Falling For The Idol

Chapter 10: 10

"Tae-Won," I breathed, not believing the person that stood before me. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" I looked behind me, checking on to see if my sister had come outside from her bedroom.

I then turn to look at him, "Yeah, come in."

I made way for him to pass inside my house, he took off his shoes at the doorstep. Walking around my house with his Black socks.

I stared at his back, his broad shoulders showing through the white shirt he had on. He then turn around to face me.

"So, why are you here!" I folded my hands, wanting to put on an authoritative air due to me being older than him.

"Well, can I take seat at least?" He asked.

I pointed my chin to the couch, and he took a sit. Coming to stand in front of him, my gaze cutting through him. I noticed him being uncomfortable, which was a good thing.


Tae-Won looked around avoiding my gaze. "Can I at least have something to drink?"

"No, now tell what exactly are you doing here in my house?"

"I just need a break." He said, playing with the ring on his fingers.

"Break from what?" I arched an eyebrow at him.

"From everything, everyone." His eyes looked at me, then his gaze fell to the ground. "Since I became an idol, haven't had any form of rest, I need some sort of long break."

"But, isn't this what you wanted?"

"At first, younger me wanted to become a big superstar, wanted that fast life. Now older me have realized that living such a life isn't in my best interests." He used his hand to cover his face.

"But, you still haven't answered my question."

He looked up at me, confusion etched on his face. I rolled my eyes at him. "Why are you here?" I repeated the question I asked earlier.

"Well, as I was driving around. Trying to understand the purpose of life and everything, I began to reason who I could come and meet for a helping hand and you popped up in my head."

"So let me get this straight. You came here because I popped into your head due to you looking for who can help you with your current condition?" He nodded his head.

"And your condition is you being tired of being a member of the biggest boy group in the world. So how does that even concerns me?"

He looked hurt for a split second then it vanished in an instant. "Cause we have met each other more than one time this past few weeks. It's destiny." I thought that he was being sarcastic, if not for him having a straight face.

"Yeah, that won't cut it. Leave my house." I said with such a harsh tone that even I was taken aback.

"What? Anna, won't you help me." His eyes looked up at him, asking and begging me.

"Help you with what exactly, with your Rich people problem. No, Tae-Won I have a life that I don't need a celebrity to come and ruin it for me. Especially not a celebrity of your caliber. If you are looking for help, go find someone else." I walked to my door, opening it up, telling him to leave.

He stood up, walked up to me. "I thought that I could trust you."

"Well too bad, i have my own problems to face and I don't need anybody bothering me. Now if you can please leave."

He gave me a long look, he was gauging me, not necessarily looking down at me, but just seizing me up.

"You remind me so much of my sister." He then walked away heading towards his car. I watched as he open up his car door. He looked over the top, giving me one last look, before he slid into the front seat.

Hearing the car revved up and then drive away from the curb and on to the street. Watching as his headlights disappear from view.

I let out a sigh, closing the door behind me. The realization that I was harsh on him pinning me down and making me feel like a terrible person.

I shook my head, clearing it of those thoughts. I did the right thing, I don't need paparazzi and journalist lining up my house.

I did the right thing.


I couldn't even tell when I fell asleep, cause I woke up my entire back was hurting me. Standing up I stretched out my body.

I walked into the kitchen looking for to make a cup of coffee to wake me up at least.

Heading to the coffee maker, which was pretty much the only thing I could make in this my pathetic life.

After doing the coffee, I drank out of it, it awakened my senses. I heard the dragging of footsteps and then my sister appeared. Her hair looking like a bird's nest.

"Good morning," she yawned then did a little stretch.

"Good morning." I replied back to her, sipping on the coffee.

She walked up the fridge, bending down to inspect it, she then closed it up, and checked the cabinet. Ransacking to look for whatever it was that she was looking for.

"Hey sis, would you like to have toast with me?"

I nodded my head, she then went ahead to do toast bread and slapped on peanut butter and jelly.

She put butter in mine, and I was grateful due for her doing that cause I wasn't really a fan of PB and Js.

I took a bite, enjoying the satisfying crunched that came out.

"Anna. Who were you talking to last night?"

I paused on my eating, "No one."

"That's funny, cause I could have sworn that I heard voices."

"You were just hearing things," I tried waving it off.

"No, I wasn't hearing things. I don't hear things."

"Amarie, I wasn't talking to anyone." I tried reassuring her.

Then there was a knock on the door. I walked to the living room, opening it up and I instantly felt my spit out the food in my mouth.

Cause standing once again in my front for was Tae-Won.

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