Delayed Transfer

Chapter 407

Everyone was looking at the twins with amusement in their faces. The twins were so serious when they talked about the ramifications of abandoning their duties as captains of their spaceships. Isaac kept telling his brother that as Jedi Captains, it’s their responsibility to make sure that their travel in space isn’t interrupted by the internet café but then Aaron pointed out that most of their crew members were still on another planet, meaning were still in Narcone.

After the boys’ discussions, they turned to Mark.

“Alright, we agree to two hours a day of playing the game,” Isaac said heavily as if they were sacrificing a lot by agreeing to only two hours of Star Wars The Old Republic gameplay.

After lunch, the twins pestered Nedertu into putting up the tent they could use for gaming.

“Aren’t we putting too many tents?” Mark asked Milena.

“It’s okay since we can easily dismantle tents in a very short amount of time,” Milena said.

The twins then ran outside the RV to play with their friends and Norleen was the one assigned to look after them and Liriel for that day. Milena, Lisa, and Connor re-opened the convenience store and Mark went briefly to the back to fill up the storage tent that contained the items that they were selling.

Mark headed to the internet café next and there he found Hamil, and the other circus leaders having a casual meeting.

“What are you talking about guys?” Mark asked when he joined the group.

“Nothing too important just the current state of the circus. The circus is getting richer and we thought of hiring more people so we can increase the number of acts that we can show. We received communication from the other three circuses that we left in Narcone and they were proposing to join us again,” Hamil said.

“Hmmph, even after they abandoned us when they saw that we were targeted by a minor noble and official,” Dozon said angrily.

“That’s why I didn’t agree. I told them that I can let acts apply to be part of the circus but joining us and joining our council is unacceptable.”

“Oh, so you do call yourselves a council?” Mark asked.

Hamil and the others laughed.

“Actually we didn’t call ourselves that but somebody heard you using that term. I believe they heard you say the circus council and it stuck. Now everybody is using it,” Lorendo said while laughing.

“The reception of Star Wars Episodes I to III was good so I didn’t understand why the fans in your country didn’t like them,” Madam Luzviminda said.

“I think I mentioned it to the others before. The length of time when the first trilogy was shown, which was Episodes IV to VI, was decades so the original fans got old and put the trilogy on some sort of pedestal. That made the succeeding films in the franchise not able to reach the height of the first three movies, at least in some fans minds,” Mark said.

“By the way, Mark. A lot of the Star Wars fans are beginning to get angry at their inability to play the game on the computers. You may need to increase the number of computers soon,” Hamil mentioned.

“Nobody’s bored with the game yet?” Mark asked.

“It’s still very new. It would probably take weeks or even months before somebody would get bored with the game and due to the small number of computers, people are even getting hysterical about the game right now, especially with the ones who already played the game kept saying how exciting and wonderful the game is,” Mosalan added.

“I can’t add too many computers. The maximum number I can do is sixteen. Since more than that, I will need to stay in the server room all day monitoring the programs to make sure the game is running smoothly,” Mark said to everyone.

“We may need to increase the price due to rarity,” Hamil ruminated and Mark just shrugged indicating that it would be their decision.

“The sisters are addicted. I haven’t seen them leave the café and I think they’re even playing through the night,” Lorendo said while looking at the elven sisters playing the game.

“They were playing for such a long time, I was expecting them to outlevel everyone but their level was equal to the first players,” Dozon said.

“I’m actually in favor of them taking their time. In my opinion, enjoying every minute detail of the game is much better than racing to the maximum level since that would only allow you to get bored with the game sooner rather than later.”

“The five computers that you assigned to our circus were great. Our people will be able to experience the game but since there were only so few computers and the maximum length of time they could only play was four hours wouldn’t take away from their time too much,” Linuel said.

“About that, my boy kept pestering me to ask you for a gaming laptop. He said that you gave some sort of advanced gaming laptop to Nedertu and that the laptop, the mouse, the keyboard, and the headset light up with rainbow light. The boy was almost crying when pleading to me to ask you about that,” Hamil said.

Mark rolled his eyes when he heard what Hamil had said but he retrieved the powerful and advanced gaming laptop pre-installed with the game together with its peripherals from his inventory.

When he laid it on the table and turned it on, Mark noticed that Mentorra, Solinae, and Eilintraee swiveled their head to look at them. The three then stood up and headed directly to where the meeting was being conducted.

Mark connected the laptop using a cable to the hub that was connected to the server and opened the game login screen.

“It’s beautiful!” Solinae said while looking at the laptop and her two sisters agreed with her.

“For gaming, I still preferred the desktop since the desktop monitor is huge and would allow me to enjoy the game better. The purpose of the laptop was a person’s ability to carry it around anywhere but the fact that we still don’t have a wireless connection, meaning the laptop’s main purpose was defeated due to the need to connect to the servers using a cable, the desktop is better.”

“How do you set up a wireless connection,” Eilintraee asked.

“It’s complicated and I don’t have the means to do it. Once I have a gate that would allow me to come and go from my country, maybe then we can invite someone to help us set it up but until I achieve that, we need to settle using cables.”

Lorendo tested playing the game on the laptop and even though he said that the game was smooth enough, he could understand Mark’s statement that the bigger screen of the desktop was better.

“By the way, Nedertu told me that you’re setting up another tent for another internet café?” Hamil said.

“Sorry about that. It’s a small one reserved for Nedertu, the twins, and their friends and Nedertu said he would manage it. For two hours a day, the twins would play the game there while their friends watched them game and the rest of the time would probably be used by Nedertu and his friends since he said that he would handle the magic lighting and magic runes that control the temperature.” Mark replied.

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