Chapter 196: Recklessness - (3)
{Somewhere within the new quashi-zodium realm}
In the middle of the night, a vast black ocean with zero traces of land echoed the whole atmosphere with a calm breeze.
Nothing could be heard other than waves of the ocean either fluctuating or colliding back and forth. It was during that instant that two bright yellow stars winked in between the above skies.
At once, those stars flipped into the inner atmosphere at light speed and,
smashed their way into the ocean surface, thereby diving towards the bottom of the ocean. But the speed of those stars decreased several-fold. Their radiating brightness lightened the dark atmosphere inside the ocean due to which turtle-like and crocodile-faced aquatic creatures as huge as mountains became visible.
Their growls resonated throughout the region. However, the brightness felt too excessive to those creatures. So they turned around and began moving away from the bright stars which were charging downwards.
Soon, the stars reached the bottom of the ocean. It was filled with rocky hills with wide cracks all over.
There were numerous metal spheres imbued in between those cracks. All those spheres had a red eye acting as visual sensors.
After detecting the light emitted from the stars, their red eyes turned blue. They all exuded a clicking sound in unison.
The stars came to a halt due to the buoyancy of the ocean jumping up and down. At once, the rocky area broke to pieces as per the pattern of the cracks and came to a cyclonic formation. A blue shade of glow broke out from the bottom of the formation.
The yellow stars continued diving downwards. After entering the blue light, they noticed themselves entering a place full of hovering vehicles, floating buildings, spaceships and transparent tunnels. The view from above seemed geometrical. It was an advanced technical zone built under ocean.
Slowly, the shining stars faded away, thus revealing two beautiful women nonetheless, Zulova and Mihu. They continued flying down the zone.
Mihu looked around, "A city underneath an ocean. And the ocean of a wasted planet. It's quite fascinating they're able to hold the water from entering this place!!"
Zulova explained, "After the war for the strongest started, many ascended people started going on a rampage out of excitement. In the process, they killed the non-ascended people for their own satisfaction. Unfortunately, the old generation wasn't blessed with the boon to ascend. But they still had the knowledge of the era where they fought Scidra fragments with technology. Thanks to that, they succeeded in building this secret zone for the old generation infinitos!!"
Mihu asked, "If the non-ascended were being brutally murdered, how the heck did the royal family survive? I mean, both the king and queen are non-ascended people!!"
Zulova answered, "Luckily, King Elvin found me while I was busy slaughtering a thousand crazy barbarians who ascended during the same time as me.
He told me about my blessing and promised to provide me with all necessities in exchange for teaching the princess and a few people a portion of the founder's willpower!!"
Mihu commented, "Now that you mention it, most of the people here do belong to the darkened orange flame stage. Except for the exoskeletal warriors and inspectors roaming in those hover bikes!!"
Zulova elaborated, "While I was protecting the royal family and infinitos of the old generation, those geezers used their leisure in reviving some of the technical concepts and appliances of the former quashi-zodium realm. They succeeded in creating satellites, detectors, vehicles and constructed a dozen secret civilizations like this inside dead planets!!"
Mihu got a doubt, "Wait, ascended infinitos like us achieved the ability to hold our breath and fly through space. Didn't you ever encounter infinitos in between space or even in those dead lands?!"
Zulova emphasized, "The small portion of willpower that I taught the soldiers was more than enough to fend them away!"
Mihu responded, "Uh-huh!"
Zulova then stated, "But it won't be long until all the ascended lose their ability to fly through space like shooting stars, excluding me!"
Mihu jolted, "What? Why is that?!"
Zulova interpreted, "As I've said earlier, most of the quashi-zodiuns have already ascended. Soon, the dimension will take part in forgoing ascension. Meaning, the air pressure, intensity, gravity and several other factors will begin increasing everywhere.
Once that happens, the ascended infinitos will start suffocating when flying in space. Moreover, they'll pass out the moment they cross the outer shield of the planet they're living in!"
Mihu commented, "So the reason we ascended ones were able to hold our breaths and fly through planets was 'cause of the low intensity or pressure or whatever, ain't that it?!"
"Most precisely!", Zulova exclaimed.
They reached a colossal sphere with pentagonal patterns. Its size seemed twice a kilometre tall and wide. One of its pentagonal plates remained open. It was a passage to the inside of the sphere.
Two guards in white armours were stationed at that entrance. One held a sword-staff in his left hand while the other had a white whip hung up to her hip. After seeing Zulova, they backed down. However, they held awareness against Mihu. Zulova commanded, "No need to suspect her. She's now with us!"
Without any delay, the guards placed their right hands on the middle of their chests and lowered their heads. Zulova continued trespassing the passage. Mihu continued tailing her.
After crossing through the pentagonal hole, Mihu noticed herself standing in front of a castle with the infrastructure of a coliseum and with poles on the top. A few bird-like drones were revolving around the castle. Guards were stationed at all corners. Mihu spoke, "What… in the heck? The security is tighter than I thought!!"
Zulova exclaimed, "Get used to it!"
Mihu countered, "Yeah, I'll do that much. But just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I'm now a lapdog of the empire, got it?!"
Zulova chuckled, "Hehe!"
Mihu jolted, "Huh?!"
She continued, ""They don't call me 'Roaring Goddess' for naught!""
Mihu flinched. Zulova carried on, "If I wasn't as generous as helping the royal family, they would have died long ago. I'm just doing these things because Uncle Dray told me there are times when you need to stay humble despite your high status. All for getting acknowledged by him on the day of our reunion!"
Mihu thought, '... How close was she to the Shadow God? For her to be several times elderly even though being the same age as me?!'
Zulova replied, "Way closer than you could think of!"
Mihu shook, "Gasp, you can read the minds of others too? When did willpower have such a trait?!"
Zulova corrected her, "Your shadow attribute is one of the countless controllable elements under my capability. You might not know it, but I can see your spirits revolving around you every moment!!"
Mihu blinked her eyes in utter disbelief, gaping her mouth, "... You can see them?!"
Zulova confessed, "Clearly!!"
Mihu sulked, "Hmph, so I was never a match for you to begin with, right?!"
Zulova made a sudden halt. Mihu looked at her. Zulova conversed, "Listen, Cold-face. The reason I grew stronger or still try becoming stronger is so that I could catch up to Uncle whose strength could destroy an entire planetary system. But I, on the other hand, am not even halfway done with mastering the founder's legacy. Therefore, I insanely made him my goal. That's what brought me to this height.
And you, who are the same kind as me, made me your goal. It's quite obvious who'd have more potential to grow!"
Mihu commented, "During our fight, I said 'You were full of yourself'. Now that I see it, the right thing to say is 'Your mind is full of Shadow God'...!"
Zulova responded with a blush, "Sh-shut up!"
A metal door in front of them vibrated, thereby sliding into two pieces and paving a way into the castle. After entering the other side, they arrived at a hall where a dozen white thrones were positioned in a circular pattern around three silver thrones. The thrones seemed to be suspended in mid-air. On three silver thrones were Elvin, El-nino and Elsa Pheiner.
Princess Elsa grew into a fine woman. She sat on the middle throne. On her right was King Elvin and on her left was Queen El-nino. Elsa held a firm gaze alongside a domineering posture. Out of the entire castle hall, she was the only one with black and yellow eyes. She wore a white bodysuit covered by a long sleeveless white coat and silver ornaments all over her.
Mihu whispered, "So that must be the princess who earned the title, 'Apostle of The Roaring Goddess'. But do you know she lost against me?!"
Zulova exclaimed, "It happened four decades ago. Now, her power has grown to the extent of exhausting someone as strong as you!"
Mihu asked, "What makes you say that?!"
Zulova revealed, "She slew 'Cunning Blade Jneer' who made a draw against you!!"
Mihu said, "That was twenty years ago!!"
Zulova responded, "Huh, right?!"
Mihu then attempted, "But her highness' beauty surpassed that of the queen and also you. Although her chest is a bit flat!!"
Zulova asked, "What's your point?!"
Mihu answered, "I recall you saying Lord Adrona doesn't care about age and appearance!!"
The next instant, Zulova started giving off her intimidating aura. People inside the hall turned around due to the sudden chills. After turning around, they saw Zulova and Mihu. However, Mihu passed out due to the punches of her rival. Zulova held her from the back of her collar. She said, ""I've brought the target as per your command, your highness!!"", and bowed on one knee.
"!!!!", other than Elsa, everyone inside the hall felt pressured by her voice due to their low stage. They looked at Elsa. She got down from her seat. No one said a word. She walked to Zulova only to surprise her, ""Apostle Elsa greets her Master Zulova!!"", with a bow.