Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 13: A Little Snack for Necrohamster



Anyways, enjoy~♥

Elizabeth sat upon the front desk with her legs kicking back and forth with a ‘tail’ waving behind her and thus in front where an annoyed Akaibu was sat - she even pushed her glasses up with a frown! The tail was ‘rather unique’ but if one was to describe it simply with a few words it would be quite easy.

It’s phallic tail - in other words it looks like a dick tentacle and if you were to ask Akaibu she’d tell you it smelt like it as well. Hence why Akaibu was quite displeased with this succubus ancestor waving her phallic in her face while she was trying to read!

“Would you please put that away…” <Akaibu>

“You’re always too serious Aki-chan~! You’re reading too much gender bender, you should loosen up a little and learn all about yuri, I can help you with that~♡” <Elizabeth>

“Genderbend where the man ends up with another man is superior but I’m not opposed to the converted going with a girl. In other words, I don't need your help.” <Akaibu>

“Yeesh, never understood why you like reading so much when you could just do it you nerd~!” <Elizabeth>

“We’re both reality warpers so should we just change the world as we wish?” <Akaibu>

“I only do it when other people wish… Plus you know I know what you do to those black haired boys when you reincarnate them~! Nevermind that; want to play some games~♡” <Elizabeth>

“Hypocritical monitor lizard… You know Mother will get pissy if we bring things from another dimension into {Genesis} again…” <Akaibu>

“And? Not stopped us before and not like we’re technically in {Genesis}~♡” <Elizabeth>

“*Sigh* What happened to mom Violet? Weren’t you helping her train also weren’t you supposed to tell her about Mother?” <Akaibu>

“Eh? Well after she slugged me in the face as {True Wrath} we fought a little bit more and she learnt to use her new [True Demon Arts] better… Still can’t fully access her potential but she’s better. As for Mother coming over for fun despite uncle Photon’s protests, sure it’ll be fine, not like anything big could happen~! She’s just a bit crabby she couldn’t destroy {Orrid} immediately and that Alexis adopted my beautiful lil sis~♡

Ah, you should see that kid, looks just like me. When she finally goes through rebirth like I planned she’ll be such a beautiful young dragon; I’m going to enjoy my little huntress hunting those foul men~! Also in the worst case with Mother vs Violet, we’ll just lose a continent or two from the map... Uncle Photon & aunt Sunny-Personality will deal with it~♡

More importantly which fighting game do you want to play this time~♡” <Elizabeth>

“Hm… You make a compelling argument (though if Sohn-Tocther heard you call her that she’ll shove that spear right up your ass) nbut I’m not a huge fan of fighting games…” <Akaibu>

“Well if I don’t play with you, who am I going to? The gerbil outside~♡” <Elizabeth>

“You’re just mad Necrohamster beat you last time.” <Akaibu>

“...” <Elizabeth>


Outside of  {Myriad Technique Archive} the hamster in question was hard at work; standing on his hind legs he held his little paws up in the air. It would be adorable if not for the dark mists of nether qi poured out to wrap around the mauled corpses Violet had left behind. The corpses began to twitch unnaturally as the qi poured in through their open wounds - threads of demonic energy forcing their wounds closed while causing their blood vessels to bulge with black pus almost as if they were about to burst. Of course, this was the Demon God Necrohamster not the Archangel so his zombies were far less monstrous.

After a minute the gas began to move away from the corpses to instead engulf the demonically corrupted man but it didn’t spare him. Instead he began to catch and claw at his neck, stomach and just about anywhere as he seemed to dissolve into the energy. As if he had regained some clarity he released his own demonic qi to challenge the assault... But what can a mere corrupted do even if a Demon God attack is a casual afterthought?


That is exactly what he did; in a few milliseconds that demonic entity vanished without any hint of delay. A few moments later Slate & Ashue walked out but they were obviously nervous for Violet as they kept glancing back at the stairs even as they walked out. Upon fully exiting they were most definitely confused to see the people their Ojou-sama perfectly fine. Before they could say anything though they ran off in the opposite direction to the village - in other words heading towards the humans location.

As such they could only look at each other before jumping back into the tree’s and vanishing from perception… Well not really since the only person there was Necrohamster who they certainly couldn’t hide from. He is the perfect example of ‘terrifying things that come in small packages’. Now that he was done and the two fools had busied themselves with waiting for their master he decided to have a snack.

Soon moving his little feetsies in a gallop… Well as gallopy as his stumpie little legs can manage.

Arriving at the bottom of a tree it managed to find a couple of nuts which it gripped into it’s little paws and began to chip away at the top with its teeth. Slowly just munchkin on the nuts before it sensed something gazing at it from above - a squirrel. Seeing it’s rival for food it opened up it’s mouth and shoved the nut inside its mouth before standing on its hind legs to look at the enemy gazing at it. The squirrel of course was a natural born mugger so had no issues attempting to steal from the hamster.

Charing towards the hamster it would leap off the branches towards him however before it could reach the cold voice of the hamster called out.

“[Squeak squeak]...”

A demonic black glow appeared on his palm as the squirrel froze midair and clutched it’s little chest. In the black glow appeared a red energy that formed the shape of a heart - decently large compared to the hamster’s palm but just right to be in the squirrel’s chest. A sadistic look appeared on that little snout as the squirrel reached out it’s paw towards Necrohamster as it’s palm tightened its grip. Deciding to give one last leap towards the hamster it shot up from the ground but the hamster didn’t give the vermin any respect as it crushed the heart when it was mid jump, falling onto all four and darting away to let the corpse of the squirrel fall upon the floor.

Darting back it then began to munch onto the nuts as well as the fresh meat… That was until it heard a sudden *CAW!* from above.

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