Danmachi: God of Heroes

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Meeting in the depths

Veldrin moved confidently through the tunnels of the eighth floor of the Dungeon. With each movement of his glaives, the monsters fell without resistance. His body had already become accustomed to these weapons, moving them with a naturalness that he himself found surprising.

Yet amid the echo of the caverns, he heard a sound distinct from the roar of monsters or the clash of weapons: heavy, uneven breathing.

Frowning, he approached cautiously. As he turned a corner, he saw the figure of a girl with golden hair and dull, tired golden eyes. Her clothes were torn and covered in dust, and her sword rested in her shaking hand. Around her lay the remains of several monsters, indicating that she had been fighting relentlessly.

Veldrin raised an eyebrow. "A little girl on the eighth floor… alone?"

The little girl turned her head towards him with an unchanging expression. Her eyes barely showed any emotion, but her tired posture said it all.

"...I don't need help," he muttered in a monotone, gripping his sword tightly.

Veldrin sighed. "I don't know what's more worrying, that a child is alone on this floor or that she is strong enough to have made it this far."

Ais didn't respond immediately. In her exhausted state, holding a conversation seemed like too much effort. Still, her instincts wouldn't allow her to simply collapse in front of another adventurer.

Veldrin watched her for a moment before waving his hand. "I'm not going to take you to the surface or anything, but there's no point in you continuing to advance in this state. What's your name? How long have you been fighting?"

Ais hesitated for a moment before answering. "Ais… Since the morning."

Veldrin blinked. "So, Ais… have you eaten anything?"

She shook her head slightly.

He let out a dry laugh. "Yeah, right. Why did I expect any other answer?"

Sighing, he reached into his bag and pulled out a small packet of rations. "Here, eat something. I don't care if you want to keep fighting, but if you collapse, the monsters will eat you."

Ais hesitated for a moment, but the fatigue in her body overcame her stubbornness. She took the package with trembling hands and began to eat slowly, her expression unchanged.

Veldrin sat on a nearby rock, watching her curiously. "Why are you doing this? You obviously aren't old enough or experienced enough to be here alone."

Ais swallowed her mouthful before answering in her neutral tone. "I want to become stronger."

"Yeah, but why?"

She was silent for several seconds before muttering, "So I can kill them."

Veldrin raised an eyebrow. It wasn't hard to guess what he was talking about, but he didn't press the issue. Instead, he just shrugged. "Well, to each his own."

Ais finished eating and stood up with a little more stability. She prepared to move forward, but Veldrin looked at her in exasperation. "Don't tell me you plan to continue fighting."

She nodded.

Veldrin clicked his tongue. "If you die, don't blame me."

Without another word, Ais turned around and began walking. Veldrin watched her for a moment before letting out a sigh.

"…I'm going in the same direction, so I guess I can keep an eye on them a bit."

And with that, he followed in her footsteps, keeping a safe distance.

Veldrin sighed, twirling his glaive in his hand as they walked.

"So… does your familia know you're here?"

Ais barely reacted to the question. "Yes."

Veldrin raised an eyebrow. "Really? And they let you come to the eighth floor of the Dungeon alone?"

Ais nodded.

Veldrin narrowed his eyes. "Did they say something like 'go and have fun killing monsters until you collapse'?"

Ais seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering: "Yes."

The elf let out a dry laugh. "Gods, you are really bad at lying."

Ais frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

"Let me guess… you ran away."

Ais remained silent.

"That's a yes." Veldrin shook his head. "And tell me, what do you think will happen when they find you?"

Ais looked ahead, gripping the handle of her sword. "It doesn't matter."

Veldrin snorted. "Of course it matters. I imagine if you have a familia you don't live on the streets, right?"

Ais did not respond.

"So you have people who care about you." Veldrin sighed. "And what do you think they're doing now? They're probably looking for you like crazy."

Ais lowered her gaze slightly.

"If you die in here, what do you think they will feel?"

Ais pressed her lips together, but said nothing.

Veldrin looked at her for a moment before shrugging. "Well, it's not my problem. But let's be clear: if you die, I won't be carrying your corpse."

Ais continued forward, without turning around or saying anything else.

Veldrin just shook his head and continued after her.

The two continued to advance, but Ais's pace grew slower and slower. Her sword continued to cut through monsters, but each blow was less precise, each movement more clumsy. Her breathing was heavy, her legs trembling.

Veldrin, on the other hand, had no problems. His glaives cut through the monsters with ease, and if any tried to get close to the girl, he simply annihilated them effortlessly.

Eventually, Veldrin clicked his tongue in frustration and stopped in his tracks, watching as Ais tried to slash at a War Shadow and missed completely, her sword flying past.

The monster immediately counterattacked, lunging towards her.

Ais could barely react.

But before it could be reached, one of Veldrin's glaives pierced the War Shadow from the side, sending its corpse sprawling to the ground to disintegrate.

The elf sighed, turning to the girl with an expression of pure annoyance. "See? This is exactly what I was telling you. You're completely exhausted."

Ais clenched her fists, but she had no strength to argue.

Veldrin crossed his arms. "Tell me, in what part of your head did you think this was a good idea? Did you think you could just come here and do whatever you wanted without anything bad happening?"

Ais looked down, still panting from the effort.

Veldrin snorted. "You can't even hold your sword properly. If I wasn't here, you'd be dead already. You understand, right?"

Ais, still catching her breath, looked away and replied in a monotone, "I won't do it again."

Veldrin frowned. That wasn't an apology, it was just an empty excuse.

"Oh, sure, sure, you've learned your lesson," he said sarcastically. "I'm sure that won't make you do anything stupid like that again."

Ais glanced at him, but didn't answer.

Veldrin snorted. "You have no idea what you're doing, do you? You just keep going without thinking about anything else."

Ais gripped the hilt of her sword tightly, but Veldrin didn't notice.

Because in his mind, something had clicked.

"Shit... this looks familiar..."

A vague memory crossed his mind. Something buried, something he didn't want to remember.

The image of the forest was clear in his mind, the green and brown hues of the foliage, the earthy scent of damp wood… and the stern gaze of the ranger dragging him back home.

In front of him, his father stood with his arms crossed, his expression stony as a statue. Veldrin didn't need to wait for the reprimand; he already knew what he had done.

With his gaze lowered, he spoke first:

"I know what you're going to say, Dad, and believe me, I agree with you. There's no excuse for what I just did."

Behind him, the remains of several fallen and shattered trees lay scattered as if a storm had passed through. A spectacle of pure recklessness.

"I was an idiot, immature, and I'm truly sorry."

The heat of distant flames burned his skin even in his memory. In the distance, a house was consumed by fire, its glow reflected in the wet eyes of a family who looked at him with despair and rage.

"I just... hope that despite everything, you give me a chance, which I admit I don't deserve."

The words fell from her lips without her being able to stop them, without her being able to fully believe them.

"But if you were so generous as to forgive me, I know I will regain your trust."

His father didn't respond. He didn't even blink.

And at that moment, Veldrin understood something: some things can't be fixed with words alone.

Ais, standing in front of him, panted from exhaustion, her sword barely held in her trembling grip. Her body cried out for rest, but her stubbornness wouldn't let her give up.

"I won't do it again."

The sentence sounded hollow. Weightless, unconvincing. Just like he himself had sounded that day.

Images from his past hit him again.

The destroyed forest.

Flames devouring a house.

His father, looking at him with a disappointment that hurt more than any blow.

The same kind of words, the same tone. A lie to avoid punishment, to move on without facing the consequences.

He came back to the present, seeing Ais in the same position he had been in.

And for the first time in a long time, he felt the urge to do something different.

Veldrin let out a long sigh, running a hand through his hair. He looked at Ais, her small body still shaking from the effort, but her determined gaze fixed on him.


Ais blinked, confused. "No what?"

"I'm not going to accept that empty apology." Veldrin crossed his arms. "You can't just say you won't do it again and expect everything to be fixed. You said that because you thought it was what I wanted to hear, right?"

Ais pressed her lips together, looking away.

"You don't need to say it. I know because I did the same thing once."

The silence stretched between the two, broken only by the distant roar of some monster on the lower levels. Veldrin crouched down a little to be at their level and pointed at the sword in his hand.

"Tell me the truth, Ais. Do you really understand what you just did? Why did you come here alone?"

The girl gripped the handle of her sword tighter, as if trying to find the words. Finally, in a low voice, she replied:

"Because... I want to become strong."

Veldrin nodded, as if he had already expected that answer. "And what would have happened if you had encountered something you couldn't handle?"

Ais looked down, not answering.

Veldrin sighed. "Listen, wanting to become strong isn't wrong. But strength isn't just about carrying a gun and killing monsters. It's knowing when you need help. It's knowing that you can't always do everything alone."

Ais looked at him with a mix of confusion and frustration. She wasn't used to someone talking to her like that.

Veldrin stood up straight, lightly slapping his hand on her head. "Come on. Let's get out of here before something attacks us. And don't you dare try to escape again, because I swear I'll find you and drag you back."

Ais frowned, puffing out her cheeks a little. "I'm not a little girl..."

Veldrin laughed. "Believe me, you are."

With that, the two of them began walking towards the Dungeon's exit, with Veldrin making sure Ais wasn't left behind. This time, he would do things right.

The way back was marked by the sound of their footsteps on the wet stone and the distant echo of monsters wandering in the darkness. Ais continued walking with the sword in her hand, her body tired, but her determination intact.

Veldrin, for his part, watched her from the corner of his eye, making sure she didn't collapse from exhaustion. Despite his words, he had the feeling that the girl hadn't fully absorbed what he was trying to teach her.

"By the way," he said, breaking the silence. "If you really wanted to become strong, why did you do it alone?"

Ais took a moment to answer. "Because… if someone else helps me, it won't be my own strength."

Veldrin snorted, shaking his head. "That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard."

Ais frowned, visibly offended. "It's not."

"Yes it is," he insisted. "If you're so tired you can barely lift your sword, what do you think will happen when a stronger monster attacks you? Are you going to tell it 'wait, I need to do it on my own' and expect it to show mercy?"

Ais looked away, not answering.

Veldrin sighed. "Listen, I'm not telling you to rely entirely on others. But even the strongest adventurers have allies. Do you know why?"

The girl shook her head.

"Because true strength isn't just about killing monsters. It's knowing when to lean on others, and when to have others lean on you."

Ais pursed her lips, clearly pondering his words. She didn't seem entirely convinced, but she didn't argue further either.

Finally, they reached the stairs leading to the surface. Veldrin stopped, looking at her. "Do you know the way back?"

Ais nodded.

"Fine. Go straight home. And if I see you here alone again, I swear I'll kick you out."

Ais stared at him for a moment before muttering, "Thank you."

Veldrin smirked. "Hey, don't thank me yet. Next time I'll make you run twice as hard."

Ais pouted slightly before turning around and starting up the stairs. Veldrin watched her until she disappeared into the light of the entrance before letting out a long sigh.

"Damn… now I feel old."

With that, he stretched a bit, adjusted his glaives on his back, and decided he still had energy left to continue exploring the Dungeon.

Time passed quickly in the Dungeon. Veldrin continued to descend and face monsters, feeling his body adapting more and more to his new weapons. Each slash with the glaives became more precise, each movement more fluid.

He didn't realize how many hours had passed until he noticed how heavy his arms felt and how empty his stomach was. His injuries were minimal, but exhaustion was beginning to set in on his body.

"I guess that's enough for today…" he muttered to himself before starting to walk back to the surface.

He traversed the floors with ease, and before long he emerged back into Orario. The evening light dyed the city orange, and the cool breeze was a welcome change from the stifling atmosphere of the Dungeon.

Wasting no time, he headed to the inn. He pushed open the door somewhat hesitantly and found Xander sitting at his usual table, drinking something while flipping through a couple of notes.

Xander looked up and instantly noticed Veldrin's condition. "Wow, someone's had a long day."

Veldrin dropped his equipment with a sigh and plopped down into the chair across from him. "You have no idea."

Xander smiled in amusement. "Anything interesting?"

Veldrin leaned on the table and looked at him with a tired but thoughtful expression. "Let's just say… I had to deal with a stubborn brat."

Xander raised an eyebrow. "That sounds intriguing. Come on, tell me."

Veldrin exhaled slowly before beginning to recount his encounter with Ais and the small monster chase that followed afterwards.

Xander listened intently as Veldrin recounted his day, leaning his elbow on the table with a smile growing wider. When Veldrin finished, Xander let out a small laugh and leaned toward him with a mocking look.

"So there you were, wielding your brand new glaives, protecting a little girl lost in the Dungeon, teaching her life lessons and making sure she got out safely. Do you know how that sounds, Veldrin?"

Veldrin sighed, already seeing what was coming. "Don't start."

Xander raised his mug and gave him a smirk. "My dear adventurer, that sounds exactly like something a hero would do."

Veldrin frowned and crossed his arms. "I just made sure she didn't kill herself in her stupidity. That doesn't make me a hero."

Xander clicked his tongue and shook his head in amusement. "Oh, right, right. Because heroes never just start out helping someone on impulse, right?"

Veldrin looked at him wearily. "Let it go."

Xander laughed and patted him on the shoulder. "Alright, alright. I won't say any more… for now. But admit it, there's some irony in the fact that you, who seem to avoid such things at all costs, end up acting as a protector of children in trouble."

Veldrin snorted and rubbed his temple. "All I'll admit is that I need food and a bed. If you keep bothering me, I'll oversleep tomorrow."

Xander smirked and raised his mug in a toast. "Here's to a productive day, then."

Veldrin rolled his eyes but couldn't help the small smile that formed on his lips. "Yeah… I guess so."

Xander was going through some papers and notes on the inn table while Veldrin finished drinking water after his long day.

"By the way, Veldrin," Xander said without taking his eyes off the documents, "you'll have to dine alone today."

Veldrin looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "And that?"

Xander sighed and set his pen aside. "Now that we have some decent money, I'm going to start looking for a place to establish our familia headquarters. We can't stay in an inn forever."

Veldrin nodded slowly. "I guess that makes sense. Do you have something in mind?"

Xander shrugged. "I'll see what's available in town. Hopefully, I'll find something that won't break the bank."

Veldrin snorted. "Good luck with that." He stood up and stretched his arms. "Then, I guess I'll go get something to eat."

Xander gave him a smirk. "Maybe you'll find another little girl to rescue, hero."

Veldrin narrowed his eyes. "I don't know why I keep talking to you."

Xander laughed. "Because I'm charming."

Veldrin just shook his head and left the inn, leaving Xander to his plans.

Veldrin arrived at The Hostess of Fertility, looking at the facade illuminated by the warm light of the tavern. Opening the door, he was greeted by a lively atmosphere: the sound of lively conversation, laughter, and the distinctive aroma of freshly cooked food.

As he looked around the place, a female voice interrupted him in a friendly tone.

"Welcome! You can sit wherever you like, I'll be there shortly."

Veldrin turned his head and saw a young woman with grey hair and sky-blue eyes smiling gently at him. It was Syr Flova, one of the waitresses there.

He nodded slightly in response and walked over to a free table near the wall, where he could watch all the movement inside the tavern. He sat down, crossing his arms as he watched the other adventurers enjoy their food and drink.

Shortly after, Syr arrived at their table with her notebook in hand. "What would you like to order?"

"Whatever you recommend today and a beer," he replied without thinking twice.

Syr tilted her head with a smile. "Good choice. I'll bring it to you in a moment."

While waiting for his food, Veldrin noticed the woman behind the bar. A large, robust woman with short reddish hair, with an imposing presence that made even the loudest adventurers quiet down in her presence.

Without a doubt, that had to be Mia Grand, the owner of the tavern.

Veldrin sighed, leaning against the table. "This place is definitely different..." he muttered, preparing to enjoy his dinner.

Veldrin was quietly enjoying his dinner when the tavern door opened, letting in a group that immediately caught the attention of everyone present.

At the front was a red-haired woman in loose-fitting clothes and a carefree expression, but with an unmistakable presence. It was Loki, the goddess of the familia of the same name. At her side walked three high-ranking adventurers: Finn Deimne, the familia captain, a short prum with a shrewd gaze; Riveria Ljos Alf, an elf of elegant bearing and evident wisdom; and Gareth Landrock, a dwarf of robust build with a hoarse laugh that echoed throughout the room.

However, what caught Veldrin's attention the most was the last member of the group: Ais, the blonde girl with whom he had spent hours in the Dungeon.

The group moved naturally to a free table, not paying much attention to the murmurs of the customers. Loki dropped into a chair with a relaxed smile, while Gareth and Finn chatted amongst themselves. Riveria, for her part, sighed, clearly accustomed to her goddess's attitude.

Veldrin glanced at Ais from the corner of his eye. She was noticeably cleaner and more presentable than when he had met her in the Dungeon, but she still had the same calm and distant expression. However, as soon as her golden eyes saw him, her body subtly tensed.

"Huh..." Veldrin muttered, looking away at his plate.

Syr, noticing the group's arrival, was quick to greet them with the same kindness as always. Meanwhile, Loki yawned and stretched, glancing around the place before stopping at Veldrin.

"Hey, hey, look at that. Little Ais, did you get yourself a little friend in the Dungeon?" she asked with a mischievous smile.

The Loki Familia adventurers turned their attention to the girl, who simply blinked silently.

Veldrin sighed internally. "And here we go..."

Loki rested his elbows on the table and smiled in amusement as he looked at Veldrin.

"I heard an interesting rumor going around…" she began, her tone playful but with some weight behind it. "It seems that a little blonde adventurer decided to go on a solo excursion into the Dungeon, and just when she was about to get into trouble, someone showed up to help her. Isn't that right, Ais?"

Ais, sitting at the table with her usual expressionless expression, nodded slightly without saying anything.

Veldrin let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair. "I guess the story has already spread, huh?"

"Oh, of course!" Loki laughed, crossing his legs. "It's not like a little girl sneaking off to the Dungeon would go unnoticed, especially if that little girl is part of my familia. So, boy, as a representative of the Loki familia, I want to thank you for taking care of our little Ais."

Finn, Riveria, and Gareth looked at Veldrin curiously, sizing him up. Riveria spoke in her calm tone.

"Ais is strong, but he is young. We cannot ignore how dangerous what he did was. We will make sure it doesn't happen again."

Veldrin raised an eyebrow and looked at Ais. The girl did not react immediately, but after a moment, she murmured softly:

"Thank you."

It wasn't an apology, but at least it was an acknowledgement. Veldrin sighed and shook his head.

"I just did what anyone else would have done."

Loki smiled even wider. "Well, not everyone would have bothered to help. So, tell me, how about we treat you to dinner as a thank you?"

Veldrin looked at his plate, still full of food, and then back at Loki. Finally, he shrugged.

"I won't say no to a free meal."

Loki drank from her mug as she looked at Veldrin with curiously.

"By the way, boy, what familia are you from? I don't remember seeing you before."

Veldrin, not much interested in the conversation, answered while cutting a piece of his food.

"Xander familia."

Loki's reaction was immediate.


She choked on her drink and started coughing violently. Finn, Riveria and Gareth looked at her curiously, while Ais just watched in silence.

"Wait, wait! Did you say Xander? That Xander? Did Xander just arrive in Orario?"

Veldrin raised an eyebrow. "Yes… why?"

Loki was silent for a moment, remembering something she had done long, long ago. She put a hand to the back of his head and forced a nervous laugh.

"Ehehe... Well, let's just say that Xander and I have history. A little joke between gods."

Riveria sighed. "Loki… what did you do?"

The red-haired goddess looked away, feigning innocence. "Nothing wrong, nothing wrong… It's just that when we were in heaven, I told him that he was already on the list to be reincarnated into Genkai."

Finn raised an eyebrow. "But that means…"

"Exactly." Loki gave an awkward chuckle. "Xander sat there waiting for several decades until he discovered it wasn't true."

There was a moment of silence at the table.

Gareth laughed. "Goodness, Loki! You wasted decades of his time just for a joke!"

Veldrin brought a hand to his face. "…No wonder Xander was talking about an annoying goddess in his sleep a few days ago."

Riveria looked at her disapprovingly. "And you think he let it go?"

Loki smiled nervously. "Ehehe… well, we haven't crossed paths since he came to Orario, so… let's just say I want to keep it that way."

Veldrin sighed, wondering how Xander would react when he found out he had dined with Loki. Meanwhile, Ais continued to eat in silence, paying no attention to the conversation.

As Veldrin and Ais talked, Loki, Finn, Riveria, and Gareth couldn't help but pay attention to the conversation.

Finn spoke first, his tone calm and analytical. "So it was you who was with Ais in the Dungeon. We were wondering who it was."

Riveria watched him with interest. "It's not common for someone to help another person in those circumstances. Much less a child who clearly shouldn't be there."

Gareth laughed. "Heh, that was good stuff you did, kid. Ais may be stubborn, but even she has limits."

Ais looked away at the comment, visibly uncomfortable. "I... I'm sorry."

But Veldrin sighed, crossing his arms. "You're not really sorry."

Ais raised her head, surprised by his words.

"If you were truly sorry, you would understand how reckless it was."

Loki smiled in amusement, taking a sip from her mug. "Well, it seems we have a natural scold here. And you're not even related to me."

Veldrin ignored her and continued to stare at Ais. "I'm not interested in lecturing you, I'm just telling the truth. You can't just rush into the dungeon without thinking. That's not being strong, that's being suicidal."

Gareth nodded approvingly. "He's right. Strength isn't just being able to hit harder, it's also knowing when to back off."

Ais lowered her gaze slightly, clearly thoughtful.

Loki rested her head on one hand with a sly smile. "Well, boy, even if you are a party pooper, I appreciate you looking out for Ais. Not everyone would have bothered."

Veldrin shrugged. "It wasn't a big deal. But if she really wants to become strong, he should do it wisely."

Ais didn't respond, but the expression on her face indicated that she was processing his words. Perhaps for the first time, someone was telling her exactly what she needed to hear, without beating around the bush or condescension.

As the evening progressed and the conversation became more natural, Veldrin began to relax. Though he had been reserved at first, he gradually began to participate more in the discussions, responding with sarcastic comments to Loki's jokes, exchanging opinions with Finn and Gareth, and even sharing a few thoughts with Ais.

Riveria, however, watched him with growing interest. It was not common to see an elf behave in such a manner, at least not in her experience. Most elves had a distant and haughty attitude, especially towards non-elves. But Veldrin... he seemed completely oblivious to such customs.

Finally, the elf decided to intervene. "You are different."

Veldrin looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Is that supposed to be a compliment or a criticism?"

Riveria ignored his tone and continued, "Elves tend to be more... reserved. They don't socialize as easily, let alone feel comfortable with physical contact. However, you... seem to have no problem with that."

Veldrin shrugged. "I don't see the point in isolating myself just because my race dictates it. I have no interest in those kinds of traditions."

Gareth chuckled. "Wow, boy, that's unusual."

Riveria narrowed her eyes, still studying him. "It's not just that. You also don't display the superior attitude that many elves adopt towards other races. It's... peculiar."

Veldrin gave a dry laugh. "Let's just say I learned long ago that clinging to that way of thinking is useless."

Riveria noticed his tone had changed, becoming more serious for a moment, but before she could probe further, Loki interrupted with a mocking smile. "Well, well, it seems our Riveria is interested in the boy. Could it be that she wants to recruit him~?"

Riveria sighed, exasperated. "Don't talk nonsense."

Veldrin merely rolled his eyes, but deep down, he understood the elf princess's curiosity. However, he had no intention of giving any more details about her past. At least, not that night.

As the hours passed, the tavern became less crowded, but the Loki familia table remained busy. The beers and mead flowed relentlessly, and both Loki and Veldrin seemed to have given themselves over completely to the celebratory atmosphere.

"You're a good guy, Veldrin!" Loki exclaimed, her face flushed from the alcohol, putting an arm around Veldrin's shoulders. "I like your style."

Veldrin, who was also completely drunk, laughed without a care. "You're not that bad yourself, Loki! I thought you'd be more annoying, but... you're funny!"

Loki laughed, slapping her hard on the back. "Of course I am! I'm the coolest goddess ever!"

"Yes! The best!" Veldrin raised his mug in an awkward toast, clinking it against Loki's.

Finn, Riveria and Gareth looked at them with a mixture of disbelief and resignation.

"This has gotten out of hand..." Finn muttered, bringing a hand to his face.

"What surprises me is that they get along so well..." Gareth said, scratching his beard.

Riveria sighed, massaging her temples. "What surprises me is that an elf is acting like this... This is unheard of."

Ais, who had been silently observing everything, tilted her head. "Isn't that normal?"

"Definitely not..." Riveria replied, sighing again.

Meanwhile, Veldrin had his head resting on Loki's shoulder, who could barely stay upright.

"You know, Loki... hic... if you weren't such a tricky goddess, I'd even like you more..."

"Hey! What's this about being a cheater? I'm completely honest!"


The two began to laugh as if it was the funniest joke in the world, while Syr and Mia watched the scene with a tired expression.

"It's going to be hell getting them out of here..." Syr muttered.

Mia clicked her tongue. "Bah, we'll kick them out if we have to."

So, with a completely drunk Veldrin clinging to an equally drunk Loki, the night in the tavern continued, making it clear that, somehow, those two had ended up getting along surprisingly well.

Veldrin woke up with a low groan, feeling as if he had been hit in the head with a hammer. His mouth was dry, his stomach was queasy, and the light coming through the window was unbearable.

"Ugh... what the hell happened last night...?"

She brought a hand to her face, trying to clear her head, only to hear a heavy sigh beside her.

"Good morning, drunk hero."

Veldrin slowly turned his head to find Xander sitting in a chair next to the bed, his arms crossed and a look of utter disapproval on his face.

"Please tell me you at least remember who brought you here."

Veldrin frowned, trying to gather his thoughts, but all he remembered was alcohol, laughter, Loki and…


Xander nodded. "Yeah, exactly. Riveria Ljos Alf, the elven princess, had to carry your drunken ass like a sack of potatoes and bring you here."

Veldrin covered his face with both hands, groaning. "Tell me that didn't happen…"

"I wish I could, but unfortunately I saw with my own eyes one of the most dignified and respected elves in Orario dragging another completely unconscious elf into this room. She looked at me, sighed, and left without saying a word."

Veldrin dropped his arms in despair. "By all the ancestors... I'm finished."

Xander chuckled. "Oh, don't worry. I'm sure the entire elven royalty just rolled over in their graves a little bit."

Veldrin gave him a glare, but Xander just smiled in amusement.

"Well, now that you've earned a reputation as the most undignified elf in history, do you want me to make you something for your hangover, or would you rather continue suffering?"

Veldrin sighed, closing his eyes in resignation.

"Just give me some water… and a rope to hang myself."

Xander stood up with a laugh. "The first one yes, the second one no. Now learn your lesson: don't try to drink that much."

Veldrin growled from the bed, as Xander went out to find something to ease his misery.

While Veldrin tried not to die of hangover, Xander leaned against the table, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"By the way, if Riveria brought you last night, it means you were with the Loki Familia, right?"

Veldrin nodded slowly, still feeling his head throbbing with every movement.

"Yes… they were in the tavern. Loki, Finn, Riveria, Gareth… and the girl, Ais."

Xander clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes.

"Wait... you said Loki was there?"

Veldrin barely had time to nod before Xander clenched his fists and muttered to himself.

"Heh… so she's here too. I was going to find her sooner or later, but this makes it easier…"

Veldrin looked at him wearily.

"Don't tell me you're going to do something stupid."

Xander smirked with an expression that could only be described as pure vengeful satisfaction.

"Oh, don't worry. I just need to remind him of a certain joke he played on me a long time ago…"

Veldrin sighed, covering his face with one hand.

"I don't know what I'm more afraid of... the hangover or whatever you're planning."

Xander simply patted him on the shoulder with a big smile.

"Just get yourself together, drunken hero. I'll take care of the unfinished business."

Xander dropped his smug villain expression and switched to a more matter-of-fact tone.

"Anyway, putting my plans for revenge aside, there's something important I have to tell you."

Veldrin, still hungover, groaned and rubbed his temples.

"If it's another crazy idea of ​​yours, tell me later."

Xander ignored her complaint and continued enthusiastically.

"None of that. We're moving."

Veldrin blinked slowly.


Xander crossed his arms and smiled proudly.

"I took advantage of the fact that we had money and got a building for the Xander familia headquarters. We won't have to stay in this inn anymore."

Veldrin straightened up a little, more awake now.

"Are we talking about an entire building? Where?"

"Close to the center, in a quiet area but close enough to Babel to not make the walk a nightmare. It is not a palace, but it has enough space to grow."

Veldrin let out a snort and ran a hand over his face.

"You sure don't waste time... Okay. When do we move?"

Xander pointed towards the door with a smile.

"Today. So pack your things, because this is the last time you wake up with a hangover in this place."

Veldrin stood still in the doorway, staring with an arched eyebrow at the supposed "building" Xander had purchased.

"You said it was a building."

Xander smiled proudly, spreading his arms.

"Technically, I didn't lie. It's a complex of buildings!"

Veldrin sighed and looked back at the headquarters. The structure was… strange. Instead of a single, cohesive construction, there were three completely separate buildings connected to a central garden.

One of them looked like a clock tower, tall and somewhat worn, but still imposing. Another was shaped like a stone pyramid with a narrow entrance, giving it a mysterious air. And the last one was the only one that really looked like an ordinary building, with a more traditional and functional design.

"Where the hell did you find this?" Veldrin asked in disbelief.

"Ah, well... it turns out the previous owner was an eccentric with too much money and no sense of design. He abandoned it because it 'didn't inspire harmony'. But to me, this is perfect."


"Because it's unique. And the Xander familia is unique."

Veldrin sighed again, massaging his temples.

"...This is going to be a disaster."

Xander patted him on the back.

"That's the spirit! Now come, I'll give you a tour."

As they walked through the buildings, Xander enthusiastically explained the peculiarities of each one.

"So, this clock tower will serve as our meeting room. It has an awesome view of the city from above, plus a secret room on the top floor that we'll obviously use for something cool."

Veldrin sighed.

"Tell me at least the pyramid doesn't have any death traps."

Xander laughed.

"Not mortal, but there is a strange mechanism that opens an underground room. I haven't fully explored it yet."

Veldrin frowned.

"… I don't want to die buried in our own headquarters."

Xander patted him on the back.

"You have to look on the bright side. Adventure at home!"

They continued walking to the most normal building. Xander pointed proudly.

"This is where the bedrooms, kitchen, and all the essentials will be. No surprises here, I promise."

Veldrin crossed his arms.

"Well... I guess it's not so bad."

Xander smiled and casually added:

"Oh, by the way, after buying all this and paying off my debt, we have 270,000 valis left."

Veldrin blinked.

"Wait, what?"

"Yes, yes, the million valis went quickly. The headquarters cost a good deal, but don't worry, it was a necessary investment."

Veldrin raised a hand to his face.

Veldrin sighed.

"Well, at least we still have a good amount."

"Of course! And now we have a great headquarters. It was a smart investment."

Veldrin looked back at the buildings and then at Xander.

"You still haven't explained to me why one of them is a pyramid."

Xander laughed.

"Details, details. The important thing is that we already have a home."

Veldrin looked back at the cluster of buildings, frowning.

"Come to think of it… how did you get all this for just 730,000 valis? It sounds too good to be true."

Xander crossed his arms and smirked.

"Well, let's just say it was up for auction. The previous owner seemed a little… nervous about getting rid of the place. I didn't ask too many questions when I accepted the offer."

Veldrin raised an eyebrow.

"That sounds suspicious."

"A little," Xander admitted with a shrug. "But it didn't seem dangerous to me. It's just that some buildings have certain… 'imperfections' that will need to be fixed over time."

Veldrin sighed.

"Of course, because three buildings for that price were not going to be in perfect condition."

"Exactly," Xander said with a smile. "But hey, nothing we can't handle!"

Veldrin looked at the pyramid, the clock tower and the more traditional building.

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"

Xander patted him on the back.

"Only if you have little imagination."

Despite the hangover plaguing him, Veldrin tried to help out where he could. Xander, of course, seemed fresh as a cucumber, supervising with a smile while assigning tasks.

"Okay, okay, let's get to work. Greatness doesn't build itself!"

Veldrin grunted as he carried some wooden planks.

"I hate your morning energy."

"And I hate that you work so slow. So we're even."

Work progressed slowly. They repaired some damaged parts of the buildings, cleared debris and began to organize the spaces. However, Veldrin's hangover caught up with him sooner than expected. By mid-afternoon, he could barely stand.

"I'm… going to die," he muttered, leaning against a wall.

Xander, without any mercy, patted him on the back.

"Nah, you're just paying the price for last night's fun."

"I hate everything..."

"That's the hangover talking. Now stop complaining and get back to work."

Veldrin tried to continue, but his body could no longer take it. He ended up collapsing on the ground with his arms outstretched, exhausted.

Xander looked down at him with a smirk.

"Well, I guess you've officially given up."

Veldrin only responded with a muffled groan.

"Okay, okay," Xander sighed. "Go get some rest before you end up throwing up all over the tools."

Without a second's hesitation, Veldrin staggered to his feet and crawled into a shady corner.

"You can make it up to me tomorrow," Xander added before getting back to work.

Veldrin only raised a hand in a vague gesture of approval before falling completely still, enjoying his brief rest before Xander put him to work again.

As Veldrin lay on the ground, exhausted and hungover, Xander decided to take the opportunity.

"Well, let's see how much stronger you've become..."

He placed a drop of blood on Veldrin's back and waited for the status update to complete. When the numbers appeared, Xander nearly choked on his own saliva.

"What the fuck...?!"

His eyes scanned the status sheet over and over. It was ridiculous.

Veldrin Lightstorm

Level 1

Strength: H139 → G221

Endurance: H136 → G209

Dexterity: H155 → G233

Agility: G203 → F309

Magic: G201 → G277


Burn Mana: Magic without chant. Sends a beam of negative energy that burns 15% of the target's mind, dealing damage in proportion to the mind eliminated. Requires the magic stat to be different than I0.Immolation: Magic without chant. Generates a small layer of flames around the user, consumes mind while active


Incarnation (Demon Hunter): Through the altar of the elders, the body adapts to the Demon Hunter's history. Manifestation of Demon Hunter Skills and Magic

"What the hell did you do down there!?"

Veldrin barely muttered anything in response, too exhausted to process what Xander was saying.

The god ran a hand over his face, still in shock.

"This isn't normal... No one improves that fast. Not even top-tier adventurers with the best talent. Don't fuck with me..."

He sighed and looked at his follower, who was still lying on the ground like an old rag.

"Well, I guess I'm getting used to you doing crazy things."

With a resigned smile, Xander put away the status sheet and settled back into his seat. He would talk to Veldrin about this eventually… but for now, he would let him rest.

Veldrin slowly opened his eyes, feeling his body finally stop complaining from exhaustion. With a sigh, he sat up, rubbing his face with both hands.

Xander, who was sitting comfortably with his feet up on a table, tossed him a piece of paper.

"You woke up. Look at this."

Veldrin caught the blade in midair without much thought and stared at it. A few seconds passed as his gaze scanned the lines of numbers, his expression slowly shifting from bewilderment to shock and then to disbelief.

"What the... fuck?"

He read it again. Then again.

"It just can't be."

Strength, stamina, dexterity... all of his stats had taken a massive leap. It wasn't normal. It didn't make sense.


"You tell me? Because even I don't understand how the hell you managed this." Xander said with a raised eyebrow.

Veldrin fell silent, going over the last few days in his head. Sure, he had trained, he had fought, he had pushed his body to the limit… but this was something else.

"I don't know," he finally muttered. "This... isn't normal."

Xander nodded, crossing his arms.

"Monstrous, isn't it?"

Veldrin gulped, not knowing what to say. Something strange was going on. But what?

Xander watched Veldrin intently as he continued to stare at the sheet of paper, clearly in disbelief. Then he looked away, propping his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his hand.

"This explains it..."Xander thought, narrowing his eyes.

When he bestowed the falna upon Veldrin, he had used a bit of his Arcanum unintentionally. A mistake… or perhaps not. His domain as a god was that of heroes, those who faced impossible challenges and rose above others. If his theory was correct, then Veldrin wasn't just gaining stats from training and fighting…

"But because he's living like a hero." Xander thought.

That absurd growth in such a short time… it made sense if his falna reacted to the way Veldrin behaved. Between helping Ais in the Dungeon, protecting her when she was weak, facing stronger enemies and continuing onward even when exhausted… it all fit together.

But Xander decided to keep that theory to himself. He wasn't entirely sure, and he didn't want Veldrin to become obsessed with the idea. Besides, it was better for him to find out for himself.

With a carefree smile, he tapped Veldrin on the head with the tip of the stat sheet.

"Well, if you keep this up, maybe you'll end up being the next great hero of Orario."

Veldrin growled, frowning.

"Don't fuck with me."

Xander laughed. "We'll see."

After hours of work, with the sun already setting on the horizon, Veldrin and Xander stopped in front of the clock tower, observing their work.

The building, although not in perfect condition, at least no longer looked like a mess. They had taken care of cleaning it, repairing the most damaged parts and making it habitable.

Veldrin leaned against the wall, exhausted.

"We're finally done... at least this one."

Xander smirked, stretching with his arms behind his head.

"Yes, but there are still two others left. Although with this one ready, we already have somewhere to sleep without worrying about the roof falling on us."

Veldrin sighed heavily.

"I don't know if I'll survive more days like this."

"Oh come on, you're an adventurer. You're supposed to have energy to spare."

Veldrin just gave him a tired look. Xander laughed.

"Well, rest. Tomorrow we continue with the others."

Without further ado, they both entered the clock tower, ready to call it a day.

As soon as they entered, the excitement of having finished the job quickly faded.

Veldrin looked around, taking in the vast, nearly empty room.

"We don't have beds."

Xander blinked.


"No tables, no chairs, nothing."

"…Also true."

Veldrin raised a hand to his face.

"For heaven's sake, how did we not think of this before?"

Xander shrugged.

"Well, I was more worried about getting a place to sleep, not how we were going to sleep."

Veldrin sighed deeply.

"I guess I have to go furniture shopping tomorrow…"

"Or sleep on the floor for today."

Veldrin frowned at him.

"I'm not going to sleep on the floor after working all day."

"You're right, you're right. We can buy at least a couple of futons tonight."

"Okay, let's go before the stores close."

Resigned, they both went back out onto the streets of Orario in search of somewhere to sleep.

Walking out of the store, Veldrin and Xander were carrying the newly purchased futons. Xander, with a satisfied smile, was arranging them on his back as if they were part of a show, while Veldrin simply carried them with a neutral expression.

"Well, at least we're not sleeping on the floor tonight," Xander commented, adjusting his grip.

"Yes, because sleeping on the floor after a hangover would have been the worst."

Just as they stepped out onto the street, the sound of distant explosions shook the air. Both of them instinctively turned towards the source of the sound.

"That's not normal," Veldrin said, frowning.

"Either someone's celebrating too hard, or there's trouble," Xander added with a carefree smile, though his eyes reflected some interest.

Before they could decide what to do, a figure appeared, running at full speed down the street. Her red hair fluttered in the wind as she easily dodged the passersby. It was Alise.

"Hey, you two!" he shouted, stopping briefly in front of them. "I don't know what's going on, but it's not good! You two should get to safety."

"Get us to safety?" Xander placed a hand on his chest, feigning offense. "Dear Alise, are you implying that we can't handle a little chaos?"


Veldrin rolled his eyes as Xander laughed. But Alise didn't wait for an answer and continued running towards the direction of the explosions.

"Well, you heard the lady," Xander said, arranging his futons.

"Yes. Let's go."

"That's the opposite of what she said!"

Veldrin had already turned in the direction of the problem, and Xander sighed, leaving the futons on the ground next to an alley.

"I can't believe that in such a short time you're already falling into heroic clichés."

"What are you taking about?"

Xander patted him on the back with a smirk.

"Come on, do your thing! Run into danger, save the day, and if you can, get people to make you a statue."

Veldrin sighed and ignored him, starting to run towards the explosions. Xander, hands on his hips, nodded in satisfaction.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to charge you for this later."

Veldrin quickened his pace, nimbly weaving through pedestrians who had not yet realized the danger. Slowly, Alise's silhouette became clearer in the crowd until he finally caught up with her.

"What's going on?" he asked without missing a beat.

Alise barely gave him a sidelong glance before answering.

"I'm not sure, but if I had to bet, I'd say it's Evilus's work."

Veldrin frowned. He had heard the name before. Evilus… a group of fallen factions trying to plunge Orario into chaos.

"Do you have proof or is it just a hunch?"

"Explosions in the city, without warning, and without any festivals on the calendar? I don't need proof to know this isn't an accident."

Veldrin couldn't argue with that logic.

The sound of another explosion echoed through the air, and both of them instinctively increased their speed. Whoever was responsible, they would soon be found out.


Liliruca Arde trembled, her small body covered in dust and scratches as she huddled in the rubble. Her heart was pounding, her breathing was uneven, and every sound around her made her shrink even more.

It had all happened too fast. Just a few minutes before, she had been looking for adventurers to whom she could offer her support services. Most of them ignored her, as always, and others simply chased her away with cruel words. But then…


The first explosion made her jump. Then another. And another. By the time she realized it, people were screaming and running in all directions. She didn't have time to react before a shockwave hurled her into a stone wall. She felt the impact in every bone in her tiny body. And then, everything came crashing down.

Now she was trapped.

Dust filled her lungs as she tried to move, but a slab of wood and stone blocked her path. All around her, the ominous creaking of unstable structures made her hold her breath. If she tried to move too much, what little was left standing could collapse.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to call for help. But... for what?

No one would come for her. No one ever did.

Tears began to well up in her eyes, but she swallowed them back. Crying wouldn't save her.

"I have to get out of here..."

With shaking hands, he began searching for a way to free himself, not knowing if he would survive long enough to do so.

Lili held her breath as she heard the sound of weapons clashing just outside her makeshift prison. Swords ripping through the air, screams of pain and war, the unmistakable sound of someone dodging a killing blow.

"Adventurers?" he thought with a hint of hope.

But then he heard another explosion, this time closer. The structure around him shook, causing small pieces of debris to fall on his head.

"Shit..." she muttered under her breath, hugging herself.

The sound of battle continued. Heavy footsteps echoed on the rubble-strewn street, and among the echoes of the fighting, he could hear a female voice shouting:

"Don't let them get away! They're from Evilus!"

Lili's heart beat even faster. If they were from Evilus, it meant that this wasn't a simple accident. Someone had caused this on purpose.

And if those adventurers didn't stop them...

"I'm going to die here."

That thought hit her hard. She gripped her knees tighter, squeezing her eyes shut. She didn't want to die. Not here. Not like this.

Clinging to her fear, Lili didn't notice that, in the midst of the chaos, someone else was approaching her hiding place and prison.

The sound of battle raged around them when suddenly, Lili heard something else. Not a sword strike, not an explosion… but the sound of debris moving.

He opened his eyes just in time to see a strong hand push aside a large rock, letting in the moonlight.

"Are you okay?" a firm, but not aggressive, voice asked.

Lili blinked, unable to believe her eyes. A tall, silver-haired elf was kneeling in front of her, holding out a hand. His expression was calm, but his eyes were filled with determination.

For a moment, Lili felt like she was watching a hero from a storybook.

"I'm going to get you out of here," he said confidently, without waiting for her response.

Before she could react, Veldrin easily picked her up and lifted her onto his back.

"Wait, I…!" she tried to protest, but was left speechless when she felt his firm, secure grip.

He stood up and, with impressive agility, began to move through the rubble. Lili could barely process what was happening. The heat from his back, the feeling of moving so fast and the confidence he exuded…

For the first time in a long time, she didn't feel completely alone.

Veldrin gritted his teeth as he ran, dodging the debris and flames that lit up the night with an orange glow. Lili clung tightly to his back, trembling, not daring to say a word.

But then, from the shadows, several hooded figures emerged, blocking their path. Cold eyes gleamed from beneath the red and black hoods, and sharp weapons reflected the light from the fires.

"Tch... Evilus?" Veldrin muttered, lowering his stance slightly as he unsheathed his glaives.

One of the hooded men laughed disdainfully.

"Look at this. An elf playing at being a hero."

Another tilted his head as he noticed the small figure on his back.

"And what do we have here? Trying to rescue a street rat?"

Lili felt a chill upon hearing that. She clung even tighter to Veldrin, her breathing ragged.

But Veldrin did not respond with words. Instead, he turned one of his glaives in his hand and assumed a combat stance.

"If they want to get in the way, they can try," he said in a firm voice, his gaze fixed on the enemies.

The wind carried away the sound of their challenge as the hooded men drew their weapons and launched their attack.

Arrows whistled through the air, cutting the distance between the cloaked figures and Veldrin with deadly accuracy. With fluid movements, Veldrin twisted and turned, dodging each projectile by the narrowest of margins. His glaives traced silvery flashes in the air, cutting some arrows in mid-flight before they could reach him or Lili.

Lili could barely breathe, clinging to Veldrin's back with all her might. Every time he moved, she felt like she might slip and fall in the midst of the chaos, but Veldrin made sure to hold her steady.

"Damn! He can't move like that with someone on top of him!" one of the hooded men growled, stepping back a little.

Another clicked his tongue and pulled out a dagger.

"It doesn't matter! Let's just corner him!"

Veldrin exhaled, watching the formation of the enemies. He couldn't stay here for too long or Lili would be in danger.

"Hold on a little longer," he murmured to the little girl, and with a strong push of his legs, he launched himself into the attack.

Their glaives spun with deadly precision, slicing through spears and cutting down enemies who came too close. Each slash was swift and accurate, their weapons feeling like an extension of their own bodies. But even as they cut down one, another took their place.

"Tsk... There are more of them than I expected," thought Veldrin, watching more hooded figures approach.

If he wanted to get out of there with Lili, he would have to change his strategy.

Veldrin gritted his teeth in frustration. At any other time, he would have activated Immolation and closed the distance with a charge wrapped in flames, but with Lili on his back, that option was out of the question.

"Damn it..." he muttered, barely turning to dodge another arrow that whistled past his face.

The hooded men were closing in on him. They were trying to push him against the rubble, limiting his mobility. If he didn't do something fast, they would outnumber him.

Lili clung tightly to his clothes, breathing heavily. She didn't say anything, but her small body trembled against him.

"Shit... I can't keep defending myself forever." Veldrin thought, as he parried another slash with one of his glaives and counterattacked with the other, knocking back an enemy.

Sweat was pouring down his forehead. Not from the effort, but from the rage of feeling limited. It was a fight that could have been over in seconds if he didn't have to worry about Lili.

"Don't get distracted, you bastard!" shouted one of the hooded men, lunging forward with a dagger in his hand.

Veldrin blocked it with his glaive, but another of the attackers tried to take advantage of the opening to attack him from the other side.

He was running out of options.

Veldrin continued to move as best he could, dodging, blocking and counterattacking, but it was clear that he was at a disadvantage. His stance was unstable with Lili on his back, and the attacks of the hooded men were forcing him further and further back.

"Fuck, they're not making it easy for me!" he growled, deflecting another arrow with the edge of his glaive.

One of the hooded men lunged straight at his side. Veldrin tried to move, but his balance was compromised by Lili's weight.


The sound of metal cutting through flesh filled the air. But it wasn't his flesh that was pierced.

The hooded man who tried to attack him fell to the ground, a thick wound on his torso.

"What a mess you have here, elf!"

Alise's voice came like thunder. With a sword in each hand, she moved like a whirlwind of fire and steel, dispatching the members of Evilus with astonishing ease.

One tried to attack her from behind, but without even looking, she spun her sword and pierced his chest in one motion.

"Got stuck on something difficult, kid?" Alise taunted, slicing through another enemy with an arc of her sword.

Veldrin, still breathing hard, snorted.

"It's not easy to fight with someone on your back."

"Then stay still and let the professional take care of it!" Alise exclaimed with a confident smile before launching herself at the rest of the hooded figures.

Within seconds, the balance of the battle had completely changed.

Veldrin took a deep breath as the last of the hooded figures fell to the ground with a thud. His chest rose and fell rapidly, adrenaline still coursing through his body.

"Damn bastards..." he muttered, twirling his glaive between his fingers before resting the tip on the ground.

Alise, at his side, deftly spun her sword before storing it back into its sheath.

"It wasn't that hard, huh?" he commented with a confident smile.

Veldrin let out a short laugh.

"Yes, they seem less threatening than the rumors say."

But just as she let her guard down, Alise opened her eyes in alarm.

"Veldrin, behind you!"

Before he could react, he felt a shift in the air. A member of Evilus, his robes torn and his face twisted in fury, was charging towards him with a raised sword, straight for his back.

But before the blade could reach him, a silver flash streaked through the air.


The hooded man staggered, his sword falling to the ground with a clang. A small knife had embedded itself in his arm.

Veldrin turned his head in surprise.

Lili still had her arm outstretched, her eyes wide and her breathing labored. Her small hands were visibly shaking.

Evilus' member growled in pain and tried to advance again, but this time, Veldrin did not allow it. With a quick movement, he spun on his axis and with a clean cut of his glaive, he finished off the threat in a single blow.

Silence fell over the scene. Veldrin exhaled slowly, letting his guard down completely. Then, he glanced over his shoulder at Lili, who was clenching her fists tightly.

"Not bad," he murmured with a small smile.

Lili avoided his gaze, but he could notice the slight tremor in her hands.

Alise, approaching with her signature confident smile, looked at Lili with a raised eyebrow.

"Wow, kid, you've got some guts. Not everyone dares to throw a knife in the middle of a fight."

Lili looked down, unsure.

"I... I just didn't want him to die..." she muttered under her breath.

Veldrin snorted, but instead of answering, he simply ruffled the girl's hair with one hand.

"Good instinct," was all he said.

Lili looked up in surprise. For a moment, her wide eyes reflected something like relief.

Veldrin let out a sigh of relief as the last threat was taken out of the fight. His breathing was still labored, but at least the fight was over.

"That's it, it's over," he muttered to himself before noticing the weight on his back.

Lili continued to cling to him with her arms and legs, as if her life depended on it.

"Hey, kid, you can come down now," he said in a neutral tone as he tried to gently pull away.

But instead of letting go, Lili held on even tighter, hiding her face behind his back.

"No." he murmured barely audibly.

Veldrin blinked, somewhat puzzled.


"I don't want to..."

Alise, who was watching the scene with amusement, crossed her arms and let out a laugh.

"Well, well, looks like you have a new follower, Veldrin."

"Don't talk nonsense," he replied, trying to move Lili again, but the girl clung on like a desperate koala.

"Girl, seriously, it's all over now. You can't stay there forever."

Lili shook her head against his back.

"I don't want to be alone."

The tone of her voice made Veldrin pause. It wasn't just momentary fear. There was something deeper in her words, something he recognized.

He let out a sigh, looked at Alise, who only gave him a mocking smile, and finally shrugged.

"I guess I can carry you for a while longer..." he muttered resignedly.

Lili didn't respond, but her grip didn't loosen even a bit.

Alise sighed, stretching her arms a little.

"Well, that should be all for now. I need to regroup with the others and assess the situation."

He looked at Veldrin, with a half smile.

"You can go now. You don't look hurt, and neither does your little koala."

Veldrin growled, trying again to get Lili to get off, but to no avail.

"Yeah, sure, I'm leaving… with this extra weight."

Alise laughed, patting him on the shoulder.

"Relax, I'm sure you'll get used to it. Now go, I'll take care of the rest."

Veldrin sighed, resigned.

"Yes, yes. See you later."

With that, he began to walk with Lili still clinging to him, with no intention of letting go.

Veldrin continued walking through the torchlit streets, the adrenaline from the fight already fading. His steps were firm, but he couldn't ignore the extra weight on his back.

"Hey, are you going to stay there all night?" he asked with a sigh.

The little girl didn't respond immediately, she simply settled more comfortably on her back.

"…What's your name?" he asked, shifting focus.

There was a pause before a low, cautious voice responded.

"Liliruca Arde."

Veldrin nodded.

"Liliruca, huh? Well, Lili, where do you want to go? I don't think you want to stay hanging on my back forever."

Lili was silent for a moment, before muttering in a tone that was difficult to decipher:

"Don't know…"

Veldrin frowned slightly. He felt Lili's grip on his clothes, small but firm, as if letting go would mean losing something important.

"Don't you have a home to go to?" he asked, his tone softer than he intended.

Lili didn't respond immediately. She remained silent, her grip not loosening.

"I don't know…" he repeated, his voice barely audible.

Veldrin let out a sigh. It wasn't hard to see what was going on. Not only was this girl clinging to him physically, but she seemed to be developing an emotional dependency. Something that, considering the way she had clung to his back and avoided answering about her home, couldn't be a good sign.

"Hey, Lili," he said in a more serious tone. "You can't just hold on to someone because they helped you once. It doesn't work like that."

Lili pressed her lips together and looked down, but made no attempt to break free.

Veldrin felt his body tense for a moment.

"You are my hero. I can trust you."

Those words… "Hero".

His mind clouded over, a distant echo resonating in his head. It wasn't the first time he'd heard that. But right now, coming from a girl he barely knew, the weight of the word felt different.

He gritted his teeth, looking away.

"Don't talk nonsense," he muttered.

But Lili only held on tighter, as if she feared that if she let go, he would disappear.

Veldrin let out a tired sigh as he walked through the door of the Xander familia headquarters with Lili still clinging to his back.

Xander, who was arranging some newly purchased furniture, looked up with a smile.

"Oh! You're back. How did it go with?" His sentence was cut off when he saw the little girl on his back.

Veldrin just looked at him without saying anything, and Xander raised an eyebrow, nodding towards Lili.

"And who is the girl?" he asked curiously.

Veldrin sighed and moved his head slightly to point at Lili.

"Her name is Liliruca Arde. I found her trapped in rubble during Evilus' attack."

Xander looked at her more closely, noticing how small and fragile she was. Her clothes were dirty, and even though she tried to hide it, her expression showed exhaustion and fear.

"And why is she still clinging to you like a koala?" he asked with amusement.

Veldrin frowned and tried to pull her down again, but Lili held on tighter.

"I don't want to... Don't leave me alone" she murmured.

Xander whistled low.

"Wow, looks like you've gained an admirer. Isn't it cute? The great hero Veldrin rescuing a little damsel in distress." he said in a mocking tone.

Veldrin glared at him.

"Don't start."

Xander crossed his arms and cocked his head.

"Well, all joking aside... What do you plan to do with her?"

Veldrin sighed and looked over his shoulder at Lili.

"Okay, is there anything I can do to make you let me go?"

Lili raised her head slightly, her big brown eyes shining with determination.

"I want to stay with you..."

Xander raised an eyebrow in amusement, while Veldrin felt a small twitch in his eyebrow.

"Don't you want anything else? I don't know, food, a gun, a bunch of suitcases... The headquarters doesn't even have furniture yet."

Lili shook her head and clung to him even tighter.

"No. I want to be with you."

Xander laughed.

"HA! Veldrin, it seems you have a little shadow following you now."

Veldrin closed his eyes for a moment, exhaled in frustration, then looked at Xander.

"Any ideas what to do with this?"

Xander shrugged with a smile.

"Well, she can stay here for tonight. Tomorrow we'll see what we do with her."

Veldrin sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to convince Lili of anything else at the moment.

"Okay... But don't think this means you can hold on to me all the time."

Lili simply nodded, but made no attempt to get off. Xander just laughed at the scene and walked inside.

"Come on in. At least we have futons now."

Veldrin, still with Lili glued to his back, followed him with resignation.

Veldrin let out a sigh of relief when Lili finally got off his back, but when he turned around, he saw her clinging to his side, following him closely like a shadow.

Xander chuckled as he unrolled his futon.

"It seems your admirer really likes you."

"Shut up," Veldrin replied, rubbing his temples as he adjusted his own.

Lili watched in silence, her gaze darting between the two as Veldrin sat on the futon, trying to ignore her. Finally, the girl stirred and quietly crept over to lie down next to him, clinging to his arm.

Xander raised an eyebrow.

"Well, this will be interesting."

"Lili…" Veldrin tried to move away a little, but the girl held on tighter.

"I don't want to be alone, please."

Veldrin sighed again, dropping his head back onto the futon.

"Do what you want…"

Xander smiled in amusement before blowing out the oil lamp.

"Sweet dreams, hero."

"Go to hell, Xander."

The god just laughed before settling down to sleep, while Veldrin closed his eyes in resignation, feeling Lili's small figure still clinging to his side.

Veldrin lay there in the dark, staring at the ceiling. Lili was still clinging to his arm, her calm, even breathing telling him she was already asleep. He, on the other hand, couldn't close his eyes.

Every time he tried to move, the little girl held on tighter, as if she was afraid he would disappear. He couldn't help but sigh tiredly.

Hours passed, with only Xander and Lili breathing. Finally, when he felt the girl was deep enough in her sleep, he began to slowly move his arm, trying to get it out without waking her.

It was a tedious process, but after a few minutes, she managed to slip out of his grasp. Lili stirred a little, mumbling something in her sleep, but she didn't wake up.

Carefully, Veldrin turned around in his futon, his back to her as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally…" he muttered to himself before closing his eyes.

Exhaustion finally overcame him, and he gradually fell into a restless sleep.

Although Veldrin finally managed to pull away, Lili was still smiling softly in her sleep. Her small body, once tense and trembling, now rested in complete tranquility.

For the first time in a long time, she didn't have to worry about what tomorrow would bring. She didn't feel the fear of being betrayed, nor the cold of loneliness.

She felt at peace.

She felt happy.

But above all, she felt safe.

Xander was still fast asleep, a slight smile on his face. For him, everything was going as expected.

His "son" was growing up.

Veldrin might not have realized it yet, but every step he took brought him closer to his destiny. Xander didn't need to see the future to know that.

Because a hero isn't made overnight... but yours was already on the way.

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