Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Lili's problem and going deeper and deeper into the Dungeon
Veldrin woke up feeling a weight on his arm again. He blinked several times before turning his head and finding the little girl prisoner of his own dreams, clinging to him as if he were a stuffed animal. Her small hands trembled slightly, clinging tightly to his clothes, as if she was afraid he would disappear.
He tried to move carefully, slowly sliding his arm free, but as soon as he did, the girl muttered something and hugged him again.
"…Why me…" Veldrin muttered, looking at the ceiling with resignation.
From his futon, Xander stretched out with an amused smile on his face.
"Good morning, 'hero'." He hummed with amusement.
Veldrin gave him a warning look, but Xander just laughed, sitting up and shaking his hair a little.
"So, what do you plan to do with your new follower?"
Veldrin sighed and looked at the girl, who was still clinging to him like a koala.
"I'm going to wake her up and ask her what she plans to do now."
Xander raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure it will work? She seemed pretty determined yesterday."
Veldrin frowned and, with great care, shook the girl lightly.
"Hey, wake up."
She shifted slightly, her ears twitching before her eyes slowly opened. She looked around and then fixed her gaze on Veldrin.
"At my house," Veldrin replied. "Now tell me, what do you plan to do?"
She blinked, tilting her head.
"What do you mean…?"
"You can't just stay with me," Veldrin said, more firmly. "Yesterday was an exception, but… don't you have familia or a place to return to?"
The girl's smile disappeared almost instantly. She looked down and muttered:
"Lili… has nowhere to go…"
Veldrin felt a slight prick in his chest, but before he could say anything, the little girl looked at him with determination.
"Lili wants to stay with adventurer-sama! Lili can be useful, she promises!"
Xander whistled softly as he shifted to his side to watch the scene.
"You have a big problem here, son."
Veldrin gave him a glare before looking back at the girl.
"Are you sure about this? Our familia is small, we barely have a decent place to sleep, and we can't support anyone else right now…"
"Lili doesn't need much! Lili can work! Lili will do anything!"
Veldrin sighed and ran a hand over his face.
"Xander, what do you think?"
Xander didn't answer right away. His expression lost some of its usual joviality, and for the first time since the girl had entered the house, he looked at her more seriously.
"Tell me, girl, do you belong to a familia?"
Lili immediately tensed, her ears drooping as she pursed her lips.
"Lili… belongs to the Soma familia…"
Xander clicked his tongue and looked at Veldrin with a complicated expression.
"If the Soma familia is looking for her, we could get into trouble…"
"Lili doesn't care about the Soma familia!" she exclaimed, in despair. "Lili just wants to get out of there! Lili will do anything, but she doesn't want to go back!"
Xander stared at her in silence for a moment. Then he sighed.
"It's not that I mind having a child here, but Soma… well, he's a god who doesn't meddle in his familia's affairs, which makes his familia members unpredictable. But if any of his followers come looking for us, I don't want them to cause trouble before our familia even grows."
Veldrin clenched his fists.
"So what do we do? Do we just let her go?"
Xander shook his head.
"I didn't say that… just that we should be careful."
He rubbed the back of his neck and then smiled slightly.
"Well, you can't call it a real familia without some problems, right?"
Veldrin raised an eyebrow.
"Does that mean we accept it?"
Xander sighed dramatically.
"We'll do it for now, but if the Soma familia comes looking for her, we'll have to think of something else."
Lili smiled with sparkling eyes and leapt towards Veldrin, clinging to him again.
"Lili knew it! Adventurer-sama is the best!"
Veldrin could only sigh again.
As Lili went to get ready, Veldrin sat down in front of Xander, who pulled out his dagger and began updating his status once more. As he traced his blood across Veldrin's back, Xander smiled to himself.
"He just fought a few Evilus members, he shouldn't have changed too much…" he thought.
But when the letters began to glow and the numbers appeared on the status sheet, his smile widened.
"So it's true…"
His theory was growing stronger. It wasn't simply that Veldrin grew stronger with each battle, but that the more he fit the role of a hero, the faster his stats evolved.
Veldrin Lightstorm - Level 1
• Strength: G221 → G297
• Endurance: G209 → G276
• Dexterity: G233 → F302
• Agility: F309 → F379
• Magic: G277 → G298
Xander looked at those numbers with a mix of amazement and satisfaction. This confirmed what he had suspected all along. The way Veldrin had gotten involved in the fight, protecting an innocent without hesitation, was what had driven his growth so abnormally.
"If this continues…"
"What's wrong?" Veldrin asked, noticing his god's expression.
Xander smiled calmly, hiding his thoughts.
"Nothing, nothing… you just keep growing at an absurd rate."
Veldrin frowned.
- "Again?"
Xander showed him the status sheet and Veldrin looked at it skeptically. His eyes widened slightly at the increase.
"This is not normal…"
"Well, congratulations, kid. You're not normal."
Veldrin sighed, running a hand over his face.
"I don't know if that's a good or bad thing…"
Xander laughed and patted him on the back.
"It will depend on how you use it."
At that moment, Lili came running back, still drying her hands.
"Lili is ready!"
Xander put the status sheet away before the girl could see it.
"Well, well. Time to start the day then."
Despite the size of the headquarters, Veldrin and Xander continued with the repairs to the rest of the buildings. Although the first building with the clock tower was already in habitable condition, the other two still needed a lot of work.
Veldrin sighed as he finished adjusting a board on one of the damaged walls.
"I can't believe we bought something so big…" he muttered, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
"Oh, come on. It's an investment in the future!" Xander replied with a big smile while carrying a box of tools.
Meanwhile, Lili was running around with unexpected enthusiasm. Although she was small, she proved to be surprisingly useful in repairs. She managed to move nimbly through the tightest corners, picked up tools without being asked, and even managed to hammer in a few nails with considerable precision.
"Lili is strong! Lili can help with anything!" she exclaimed with a smile while carrying a pile of wood larger than herself.
Veldrin looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you sure you're not trying too hard?"
"Lili is stronger than she looks!"
Xander laughed, resting an elbow on Veldrin's shoulder.
"Look at her, she has more spirit than you."
Veldrin sighed.
"Tell me about it… why do I feel like I'll end up more exhausted than yesterday?"
But despite the complaints, work was moving forward. The Xander familia headquarters was slowly coming to life.
As they walked through the bustling streets of the market, Lili kept close to Veldrin, discreetly holding the back of his robes. Her eyes darted nervously through the crowd, as if expecting someone to recognize her or pull her away from them at any moment.
Xander, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the atmosphere, greeting the merchants and curiously looking at the products on display.
"Come on, guys. Let's find the best lunch we can find!" he said enthusiastically.
Veldrin sighed, still somewhat uncomfortable with the amount of people around.
"Just make sure we don't get ripped off."
Lili lowered her head slightly, speaking to Veldrin in a low voice.
"S-So… Lili can choose the food…?"
Veldrin glanced at her, noticing how nervous she was. He sighed and gently ruffled her hair.
"Yes, you can choose. But don't let it be anything too expensive."
Lili's eyes lit up slightly, though she quickly looked away, holding onto Veldrin's robes tighter as they walked through the stalls.
As they walked through the market, several people recognized Xander and greeted him enthusiastically.
"Hey, God of Heroes! When will you tell another story?" a merchant asked with a smile.
"You left us in suspense in the last one, I want to know how it ends!" added another.
Xander laughed, enjoying the attention.
"I'm still adjusting to the city, guys! But I'll be back soon with more stories, and this time on a bigger stage."
People around him responded with excitement, some commenting that they couldn't wait to hear what he had in store.
Meanwhile, Veldrin watched the scene with a mix of disbelief and resignation. He knew Xander enjoyed that kind of attention, but he was surprised at how quickly he had won people over.
Lili, for her part, looked at Xander curiously. She didn't quite understand what was so special about telling stories, but if so many people admired him for it, it must be something incredible. Although she was still close to Veldrin, for the first time since they left, she looked up and paid attention to Xander's words.
As they continued to walk through the bustling market, they eventually found a modest restaurant with outdoor seating. It was nothing fancy, but it had a cozy atmosphere and a delicious aroma wafted through the air.
As she sat down, Lili looked a little shy, barely looking at the menu. Her small hands held it hesitantly, not daring to order anything.
As Lili timidly looked through the menu without making up her mind, Veldrin sighed and said:
"Ask for whatever you want, I'll take care of it."
Lili looked at him in surprise and then lowered her head again, still hesitant.
Xander, with a smirk, leaned an elbow on the table and commented:
"At this rate, you're going to end up adopting all the street children. We should change the name of our headquarters to 'Xander Daycare' instead of an adventurer familia."
Veldrin clicked his tongue and glanced at him.
"Just eat and stop talking nonsense."
Xander just laughed, clearly enjoying the moment, while Lili continued to hide her face behind the menu.
As they ate, Xander put his cutlery down on the table and looked at Lili with a more serious expression, but still with his signature smile.
"So, Lili, why don't you tell us a little more about yourself?"
Lili, who had been eating silently until now, tensed slightly. Her ears twitched a little, and she looked down at her plate.
"Lili… Lili is just a simple supporter…" she murmured, stirring the food with her spoon.
"That's all?" Xander insisted in a soft but curious tone.
Lili pursed her lips, clearly uncomfortable. She wasn't used to someone showing genuine interest in her. Veldrin, noticing her discomfort, decided to intervene.
"If you don't want to talk about it, no problem."
Xander glanced at him, but then nodded.
"Of course, we don't want to make you uncomfortable. But if you ever want to share something, we're here."
Lili nodded silently and continued eating, although her expression showed internal conflict.
Lili gripped her spoon tightly, her ears drooping as she muttered:
"Lili… was born into the Soma familia."
Xander and Veldrin exchanged a look. Xander propped an elbow on the table and listened intently, not interrupting her.
"Lili's parents were also from the Soma familia… but they died when she was little. Since then, Lili had to stay there… and the others… just wanted her to work for them. They always wanted more money, always taking everything from Lili…"
Her voice trembled, and she looked down at her plate. Her small hands balled into fists.
"If Lili didn't bring enough valis, she was beaten. If she tried to hide something, they found it. No matter how hard she worked, it was never enough… It's always been that way."
The atmosphere at the table became tense. Xander crossed his arms and sighed deeply.
"So the Soma familia, huh? That could bring us trouble if you stay with us."
Lili shrank into her seat, her body shaking slightly.
"Lili… Lili doesn't want to cause trouble… but she doesn't want to go back there either…"
Veldrin watched her in silence. She was just a child and had already been through so much. Seeing her desperately cling to the idea of not returning to that hell awakened something in him.
Xander sighed again, but this time with a resigned smile.
"Well, for now, let's finish eating. Then we'll see what to do."
Lili nodded slowly, still unsure, but with a small spark of hope in her eyes.
As lunch continued, the tension at the table slowly dissipated. Lili, though still shy, began to respond with more confidence when Xander or Veldrin spoke to her.
"So, Lili," Xander said, with a carefree smile. "If you could eat anything every day, what would you choose?"
Lili paused for a moment, thoughtful, before muttering:
"Bread and meat… and hot soup…"
Veldrin raised an eyebrow.
"That's pretty simple."
Lili looked down, fiddling with her spoon.
"Lili hasn't tried many things… but when she can buy something with the money she manages to hide, it's always bread and meat."
Xander clicked his tongue and shook his head.
"What a life you've had, shorty."
Lili puffed out her cheeks slightly, as if she wanted to complain about that nickname, but in the end she didn't say anything.
"Well," Veldrin said, folding his arms. "If you stay with us, you'll get a chance to try out more things."
Lili looked up at him in surprise, but then nodded gently, her expression somewhere between hopeful and cautious.
The conversation continued, this time with Lili participating a little more, although still with some hesitation. Little by little, the weight of her past seemed less oppressive, at least for the moment.
Veldrin felt the tremor in Lili's body before he saw her disappear under the table. He barely had time to blink before he heard her urgent whisper.
"He is from the Soma familia…"
Her voice trembled, and Veldrin could feel her cowering under the table, clutching the fabric of her clothes tightly.
Xander, who had also noticed, put his cup down on the table and looked curiously at the adventurer who had just entered. He was wearing light, simple armor, but the symbol of the Soma familia was unmistakable on his shoulder. He seemed to have come alone and was not paying attention to anyone in particular.
"Well… this is a problem," Xander muttered, scratching his chin.
Veldrin looked down at Lili, who remained cowering in terror.
"He's not going to do anything here," he whispered in an attempt to reassure her. "We're in a public place."
But Lili quickly shook her head.
"If Lili sees her, she will take her back… And if the Soma familia finds out she is here, they will not leave them alone."
Veldrin frowned. That was a possibility he hadn't considered. It wasn't just that Lili feared this particular adventurer; it was that his presence meant the Soma familia could still claim her.
Xander sighed and took a sip of his drink before shrugging.
"Well, we can't do anything if he's just here eating… But maybe it's better if we finish quickly and leave."
Veldrin nodded and looked at the table.
"Lili, stay there until we leave. Don't make any noise, okay?"
She nodded, though her fear was still evident.
Thus, while the Soma familia adventurer ordered his food without noticing them, Xander and Veldrin sped up their lunch, planning to leave the restaurant without attracting attention.
Veldrin clenched his fists under the table as he watched the Soma familia adventurer eat quietly, oblivious to Lili's presence. He couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and anger.
"How is it possible that this is normal here?"
He knew Orario was a dangerous place, but still, he found it hard to accept that a group of people who were basically enslaving a seven-year-old girl could walk around freely without consequences. Not that he was a saint, but this… this made his stomach turn.
He glanced at Xander, who was still drinking with a calm expression, as if nothing was happening. But Veldrin knew his god well. That apparent calm meant he was analyzing the situation, weighing his options.
He looked down and saw Lili cowering under the table, shaking slightly.
"If the Soma familia has a claim to it just because they were born there… how rotten is this city?"
She took a deep breath to calm herself. She couldn't make a scene here, not without putting Lili in more danger. But she couldn't ignore what was happening either.
He turned slightly to Xander and quietly muttered:
"Don't tell me we're going to let this continue like this."
Xander put his cup down on the table and smiled slightly.
"Relax, hero. All in good time."
Xander sighed and set his cup down on the table with a soft clank.
"If I could get her out of this situation without any problems, I would do it without hesitation."
Veldrin looked at him in surprise.
-"Oh really?"
Xander smiled softly, but there was an unusual seriousness in his eyes.
"Of course. It's already clear that she trusts you. If she were free from the Soma familia, I would accept her as your partner in our familia without thinking twice."
Veldrin felt those words weigh on him more than he expected. Not only because of the implied responsibility, but because he knew that getting Lili out of the Soma familia was not going to be as simple as wishing it.
Under the table, Lili tightened her grip on the hem of Veldrin's robe, as if she feared that it would be torn away at any moment.
Xander glanced at Veldrin and smiled.
"But of course… for that to happen we would first have to find a way to free her without getting into a bigger problem."
Veldrin pressed his lips together, sensing that the conversation was already taking an inevitable turn.
Veldrin watched in curiosity as Xander, with surprising ease, removed his robe and wrapped it around Lili. Then, in one fluid motion, he lifted her up and placed her over his shoulder, making sure she was well covered.
"So you're a smuggler now too?" Veldrin muttered with a raised eyebrow.
Xander smiled in amusement.
"I'm just a god with creative solutions."
Under the cloth, Lili remained silent, but Veldrin could feel her small body trembling slightly. It wasn't just fear... it was exhaustion.
"We better get going before anyone notices," Xander said lightly.
Veldrin nodded and the three of them walked out of the restaurant at a leisurely pace, as if everything was normal. However, his mind was elsewhere.
Freeing Lili from the Soma familia… How the hell were they going to do that?
The ride back was quiet, with no one paying much attention to them. Lili stayed on Xander's shoulder the whole way, not moving or making a sound, as if she was afraid that even the slightest gesture might give her away.
Veldrin glanced at his "burden" from time to time, making sure he was okay. Although he couldn't see his face, he could feel him clutching the fabric of his robe tightly.
When they finally arrived at the Xander familia headquarters and closed the door behind them, Xander sighed in relief.
"Okay, little stowaway, you can come down now."
Lili hesitated for a moment before slowly letting go and lowering herself to the ground.
Veldrin crossed his arms and looked at her seriously.
"Lili… If you really want to stay with us, we'll have to find a way to free you from the Soma familia. We can't just hide you away forever."
Lili looked down, biting her lip in uncertainty.
Xander smiled and gently ruffled her hair.
"Relax, little one. We'll figure it out. After all, a hero never leaves behind someone who needs help, right?"
The words echoed in Veldrin's mind. Hero. That word again.
Lili looked up at Xander and then at Veldrin. Her prum ears twitched slightly as she clenched her fists nervously.
"Thank you… Lili… thank you both very much…"
Her voice was soft, shaky, as if she were not used to expressing gratitude. But there was a sincerity in her eyes that neither of them could ignore.
Xander smiled warmly at her.
"You're welcome, little one. You're safe here."
Veldrin, for his part, nodded with his arms crossed.
"You don't have to thank us so much. We just did what everyone should do."
Lili shook her head.
"No… Nobody does it… Only you…"
Those words made Veldrin look away with a soft sigh. Xander, for his part, kept his smile, although inside he felt a slight weight on his chest.
"Well, now that we're all safe, we'd better think about what's next."
Lili simply nodded, still shyly, but with a small glimmer of hope in her eyes.
Xander stretched and looked around the nearly empty building.
"Well, we still need more furniture, so we'll have to go out shopping again."
He looked at Lili, who, although calmer, still had a slight tension in her shoulders.
"Are you okay with staying here while we go?"
Lili lowered her gaze slightly and clenched her clothes with both hands. She looked unsure, but before she could respond, Veldrin spoke.
"I can go alone. You can stay here with her."
Xander raised an eyebrow, surprised.
"Are you sure? It's no small thing that's missing."
Veldrin nodded determinedly.
"It's no problem. Besides, I doubt anything will happen if you stay here with her."
Xander looked at him for a moment before smiling in amusement.
"Look at that, he was so rude and now he's a responsible older brother."
Veldrin sighed.
"Don't start."
Xander let out a small laugh and then looked at Lili.
"So, it looks like we'll be staying here for a while, little one."
Lili nodded slightly, still not completely letting go of her nervousness, but at least she seemed calmer now.
As the door closed behind Veldrin, Xander sighed and turned to Lili, who was still standing, her hands gripping his robes lightly.
"Tell me, little one," Xander asked in a more serious tone, "Do you think Veldrin will be able to get you out of the Soma familia?"
Lili looked down a little, thinking. She knew how difficult it was to escape from Soma and his followers, she had tried before without success. But this time… this time it was different.
"I don't know…" she whispered "But…"
Xander raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.
Lili looked up, with a small but sincere smile.
"Lili trusts him… because he is her hero."
Xander watched her for a moment before letting out a light laugh and leaning back in a chair.
"Hero, huh? He'll be delighted to hear that."
Lili blinked and shook her head rapidly, puffing out her cheeks in embarrassment.
"Don't tell him!"
Xander just smiled mischievously, but didn't say anything else. Although his expression relaxed, in the back of his mind he knew things wouldn't be that simple.
Xander crossed his arms and looked at her with a mocking smile.
"Well, well… So you're embarrassed now? You seemed so confident yesterday, clinging to his back and calling him your hero without hesitation."
Lili turned completely red and clenched her fists, looking away with a small pout.
"That… that was different!"
"Oh, yeah?" Xander rested his elbow on the table and his cheek on his hand, clearly enjoying the situation. "And what changed from yesterday to today? Don't you think I'm your big, brave hero anymore?"
Lili puffed out her cheeks even more, not finding a quick response. Finally, she muttered softly:
"…Lili still believes it… but she doesn't want me to tell her…"
Xander let out an amused laugh and gently ruffled her hair.
"Calm down, calm down. I won't say anything… for now."
Lili gave him a suspicious look, but Xander simply shrugged with an amused smile.
Then Lili's expression changed to a bitter one.
"Even though hero-sama is strong, Lord Zanis, the captain of the Soma familia is level 2. And I even tried to ask him to let me have a meeting with Soma, but he said that 2 million Valis were needed."
Xander's expression changed upon hearing that.
"Two million valis? And it's not even certain that she will accept it?" he repeated incredulously, leaning back in his chair.
Lili nodded, with a bitter look.
"Zanis said that was the minimum price for me to even be able to ask Soma to let me go… but it doesn't guarantee anything. If Soma isn't interested, then it won't matter how much I pay."
Xander sighed, running a hand over his face.
"Tch… what a boring situation."
Lili looked down and clenched her fists in her lap.
"That's why… Lili doesn't know if Mr. Veldrin will actually be able to free her. He doesn't have two million valis… even if he did, she doesn't know if it would be of any use."
Xander watched her in silence for a moment.
"That is total abuse."
Lili didn't answer, she just looked away with a gloomy expression.
Xander smiled slightly and shrugged.
"Well… Veldrin isn't the type to give up easily. We'll think of something."
Two hours passed without any problems at the Xander familia headquarters. Lili, although still somewhat shy, had relaxed a little by being in a safe environment. Xander, for his part, took advantage of the time to organize some things inside the building while talking to the little girl.
Finally, the door to the headquarters opened and Veldrin entered with some papers in his hand.
"I'm back," he announced as he brushed some dust off his clothes.
Xander looked up from where he was sitting.
"So? Did you buy the furniture?"
Veldrin shook his head and handed him the papers.
"Not exactly. I ordered the furniture, it's a little cheaper and they'll come to assemble it tomorrow."
Xander took the documents and quickly looked through them.
"Hmm… good decision, this way we don't have to carry anything."
Lili, who was sitting in a corner of the room, looked at the papers curiously before looking at Veldrin.
"So… will the headquarters look better tomorrow?"
Veldrin smiled slightly at him.
"Yes, it will be more comfortable. No more sleeping on the floor."
Xander laughed.
"Wow, that means our little headquarters is finally starting to look like home."
Veldrin looked out the window and noticed that the sun was still high in the sky.
"It's still early… I think I can do a little round in the Dungeon."
Xander, who was still looking through the papers, just nodded.
"It's not a bad idea, it will help you move around a bit after working so hard here."
Veldrin turned to Lili, who looked thoughtful, her eyes fixed on the ground.
"Do you want to come?" he asked her.
Lili was a little startled and looked at him doubtfully.
"Lili… isn't sure. Lili has only entered the Dungeon three times… and she's small…"
Xander crossed his arms and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"You don't have to force yourself. If you don't feel ready, it's okay."
Lili clenched her fists and lowered her head.
"Lili… wants to be useful."
Veldrin sighed, understanding her conflict.
"You don't have to decide right away. But if you do come, I'll stay close by to make sure you're okay."
Lili bit her lower lip, still undecided.
In the end, Lili decided not to go. Although she wanted to be helpful, she knew she wasn't ready yet.
"It's better this way," Xander said with a calm smile, watching Veldrin walk out the door. "But if you really want to help him in the future, then there's something we can do."
Lili looked up curiously.
"What thing?"
Xander stretched and pointed to one of the empty rooms.
"I'll teach you everything you need to know about the Dungeon. Not just about the monsters and floors, but also how to move around, how to work as a team with Veldrin, and how to make sure you survive down there."
Lili's eyes lit up for a moment before she nodded determinedly.
"Lili will learn!"
Xander smirked.
"Well, then let's start the lesson."
Veldrin advanced through the tunnels of the Dungeon with a clear strategy in mind. He wasn't going to waste time fighting monsters one on one. No, he had his own method… his "master technique".
He began running through the halls, hitting the walls with the hilts of his glaives to attract the attention of everything nearby. Soon, a horde of goblins, kobolds and other lesser creatures began to chase him.
"Come on, follow me you silly creatures!" he said with a smile as he quickened his pace, making sure more monsters would join the hunt.
When the amount was sufficient, Veldrin took a breath, adjusted his posture and activated his spell.
Flames flared to life around him, enveloping him in a searing blanket of fire that fed off his Mind. Glaives extended to his sides, he charged straight towards the horde.
The monsters didn't stand a chance. Trying to charge at him, they were cut down by his glaives or engulfed in flames as he sped through them. The creatures' screams echoed through the dungeon, drowned out by the crackling of the fire and the clanking of precise cuts.
When it finally stopped, the charred bodies of the monsters fell one by one to the ground, turning into dust and dropping their magic crystals.
"Well, that was efficient," he commented, exhaling slowly as he deactivated the magic and shook his glaives to remove the remains of ash.
With a satisfied smile, he began to collect the crystals.
Veldrin continued his hunt in the Dungeon, advancing deeper as he collected magic crystals. Even though his "master technique" had been effective, he still had the energy to continue fighting, and this time he wanted to make the most of his spells before he was knocked out by lack of Mind.
He found a group of kobolds hanging around near a fork in the road. Without hesitation, he extended his hand towards them.
"Burn Manna."
A bolt of dark energy shot out from his palm, striking one of the kobolds in the chest. His eyes widened in panic as his body instantly went limp, falling to the ground as if his life force had been drained.
The other kobolds reacted, rushing at Veldrin in fury. He remained calm, using his glaives to dodge and counterattack, but was quick to cast another spell.
"Burn Manna."
Another dark beam struck an enemy, weakening it instantly. Wasting no time, Veldrin finished it off with a clean slash.
He continued to cast spells whenever he had the chance, taking advantage of every breath between attacks to drain the energy from his enemies. His body burned with the effort of keeping up with the pace of combat while his Mind was slowly draining.
Finally, after using Mana Burn a few times and activating Immolation to clear out one last group of goblins that were approaching him, he felt his body grow heavy. His vision blurred for a second and fatigue hit hard.
He slumped against a wall, breathing heavily. His magic was completely depleted, and with it, his body felt like it had been completely drained.
He knew he would have to stay still for a while before he could move normally again. In the meantime, he could only hope that no monster would find him in that vulnerable state.
Veldrin walked out of the dungeon with a firm step but feeling the weight of almost falling into Mind Down on his body. He avoided unnecessary confrontations on the upper floors and finally emerged into the sunlight, blinking a little as his eyes adjusted to the change.
Without wasting any time, he headed to the Guild, where he exchanged the magic stones and materials he had collected. The sum was decent, enough to cover some expenses and save a little for the future.
"Not bad…" he muttered to himself, putting the money in his bag before leaving the Guild.
With that settled, he made his way back to the Xander familia headquarters, wondering what Xander and Lili had been up to in his absence.
Veldrin had barely crossed the door when he felt something small and fast launch itself at him. He barely had time to react before tiny arms gripped his torso tightly.
"Veldrin is back!" Lili exclaimed, burying her face in her coat.
The impact caught him off guard, staggering slightly before steadying himself. He looked at Xander with a raised eyebrow, but the god just crossed his arms with an amused smile.
"Well, it seems someone missed you more than we thought."
Veldrin sighed, but couldn't help but give a small smile as he placed a hand on Lili's head.
"I just went to the Dungeon for a few hours…" he said, although he didn't try to push her away.
"That was a lot of hours!" Lili protested, still not letting go.
Xander chuckled.
"You see, at this rate, you will become his official hero. There is no escape."
Veldrin didn't know whether to laugh or sigh.
Veldrin nodded, Lili still clinging to him.
"I think I'm ready to go deeper into the Dungeon."
Xander stopped smiling and looked at him seriously.
"Deeper? Don't tell me you're already thinking about going all the way to Goliath."
Lili tensed a little upon hearing that, but didn't say anything.
Veldrin crossed his arms.
"Not necessarily, but I feel like it's time to take on something more challenging."
Xander sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"You have talent, I don't deny it, but there's a big difference between the middle floors and facing the Rex monster on the 17th floor. It's not something you can take lightly."
"I know. I'm not saying I'll face him right now, but I'll have to eventually."
Xander clicked his tongue, still somewhat worried.
"I guess nothing I say will change your mind, right?"
Veldrin smiled confidently.
"You know me well."
Xander sighed again and crossed his arms.
"Well, if you're going to do it, at least do it with preparation. And don't go alone, got it?"
Veldrin nodded. Lili, still clinging to him, murmured softly:
"It's very dangerous…"
Xander leaned on the table and looked at him seriously.
"Before you even think about taking on Goliath, you need to form a team first. You can't keep fighting alone forever."
Veldrin frowned.
Xander raised a hand to stop him.
"And you also need to be at least level 2. Goliath is no ordinary monster. It's a beast that has crushed many unsuspecting adventurers."
Veldrin sighed, knowing Xander was right.
"Okay, I'll think about it."
Xander smirked.
"I like that better. Although… if you really want to prove yourself, I think you could handle the minotaurs on the 15th and 16th floors."
Lili, who was still clinging to Veldrin, was startled upon hearing that.
Xander nodded.
"They are not an easy challenge, but if you manage to defeat them without problems, then we could talk about going deeper."
Veldrin smiled, excited by the idea.
"That sounds more reasonable."
Xander patted him on the back.
"Then do that first. And while you're at it, think about recruiting someone else for the familia. We can't have a familia with just two people."
Veldrin nodded, while Lili looked at him silently, thoughtful.
Lili looked up at Xander, her eyes a mix of surprise and confusion.
"Two people…" she muttered to herself.
Xander noticed her and raised an eyebrow with a playful smile.
"What's wrong, Lili? Did I say something weird?"
Lili looked away, her expression changing to something more serious.
"Lili… still belongs to the Soma familia."
Xander crossed his arms, bowing his head slightly.
"And what about that?"
Lili looked at him again, her mind struggling to process what she had just heard.
"But… I'm not part of the Xander familia yet."
Xander chuckled.
"Who said you needed a mark on your back to be part of a familia?"
Lili felt a small knot in her chest. She had spent her entire life surrounded by people who treated her like an object, like a burden. And now, here was this god, speaking to her as if she already belonged to something bigger.
Veldrin, who had been listening silently, smiled and patted him on the head.
"I think what Xander means is that, whether we like it or not, we already consider you one of us."
Lili fell silent. For the first time in a long time, she felt something warm on her chest.
Xander stretched out and put his hands on his waist, looking at Veldrin with a smile.
"Well, if you're going to try to go deeper into the dungeon, you better prepare yourself well. I don't want you to end up coming back in tatters."
Veldrin nodded determinedly.
"Yes, I'll make sure I'm ready."
Lili, who had been listening silently, clenched her fists and raised her head.
"Lili… Lili can prepare snacks for Veldrin-sama."
Veldrin blinked, surprised.
Lili looked away, somewhat embarrassed, but continued speaking.
"An adventurer must have energy in the dungeon. Lili can do something so that Veldrin-sama doesn't go hungry while fighting."
Xander let out a small laugh.
"Wow, you're already getting special treatment. At this rate, Lili will end up being your official assistant."
Veldrin sighed, but couldn't help but smile slightly.
"Well… I guess I could use some extra food."
Lili nodded vigorously, determined to complete her task. Meanwhile, Xander looked at the two of them with amusement.
"So, Veldrin, prepare well. Tomorrow is an important day, and if you really want to delve deeper into the dungeon, you better be in your best condition."
With that, the night progressed and the preparation for the raid began.
The next morning, the sun was just beginning to light up Orario as Veldrin finished preparing himself. His equipment was in order, his glaives sharpened, and his supply pouch secured to his waist.
Xander was waiting for him at the entrance of the headquarters, his arms crossed and a relaxed smile.
"Good, good. Looks like you're ready for your adventure. Don't do anything crazy and come back in one piece, okay?"
Veldrin snorted, adjusting his hood.
"Yes, yes, I have it clear."
Just as he was about to take a step to leave, he felt a small tug on his cloak. He looked down and saw Lili, with her shy but determined expression.
"Lili… Lili hopes that Veldrin-sama has a good day in the dungeon."
Before he could respond, the little girl grabbed him in a sudden hug. He stood still for a moment, surprised, before sighing and patting her on the head.
"Thank you, Lili. I'll be back soon."
Xander watched the scene with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile.
"It seems you already have someone waiting for your return, hero."
Veldrin rolled his eyes and gently parted ways with Lili before finally leaving for the dungeon, feeling like he had even more reasons to return this time.
Veldrin descended the dungeon stairs, advancing steadily through the first few floors. Although he had been here many times before, it never hurt to keep his guard up.
On the first floor, a few goblins and kobolds wandered aimlessly. They posed no real threat to him, so he dispatched them with ease. A simple slash of his glaives and the monsters fell in seconds, turning to dust and leaving their magic stones behind.
The next few floors were more of the same: goblins, kobolds, and a few war shadows on the fifth floor. The latter were a bit more annoying with their speed and sharp claws, but nothing Veldrin couldn't handle. With quick, precise movements, he cut down their misshapen shadows before they could reach him.
"This isn't enough anymore," he thought as he collected the magic stones and a drop item. If he wanted to become stronger, he had to keep advancing.
Without wasting any more time, he grabbed his bag and continued down to the middle floors, where the real challenge would begin.
Upon reaching the sixth floor, Veldrin noticed that the atmosphere was different. The air felt heavier and the number of monsters had increased. Here, in addition to the war shadows, there appeared the killer ants, creatures that were problematic due to their hive instinct.
He moved forward cautiously, using his glaive to clear his path. All was going well until a killer ant emerged from a tunnel and attacked him head on. With a quick slash, he split it in two. But just as its body vanished into dust, he heard a high-pitched screech.
Don't tell me... he muttered, turning around.
More ants began to emerge from the tunnels and cracks in the walls, alerted by the death of their companion. First five, then ten… and before he knew it, he was surrounded.
Tch, this is a problem.
Wasting no time, he activated Immolation. His body was covered in flames as he ran straight towards the horde. His burning glaives sliced through the ants' exostructures with ease, but every time he killed one, another would shriek and call forth more. It was an endless cycle.
After several minutes of fighting, his magic consumption began to affect him. His breathing became heavy and his fire began to weaken.
I can't go on like this... he thought, gritting his teeth.
He looked around and searched for a way out. If he continued to fight here, he would only end up in Mind Down and be devoured.
Taking advantage of a gap between the ants, he ran with all his might towards a narrow corridor. He used the walls to propel himself and jumped over a group of monsters before falling into a natural slope of the dungeon. He rolled along the ground, colliding with some rocks before stopping on the seventh floor.
He lay on the ground for a moment, breathing heavily.
Definitely… killer ants are a pain in the ass…
He still had the strength to continue, but he had to be more careful now. If he found any more ants, he had to kill them before they could raise the alarm.
Veldrin leaned against a wall, his chest rising and falling rapidly. The killer ants had been more trouble than he had expected. Although he had managed to escape to the seventh floor, he soon encountered more of them.
One after another, they attacked him in waves, forcing him to continue fighting without rest. Each time one fell, another screamed and called for more. It was a never-ending battle.
"Enough!" he growled, pushing himself forward with all his might.
His body burned with Immolation, flames engulfing his glaives as he cut and burned everything in his path. The cavern lit up with flashes of fire and the sound of snapping exoskeletons breaking. Ants fell one after another.
Some tried to escape through the tunnels, but Veldrin, with his agility and pent-up fury, gave them no chance. If he let any of them escape, everything would start again.
"NO MORE!" he shouted, plunging his glaive into the last killer ant.
The monster writhed before crumbling into dust. Silence filled the cavern.
They're gone.
Veldrin dropped his weapons and fell to his knees. His body was drenched in sweat, his breathing labored. He could barely move.
"Damn… ants…" he gasped, trying to catch his breath.
He stood there for several minutes, his muscles burning from the effort. He had won, but it had cost him almost all of his stamina and magic.
If another monster appeared now… he would be finished.
Veldrin slumped against the cold wall of the tunnel, feeling exhaustion take over his body. His breathing was heavy, his shirt was soaked with sweat, and his muscles burned with every small movement.
"Damn ants…" he muttered, letting his head fall back.
He pulled out his backpack with shaking hands and opened it, finding inside the snacks Lili had prepared for him. A small, carefully wrapped package, with a folded note on top.
She frowned and took the note, unfolding it curiously. Lili's handwriting was a little childish, but clearly understandable:
"For Veldrin. Don't overexert yourself. If you die, I'll beat you up when you get back. Eat well!"
Veldrin let out a chuckle. That girl…
He picked up one of the snacks and took a big bite. It was simple, but it tasted good, and at that moment, it was the best thing he had had in days. As he ate, he felt his body begin to relax, regaining some energy.
He still had a long way to go, but for now… he would rest a little more.
After a few minutes of rest, Veldrin sighed and stood up, stretching his sore muscles. He packed the rest of the food into his backpack, adjusted his glaives, and began walking through the Dungeon tunnels again.
This time, everything was eerily quiet. There were no monsters in sight.
He walked cautiously, his senses alert. After what happened with the Killer Ants, he expected an ambush at any moment… but nothing happened.
"Did the monsters run out?" he muttered to himself, with a slight feeling of unease.
He took advantage of the moment to move faster, advancing uninterruptedly through the 8th floor, searching for the stairs that would take him further down.
Descending to the 10th floor, Veldrin immediately noticed the change in the environment. A thick fog covered the ground, making it difficult to see. His steps became more cautious, keeping his glaives ready as he advanced.
"This is different…" he muttered, watching as the fog seemed to grow thicker with each step he took.
The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the distance. Something big was approaching.
From the mist, a massive silhouette emerged. An orc, nearly twice Veldrin's size, wielding a massive mace that looked like a tree torn straight from its roots. The creature growled and charged straight towards him.
Veldrin dodged to the side at the last moment, feeling the wind from the blow pass dangerously close. Wasting no time, he activated Immolation, his glaives engulfed in flames as he counterattacked.
The orc roared as he felt the burning steel cutting into his side, but he didn't fall immediately. He was sturdy.
"This will take more than one hit…" Veldrin thought, preparing for the next offensive.
Veldrin gasped as the first orc fell heavily to the ground, his skin burned and his muscles torn from the slashes of his flame-engulfed glaives. He had had to dodge two brutal blows from its massive makeshift mace, the tree torn from the ground itself, before finding an opening and stabbing through its throat with a swift stab.
He didn't have time to catch his breath. Two more roars broke through the fog, and turning, Veldrin saw two more orcs approaching. Both were even larger than the first, their massive bodies covered in scars. One held what looked like the trunk of an even thicker tree, while the other carried a branch with several sharpened points, like a makeshift spear.
"Great… now they have variety."
Veldrin turned his glaives in his hands and prepared for confrontation.
The two orcs charged at the same time, making the ground tremble with each step. Veldrin leapt to the side just before the orc with the log tried to crush him, feeling the wind from the blow pass by him. The impact tore a crack in the ground, kicking up dust and debris.
The other orc, with his improvised spear, took the opportunity to launch a direct thrust at his chest. Veldrin barely had time to turn his body, feeling the sharp point graze his side.
"Tch… how annoying!"
He couldn't give them a chance to continue attacking together. Veldrin activated Immolation, his body engulfing in flames. The orcs growled, feeling the heat, but they didn't back away.
Taking advantage of his superior speed, he launched himself at the orc with his spear before it could react. He lowered his center of gravity and spun on his axis, slicing through both of its knees with his glaives in a single movement. The monster roared in pain, falling on its back with a crash.
The orc on the trunk roared in fury and raised his weapon, ready to attack. Veldrin gave him no chance. He ran towards him, jumped and, using his glaive as a support on his shoulder, flipped in the air, landing with both weapons impaled on his neck.
The orc thrashed violently, trying to shake Veldrin off of him, but his body was already weakening. With one last pull of his glaives, Veldrin tore out his throat, and the monster fell to its knees before collapsing.
Veldrin stepped away from the smoking bodies, breathing heavily.
"Ugh… they were a real pain in the ass."
He took a moment to catch his breath. He couldn't keep expending so much energy if he wanted to go deeper.
Veldrin dropped onto a rock, taking a breath as he checked his superficial wounds. The burning in his side was annoying, but nothing serious.
"These orcs are a good warm-up…" he muttered to himself, with a slight smile of satisfaction.
The fight had been difficult, but not impossible. He felt stronger, more agile, and although it was difficult, he could face monsters bigger than before. That feeling of progress motivated him.
Instead of moving on, he decided to wait.
He settled down on the rock and took out some of the food Lili had prepared for him. Nothing like regaining energy while waiting for new opponents.
The dungeon was quick to respond to his challenge.
From the dense fog, heavy growls and rumbling footsteps began to approach.
Veldrin smiled with excitement.
"Well… let's see how much more I can improve today."
He stood up, took his glaives and prepared for the next fight.
Veldrin stood, twirling his glaives between his fingers as he watched the shadows move through the mist. The rumble of footsteps confirmed what he already suspected: more orcs were on the way.
"Come on, big guys. I don't have all day."
The mist stirred, and two enormous figures emerged. Orcs. Just as large as the first, but more prepared now. Both held logs torn from the ground as makeshift weapons, ready to crush him.
One charged first, raising its trunk like a club.
Veldrin rolled to the side, dodging the blow, but the impact shook the ground, almost knocking him off balance. The other orc took advantage and swung his torso in a wide arc.
Veldrin jumped back just in time, feeling the wind from the blow brush against his chest.
"Are you really taking this seriously now?"
I knew I couldn't dodge forever.
I had to find an opening.
He charged at the first orc, lowering his stance to gain speed. As the beast tried to raise its trunk again, Veldrin slid one of his glaives against its wrist, opening a deep wound.
The orc growled in pain and dropped his weapon.
Veldrin took advantage, jumping onto his arm and using his glaive to slit his throat in one motion.
Blood gushed out as the beast fell to its knees.
The second orc roared in fury and charged.
"That's it, come for me."
Veldrin waited for the blow, holding his ground until the last moment. As the log came down, he leapt over it, landing on it and running across its surface until he reached the orc's face.
With a scream, he stabbed both glaives into his eyes.
The monster roared and staggered, shaking its trunk desperately.
Veldrin broke free before he was crushed, rolling across the ground as the blind orc thrashed in one last spasm before coming down with a crash.
Veldrin stood, breathing heavily as he looked at the corpses of his opponents.
I had won.
"Well… this was fun."
But there was still more dungeon to explore.
So he took another breath, cleaned his weapons, and moved on.
Veldrin paused for a moment, looking at his bag of magic stones. It was almost full.
If he continued forward, he would have to leave behind any stones he obtained. And that meant less Valis.
"Tsk… damn it." he muttered to himself.
He hesitated.
On the one hand, he could continue to advance and prove himself on the deeper floors. But on the other hand, if he didn't make a profit, this foray would be in vain.
He looked around. The fog was still thick, the echo of monsters resonating in the distance.
If he moved forward, he would have to fight carefully and only pick up stones from really valuable monsters.
But if he went back now, he could sell everything he had, replenish supplies, and come back another day better prepared.
"Shit… what do I do?" he sighed, crossing his arms as he decided his next move.
Veldrin felt the ground vibrate beneath his feet.
At first, he thought it was more orcs, but this tremor was stronger, heavier.
Then he saw it.
Through the thick fog, a colossal silhouette emerged.
Red scales. Glowing eyes. Sharp claws.
An infant dragon.
His breathing hitched for a moment. This was no simple monster.
He was one of the middle floor predators. A rookie killer.
The monster glared at him, growling, and slashed at the ground with its claw.
Veldrin clenched his glaives tightly.
"Of course I had to show up now…" he muttered, taking a step back.
This fight would not be easy at all.
Veldrin jumped to the side just in time.
The ground where he stood turned into a sea of flames.
The infant dragon roared, launching another fireball straight at him.
He rolled across the ground, narrowly missing her. The scorching heat grazed his skin.
He gritted his teeth and launched into the attack.
Cut after cut
But nothing.
The dragon's scales were too thick.
Even when he managed to land a hit, he barely scratched them.
He tried to circle around it, but every time he did, the dragon spun and spit more fire.
He didn't have a single moment to reposition himself.
Veldrin became frustrated.
This monster was a walking damn fortress.
Veldrin leapt back, away from the infant dragon.
"Let's see how much you can spit fire."
Activated Burn Mana.
One, two, three times in a row.
The air vibrated. The temperature around him rose sharply.
The infant dragon launched another fireball. Veldrin slid to the side, dodging it by inches.
Burn Mana again.
The flames around him danced, distorting the air.
The dragon launched another fireball, but this time it seemed smaller.
It worked.
Veldrin kept using Mana Burn, over and over again, draining the dragon's magical energy.
Finally, when the monster tried to shoot another fireball…
Nothing came out of his mouth.
Veldrin smiled.
-"That is."-
Now it was his turn to attack.
Veldrin kept his distance, watching the infant dragon warily. The monster growled in fury, noticing that its fire breath was no longer as effective as before.
But that didn't make it any less dangerous.
Even without fire, the infant dragon was a massive and ferocious beast. Its thick, scaly hide acted as natural armor, and its claws were sharp enough to tear a careless adventurer to pieces.
The monster suddenly charged, its massive body shaking the ground with every step. Veldrin leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding being crushed by the onslaught. A tree was knocked over in the impact, breaking into pieces.
I couldn't fight head on.
Veldrin turned his glaives in his hands, searching for a weak point.
"If I can't cut it easily… then I'll have to hurt him little by little."
He lunged forward, attacking with quick thrusts and slashes aimed at the joints of the front legs. The dragon roared in frustration, lashing out with its claws to drive him away.
Veldrin jumped back just in time to avoid being hit, but as soon as his feet touched the ground, the dragon swung its tail violently.
The impact hit him squarely in the side.
He was thrown several meters, rolling on the ground before he could stop himself. His body burned with pain, but he could not stay on the ground.
He rolled to the side just in time to avoid being crushed by a massive claw.
Breathing heavily, Veldrin gritted his teeth.
"This is not going to be easy."
The dragon was not finished. He was preparing for another attack.
Veldrin forced himself to his feet. He couldn't fail now.
I had to find a way to win.
Veldrin leapt with all his might, using the momentum to grab onto the infant dragon's neck. The monster roared in fury, thrashing violently to try and knock him off his feet, but Veldrin held firm, using his glaives to dig into the thick, scaly hide.
"Stop moving, dammit!" he growled, clinging tighter.
The dragon shook its head furiously, trying to shake him off, but Veldrin saw his chance. With a quick maneuver, he released one hand and aimed his glaive straight at the monster's right eye.
The blade pierced the ocular membrane, sinking deep.
The dragon's roar filled the entire floor. His pain was so intense that he lost his balance, hitting the ground with his huge body. Veldrin rolled across the surface of his neck, almost falling, but caught himself at the last second.
Now the dragon was blinded in one eye.
But that didn't mean the fight was over.
Veldrin gritted his teeth.
"This made him even angrier…"
The infant dragon, now completely out of control, suddenly stood up, lashing out with its tail in a desperate attempt to crush Veldrin.
The adventurer jumped at the last moment, managing to evade the blow. He rolled on the ground, spinning around until he was standing.
But I couldn't rest.
The dragon charged again, his good eye still guiding him precisely.
Veldrin raised his glaives, taking a deep breath.
This time, he couldn't afford to fail.
The infant dragon's fist slammed into Veldrin's body with devastating force. A dry, violent sound echoed through the cave as his body was thrown into the air, brutally impacting against one of the floor walls.
Pain instantly spread through his torso. He felt something snap inside him, a sharp stab running through his side as the air escaped from his lungs in a choked gasp.
A trickle of blood trickled down the corner of his lips. He put a hand to his stomach, feeling the burning, warm moisture of the internal wound.
The dragon roared, its eyes shining with ferocity, ready to continue the fight.
Veldrin, still with the stabbing pain in his side, gritted his teeth and made a quick decision. He knew that continuing to fight in this state was suicide.
With a desperate impulse, he turned on his heels and ran.
The infant dragon roared in fury and fired another fireball in his direction. Veldrin dove to the ground, rolling just in time to avoid the impact. The explosion scorched the wall beside him, but he did not stop.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"
Each step sent a new stab of pain through his body, but his survival instinct was stronger.
The dragon chased after him, its weight making the ground rumble with each step. Veldrin dodged another attack and pushed forward with all his might, finally seeing the entrance that led to the upper floors.
His body crossed the threshold of the next floor, and the dragon stopped abruptly, roaring in frustration. His territory ended there.
Veldrin fell to his knees, his breathing ragged. He had done it.
"I definitely… wasn't ready for that."
Veldrin staggered through the upper floors, his breathing heavy and his side still burning from the infant dragon's blow. Every movement reminded him of his mistake, his lack of preparation.
He gritted his teeth and continued on.
The monsters on these floors seemed to sense his weakness. A few goblins and kobolds tried to ambush him, but with precise and quick movements, he dispatched them before they could become a real threat. He couldn't afford another prolonged fight.
Each floor he climbed felt more distant, more difficult. Despite the pain and fatigue, he forced himself to continue forward.
Finally, the Dungeon exit appeared before him. With a sigh of relief, he stepped through the Gates of Babel and emerged into the sunlight.
"Damn… that was too close."
Now there was only one thing left on his mind: get to the headquarters and rest before his body collapsed.
Veldrin was barely keeping his balance when he saw a potion shop on the side of the road. Without a second thought, he staggered towards the entrance and pushed the door open forcefully.
The shopkeeper, a dwarf with a not-so-thick beard, raised an eyebrow at his condition.
"I need… a potion…" Veldrin gasped, holding his side.
"Do you have money to pay with, boy?" the dwarf asked suspiciously.
Veldrin didn't reply with words. He pulled out his bag of magic stones and dumped them on the counter, dropping a bunch of them, clearly much more valuable than a simple potion.
The dwarf blinked in surprise, but said nothing. He took a healing potion from a shelf and handed it over, collecting the stones without asking questions.
Veldrin uncorked the bottle with trembling hands and drank the liquid in one gulp. He felt immediate relief as the potion's magic coursed through his body, closing the wounds and easing the pain.
He sighed in relief and leaned on the counter for a moment, before finally straightening up and walking out of the store.
He was still exhausted, but at least he no longer felt like he would collapse at any moment.
Veldrin, feeling a little better now but still sore, headed back to the guild. He still had enough magic stones in his bag to make the walk worthwhile.
Upon arrival, he approached the counter and dropped the bag in front of the receptionist, who jumped slightly in surprise.
"Wow… looks like someone had a rough day."
Veldrin let out a tired laugh. "You could say…"
The receptionist weighed the magic stones, sorting them with experience. Veldrin waited in silence, still feeling the pain in his body, but nothing he couldn't bear. Finally, the woman handed him a good amount of valis in exchange.
"There you go. Good work out there, but… don't push yourself too hard."
Veldrin pocketed the money and nodded with a slight smile. "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind."
With that, he left the guild and headed back to the Xander familia headquarters. Although he still had some minor injuries and a slight pain in his body, at least his bag was full.
As he walked back to the headquarters, Veldrin held the valis bag in his hand, but his expression was far from satisfied. He had managed to gather a good amount of money, his foray towards the entrance of the middle floors had been productive, but still…
It was not a victory.
His mind kept returning to the fight with the infant dragon. He had hurt him, even destroyed one of his eyes, but in the end, he was the one who ended up fleeing.
He gritted his teeth. He knew the monster was out of his league, he knew facing it was madness, but that didn't make the defeat any less bitter.
"If I had been stronger…"
The thought crossed his mind, but he shook his head and sighed. There was no point in dwelling on it now. All he could do was keep improving.
With that thought, he quickened his pace back to headquarters, determined that the next time he saw that infant dragon, he wouldn't be the one who ended up running away.
Lili ran towards him as soon as she saw him enter the headquarters, with her arms open, ready to pounce on him like she had done before.
"Veldrin-sama, welcome-!"
But before she could finish, he raised a hand in a stop sign and stepped back with a pained expression.
"Wait, wait… not this time," he said with a grimace, bringing a hand to his side.
Lili stopped dead in her tracks, blinking in confusion before frowning. "Are you hurt?"
Veldrin sighed and nodded. "Let's just say I got a little too clever about something I shouldn't have."
Lili stared at him for a moment before puffing out her cheeks. "You need to be more careful, you know?" she said in a scolding tone, though her concern was evident.
From the back of the room, Xander watched the scene with his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.
"Looks like the expedition wasn't as smooth as you expected, huh?" he commented with an amused smile.
Veldrin sighed and dropped his equipment on the ground. "Let's say going deeper isn't a problem anymore… but ten was a different story."
Lili tilted her head. "What happened?"
"Infant dragon."
Lili's face turned pale. "You faced an infant dragon?! That's suicide for someone level one!"
Veldrin shrugged. "Well, I tried. And then I did the smart thing: I ran away."
Xander laughed. "At least you have enough sense not to die like an idiot."
Veldrin sighed. "Yes, but I put up quite a fight before that… it just wasn't enough."
Lili looked at Xander and then at Veldrin. "So… what are you going to do now?"
Veldrin smiled slightly. "First, get those potions. Then, get stronger."
Xander took the dagger and pricked his finger, letting the blood fall onto his back.
"Let's see how far you've come after that whole mess on the tenth floor."
Lili respectfully turned her gaze away. Although she was now living with them, she knew that the status of an adventurer was a private matter, and not everyone shared their progress, even within the same familia.
Xander watched Veldrin's falna as the numbers began to update.
Veldrin Lightstorm
Level 1
• Strength: G297 → F388
• Endurance: G276 → F361
• Dexterity: F302 → F399
• Agility: F379 → E445
• Magic: G298 → F321
Xander whistled in admiration.
"Well, it seems like almost everything has risen in rank. You're getting stronger."
Veldrin looked back over his shoulder. "But enough?"
Xander shrugged. "Not yet for an infant dragon, but you're not that far off now. Keep this up and you'll be ready for the deep floors soon."
Veldrin clenched his fist, feeling a mix of excitement and frustration. "I'll have to keep pushing."
Putting away the status paper and covering Veldrin's back, Lili turned around, crossing her arms with a frown.
"Lili doesn't care if you come back hurt…" she said firmly, looking at him with her big brown eyes. "As long as you come back. I don't want you to die."
Veldrin blinked, surprised by the seriousness in her voice. He had expected a scolding or some snide comment about how reckless he was, but not this.
He cleared his throat and gave a small smile. "I don't plan on dying yet."
Lili puffed out her cheeks and gently punched him on the arm. "You better."
Xander, watching the scene with amusement, leaned his elbow on the table and smiled. "Well, it looks like you have someone who's going to keep you in line. With that said, are you going to rest or do you plan to continue pushing your luck today?"
Veldrin sighed and stretched carefully, still feeling the pangs of pain in his body. "Definitely rest. But tomorrow…"
His eyes shone with determination. "I'll be returning to the Dungeon tomorrow."
Xander looked at him in disbelief, raising an eyebrow.
"Are you serious? You just got back in a mess and you're already thinking about coming back tomorrow."
Veldrin simply shrugged, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I can't stay still for long. If I want to get stronger, I have to keep going."
Xander sighed, rubbing his temple with one hand. "Seriously, you're just like those protagonists in the stories I tell… stubborn and with zero sense of self-preservation."
Lili, who had been listening silently, frowned and looked at him disapprovingly. "Veldrin should rest more. He can't become strong if he's dead."
Veldrin smiled at him in amusement. "I'll rest tonight, I promise."
Xander shook his head and plopped down into a chair. "Do what you want, but I don't want to have to drag your corpse back someday. Now, go get something to eat before you collapse."
Xander led Veldrin through the headquarters, gesturing to the kitchen.
"Look at this. We have a decent kitchen now."
Veldrin looked around, seeing a table, shelves with utensils, and a pantry with some basic ingredients. It wasn't luxurious, but it was fully equipped.
Lili also looked at the kitchen closely, her expression lighting up with excitement. "Lili will be able to cook better with this."
Xander nodded in satisfaction before leading Veldrin into another room. "And here's your room."
Opening the door, Veldrin saw a simple but comfortable bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a chair. Everything was new and clean.
"Not bad," he commented, crossing his arms.
"The main room still needs to be furnished," Xander added. "That's why you didn't notice the furniture when you arrived."
Veldrin chuckled lightly. "Yes, I was too distracted by the pain to notice anything else."
Xander smiled and patted him on the back, causing Veldrin to groan. "Well, rest. We can take care of the rest tomorrow."
Xander grabbed his robes and stretched. "I'm going to go get the potions. Get some rest, because tomorrow you're sure to be in more pain."
Veldrin only grunted in response, already lying down on his new bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow, exhaustion overcame him and he fell asleep in seconds.
Lili, who had remained silent, approached cautiously. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Veldrin's face, which for the first time all day looked peaceful.
With a shy smile, she raised a hand and began to gently stroke his hair. "Lili is happy that you are okay," she whispered softly, even though she knew he was not listening.
He stayed there for a while, feeling the warmth of his hero sleeping soundly.
Xander leaned against the door frame, watching silently. Lili continued to stroke Veldrin's hair with an almost instinctive tenderness, as if that simple gesture could reassure her that he was really there, safe.
Veldrin, for his part, was sleeping soundly, his breathing calm despite the wounds still visible. There was something… familiar about the scene.
Xander smiled to himself. "Wow… if I didn't know the story behind it, I'd swear they were father and daughter… or at least siblings."
He shook his head with a soft laugh and turned to walk away, leaving them in their moment of calm.
Deep within the Guild, in a dark and imposing chamber, the only source of light came from the torches that illuminated the stone throne where Ouranos sat. His majestic and motionless figure radiated an almost divine presence, unwavering like Orario itself.
At his side, wrapped in a dark robe, was Fels, his loyal aide. The immortal's distorted voice broke the silence.
"Is it wise to be partial to a god?" Fels asked, his tone neutral but filled with curiosity.
Ouranos kept his gaze forward, as if he were pondering each word before answering.
"It is not a question of partiality… but of possibility."
Fels tilted his head slightly, waiting for him to continue.
"Orario has been in an unstable balance for too long. Too many shadows move in the darkness… but this god, Xander, brings with him something different."
The echo of his voice resonated in the great room.
"A change."
Fels crossed his arms. "Hope, is that what you see in him?"
Ouranos closed his eyes for a moment. "More than that. A turning point."
A heavy silence fell over the room. Fels, still standing by the throne, bowed his head slightly.
"If Xander represents a turning point… should I continue to ease his path?"
Ouranos maintained his firm stance, listening in silence.
"As I did before," Fels continued. "Adding more Valis to his earnings from those shows, making sure the venue he now occupies was available… Should I intervene again?"
The god slowly opened his eyes, fixing his gaze on his assistant.
"Xander has proven himself capable of making his own way," he said in his grave, solemn tone. "If we help too much, we will only weaken his impact on Orario."
Fels nodded, understanding.
"So… shall we wait?"
Ouranos closed his eyes once more. "We watch."
Ouranos was silent for a moment, deep in thought. The age of heroes… it had been too long since Orario had seen the likes of old emerge. And if Xander was truly the god of heroes, then perhaps…
He opened his eyes slowly, his gaze reflecting an unwavering determination.
"It's about time."
Fels tilted his head, waiting for him to continue.
"I have allowed Xander to use a fraction of his Arcanum," Ouranos stated, his voice echoing in the chamber. "But only on adventurers. Like he did with that elf."
Fels blinked (haha) in surprise.
"Are you sure about this? If Xander ever lets you down…"
Ouranos nodded solemnly.
"If he disappoints me, the adventurers he forges will remain. My interest is not in Xander himself, but in what he can bring to Orario."
Silence fell between them, interrupted only by the crackling of the torches. Fels crossed his arms, realizing the significance of that decision.
"So, it remains to be seen which path his familia will take."
Ouranos closed his eyes again.
"Yes… that will be seen in the future."
The echo of his voice faded into the vast chamber, the torchlight creating dancing shadows on the stone walls.