Clone Girls

Chapter 36

Rika could not stop blinking, registering what was happening. Ticia, the real Ticia, was standing in front of her, saluting.

She thought that the events were just the follow ups of her previous nightmares, and that Ticia’s spirit somehow wanted to get its revenge, but it wasn’t the case. For a moment, the real Ticia had tried to murder her, and she had accepted it.

Were it not for the intervention of the kids, Ticia might really have pulled the trigger…

No, it’s not the time to think about that. Rika thought, perhaps right now, it was better to talk to Ticia.


“With all due respect, General, before explaining things to you, I’d like to take some time and calm the kids down.” Ticia said, speaking politely to Rika, like always. A normal thing to do, since Rika was her superior, except right now, she wasn’t, and it’s not like Ticia was part of the Borkian Military anymore… Rika guessed habits had a hard time dying…

She silently looked at the three, no, four identical girls that were watching their interaction with a variety of expressions. While Ticia had changed her mind and would not kill her anymore, the kids were worried, and still under the shock of what just happened. Rika nodded in silence, agreeing that it might be best to take care of the kids first.

“Thank you.” Ticia saluted again, before turning towards the clone girls. Meanwhile, Rika silently turned on the lights, having a better look at the other people in the tent. The first thing she noticed was Ticia’s hair, as well as her gear, it wasn’t one she recognised, but she could tell it was an armored skinsuit.

“Mom…” The one Rika had not seen before, who had her hair styled in the same way as Ticia, albeit longer, spoke out, worry in her voice. Ticia’s gaze softened and immediately hugged all four girls, which was a bit of a surprise to Rika, who was used to seeing Ticia expressionless.

The clone girls were a bit surprised at first too, but returned the hug, crying in silence. There were no words, but even Rika could feel the strong emotions Ticia held for the kids, and how sorry she was that they had to witness this.

“...I’m sorry, girls, mommy panicked, and she nearly did something bad…” Ticia said, her voice trembling a bit.


“Big sis?”

Lidia, Mia, and Nia froze for a second when they heard Ticia call herself like that, bewildered, which was a bit strange for an outsider like Rika.

“Yes, mommy. No more lying, you are my daughters, not my sisters…” Ticia declared, before looking at Nia with a sorry face. “So you don’t have to force yourself to call me ‘big sis’, Nia.”

“Uuuuuh~~, finally…” Nia began to cry again, resting her head on Ticia’s shoulder. Her mother patted her back affectionately.

“Sorry I put all of you through this, I should have recognised you all from the beginning for what you were…” Ticia said, and Rika could feel some pain in the woman’s voice. Although she did not understand everything, she could tell that it was the heartwarming moment of a family, but it made Rika question whether she should be here.

“Should I leave you alone for a while?” She asked, unable to endure the awkwardness.

“Why? This is your quarters, General, you have all rights to stay here.” Ticia said, tilting her head as she looked at her. Four other pairs of eyes followed suit, doing the same thing.

“No, but, aren’t you having an important ‘family discussion’?” Rika asked back, feeling even more awkward.

“We are, so what?” Ticia said back, not understanding. “You can stay here, you do not bother us right now. Right, girls?”

All clone girls nodded, and Rika was left speechless. It would be even more awkward for her to leave now…

“Anyway,” Ticia turned back to look at her girls, as if the exchange just now did not happen. “You girls are probably worried about a lot of things, and are probably anxious of what punishment I will give, but for now, just know that I’m just glad all of you are all right.”

““Mom…”” There was another, small silence as the clone girls felt their mother’s affection towards them. After a while, Lidia suddenly asked.

“Mom, you won’t try to kill Miss Rika anymore, right?”

Both Rika and Ticia tensed up for a moment, before Ticia nodded.

“Yeah, I won’t do that.” She affirmed, giving a quick look at Rika. This look said enough to Rika to tell her Ticia was sincere.

Then, Ticia got up, ending the hug. After a bit of hesitation, she sat on the bed opposite to Rika, and then, her mood changed to a serious one.

“Now then, Mia, Nia, I think you know what I am going to say.” She said, looking at the kids. Both Nia and Mia froze for some short seconds, before lowering their heads in defeat. It was punishment time, and Rika could guess what Ticia was angry about.

“You both snuck outside without permission, and now look what happened. There is a reason why I didn’t bring you outside, you know?”

““Yes…”” Both said, looking at the ground. Seeing this, Ticia sighed.

“Look, I’m not mad you broke the Null codes or whatever, I don’t even care about them in the first place. Besides, I’m also guilty for going outside with only Lidia.” She said, sending a gaze towards Lidia, who also looked apologetic. Ticia’s words sent some hope to the girls though, their mother wasn’t mad at them. Perhaps they would only come out of all this with only a reprimand. Ticia’s next words, however, crushed that hope.

“It’s not a reason not to punish you however. By going outside, not only have you put yourselves in danger, you’ve also put all your sisters in danger too.”

“B-but…” Mia tried out to say something, but Ticia continued.

“I know, you thought nobody was outside anymore, right? If you had just asked A-4, it would have told you that it wasn’t the case.”

Mia’s argument defeated before he could even begin it, she was left feeling depressed. Ticia continued on.

“While I think what you went through is enough of a punishment in a sense, I am your mother, and a good mother not only spoils her kids, she also must make sure her kids do not repeat the same mistakes again.”

She got a point there. Rika thought. Only spoiling a kid was not the answer, she knew that from experiencing it as the spoiled kid in question. What a kid needs to grow well is parents that guide him throughout his childhood, and it implies punishment sometimes…

“Mia, this time, you’re the one who’s responsible for bringing your sisters outside.” Ticia said, directing her gaze on Mia. The girl in question trembled a little, knowing full well that her mother was right.

“Let this be a lesson for you, curiosity can be a bad thing sometimes, so you need to reign it in.”

“...Yes, I don’t want to become like that man…” Mia mumbled, looking down, her mother smiled a bit.

“Seems like you already learned your lesson, good then, I’ll lighten your punishment a bit.”

Mia raised her head with a bit of hope, but Ticia crushed it mercilessly.

“Sneaky visits around the facility’s installations are banned for one week for you.” Ticia declared, and for a moment, Mia looked as if it was a death condemnation. She could not argue back against it, though.

“As for you, Nia.” Ticia directed her gaze towards the girl with a trembling ahoge.

“P-please, not the plane…” Nia desperately said, seeing the punishment her sister received.

“...I wasn’t going to do that, but if that’s what you want…” Ticia said, and Rika swore she almost saw her former underling’s lips raise into a smile for some slight seconds.

“No!” Nia shook her head strongly, her ahoge trembling even more.

“Alright, I get it, no plane.” Ticia said, making Nia let out a sigh of relief. “But instead, I want you to stop your act, Nia.”

The girl froze once she heard that. “On second thought, the plane is better…” She said, sending a pleading gaze towards her mother, but Ticia had made her decision.

“No, look where it led you and your sister, Nia. For the good of the both of you, I think it’s time to end this stupid farce before it derails further.”

“Ugh…” Nia seemed defeated, she glanced from time to time at Mia. Rika then understood it had something to do with the ‘reliable sister’ act that Mia had cried about earlier.

“I’m not forcing you to do it right now, Nia.” Ticia said, her voice softening a bit. “But you have to do it, no matter what.”

“...Understood…” Nia said, now lost into her own thoughts.

Then, Ticia turned to Lidia.

“I only have one thing to reproach to you, Lidia. Instead of following your sister, you should have immediately warned me about the incident. I would’ve acted more quickly if that was the case. As for the rest, you did a good job helping your eldest sister, so your punishment will be light.”

“Ok…” Lidia said, ready to take the punishment.

“I’m forbidding you from having any refills in Ticinium for two days.” Ticia announced.

“...What?” Lidia became as white as a paper sheet, it was a hug prohibition! For Lidia, that wasn’t a small punishment at all!

Meanwhile, Rika, who did not know what ‘Ticinium’ was, frowned. I sure hope it’s not something weird, Ticia.

“And now for you, Licia.” Ticia said, addressing the final girl.

“Eh?” The latter seemed surprised. “But, mom, I thought you said I wouldn’t be punished…” She said, tears in her eyes.

“...I did say that, but I’ve reflected since then, dear.” Ticia said affectionately. “As your mother, I can’t just spoil you, and it’s bad to punish others but not you. I wouldn’t want another case of ‘extreme jealousy’ popping out of the blue again…”

Licia seemed thoughtful for a while, before nodding, accepting her fate.

“Well, you’ve already learned most of your lessons from this incident already, so I’ll be lenient.”

“...Can you be called ‘lenient’ after the punishments you just gave to the others?” Licia mumbled.

“Mh? What was that, dear?” Ticia smiled, but the aura around her said otherwise, everybody present jumped in fright, even Rika was startled by it.

“N-nothing, I-I just said how happy I am to have such a lenient mother!” Licia said as fast as she could, buckets of sweats flowing down her back.

“My~, is that so? I’m happy~.” Ticia said, still with a smile. “But I won’t reduce your punishment~.”

“I-I know…”

“Then, let me tell you your punishment~” Ticia said with an impish smile on her face. She then whispered something into Licia’s ear.

“Wh-what?!” Licia was startled by what she heard, she looked at her mother with a very embarrassed face. “D-do I have to say it now? In front of everybody?!”

“Fufu~, yes, dear.” Ticia nodded, still smiling. “Now go on, tell your sisters how you truly feel~.”

“Uuuuh~” Licia, as red as a tomato, looked at her sisters. “I-I’m…  I’m s-sorry I acted like a stupid, spoiled girl for so long. I-I did it because… I was jealous of how much attention everybody else got from mommy… I…” Her face became even redder as she closed her eyes and blurted out the following words. “I just want to be mommy’s favorite daughter and have her spoil me all day!”

““...”” Lidia, Mia and Nia looked at their eldest sister, who shied away from their gaze, with round eyes, even Rika was surprised by this. Meanwhile, Ticia bursted out in laughter.

“Uuuuh~ I knew it! You meanie mommy~!” Licia said, crouching on the spot from the embarrassment, head in her arms, and sending a cute death glare towards her mother.

“S-sorry, Licia, but that was just too perfect, pft.” Ticia said, trying to hold her laugh.

“Stop it already~! I said it so I’m forgiven now, right?” Her daughter rebutted, looking at her mother with an embarrassed face and tears in her eyes. A look that cried to Rika that the girl should be protected right now.

“Eeeeh~? What are you talking about, dear? You still have to say it in front of your other sisters.” Ticia said back, smiling, and Licia let out a cry of desperation.


Looking at this interaction, Nia commented to her sisters.

“Hey, Mia, sis, I think we got out of it quite well…”

“...” Mia did not respond, seemingly lost in her own thoughts, as for Lidia…

“...No hug… for two days… How am I gonna survive…” She was in denial of the situation.

“M-maybe not…” Nia said awkwardly, aware that she might be the only one with the weakest punishment right now.

“Now, for the general punishment.” Ticia suddenly declared.

““There’s more!?”” Both Nia and Licia cried out in protest.

“Of course, you all need at least the same degree of punishment.” Ticia said, smiling, but both girls were terrified of what was coming next, Rika sent a gaze of pity towards the girls, Ticia would go through with her words. 

“I am prohibiting any kind of sweets to all of you for the coming week. This punishment starts once we go back home.” She declared, to which both Nia and Licia, who liked sweets, exclaimed in despair.

““That’s too evil!””

“Now, now, girls, this ain’t much, so don’t make those faces~.” Their mother replied, still smiling, and both girls sent her cute death glare with tears in their eyes as they exclaimed.

““Meanie Mommy!””

Ticia did not seem affected by it, in fact, she seemed to be enjoying the situation, smiling.

Is this really Ticia? Rika could not help asking herself. The Ticia in front of her was so… expressive. She wasn’t used to it.

Before, Ticia always maintained her expressionless face, and despite some comments, was rather polite and neutral to everything, if not with a slight hostility. It was a result of Ticia’s past, that, Rika was sure, that’s why Ticia had a hard time putting trust in other people, while she persevered, gaining Ticia’s trust in the end. They ended up so close that they became drinking buddies, but even then, while Ticia was more relaxed when drunk, she was never on this level of relaxed.

Well, I don’t think that’s a bad thing… Rika though, smiling wryly. She was happy that Ticia showed her emotions now, and the reason for this was clear: It was because she now had a family.

Family… Rika’s thoughts went over to her own family, the one she despised. She would be lying if she said she did not envy Ticia right now… The love they all showed to each other, Rika felt a yearn for it that she thought she had buried deep in her heart.

The mother-daughters’ bickering continued for a while after that while she was in her thoughts, before things settled down a bit. Ticia was still sitting on the bed, but had removed the hard parts on her skinsuit for some reason. It seems like she had decided she would stay the night here before leaving, which was fine with Rika anyway. 

Her daughters were all around her, either enjoying the warmth of their mother, or back into the sleeping wonderlands. Mia and Nia were using her lap as a pillow, while Lidia and Licia leaned on their mother’s shoulders. For Rika, what she was seeing right now was the incarnation of peacefulness.

“That sure was something.” She commented to Ticia.

“Was it?” The woman said back, smiling wryly.

“Yes.” Rika nodded, the same smile on her face. “You know how much of a spoiled lady I was back then, so I didn’t receive too many punishments.”

“Was it too much?” Ticia asked, a tint of worry in her voice. Rika could tell Ticia was not used to giving punishments.

“...No, I think you managed it well.” She said, reassuring her former underling.

“Phew, I’m glad then.” Ticia said, sighing in relief, and another brief silence emerged as she patted Nia on the head as the girl repositioned herself to a better sleeping position.

“...You’ve changed.” Rika ended up blurting out.

“Mh? Ah, are you talking about my hair color?” Ticia said, taking one lock of her hair in her hand. “This was their natural color, actually. I just always tainted them black, it stands out less.”

“Well, that’s one thing.” Rika said back, the white haired Ticia sure was something she wasn’t used to. “But I was talking about your personality.” She pointed a finger towards Ticia.


“You smile more now.” She said with a smile of her own, pointing her finger at Ticia’s face, startling the woman.

“Ah, sorry, how rude of me, that’s not profess-” Ticia began to straighten herself, but Rika stopped her.

“Stop right there, Ticia. Right now, you’re not my subordinate, and neither are you part of the Borkian military.” She said with a serious look, before smiling. “You can treat me casually, just like you usually do when we drink.”

“... Is that so? Thanks.” Ticia said after a while, sending her a thankful gaze. Her tone switched to a more familiar one. “You said I changed? Well, I think they’re the biggest reason why I did so…” She said, sending warm gazes to the daughters on her lap.

“...You have some amazing kids, you know that?” Rika commented, remembering the particularities of the three girls she had shared some time with. Lidia was obedient, and cared for her sisters. She was also well trained, and acted more like a soldier than some of Rika’s own men. Nia was a genius, somebody who could make something out of a pile of junk with practically no tools. She was a ball of energy, never tiring, and raising the mood with her childish acts. Rika liked both of their personalities, and the girls themselves seemed to like her too.

As for Mia, she’s… an interesting one? She could not help herself, thinking that. Let’s just say she’s cute, yes, cute.

“Yes, they’re my pride.” Ticia made a motherly smile as she said that, caressing the back of the daughters leaning on her shoulders, both reeled in delight, and Rika could not help herself but thinking they acted like cats wanting attention from their owner.

“Really, who would have ever guessed you of all people would get four daughters?” She said, letting out a small sigh.

“Right? I thought you would be first.” Ticia commented, Rika was about to deny the part about her being first when Ticia suddenly continued. “Ah, and let me correct you, it’s not four, it’s twelve, actually.”

“Twelve?” Rika’s eyes grew big out of surprise. “You’re saying, beside those four, there are still eight others?”

“Yeah, and I love all of them.” Ticia declared without an ounce of shame.

She really changed. Rika could not help herself but reaffirm the change again. Her subordinate was not the Ticia she knew any longer. Ticia had become an affectionate and caring mother through and through.

Speaking of which… She sent a gaze towards the girls, who were very similar to her mother. She now was reminded of the origins of those girls.

“...Hey, Ticia, they’re…” She asked, not finishing her phrase in fear of angering Ticia, but the latter just nodded.

“Clones, yes, I know. It’s probably why both Borkians and Ionians are here, right?” She said, her look changing to a serious one.

“They didn’t tell us, but Berdo and I guessed once we collected enough information, in no small amount thanks to your kids.” Rika answered seriously too, she wanted to help her former subordinate’s new family, so she shared what she knew.

“So gramps knows too…” Ticia said, referring to Berdo, she had called him like that ever since they shared a drink together and bonded over it.

Rika now wanted some answers, she carefully asked Ticia.

“...Ticia, how did those clones…”

“It’s a long story…” Ticia replied, making a complicated face.

“Don’t worry, I have time. Those girls have an incredible ability to make one sleep soundly.” She said, having Nia as a pillow had done wonders to her sleeping problems. She looked at her former subordinate, an idea popping in her mind.  “Say, Ticia, could you-”

“Hands off, they’re all mine.” Ticia cut her, she tightened the hug around her daughters, with a protective, yet also playful look.

“Heh, thought so.” The tips of Rika's lips also raised themselves, and both giggled at the same time, before a small, tranquil silence emerged, during which Ticia's mood suddenly took a turn.

“...Sorry.” She suddenly apologized to Rika.

“Sorry for what?” Rika asked back, unsure of what the excuse was for.

“Well, uhm, you know, what happened just now…” Ticia said hesitantly, a tinge of embarrassment on her cheeks, and unable to look at her former superior in the eyes.

“Ah, right.” Rika said, remembering the events that woke her up. Somehow, I nearly forgot that all of that was real. She made a wry smile, she had been so close to losing her life, and yet she did not even care. “Well, it sure was a surprise, nearly losing my life to you…”

“Ugh. Sorry, but when I saw Nia in your embrace, I…” Ticia said, ashamed.

“...Did it remind you of your past?” Rika asked, well aware that Ticia would not answer her question, and just like she thought, Ticia stayed quiet. She did nod weakly, though.

“I see, so your scars haven’t healed yet…” Despite all your denying before, it seems like you haven’t forgotten some things yet…

Rika did not know everything about Ticia’s past, but she knew enough to make some links to the events that just happened. That was Rika’s conclusion, which made Ticia react.


“Hey, Ticia?” Rika said, stopping Ticia before she could say anything. She looked at her with a very serious look, which caught her former subordinate’s attention.  “What I said before, I meant it.”

“...” Ticia did not answer, she seemed truly surprised by what Rika said. Of course, she knew what Ticia was referring to, it were the words she said when she still thought the events that happened were part of a dream.

“I truly think of you as my friend. Not knowing what happened to you, I felt pain and guilt in my chest. I had a hard time sleeping soundly without remembering ‘that’ day…” She said, putting a hand over the scar on her face, before refocusing, and looking at Ticia straight in the eyes. “That’s why, I’m relieved to find out you’re fine, and truly happy for your new family. So, welcome back…”

“Gen-, Rika…” Ticia said, just like Rika had hoped, the weight of her words and the feelings behind them had managed to reach her former subordinate. Rika smiled.

“So, do a good job at being a mother, ok? If you need anything, I’ll help.” She declared, pointing at her military coat that was hanging not far from here. On it were the signs of her rank, clearly visible. The implications behind that gesture were clear, she would support Ticia personally or militarily.

“...Hehe, thanks.” Ticia said, appreciating the gesture. “I think the both of us have a lot of things to share with each other.”

“We do.” Rika smiled back, Ticia had not rejected her, meaning that she also considered her a friend. Both of them exchanged as the night continued, Ticia telling how she ended up becoming the owner of Clone installation 3, and how she became the mother of twelve clones, and Rika complementing with the happening within the Borkian military. As for the two guards Ticia had knocked unconscious on the way, Rika sent a quick message, taking care of the problem. 

What followed after though, could only be explained as Ticia boasting about her daughters, and Rika smiling, listening to her with a warm smile on her face. It could be said by now that she knew everything about Ticia’s daughters, like how one of them became very interested in medical stuff, or how the third one was a battle junkie, or even things like the two last clones being too cute for their own good.

Rika should have grown tired of the boasting by now, but surprisingly enough, she wasn’t. She was very curious about Ticia's other daughters, and also enjoyed the look Ticia had while talking about them. There was one thing she was curious about, though.

“Hey, Ticia, I want to ask you something.” She asked as Ticia’s boasting came to an end.

“Hm? What is it?” Ticia asked, curious about what her former boss wanted to say.

“It’s about the kid’s names, why are they all so similar to yours?”

“That-.” Ticia froze for a second, before making an embarrassed face. “Uhm, there’s a good reason behind it…” She said, unable to look at Rika in the eyes.

Rika smiled, and a mean idea passed in her mind.

“Frankly, it was a bit hard for me to differentiate between the girls, I confounded them quite a lot at first.”

“Really? It never happened to me, though…” Ticia said, frowning.

“That's because you’re their mother, it’s normal for you to instinctively know who they are.” Rika pointed out, still smiling. “But that’s beside the point, what made you name them like this?”

“Uhm, don’t laugh, ok?” Ticia said, face reddening as she scratched her cheek.

“Depends on the answer.” Rika said matter of factly, Ticia wanted to protest, but faltered under her former boss’s curious gaze.

“...I wanted them to feel closer to me, so uhm, I tried really hard to think of names similar to mine, and ended up deciding they should all finish in ‘ia’...” She said, unable to look at Rika anymore, her face red with embarrassment.

“Pft!” Rika bursted out laughing.

“G-geez! Don’t laugh, it’s making me even more conscious of how embarrassing that is!” Ticia protested, now completely red.

“Haaah~... Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” Rika replied as she calmed down, but still had a big smile on her face. Before Ticia could say anything, she continued. “But I guess it just shows how much you love them.”

“... Yes, you’re right.” Ticia ended up saying, still a bit red, but smiling. Rika liked this new side of Ticia a lot. So much so that she wanted to continue teasing her.

Hm? That’s when she caught the gaze of one of the girls leaning on Ticia's shoulder directed towards her. It was an inquisitive, curious look. Rika remembered that Ticia had called her Licia. She was also reminded of how much Ticia had teased the girl in a short amount of time, and an idea popped up in her head. Licia seemed to think the same thing, and they both nodded to each other. An alliance was formed.

“...Seeing you like that, it reminds me of an old memory.” Rika said to Ticia, a smile on her face.

“Mh, what kind of memory?”

“Oh~, doggy is such a good stray dog~.'' Rika said in a monotone voice.

“Wai-, Rika!?” Ticia exclaimed, her face reddening as she panicked. “I thought we agreed never to talk about this again!”

“Really? But your daughter seems so eager to hear it~.” Rika said, smiling, and Ticia ended up following Rika's gaze, only to meet the curious, yet also very amused gaze of her daughter directed at her.


“Mommy~, I wanna hear more about the doggy~.” Licia said, a teasing tone in her request.

“Uh-uhm, Licia, dear, this story is kind of embarrassing to your mother, so, could you forget about it?” Ticia asked, sending a pleading gaze to her daughter.

“No way~!” Licia replied, a big smile on her face. She then got up, and sat right next to Rika. “Hey, Miss Rika~, could you tell me the story in place of my meanie mommy~?”

“Sure~.” Rika said while playing along, she whispered the events of this embarrassing moment of Ticia's past into Licia’s ear.

“Heh~~~, so that’s what happened~.” Licia said, directing an impish smile towards her panicked mother.

“Uhm, dear, it’s night, so… It’s time for you to sleep, alright?” Ticia said, trying to avoid the subject entirely, and that despite the amused look Rika was sending her way. “Come here, let’s sleep together~!” She said, cramping a smile that told Rika this mother would take revenge on her daughter soon enough. As for Rika? Ticia seemed unable to fight against her, for some reason. Something she earned from being Ticia's superior for a long period, and being more upright than the latter.

“Nope! I’m gonna sleep with Miss Rika!” Licia declared, smiling proudly.

“Wha-!?” Ticia was making a face as if the world had suddenly ended. “...We just reconciled, and she’s already left me again…” She said, dispirited.

“What are you being so unhappy about?” Rika asked, smiling just like Licia. “You still have three ‘pillows’, so it’s fine to share one with me, right?” She said, hugging Licia, who giggled as a result.

“Th-that… But Licia’s special…” Ticia ended up mumbling.

“Mom, I told you already.” Licia said, sighing. “I give a hug to whoever I want, and I granted unlimited hug permission to Miss Rika.”

“Ugh… If that’s what my favorite daughter wants…” Ticia conceded, sounding defeated, before hugging the other three clone girls as a sort of consolation. “At least I still have you all, right?” She asked Lidia, who was the only one still awake out of the three, but Lidia just stared at her eldest sister.

“...I want to be over there too…” She mumbled, eyes full of envy.

“D-dear Lidia? Y-you don’t want to sleep with your mommy?” Ticia asked, feeling like her daughter would leave her at any moment to join Rika and Licia.

“...No, I’ll sleep with mother.” Lidia said after a short fight in her head, and Ticia sighed in relief.

“A-anyway! It’s very late, we should sleep!” She said, closing her eyes to sleep somewhat forcibly.”

“Right, good night, Ticia.” Rika said as she turned off the lights, going back and lying on her bed with Licia.

“Good night, mommy~.” The girl said, clearly still enjoying her revenge.

“Yes… good night…” Was the answer of Ticia, sounding defeated.

“Hehe~, victory!” Licia whispered, giggling happily.

“Did you enjoy making fun of your mother?” Rika whispered back, smiling too. That sure was fun. I should tease Ticia more often…

“Yes!” Licia answered energetically. “She always teases me, so thanks for helping me, Miss Rika!”

“Fufu, my pleasure.” Rika answered, this was the birth of a new alliance.

“Uhm, both of you, I can hear you, you know?” Ticia’s voice came from the other bed.

“Yes? What is it, ‘former second class Ticia’?” Rika said, making sure to exaggerate Ticia’s title.

“Ugh, n-nothing.” It worked as she expected, and Ticia quieted down. She and Licia laughed a bit as a result, before wishing a good night to each other and going to sleep themselves. They had their fun, but there would still be a lot to do tomorrow…


Author's monologue:

Hey there! I'm back with another chapter!

Oh god, i had too much fun writing this one. At first I though it should have a serious approach, since, you know, Ticia nearly killed Rika... But then, what about the kids? how will Ticia interact with them? that's how I ended up with this transition, and I think it worked well. It not only calmed the girls down, it also reaffirmed ticia's role as their mother in a funny way, and also let Rika calm down and observe the changes in her former subordinate's character. Then? Well a bit of serious talk, and the rest is just funily heartwarming!

Writing aside, really, karma came back to bite Ticia quicker than she thought. Good for you, Licia.
Mia seems to have learned something out of all this, I wonder what it is exactly. And Nia will finally have to adress, her relying sister act...
As for Lidia, uhm, good luck, Ticia, you might need to work harder...

So yeah, that's it from me for today! I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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