DxDanmachi: Voyager of Worlds Ability

Chapter 246: [243] : Holy Sword Wielders Maids—Couple's Cooking Time!

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"So…you spent all your money on paintings and are now reduced to begging on the streets?" Mika said, looking at Irina and Xenovia, who were devouring their food with gusto.

He couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and exasperation.

"No! This is all Irina's fault! I'm just an innocent bystander!" Xenovia protested, swallowing her food quickly.

"Is there a difference?" Mika rolled his eyes.



After their meeting with Rias and the others—he had skipped class, feeling restless, and had encountered the two Holy Sword wielders begging on the street.

"Alms for the poor, lost lambs!"

"Please, show mercy in the name of the Lord and help us!" They had been standing on a street corner, reciting their pleas to passersby.


Mika hadn't expected to see them again like this.


"How is this my fault?! I was just trying to buy a painting of a saint!" Irina argued, stopping mid-bite to glare at Xenovia.

"A saint? This is your saint?" Xenovia held up the painting she had been carrying, showing it to Irina.

"Who is this supposed to be? Do you even recognize him?"

The painting depicted a man in tattered clothing, a halo above his head, surrounded by cherubs. Mika didn't recognize him either.

"It's…Saint Peter," Irina said, averting her gaze.

"Don't be ridiculous. That is not what Saint Peter looks like."

"Yes, he is! I recognize him!"

"Why?! Why is my partner such an idiot?! Lord, is this another test of my faith?!"

"Please don't start your self-pitying routine again. You'll just get depressed."

"That's because you Protestants are heretics! Your values are different from the true Church! You should show more respect for the saints!"

"Says the Catholic who's stuck in the past, clinging to outdated rules!"

"What did you say, you heretic?!"

"What did you say?!"

They began bickering, their argument escalating rapidly.

Mika wanted to facepalm.

'Are these two really from the Church?' He was once again grateful for his decision not to join them.

"Enough!" he said, interrupting their squabble. "Are you going to eat, or should I have the waiter clear the table?"

"We're eating!" they exclaimed in unison, quickly returning to their meal, devouring the food with renewed gusto.

'Good. I've got them under control.' Mika nodded in satisfaction, then continued, "Since you've spent all your money, I assume you don't have a place to stay either?"

"We're staying at the abandoned church outside of town," Xenovia replied.

"The church…" Mika recalled the dilapidated building.

It was indeed a suitable place for Holy Sword wielders to stay, but if he remembered correctly, it had been abandoned for quite some time, then occupied by Fallen Angels, and finally, nearly destroyed during their battle. It barely offered protection from the elements.

"That place is hardly habitable."

"Since we're—allies, I'll arrange accommodations for you."

"Thank you, Mika!" They clasped their hands together and offered a prayer of thanks.

While they weren't concerned about the church's condition, Mika's offer implied he would also provide them with food—a far more tempting prospect.

They could sleep in a park; their enhanced physiques made them immune to illness. However, if they didn't eat, they would starve. After all, their earlier attempts at begging had yielded nothing.

This explained their ravenous appetites; they had been eating non-stop since arriving at the restaurant. The table before them was piled high with empty plates.

"Of course, there's no such thing as a free lunch. You'll have to work to pay for your stay. I'm not running a charity—" he said, interrupting their grateful prayers.

But they didn't seem concerned.

"We'll work hard!" they both assured him.

After they finished their meal, Mika led them to his apartment building.



"This is my home."

"Are we…sharing a room?" Irina asked, taking a step back, her eyes widening slightly as she looked at Mika.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. Even if you wanted to, Rias wouldn't allow it."

"I live on the fifth floor. You two can stay on the fourth." Unlike before—after Rias learned about his ability to travel between worlds, and subsequently moved in, she had purchased the entire building, using her hypnotic abilities to convince the other tenants to sell their apartments, offering them three times the market value as compensation.

The entire building above the sixth floor had been converted into a laboratory by Gabriel, while the remaining rooms were still under construction, their purpose yet to be determined.

"This entire building is ours. Your job will be to keep it clean. You'll be our—Maids."

Looking at the large building, Irina and Xenovia suddenly wondered if they had made a mistake.

'Had they walked into a trap?'



"What's this?" Rias asked, seeing Irina and Xenovia cleaning Mika's apartment when she returned from school.

"Ah, that." Mika set down his book and explained what had happened, his voice filled with amusement.

Rias chuckled, hearing about their predicament.

She hadn't imagined these formidable Holy Sword wielders, sworn enemies of Devils, would be reduced to begging on the streets.

She agreed to let them stay.

"I'll allow you to stay here temporarily," she said, adopting a serious tone. "But as Mika mentioned, you'll have to work to repay your debt. The maid arrangement—I approve."

"However…" She paused, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and Irina and Xenovia tensed up.

"However…?" they asked in unison.

Rias grinned. "However, your attire is—unacceptable. Maids should wear maid outfits. Wait here; I'll get you some." She turned and headed toward the storage room.

Mika, seeing her smile, instantly understood. She hadn't taken them in out of pity but to enjoy their humiliation.

After all, Holy Swords were the ultimate weapons against Devils, and their wielders held a high status within the Church.

To have them serving as maids in her home…it appealed to her sense of mischief. As the future head of the Gremory clan, having Holy Sword wielders as her personal maids was a rather—delicious irony.

Mika chuckled, then turned to Irina and Xenovia, whose faces were now crimson, steam practically rising from their ears.

"Maid outfits…not a bad idea," he said, leaning back against the sofa and grinning, earning him two sharp glares.


"Hmm—not bad. They fit perfectly."

"Of course they do! These are the standard Gremory maid outfits. Our fashion sense is impeccable," Rias declared.

Although Irina and Xenovia were mortified, they wore the outfits, their faces burning under Mika and Rias's scrutiny.

"They look rather—fetching," Mika commented, unable to contain his amusement.

"Indeed," Rias agreed.

Seeing them about to reach their breaking point, she said with a smile, "Welcome to our—love nest. As the future head of the Gremory clan, a proper welcoming ceremony is in order, even for our maids. So, get to work. We'll have a…celebration later."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Relieved to finally escape their scrutiny, they scurried off to their assigned tasks.

"You're quite the Devil, Rias," Mika chuckled, watching them go.

"Of course I am—I am a Devil, after all." She sat down beside him, crossing her arms proudly, then turned to him with a sly smile. "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that, Mika. I wouldn't believe you."

He chuckled but didn't respond. He had enjoyed it, though things hadn't gone exactly as he'd planned.

"Since we have new—staff, let's prepare a proper meal." He stood up, rolling up his sleeves.

"Let's cook together."

Rias glared at him for changing the subject, but she took his hand, allowing him to pull her closer.

"You're so sly," she murmured, snuggling against him.

They exchanged smiles and headed towards the kitchen.



And so, with a delicious meal and a shared sense of—mischief, Irina and Xenovia joined their…household.

Later that evening, Yuuto, Koneko, and Issei arrived.

They were the Devils assigned to assist in the "retrieval" of the Holy Swords. Or rather, they had volunteered. They were eager to help Yuuto destroy Excalibur.

However, due to their official positions, Rias, Akeno, and Mika couldn't openly participate in what was essentially a revenge mission for Yuuto.

And since Asia lacked combat abilities, only Yuuto, Koneko, and Issei could take part in the operation.

"Since Kokabiel stole the Holy Swords and came to this city, the Church has sent numerous Exorcists here. None have returned," Xenovia explained as they gathered in the makeshift meeting room on the third floor.

Rias frowned—hearing about the killings taking place within her territory.

Mika, noticing her displeasure, gently took her hand, offering a silent reassurance.

"In that case, perhaps we could lure them out by disguising ourselves as Priests," Yuuto suggested.

"That's a good idea," Xenovia agreed with a nod.

And so, their plan was formed.

Soon—several "Priests" appeared on the streets of Kuoh Town, under the cover of night.


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