Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 14: Punch > Every other action you could take


It’s a chapter of demoness… Though the first part isn’t about said demoness, sorry about that. I have a feeling some people will still like it as it will answer some questions. Installed google docs but it apparently has made it random whether my enter is enter shift or enter (only if it was a doc from before) so sorry if that ends up making this and Midas' next chap a bit of a pain.

Anyways, enjoy~♥

-=Some time ago=-

“This small Monk humbly enquiries if you two may release me - I am quite fretful about the little hero’s safety!” <Puppet Imp>

The tattered figure of a certain mask wearing imp was being dragged across the golden sands and to put it briefly it was clear the Imp had seen better days. The Imp was tall at 5 foot while it’s face was covered by a pure white jade mask with an open mouth that was faintly on hinges that moved in a mechanical puppet-like way when they spoke. Along with that were a pair of white horns with greenish gold, faintly holy scriptures embedded upon them in an unknown language to most. The horns stood tall and proud - though they were currently covered in a thin layer of ash while purple sparks of lightning occasionally came out. Every spark followed by an unwitting jolt of the ‘puppet’.


Despite its current state it still had the same static voice that came over the ‘jovial’ way they spoke yet they clearly spoke with quite some worry behind their words. Sharp teeth just under the mask made it stranger because it still felt warm and gave one a sense of safety.


They wore a white tailcoat that was covered in soot and under that was a black shirt that had some tears at the waist and chest (no blood though it’s right hand plus wrist was currently missing) and white bow tie which was undone. In place of their right hand was a bloody flame that burned constantly upon the wound; within the flame were countless faces screaming in agony before vanishing within the blood red. 

Their pants were monk style white trousers with black socks and plain shoes. But even they couldn’t get off scot free as around it’s left left were brambles covered in that same hellish flame but despite all that the Imp hardly seemed worried about its own state. Instead it kept looking far off towards the south-east.


Though, if someone was looking to rescue the Imp it would be quite easy since the demonic white spines with greenish gold scriptures also embedded upon left a clear line within the sand - the other three ‘femmine’ figures were too short to lift the Imp. Hence it was unfortunately dragged across the sand.

“It will be fine; our mother will deal with it.” <Sub-Akaibu: -95>

“We made sure to call her around just for you skellybones so just relax and let the big kids all play together while we do something real fun[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

“You don’t have fun; you totally ignore all rules and make a giant mess that we need to clean up.” <Sub-Akaibu: -95>

“I think we're quite similar as twins except you just skirt around the rules, making use of loopholes, at least I’m honest with my intentions[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

“We aren’t even twins; you just decided to defy all logic and appear in the past after being birthed in the future by dad!” <Sub-Akaibu: -95>

“... “ <Puppet Imp>

“I really must return to their side!” <Puppet Imp>

With that it began to struggle with vigour - thrashing around with it’s one good arm and leg in some hope to escape… Only to give up shortly after with a sigh. But it was just a ruse as it continued thrashing around when the dreary little dragon girl’s guard was down!

Of course, a little Imp versus a dragon in a fight of physical might was never going to end well for the Imp so it accomplished nothing.

“Does your sister's life and death mean nothing to you sweet miss Dory!” <Puppet Imp>

“But Dory heard Chaos said he had Dory’s deal with it… Dory doesn’t like her but she’s strong enough to deal with a false Jeeves. Dory’s soon to be little sister should be fine?” <Dory>

“It’s because they’ve called in Munzumira that I am now so overwrought - either every creature near will be clawing their eyeballs out or there will just be a crater - if we are lucky she will not play any tricks on the little hero!” <Puppet Imp>

“Hm… Dory doesn’t think that is good; but didn’t you say to Dory she should try to understand her?” <Dory>

“Just because you understand someone's motives does not mean you should agree with their actions young Dory! What have the twins even bestowed you in order for you to abandon our original plan?” <Puppet Imp>

“They said that Dory’s partner can come visit if they borrow your {Chronos Tribulation}.” <Dory>

That last line from Dory hit the Imp like an alarm - before any of the three feminine figures could react a heavenly light flooded out of the Imp’s body. Soon all the damage the Imp had taken reverted in front of one's eyes followed by an explosion of water that pushed his bindings away from himself. In it’s left hand appeared a rapier as it rose from it’s position with a powerful flick of it’s tail. At the same time it turned it’s blade onto Chaos - unleashing a quick attack.

“[Quad-Thrust]!” <Puppet Imp>

Then before the poor magician could react 4 beams of consecrated light pierced through his four limbs causing him to not only drop his staff but even fall backwards - something which shocked even himself is that he couldn’t just ignore this nor could he hope to even dodge. Him, Chaos J Faust, caught by a little Imp’s attack after he’d already caught them? As if to mock the twins - sooner than Akaibu could finish thrusting her own sword through the Imp’s spine from the side - they had kept back a fair distance.

Instead both brother and sister were now lined up with in front of the Imp - the Imp taking a more proper stance as it stood ‘tall’ with it’s right arm resting behind it’s waist and tail wrapped around it’s waist. Obviously it couldn’t let go of this opportunity as it launched yet another attack at the twins who were bickering.

“Sis didn’t you say this Imp shouldn’t be too strong and got the tribulation by luck[Qnǝsʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

“In my defence I’m fine and they certainly seem lucky enough.” <Sub-Akaibu: -95>

“[Ligne De Devoir]!” <Puppet Imp>

With one more thrust of the rapier the light was thrust forth - it was like a blinding beam of divine energy that pierced right through Akaibu’s side and Chaos’ lung. This only possible due to Chaos being mid-fall and Akaibu having thrust with her own sword - yet as if perfectly anticipated the Imp managed to heavily limit the dragons movement while restricting Chaos’ ability to cast spells.

In other words; it disabled two of the strongest people who likely had some of the best teamwork with two attacks. One for the set up then the finisher. These weren’t the actions of ‘some little Imp’ but an expert who had spent thousands of years on the battlefield so could predict the actions of experts like the twins. Even Akaibu now realized she had greatly underestimated the Imp's abilities yet since he was a demon she was severely limited in what information she could gain about him!

The demon realm was Violet’s playground and even she as the system couldn’t easily interfere so she only had information she had seen from the battle against Jeeves and Sovereign; upon which she easily came up with a plan to summon her ‘dad’ from the future. It was mostly Chaos’ influence but she certainly had some benefits to be gained.

“You twins could fool anyone else in this world but you shan’t fool me. If Kaiser Mantis is allowed to be summoned now the little hero will stand no chance of succeeding in taking down the Faux Demon Lord thus won’t be strong enough to act as a counter to Kaiser’s plots in the future! Sorry girl but you’ll have to deal with Jeeves on your own… I can only offer you a prayer.” <Puppet Imp>

“Hm… It appears this wound won’t easily heal despite me having [Mendax Bloodline] though Violet’s bloodline seems to be just as logic defying as always. We’ll have to study this at a later date; regardless although it certainly could have gone better we have, in fact, succeeded in utilizing your power.” <Akaibu>

“We did also need something of importance to summon her like last time (Demonic summoning being as it is and all) but apparently my idea of asking Aunt Queeny to spread her cheeks for the summoning ritual was a bad idea so we instead asked Dory to do it[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

After Chaos finished saying that he threw up a vial which Akaibu trust towards - a simple art was all it took for a clear white liquid to explode all over. A giant arcane circle appeared around them and began to glow with the same glow as the Imp when he recovered from his wounds. Shortly after that the golden sand seemed to vanish and instead a film of violet prepared to welcome the demon.

“By the double-barrelled jumping jiminetty why is nothing going right this year!” <Puppet Imp>


Violet was still in the dreamy place she thought Elizabeth in and what she was doing could be explained with one word.


Although this was ‘all she was doing’ it wasn’t that simple; rather as she punched she tried different ‘punches’. This ranged from punching at different angles, twisting her fist in a certain fashion, curving her arm in a certain fashion while punching, clenching her fist different amounts, switching which muscles she tensed and that was just looking into what she did up to the elbow. When she was punching she wasn’t just considering these but everything from the spread of her toes to the exact placement of her head.

If she was in the {Mortal Realm} she likely would’ve been hit by a tribulation after every punch after a while. Because this may be ‘just punching’ but it was also the beginning of what was being called {True Demon Punches All} - named by Violet herself as the creator. If one was to ask ‘which Martial Art hits the heaviest’ they may have been able to argue a few famous arts but now they would have to answer {True Demon Punches All} or they’d be wrong.

Qi usage? Secondary thought at best though can make punches stronger.

Range? Seems dumb when you can just walk up to it and then punch it.

Defense? Why bother when you can just punch it out the way.

Some may call it a suicidal idea for a martial art but would anyone ever dare to walk up to Violet herself and say it? Not even Photon wants to be on the over end of her little fists and he focuses on defence most of the time. While {True Wrath} is fearsome Violet recognised she had an advantage over that form that she didn’t think of till now. Though, looking at how {True Wrath} fights she recognized why the Pillar’s were able to overcome it… She was smaller!

So she got to work on taking advantage of this advantage but making a martial art of her own that focused on her punching. One may ask how those things were related but the answer is simple but Violet was too lazy to explain it to anymore - they could just figure it out themselves with a little thought. Relating to little thought Elizabeth walked into the cloudy void and studied Violet who was still punching. She was very careful to not stand in front of her though.

“Huh, you seem smaller than you did awhile ago~♡” <Elizabeth>

“Ahmum” <Violet>

“Wait, how did you actually shri- Why am I question this~♡” <Elizabeth>

Like anyone, Elizabeth was initially surprised when she was a shorter Elizabeth than expected, Violet was allowed to return to an adult stage but compared to her average height from before she was now… Well she was shorter than Pandora who literally had dwarfism by a large margin making her the smallest Toppler other than the literal hamster.

If Elizabeth had to guess she would say Violet didn’t even overcome the four foot let alone 5 foot mark yet she wouldn’t complain about that much… Violet was always oddly endearing as well as cute. Shrinking her into a short-stack? Elizabeth as the progenitor of the succubus thought it was a genius idea!

It was like she were a living Chibi that you could cuddle and get viciously ground pounded by.

In terms of combat efficiency…

“Wouldn’t it have been better to be taller~♡” <Elizabeth>

However, Violet just shook her head before lifting her hand up to slap her chubby cheek in a taunting manner. She was surrounded by giants and even then her {True Wrath} could put them down in a straight up fight if given the chance so why bother with trying to become even bigger when that form was big enough? As if Elizabeth had figured it out her eyes widened and she smiled viciously with an obvious hunger.

“Oh~ you’re good~♡” <Elizabeth>

“Ahmum~!” <Violet>

With that sorted out it was time to go home to bed (she couldn’t stay out too late or her mommy might worry) then proceed to get rid of this gaggle of humans. Or to be more accurate; get rid of this infestation.


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