DxDanmachi: Voyager of Worlds Ability

Chapter 241: [238] : Student Council Showdown—School Celebrity Status!

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The next day, after lunch.

Mika, Issei, and Asia headed towards the Occult Research Club.

Being students, their training could only take place during breaks, and lunchtime was ideal.

"Mika, where's Buchou today?" Issei asked as they walked.

"She has something to attend to," Mika replied. Instead of breakfast at the clubroom, he and Rias now shared lunch together at his apartment, enjoying the meals she prepared.

Issei and the others were unaware of this, hence their confusion about their changing relationship.

"Something to attend to? Can we still practice?"

"I'm not sure," Mika said with a shrug.


They soon reached the Occult Research Club.

"It seems lively in there." Sensing the auras within, Mika smiled and opened the door.

"Lively?" Issei, puzzled by his words, instantly understood upon seeing the scene within.

All the members of Rias's peerage, except for Mika, Issei, and Asia, were present, standing behind Rias, who sat facing another beautiful young woman: Sona Sitri—also known as Sona Shitori in the human world, the Student Council President of Kuoh Academy and—the younger sister of a Satan—Serafall Leviathan.

Mika recognized her instantly.

"So this is the Student Council President? Why is she here?" Issei muttered, following Mika inside.

Though he tried to whisper, the room had fallen silent after Mika's entrance—and everyone heard him clearly.

"Rias-senpai, didn't you tell him about us? It's rather strange for a fellow Devil to be unaware," a male student standing behind Sona remarked.

"Saji, we generally don't interfere in each other's—extracurricular activities. It's not surprising that he wouldn't know," Sona replied.

"Besides, he's a new Devil. Such a reaction is to be expected."

Issei froze. "There are other Devils at this school besides us?"

"Of course," Mika replied.

"You knew, Mika?"

"I sensed a few—unusual auras at school before becoming a Devil myself. It wasn't difficult to figure out after my transformation."

"I see—" Issei nodded, accepting his explanation without question. After all, Mika had been incredibly strong even before becoming a Devil.

"As expected of someone who defeated Riser. You're quite remarkable, Mika," Sona said with a smile.

Mika's victory over Riser had made him famous in the Underworld, at least among the younger generation.

While he wasn't a significant figure among the older generation of Devils, his reputation among his peers was growing. Having such a powerful servant meant Rias would be a formidable opponent in future Rating Games. He was now considered Rias's trump card.

"Thank you, President Sona," Mika replied.

Akeno introduced Sona to Mika, Issei, and Asia. "President Sona is the heir to the Sitri clan." Like Rias, Sona was also the heir to her clan, both having older siblings who had inherited the titles of Satan.

Rias's brother was Sirzechs Lucifer, and Sona's sister was Serafall Leviathan.

"Like the Gremory and Phenex clans—the Sitri clan is one of the 72 Pillars that survived the Ancient War."

"While the Gremory family secretly controls this school, the Student Council, led by the Sitri family, is responsible for its day-to-day operations. We handle the night shift, while they manage things during the day."

"So that's why we always work at night," Mika chuckled.

"The Student Council takes care of things during the day."

"Indeed. Thanks to the Student Council's hard work, you can all enjoy a peaceful school life," a young man standing behind Sona remarked.

"I am Genshirou Saji, a second-year student and the President's [Pawn]. It's a pleasure to meet you." He was the one who had spoken earlier.

"You're a Pawn, too?" Issei asked with a grin.

Saji sighed. "Being in the same class as one of the Perverted Trio is a blow to my pride."

"What did you say?!" Issei exclaimed angrily.

Mika chuckled.

He had advised Issei to tone down his—enthusiasm, but he hadn't listened.

Mika found his stubbornness amusing.


"What did you just call me?!" Issei shouted, his face red with anger.

"Want to fight?" Saji retorted. "Don't underestimate me! I was reincarnated with four Pawn pieces! I won't lose to a loser like you!"

"Saji, that's enough," Sona said sternly.

"We're here today for a social call, to introduce our newest peerage members. Don't embarrass me. Besides, you're no match for him. He was reincarnated with eight Pawn pieces. He's stronger than you—both in terms of potential and current strength."

"Eight pieces? Him?" Saji was clearly shocked by this revelation.

Sona turned to Mika, Issei, and Asia. "My apologies for my servant's rudeness. Please, forgive him. Since we're all new Devils, I hope you can all get along." She smiled at them, then turned back to Saji, her expression hardening.


"Yes, President. It's a pleasure to meet you all." He bowed his head respectfully.

"Likewise," Mika replied with a grin. He wasn't bothered by Saji's earlier remarks.

After all, Rias and Sona were close friends; there was no real animosity between their peerages.

However, if any other Devil dared insult his "Kōhai"—he wouldn't be lenient.

Besides, Saji was a student at Kuoh Academy. And Issei's—reputation was well-known throughout the school.

Mika doubted anyone here had a positive impression of him.

After all, he and his two friends were the infamous Perverted Trio.

Even Mika had to admit—the nickname was fitting.

"Mika-senpai!" Saji rushed over and grabbed his hand excitedly.

"I've been wanting to meet you! Your victory over Riser Phenex was legendary! But I could never find you—so I didn't have the chance to congratulate you in person! It's an honor to finally meet you!"

Mika—taken aback by his sudden enthusiasm, chuckled and extracted his hand from Saji's grip.

"Keep training, and you'll achieve great things as well."


Saji turned and saw Asia.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she said with a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine." Saji grabbed her hands.

"Get your hands off her, you bastard!" Issei roared, and they began arguing once more.

Mika, Akeno, Yuuto, and Koneko couldn't help but laugh, while Rias and Sona exchanged wry smiles, acknowledging the challenges of managing their respective peerages.

Soon, the argument ended, and they returned to their respective masters.

After the introductions, Sona departed, having achieved her objective.

As she left, she expressed her anticipation for the upcoming ball games tournament, further fueling Rias's competitive spirit.

After all, she couldn't lose to her best friend.

After Sona left, Rias instructed Mika, Issei, and Asia to get along with Saji and avoid any further conflicts.

Mika didn't mind; Saji was practically his—fanboy. He would take care of him.

With the meeting concluded, the Occult Research Club resumed their sports training, their energetic club activities once again in full swing.

Soon, the day of the ball games tournament arrived.

The event for the club competition was—dodgeball.

However, before that, there were class competitions and inter-gender matches.

Mika's class was participating in the baseball tournament.

He hadn't intended to participate, but Issei's insistence had eventually swayed him.

He then proceeded to utterly dominate the competition—watching the opposing team's frustrated expressions as they failed to hit a single one of his pitches.

Then, during his turn at bat, he hit home run after home run, instantly becoming a school celebrity. He even received an invitation to join the baseball club, which he politely declined.

After experiencing the thrill of dominating the class competition, Mika discreetly withdrew, skipping the other events until the club competition began. He decided to watch Rias and her peerage compete.

He soon found Rias and Sona facing each other in the girls' badminton match, a likely deliberate arrangement by Sona.

The two best friends—both incredibly competitive, played with fierce determination, their match ending in a draw after they repeatedly broke each other's rackets.

Rias, clearly not satisfied with the outcome, was even more determined to win the club competition.

Seeing her enthusiasm, Mika decided to support her, allowing her to vent her frustrations.

However, to his surprise, their opponents in the dodgeball match seemed to have no desire to win, repeatedly targeting Issei's—'vulnerable areas'.

As Issei roared in protest, Mika and the others couldn't contain their laughter.


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