the true END." Ahsaka declared with certainty.

". . ." Jun could only fall into silence.

He wished for power to mould his destiny to his will, to attain true freedom with all of its dangers. In a certain way, Apokalipsis was an absolute power that would make him convert all of existence into energy, making him truly ultimate but . . .

Such a thing would be a path he was forced on, an ending Jun did not at all desire, he had no need for an ultimate power that would only force him down a path he did not wish for.

"Is there a way to get rid of it?" Jun asked.

"Not completely no." Ahsaka directly replied.

"Even if you relinquish the power you have now, it will still surface later down the line. When you first laid your hands on that power, it became bound to you. It is the prophesied end of the Root of Akasha itself. A system even it can not do anything about."

"You have become its embodiment now and there is no way for you to escape that truth." She mercilessly declared.

"Then is there a way to control or at least stop it from activating?" Jun continued to ask.

"Now that! Is the right question." Ahsaka responded.

"Ever since you gained that power, I considered this possibility and so, I've been devising a way to contain and possibly even use Apokalipsis' power without ushering the literal END."

"Please bless me with you infinite wisdom!" Jun bootlicked Akasha.

"At least you seem to be thankful." Ahsaka responded with what Jun sensed to be a mental shrug.

"Of course I'm thankful. Not just for your help and wisdom but for your very presence." Jun said.

". . ." Now it was Ahsaka's turn to fall into silence.

Then, as if ignoring Jun's statement, she began talking about the solution she considered.

"To put it in a very simple and easy to understand way. We have to incorporate a seal into your very self. A self seal that will use Apokalipsis' own power as a means to restrain it." Ahsaka explained.

"If this is successful, even as Apokalypsis grows in power over time, reaching full maturity and continues to grow further still, the seal will grow along with it, allowing your own strength to continue to grow while not letting its activation take place."

"Normally, Apokalypsis would grow up to a certain stage and then trigger the collapse but if we stop that triggering, it should grow indefinitely, providing ever increasing strength without resulting in the END." Ahsaka concluded.

"So how will this work?" Jun asked.

"We need three things. Your true body, a terminal and a seal." Ahsaka declared.

"I see . . . Since I embody the END, my true self must be sealed so I will need a terminal to interact with the outside of my seal." Jun realized.

"That's right." Ahsaka confirmed.

"Build a terminal, download your consciousness into it and seal your true body. That's the plan." She added.

"As for what we'll use as the seal . . ." Ahsaka continued but Jun who had caught on to her idea finished her sentence.

"We'll rearrange Domina Coronam to become the seal and through its Ten Crowns, my terminal will be able to draw upon and use the power of my True Body sealed within!"

"Precisely." Ahsaka confirmed.

But then a realization came to Jun.

"Won't this mean I'll get a major nerf once again?" He questioned.

"True. While your power will grow infinitely once the plan is completed, your immediate raw power will suffer a downgrade for sure but if you play your cards right in the establishment of the seal, your overall strength might even increase in spite of a loss of raw power." Ahsaka comforted.

"First was a strike from the Umbral Ark, then it was one of the Skeleton Lords of the Akashic Tower and now it will be be by my own hand that the nerf will come . . ." Jun sighed to himself.

"Humans say the third time's the charm no? Just make sure this becomes your last stumble on the road to the destiny that you desire." Ahsaka cheered him up.

"RIght you are Ahsaka, right you are as always." Jun smiled.

"Let's do this!" He gathered his resolve.

He was still inside his own mind however, in the dead of night, covered by beauties sleeping in the same bed as himself.

First he had to wake up and then get back to work.

Jun had intended to just enjoy a nice vacation in DxD as his Noble Phantasm matured but now that he had come to know that said maturation could not be allowed to occur, not before a seal was created to hold it as its vessel, he was forced to cut his vacation short.

Well, more like postpone it.

It seemed he had one last big job to take care of before his relaxation truly came to him.

Then again, it was not like he could take it easy afterwards either. His raw power and skill set would come out of this endeavour of his utterly changed and as such, he would need a period of harsh readjustment training in order to get used to it.

Jun was sure Scathach would be thrilled to beat him right back into shape too. Maybe he would drag everyone into the Scathach boot camp so that he would not have to suffer alone.

First things first though, the modification of Domina Coronam to serve as his seal but even before that, Jun decided to start setting some things up.

'For starters, I'll bring everyone from DxD to meet with everyone from the Nasuverse and then, after introductions are properly taken care of, I'll begin assigning positions and duties to a few of them as a foundation for some of my future endeavours.' Jun internally decided.

'I'll send Sakura, Natalia and Maya back to the Nasuverse to set some things up and have the DxD folk redouble their efforts on the matter of the Khaos Brigade of which Satanael is a part of.'

'As for the Heroic Spirits, I'll have them stay behind and maybe even summon a few new ones. I was planning on making a modification of Domina Coronam that would allow it to both strengthen my Servants and be strengthened by them later but I'll move that up in my schedule.'

'I'll be sure to make use of these summoning to not only strengthen my forces but to also set up a few pre prepared measures to deal with the troubles I know I will encounter in the future."

'In other words. I'll summon heroic spirits which I know will appear in the future and make them into allies so that when the time comes, I will have already made an invisible first move to unbalance my opponents and gain a big advantage.'

And so full of devious plans for the future, Haikami Jun opened his eyes to a bed full of beauties, ready to get started.


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