Chapter 195: Recklessness - (2)
All the remaining spirits materialized into aura and paved their way through Mihu's body. At once, her cheeks developed scales, hair strands extended like whips and her forehead grew two horns. The shoulder part of her black coat manifested two thorns, one on each side. Two bat wings popped out of her back. Her white bodysuit got engulfed with dark-scaled body armour.
Zulova attempted, ""Wow, is that the form of a demon or a beast? Guess, I should find it out myself!!""
Both the women charged against one another at maximum speed. Mihu executed a right fist strike while Zulova brought forth her left palm. A collision took place with a clanging sound.
""What?!!"", Mihu jolted because Zulova grappled her materialized gauntlet bare-handedly. However, she noticed Zulova's arms engulfed with yellowish-black scales with the tip of her fingers developing sharp nails.
Mihu jumped back after seeing Zulova smirk. She questioned, ""You're smiling? Don't tell me you already found a way to win against me!""
Zulova replied with a question, ""Is there even a need to find that?!""
Mihu spawned behind her and shouted, ""You're so full of yourself!!!""
With her left fist, she bashed Zulova's left ribs. Zulova got pushed rightward.
Mihu spawned in the middle and implied an attack on the centre of Zulova's belly due to which Zulova began falling towards the ground.
Before she could crash against the ground, Mihu spawned in the middle once again and executed a right knee strike on Zulova's belly, thereby bringing her back to mid-air.
And so, Mihu kept tossing her foe all around the vicinity with flicked movements and smacks. Then at once, she cried, ""Roar!!!""
Whilst roaring, she clenched Zulova's face with her right hand. The latter was followed by her charging downwards and smashing her opponent to the ground. It led to a crash, spreading dust a few metres around.
A subtle amount of wind swept the dust away, displaying a large crater. In the centre of that rubble was Mihu with her head held high. With a calm face, she looked down at the foe lying before her.
However, Zulova's body turned into stone pieces. Mihu exclaimed, ""I knew it. You were gauging my power, weren't you?!"", while gazing upwards.
A voice exuded out of the air, ""Not bad. You don't seem exhausted even after all that rampage!!""
The spot from where the voice exuded began to fluctuate. The air particles drifted apart, henceforth revealing the real Zulova who was lurking within the atmosphere invisibly. Her dress wasn't torn and was neat.
Since the start, whom Mihu battled was just a clone made up of sand and pebbles. Zulova asked, ""If you knew I was hiding myself, why did you let me gauge you?!""
Mihu chuckled, ""Pfft, you think I was giving my all?!""
Zulova countered, ""Of course not. However, when moving in the air, you fly while shaking your body in a zigzag motion. Not to mention, you're having difficulty when trying to control your strength. Meaning, this is your first going to such lengths!!""
Mihu gritted her teeth, ""Let's just say that is the case. Would that change anything?!""
Zulova surprised her with a flicking movement. She emphasized right before Mihu's face, ""A lot!""
"!!!!", Mihu tried to get into her guard but Zulova restricted her body movements due to which she became stuck like a statue. Zulova exclaimed, ""Now this whole turf is under my control. That would also include the air you live within and most importantly… the air that you breathe!!""
Mihu began to suffocate, ""Kugh, cough, cough!!!"", due to lack of breathing air. Zulova made a grin, ""Unlike you, surviving in a vacuum is no big deal for me!!""
Mihu conversed, ""Cough, impossible... Both… of us were chosen by that person... So how is it possible for you to overpower me?!!""
Zulova attempted, ""By that person, do you mean 'Uncle'?!""
Mihu chuckled, ""Haha, cough, cough… As I heard, you're the only person who calls him 'uncle'. Just what happened between you two?!""
Mihu was sent flat to the ground only to make a crash landing. Zulova didn't lay a finger on her, yet she got thrown downwards. Mihu coughed and raised her head. Zulova, who stepped in front of her, said, ""You just received a few words from him. But I, on the other hand, watched him up close when he was fighting Scidra. Observing his moves made me gain new insights as I kept growing.
I maintain rationality when facing battles. However, you kept acting on your impulse during this fight. Such tactic is useless in front of a strong enemy like me!""
Mihu gritted her teeth and struggled to get up. Zulova interrupted, ""But you know what? I've always been jealous of you!""
Mihu became puzzled,
but got kicked in the face before she could see Zulova's face.
The impact of the kick forced Mihu to crash into a nearby hill. Zulova spawned before her. Mihu couldn't feel her muscles. Zulova continued, ""Not only you, but I was also envious of all the blessed infinitos. Because unlike you all, the blessing I received from uncle didn't belong to him but the father of willpower, the founder of the 'Pheiner' lineage!""
She stepped on Mihu's head. The ground below broke into concentric circles. That was the result of her anger. She mumbled, ""I always wondered why he didn't give me his blessing like all else!""
Mihu peeked at Zulova's face only to find out that she was smiling at the sky. Mihu stared at her. She continued, ""But one day, I asked Queen El-nino this question!"", and looked at Mihu, ""She chuckled for a moment. I didn't get her!""
She freed Mihu from her foot and walked forward, gazing at the evening-star. Mihu slowly got up.
Her shadow form disappeared from her body. She jolted at the sudden event. Zulova spoke in a normal tone, "Don't flicker. I just brushed off your shadow element from the vicinity!"
Mihu looked around. Though the night rays were cast everywhere, not a single object held a shadow underneath. Zulova carried on, "I didn't get why her highness, the queen scoffed. Instead of answering my question, she asked me about the way of her treating others in contrast to her husband and daughter. Thinking about that made me realize!!", with a smile. Mihu attempted, "What did you realize?!"
Zulova replied after a moment, "That my Uncle Dray holds me in high regard!"
Looking at her shy expression made Mihu realize, "Don't tell me… are you for real?!"
Zulova didn't get her, "Huh, what are you saying?!"
Mihu sat on the ground, "The envy of him giving you a different blessing compared to others, a feeling of uncertainty and happiness of realizing his intentions…
You won't be experiencing such things unless you have a thing or two for him. I'm asking if you're into Lord Adrona?!"
"!!!!", Zulova's face shot red in embarrassment. She didn't know what to say. So she looked away. Mihu chuckled, "Zulova, you do know that he's way above our league, right?!"
Zulova countered, "Hmph, don't lump me with things like leagues. If that were the case, why would he bother taking me on a trip in the middle of the night?!"
Mihu jumped out, "What? Lord Adrona dated you?!!!"
Zulova emphasized, "Yeah, not to mention it was him that asked me to not address him as a lord but as a family member. Since the age gap was too wide at that time, I ended up calling him uncle. Now that I've grown up, I want to start calling him 'Darling' on the day of our upcoming reunion!!"
Mihu responded, "But would he accept your love? I mean, he said to address him like a family member. Lover's not the only person within a family. What if his intention fails to match your intuition?!"
Zulova replied, "Based on the way he treated me, I can't consider your point.
Just think about it. In your first meeting, he treated you like a cute girl. It's obvious you'd think of him as an elder.
But that's not the case for me. He took me to an enemy's lair when I was less than five. His stories, advice, tactics and most importantly… his calm expression.
Everything about him was so cool that I dreamt of becoming like him. After reaching eighteen, my instincts tickled when I was reminded about the time I spent with him.
That's when I realized. He wasn't being cool but manly. He doesn't care about age or appearance since he can fix them. The same goes for me!"
Mihu got up, "Sigh, I don't know whether to call you delusional or crazy. But your words are going overboard!!"
Zulova sulked, "Hmph, just you wait. I'll prove every person who thinks like you go nuts by making him mine!!!"
Mihu grinned, "Fine, I've lost this fight. But there's no way I'm going to lose to that insane bet of yours!!"
Zulova countered, "Sure, I'll be waiting for the shocker in your face?!"
Mihu then conversed, "By the way, we are more than a century and half years old. Referring to ourselves as grownups is a bit of an exaggeration!"
"...!", Zulova became speechless after hearing Mihu's response. Mihu chuckled, "But things seem to progress way too fast!"
Zulova attempted, "What do you mean?!"
Mihu interpreted, "Lord Adrona gave three centuries to make all the quashi-zodiuns ascend to the next realm. But more than 90% of our infinitos have ascended to the darkened yellow flame stage. Even Princess Elsa is now a yellow stage infinito. And all this happened within a hundred years which is making the deadline of three hundred years seem long. His absolute highness was way too generous for giving us that much time!!"
Zulova corrected her, "Silly woman, just because everyone ascended doesn't mean the realm ascended!"
Mihu didn't get her, "Eh?!"
Zulova continued, "Uncle Dray gave me a portion of his knowledge regarding ascension in the absolute abyss.
If all entities living inside a dimension ascended, then the next part would be played by the dimension where the air pressure, the intensity of the atmosphere and the force of gravity increase.
But our realm is still yet to meet those requirements. Such phenomena consume too much time. Uncle didn't give us that long. Everything's according to his calculation!!"
Mihu shook, "Woah, as you keep saying things, I keep coming close to believing your sh*tty love-boasting with him!"
"Heh, you'll soon regret saying those words!!", Zulova emphasized with a smirk.
Latter followed a pile of mockeries amongst themselves.