Delayed Transfer

Chapter 408

“Right now there’s a total of sixteen computers connected to the servers and a few would be added now and again depending on when Nedertu and the twins would be playing. That was few enough that I’m not expecting any issues with the server and the programming of the game. Programming is the code that runs the game but it’s more complicated than that. Once we add more, I will need someone knowledgeable in computer and computer programming to monitor the servers and background programs all the time that’s why we have a limit on how many computers we can add to the network,” Mark told the circus leaders.

“I see. So that’s the reason why you told us that you can only add eight more computers to the main internet café. Based on the projected earnings, the café would earn us a lot of mana stones and it was tempting me to plan our circus to find a permanent location where we could stay but I knew that the moment I did that, that would be the end of the circus. For generations, we have been a traveling circus and to be honest about it, the movie theater, the gaming café, and the Yoda roller coaster are dependent on you, and once you decide to leave us we will go back to being a normal circus so staying permanently in a single location would harm us in the long run,” Hamil said and Mark saw that the others fully agreed with the circus leader.

“Was it a mistake for me to allow the circus to run a theater and the gaming café?” Mark asked.

“No. Our ideology is to find an act and get as many gold coins as we can from that act and if the performer left or disappeared, that’s it. The danger is for us to depend on one or two acts or performers alone and the things you have brought into the circus are a huge temptation to anyone but we will stick to our conviction on making sure that we will not fully depend on a single performer. The best thing that we can do is to earn as many coins as we can so we will have financial security,” Lorendo the magician answered.

“I’m glad I’m allowing the circus to earn as much as you can,” Mark said.

“Actually we’re very thankful to you. You are extremely generous bordering on stupidity and you don’t seem to care about riches so the majority of the earnings went to the circus. Milena told us that you don’t even care about the huge amount of wealth that your family has already gathered,” Madam Luzviminda said and Mark rolled his eyes since she practically called him stupid.

Mark knew that there was truth in what the madam had said since his friends on Earth said the same thing but he knew that he was only that way because of his power. He felt that he was actually an incredibly selfish person and the reason why he was generous was because the things that he was generous about were easily produced by that power. If a time came that he couldn’t replicate things anymore, he knew that he would prioritize his survival above all else.

“The funds that our family had gathered are very important to me as well since I’m going to use them to make sure that the twins and Liriel’s futures are secured,” Mark said.

“Once we arrive at our next major city, I’ll teach you how to open an account in the Wizard Merchant guild. The Wizard Merchant Guild will take ten percent of the wealth that you will save with them but at least you don’t need to worry about your coins. The organization is very powerful and you can withdraw your funds at any major city that has the Wizard Merchant guild branch,” Solinae said.

“So you have a bank as well but it's so weird that your banks charge their customers. In my country, the savings of the customers would earn interest in our banks instead of the customers being charged.”

“We have those as well but those types of banks are localized, meaning they exist only within a specific city. The main reason why you want to save your wealth in the Wizard Merchant Guild is for you to have access to it even when you are in a different city since they do have countless branches and of course, you’re wealth will be protected. For the two thousand years that the Wizard Merchant Guild has existed, we haven’t heard of anyone losing their wealth once the guild is the one protecting them,” Mentorra added.

Mark was sure that there would be a lot of measures and requirements before he could open an account to that magical organization but he would learn that at a later time since they were still in this village and would probably stay here for a month.

After their meeting, Mark headed directly to the new tent that Nedertu built that would house him and the twins. When he arrived there, Mark saw that the tent was as big as the gaming tent that was built for the circus people and knew that Nedertu understood that there would be a lot of children that would enter the tent to watch the twins.

Nedertu looked at Mark and waited for him to bring out the computers. Mark decided to set up three desktops as per Nedertu’s request. His driver told him that most of the time, the catman and his friends would be the ones using the computers together with Nedertu’s laptop.

Mark then set up a television connected to one of the computers. The television would show the gaming of one of the desktop computers. The television’s speaker was also loud enough that the viewers would be able to hear the game. He set it up that way so the twins ’ friends could enjoy watching them play.

Once everything was set up, the twins arrived together with around ten of their friends and immediately the tent was crowded. Mark wondered if the kids had some sort of telepathic power that allowed them to know exactly when he was done setting up everything in the tent.

Mark then told Nedertu that as payment for allowing his driver to have his own gaming laptop and his own gaming café since the kids would only stay there for a couple of hours., he would be the one teaching the twins how to play the game and Nedertu helplessly agreed.

The twins’ friends immediately sat on the carpet while Nedertu began guiding the twins on how to register for an account. After observing for a few minutes, Mark then left them alone.

He then went to the main gaming café and installed a coffee vending machine. Mark was impressed at his forethought of storing even a vending machine in his inventory before he transmigrated. He even had as many as ten different types of Vending machines but they were currently stored in his villa on the eleventh floor of his dungeon and only retrieved the coffee vending machine.

He connected the machine to the generator, set up the coin slot to accept copper coins then called the three sisters to teach them how to operate the machine. They would just need to replace the water gallon, the coffee, and the cream and take the coins from the slot.

Mark explained to them that a person could just put a copper coin in the slot and place a cup below the spout. Based on their selection, a coffee would then be poured into the cup. The selections were black, with sugar, with cream and, with sugar and cream. He told the ladies that the coffee was a caffeinated drink that causes a person to stay awake.

After the sisters tasted the coffee, they then told Mark to change the coin requirement to silver and that they would create a rule that only customers of the gaming tent would be allowed to get a coffee.

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