Clone Girls

Chapter 35

“Wakey, wakey~, it’s time to wake up~.” Licia heard a warm voice say as she felt  something soft caressing her cheek.

“Ngh, five more minutes…” She said, turning over. She did not want to leave the warmth she felt while sleeping right now. At some point, she had used her mother’s lap as her pillow, not that it bothered her mother. She was quite elated in fact.

“I’d love to let you sleep longer, dear, but your sisters are waiting for us.” Ticia said in a tender voice, and Licia grumbled weakly, the cogs in her head slowly starting to work again.

“Ah! Right!” She exclaimed,getting up hastily. “We must regroup with them!”

Now fully awake, she looked around, it was pitch black, and she could only discern lines.

“Mom?” She called out, just to be sure.

“I’m here.” Ticia replied immediately, reassuring her. There was also another fact that Licia confirmed with this.

I see… So yesterday wasn’t a dream… She thought to herself, remembering the events of that day. She was first in her room, like usual, when A-4 warned her of her sisters going outside, then she made the decision to go save them. Lidia joined in on her little operation, and both of them found their sisters, only for things to go awry thanks to a surprise attack on the Ionian base by a third party. Then, she tried to gather the most attention on herself, and it nearly cost her life, were it not for her mother to come and save the day.

Right, MY mother. A smile crept on her face, remembering the exchange they had not long ago, and a small giggle escaped her.

“You seem in a good mood, was sleeping on my lap this good?” Her mother asked, seemingly amused.

“Yes, it was the best sleep I ever had.” She answered with her true feelings, and Ticia caught this point.

“Oh? You're not denying it?”

“Yes, there's no point in denying what makes me happy.” She declared, having come to terms with herself. No more retinue for her, she would tell anything to her mother so that no more misunderstandings happen!

“My daughter's growing, I'm so glad I wanna hug you right now!” Ticia said, emotions clear in her voice.

“Then do it! I want a hug from mommy too!” Licia declared, acting spoiled. It was new to her, but she did not dislike it, and seeing how her mother immediately embraced her, she too liked it. Licia's only regret was that her mother was wearing her armored skinsuit, and that when they hugged, the hard, cold parts were in the way.

“Mh, you've become spoiled, dear. What you just said sounded just like Ticinia.” Ticia remarqued, which made Licia giggle.

“Hehe~, is that so?”

“Yeah, sounds like Licium’s reached Ticinium's level of energy!” Ticia said, tightening the hug. “But I'm not sharing this one though.”

“No! You have to share!” Licia disagreed immediately.

“Eh~~~? Why not? Who else has hug permission beside me?” Her mother asked, sounding a bit sad.

“I want Ticinia and Vinia to give me hugs!” Licia declared. This was a point she would not negotiate on, her little sisters were just way too cute for her not to give them unlimited hug permissions. As for her other sisters… Well, she wasn’t against it either, but they would need to solve all their problems first between them.

“More than me?” Ticia suddenly asked, which put Licia in trouble…


“Fufu~” A small laugh escaped Ticia’s mouth.

“Ah, you're bullying me again!” Licia began to pout cutely. Despite not being able to discern her mother’s expression because of the obscurity, she could tell her mother had a teasing look on her face.

“Sorry, sorry.” Her mother apologized, although Licia had doubts she was sincere.“Of course you can hug anyone you want, I was just joking.”

You don't sound like you're joking, though… If there was one thing Licia learned from yesterday’s interaction with her mom, it was that her mother was strangely serious about silly things sometimes…

“Now, enough pleasantries, soldier.” Ticia suddenly declared in a serious tone, finishing their hug. Licia felt the change in mood and stood straight. “The situation is not as good as you initially thought, your sisters are now in one of the Borkian army camps.”

What? But I thought Lidia and the others were able to… Licia began to worry, but before she could worry more, her mother continued.

“Don't worry, it's not your fault. While it's true they're in the enemy's hands, the Borkians are slowpokes. I don't think they've done anything to them yet.”

“...” Licia did not comment, she had doubts about this, but her mother seemed confident of her claim. Still, her mother was the one with the more experience between them, so she could only follow her.

“How are you so sure nothing happened?” She asked, just to be reassured.

Ticia froze for a brief moment. “...Well, that’s because I’ve served in the Borkian armed forces until recently…” She said, with what Licia could only describe as a bitter tone.

So when mom said she enlisted into the army, she meant those Bork-whatsoever? Licia thought, remembering the story her mother had told her yesterday. While Ticia had not affirmed she was the girl in the story, neither did she deny it. Besides, her mother showed strong emotions as she told her the story, with some surprising precise details despite the overall story being vague. Licia was sure that her mother was the girl in the story, and another proof came in Ticia’s next words.

“I’ve served the Borkian army for quite some time, so I know a lot, if not all their habits. So I’m confident in our rescue operation.”

“Ok, I’ll follow you, mom.” Licia ended up saying. For now, the present was more important. Besides, just like it happened yesterday, she believed her mom would open up more to her as time passed.

I’m curious about mom’s past, but it seems she doesn’t want to talk to us about it because it wasn’t a happy past. If so… Licia raised her head, looking straight at her mother. I’ll make sure she enjoys the present. No more pain for mommy!

“Good girl, I’m happy you’re obedient.” Ticia said affectionately, patting her daughter on the head. “I’ll be relying on you for this mission, little recruit.”

“Roger!” Licia exclaimed with vigor, determination in her eyes.

“So, with the help of the night, we'll sneak around their camp and liberate your sisters.” Ticia declared, but Licia had a slight problem with the plan.

“Uhm, how can we do it? I can’t see anything.” She said, unsure on how to operate.

“Oh, sorry dear, I forgot you’re not used to night operations…” Ticia said, now embarrassed about her mistake. In the end, she shrugged her shoulders. “Oh well, you’ll learn on the way.”

“Eh?” Licia was a bit surprised. Learn on the way? That was not the answer she was searching for! She thought her mother was more well prepared, and would tell her something reassuring, but this wasn’t reassuring at all!

I-if I mess up, it’ll be dangerous! She began to panic. Which was weird in a way since she was so confident in herself when she led Lidia to the Ionian Army base…

Contrary to her thoughts, her mother seemed confident, and when she realized Licia’s state, she just tilted her head. “Hm? What’s wrong?”

“M-mom…” She said, voice trembling and tears in her eyes. She did not want to mess up the operation. “D-don’t you have…something to help see in the dark?”

“...I did have a night vision device.” Ticia said, raising her daughter’s hope. “Only, it was in the helmet, and it’s broken now…”

“Ugh.” Now Licia felt guilty. Her mother’s helmet broke because of her.

“But I can do without.” Ticia continued, as if it was nothing serious. “Sure, it’s easier to have night vision, but it’s not like it’s impossible to do without. It’s all a question of adaptation to your environment.”

Her voice then softened. “Licia, you’re scared of messing things up, aren’t you?”

“...” Licia just nodded, since her mother seemed to be able to see despite it being pitch black, she was sure her mom was looking at her right now.

Again, she felt a warm sensation on her head, her mother was head patting her again.

“It’s alright, dear, you’ll do well.” Ticia said affectionately, but Licia was still unsure she would be able to do what her mom was able to do. A small silence later, and Ticia spoke again. “Look, if it can help you, I’ll tell you how it was for me at first.”

Now that was something that picked her curiosity, how could Licia refuse? She looked towards her mother.

“Just like you, I was scared of messing up. Scared… of the consequences…” Ticia began her storytelling, and Licia listened attentively as her mother’s voice transcribed a bit of pain.

“But being able to see at night was an easy thing to do in the end. How? Well, your eyes just get used to it. When the operation was about to begin, my eyes were already somewhat adapted to the obscurity. And so, I managed to complete my mission without a problem!” She declared, her tone of pain disappearing behind a happy and energetic voice.

“That’s it?” Licia ended up blurting out, disappointment apparent in her voice. Her mother’s story was a bit, no, it wasn’t a story that could reassure her. I thought mom had a technique to help me see better through the night...

“...Hehe, you have the same reaction as a certain someone…” Ticia said, and despite the laugh, Licia felt her mother was a bit… sad…

“Well, what more can I say…” Licia heard a faint scratching noise, her mother was probably scratching her head, thinking of something else. “Oh, right.” She exclaimed, having found an answer to her dilemma. 

“Licia, don’t forget you’re my clone.”

“Ah.” Realization struck Licia. That’s right, I’m mommy’s clone… Not only that, I’m her perfect copy. If so…

“Seems like you realized what I meant.” Ticia said.

“Yes.” She replied, now convinced that she too would be able to see in the dark soon.

If anybody else were here, they would mumble how absurd all of this was. Sure, adaptation to a darker environment with time would help, but it was absurd to achieve it in one night, needless to say in a few minutes. But for Ticia and her daughters, seeing in the night was an easy task, Licia just needed a bit of time…

“Since you’ve yet to adapt to the dark, I’ll carry you until you are able to do so.” Ticia suddenly declared.

“Eh? wha-!?” Before Licia could say anything, she was raised from the ground, and found herself close to Ticia. Her mother was now carrying her in her arms.

“It’ll be a bit of a bumpy ride, so hold on to me.” Ticia said seriously before she could even protest, so left with no choice, she hugged her mother.

Ticia immediately began to move, running at a somewhat steady pace despite the obstacles on her way. Her movements were so assured that Licia was impressed.

Wow, she’s avoiding all the obstacles… She thought, seeing her mother move left and right, jumping over tree roots. Wait a minute… I can see?!

At an amazingly fast speed, Licia’s eyes had adapted to the surrounding obscurity, just like her mother said.

Licia was happy, she was about to tell her mother when she realized something. Right now, her mother was carrying her, this did not happen everyday…

Let’s wait a bit before telling her… Yes, just a bit longer… She said to herself, making sure to stay close to her mother’s warmth. Her mother wouldn’t mind if she acted spoiled for a bit, right?




“We’re getting closer.” Ticia said to her favorite daughter once they were near the camp. Licia was still in her arms.

“Can you see now?” She asked.

“...Maybe.” Her daughter answered, avoiding eye contact and tightening the hug.

Ticia giggled. “Naughty girl~.” She knew that her daughter could see for a while now, but she played along, enjoying the act of carrying her child. But we can’t keep on like this.

Licia knew it too, hence why she loosened her hug, and Ticia put her on the ground.

“Follow me, we’re close to their base.” Ticia declared, moving forward in silence, and her daughter followed along, imitating her.

They made their way through the vegetation, which was becoming sparse the more they advanced, replaced by rocks. But suddenly, as the Borkian camp became visible, Ticia suddenly froze.

Those tents, no way… Thanks to the sparse lighting here and there, she recognized the tents, which she was all too familiar with. Why are they here!? She cried in her head, realizing her bad premonition had become true. The 9th assault brigade was here, which meant Rika was here.

This is going to get complicated… She gritted her teeth, grimacing. Should she leave Licia here and go alone? No, she didn’t want to leave her daughter alone in such a place. She would need to take her with her.

“Mom?” Licia asked, seeing her mother’s state change. Ticia was startled by the question.

Right, let’s focus on my goal. She said, closing her eyes and taking a long breath. So what if they're my old colleagues, right now, they’re my enemies. I’ll kill them if they get in my way!

Actually, this might be for the best for her. After all, she was the one who designed the night patrols of the brigade, which meant that she knew all too well their path.

Even without night vision, I should be able to pass through them without problems.

“Let’s go.” She said to her daughter, and both of them slowly moved forward, leaving the protection of the bushes and rocks.

Evading the patrols was an easier task than Ticia though, she managed to sneak through the campment without being seen, which made her question whether the patrol paths she had made were really effective. What she had forgotten was that she was extremely agile, and knew the patrol’s paths by heart. Nobody else except her could complete this exploit.

In the end, she reached her objective very quickly, but when she did so, she froze again.

Why here of all places!? She thought as she stood not far from a big tent, one that Ticia was all too familiar with. It was the brigadier-general’s tent, in other words, Rika’s tent.

In a panic, she checked the signals again. Both pointed to the tent in front of her. There was no error possible.

Rika, why would you keep kids in there? She asked, but knew this question would be left unanswered. No, perhaps there was one. Her daughters might have fought back, and Rika might have decided to take them with her to keep a close eye on them…

Meanwhile, Licia was watching her mother with growing anxiety. Ever since they had entered the camp, she was acting weird. She did not even hide her emotions behind her usual poker face.

Licia could see, her mother’s expression changed from determination, then hesitation, to frustration with slight sadness, only to become determined again. Whatever it was that was making her have such a struggle, Licia wanted to help her mother, hence why she squeezed her mother’s hand, reminding Ticia of her presence.

It had a calming effect on Ticia, being reminded that her favorite daughter was with her made her refocus on what was in front of her. She stared at the two guards keeping watch over Rika’s tent, and then whispered to her daughter.

“Licia, we need to take those guys out. A simple strike on their neck will suffice to knock them unconscious. You take the nearest one on the right, and I’ll take the one on the left.”

“Roger.” Licia whispered back, and the two of them acted quickly. Both of them reached their target in an instant, to the soldier’s surprise, but before they could say anything, they were already knocked unconscious. Ticia and Licia caught them, and slowly lowered their bodies to the ground.

Then, Ticia slowly, very slowly, began to open the tent. She knew there was a security device, so she reached with her hand, and put her finger on it. The intruder security turned off.

Glad I still have my access granted. Ticia sighed in relief, before entering the tent, her daughter following after her.

The interior of the tent was dark, meaning its occupant had gone to sleep. The place matched Ticia’s memories. The table, the desk, even the bike to the side, everything was there. I’m feeling a bit nostalgic…

But now was not the time to feel nostalgic, she felt a faint presence in the room, one she had become very accustomed to in the recent days.

“Lidia, come out.” She called out, and after a bumping noise, clearly provoked by sudden surprise, a small girl emerged from under the desk.

“Mother, eldest sister…” Lidia said, surprised by the duo in front of her. She might have expected one of them to come, but both of them at the same time? It definitely was not something she thought would happen.

In fact, Lidia had just woken up, and was going to proceed with her plan to search through Rika’s computer for information when she suddenly saw people entering the tent and hid in a hurry.

Ticia came over and hugged her. “I’m glad you're alright, Lidia.” She said, emotions apparent in her voice. Lidia also hugged back, happy her mother was present. Now she could relax a little knowing, that her mother, the one who never loses, was here.

“Mom, we should move on.” Licia said from the side, startling her sister from the way she just called Ticia. Her eldest sister had recognised Ticia as their mother?

But even more surprising was Ticia’s answer.

“You’re right, Licia.” She said ending the hug. She didn't even flinch from being called like this. Lidia was confused, what had happened between the two of them!?

“Lidia.” Ticia asked Seriously.

“Y-yes!?” Lidia, startled, raised her voice a bit higher, which made her eldest sister shush at her.

“What were you doing, and where are your sisters?” Ticia asked, a tone of urgency in her voice.  Feeling it, Licia answered honestly.

“I was searching for more information about this brigade. As for Mia and Nia, they’re sleeping in the next room, with Miss Rika.” She said, consciously stating the name of Rika to see if it would provoke some sort of reaction from her mother. She expected a surprised, yet happy expression, but when Ticia heard that, her expression only shifted to one of horror and panic.

Rika, what the hell are you doing to my kids?! She thought, sensing how Lidia had become trustful of her former superior. A wild range of possibilities crossed her mind, one of them being her daughters being used by Rika on the frontlines.

No! I must stop this! In total panic, Ticia wanted to get her daughters the hell out of here. She got up, and hurriedly said to her daughters.

“You both stay here, I’m going to get Mia and Nia.”

“M-mother?” Lidia asked, bewildered by the expressions on Ticia’s face, shouldn’t her mother be happy?

Ticia was not thinking of reunion however, what mattered to her right now was to get her daughters out of here for good. I won’t let one of them become the underdogs of those Borkians!

“W-wait, mother!” Seeing the anger welling up in her mother, Lidia tried to call out and explain in more details what happened, but before she could move, an order came from her mother.

“Licia, restrain your sister for a bit, don’t let her come with me to the next place.” Ticia said with an authoritarian tone, her face void of any expressions or feelings.

“Roger.” Licia said, not questioning her mother’s order despite some worries.

“!?!” Lidia was surprised again, and before she could even protest, her sister had moved without a word, restraining her from behind.

“Mom, wait!” She cried out in despair, feeling that something terrible would happen next that would make not only her sad, but her mother too. But it was too late, Ticia had already disappeared behind the curtain, leaving Lidia with her eldest sister who was currently restraining her…

Once on the other side of the curtain, Ticia immediately went over to the beds. When she felt the trust her daughter was putting in Rika, a very bad memory from her past came to her mind…

Arriving in front of the beds, she saw Mia sleeping soundly in the bed that was once hers, but more worryingly, she saw Nia in Rika's embrace.

No! Despair crossed her face for a moment, the memory of ‘that woman’ becoming clearer in her mind, and the sweet words ‘that woman’ whispered to her at night. It had made her happy at the time, but it only terrorized her now.

Before knowing it, she was now  at the edge of the bed. No, I should first wake Mia up. She caught herself before she made a move on Rika. Turning over, she began to gently shake Mia up.

“Mgh.” Mia was awakened from her sleep, and she slowly looked at the one who woke her up. “...Mommy?”

“Mia, get up.” Ticia called out with urgency in her voice, but her face was void of all expressions, which spooked Mia. Now fully awakened, she obeyed her mother’s order and looked at her with a worried and scared look.

Seeing her in such a state would usually make Ticia soften up, but her mind had spiraled into a dangerous direction already, and it was too late for her to change her mind. In fact, seeing Mia’s current state made her rage only grow.

Those bandages, this look, was she beaten? How dare she! Ticia though, sending another enraged look towards Rika. She had totally misunderstood the situation, and now felt betrayed, an emotion she was way too familiar with in the past. As expected, I shouldn’t have trusted anybody. It was my error to put faith in you.

Mia tried to ask what was going on, but before she could do so, her mother ordered her with a dry voice, not even bothering looking at her, and too focused on aiming her hatred at Rika.

“Mia, go join your sisters over there, I’ll join you with Nia in a moment.”

Under such a strong pressure, the poor girl, who was already timid, fled the scene in a hurry, her mind in a sorry state, thinking her mother was angry at her.

Now, Ticia had to wake up her remaining daughter, but the task would be hard. Nia was in the total embrace of Rika, and she seemed in bliss, for some reason. Ticia could not let this stay like this forever. She needed to protect her daughters from outsiders!

She took out a gun, and pointed it at Rika in case the woman would wake up. She intended to kill her anyway once her daughters were all safe on the other side. Meanwhile, just like for Mia, she gently shook Nia.

“... Big… Sis?” Nia froze seeing Ticia’s expression.

“Nia, get out of here, now.” Ticia said, not able to hold her anger anymore. She expected her daughter to follow through on her words, but Nia did not.

“No!” Nia exclaimed, she had realized what was happening when she saw the gun pointed at Rika’s face.

“Nia, be obedient and stay quiet!” Ticia sadmonished, raising her voice in intensity.

“You can’t kill her!” Nia suddenly grabbed Ticia’s arm with both hands.

“Ugh, let go, Nia! I have to kill her!” Ticia said, struggling against her daughter. Right now, she only saw red as past events of her life emerged in her mind.

“You can’t! She saved us!” Nia said, desperately trying to convince Ticia as tears began to appear in her eyes.

“She’s only using you! I’m doing this to protect you!” Ticia yelled back, trying to make her point of view clear. “This has to be done!”

“Then why are you crying!?”

“Eh?” Nia had pointed out, and only then Ticia realized tears flowed down her cheeks. For a moment, the good times she had with Rika passed in her mind. When they survived together, when they got drunk together, or when they laughed together… Those memories entered in conflict with the ones of her distant past, and her will faltered for a moment.

No, I have to do it! I need to do it to ensure the safety of my family! She convinced herself again, the smiles of her daughters appearing in her head. Unlike before, she had something she wanted to protect, and she would do anything to ensure the safety of her daughters, even if it meant tearing a part of her heart in the process…

“Sorry, Nia, but I must do it!” She declared, getting rid of Nia’s grip on her, and throwing the girl off the bed. She pointed the muzzle of her pistol towards Rika’s face, and slowly, very slowly began to press on the trigger, and the slow hum of the pistol charging its shot began to be heard.

And yet, a moment passed without her able to do anything more…

Why!? She asked herself, struggling against a strong, painful emotion that surged from her chest. Why can’t I pull the trigger!?

She had managed to do so in the past, so she thought that she would also be able to do it this time, and yet, as tears continued to flow, she could not pull the trigger.

It was in this moment of indecisiveness that Rika suddenly woke up.

“Ngh… Ticia?”  She asked, seeing the young woman she knew all too well pointing the gun at her face. For a moment, she was surprised, but soon, her expression changed.

“I see… So this is my new nightmare huh?” She said, with a look of understanding washing over her face. Meanwhile, Ticia was a bit confused, but if Rika thought it was a dream, then it was all to her advantage.

“You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?” She suddenly said, looking straight at Ticia in the eyes. then, with a look of acceptance, she said. “Go on, I deserve it for betraying your trust.”

“No!” Nia exclaimed again from the side, fully in tears. “I don’t want mommy to kill Miss Rika!”

“Nia, so you’re here too…” Rika said with a sad look, still believing she was in her dream. She reached a hand over and patted Nia on the head before Ticia could even react, and sent a very sad and sorry look to the girl.

“It’s fine, Nia, I betrayed your mother by not keeping my promise, so I deserve this.”

Promise? What promise? Ticia, asked in her mind. She did not remember making a promise with Rika?

“Remember? That time, on Pellia 4… When we were under artillery fire…” Rika said, smiling weakly as she recollected the moment of her life that she was most familiar with by now. Ticia knew what Rika was talking about, but her memories of the event were rather vague. All that she remembered was that she saved Rika at the time, and that the two had become closer as a result.

“At that time, you saved me, and I promised you.” Rika continued, recollecting. “I swore I would go up in grades, and make sure both of us would stay safe from the most dangerous, suicidal missions…”

“...” Now that she thought about it, Rika did say something along those lines back then, but Ticia only thought it was the small talk of somebody who kept talking to keep herself awake…

“I managed to keep you close to me, and make us independent from most factions, but I couldn’t keep you safe in the end.” Rika said, a bitter smile on her face. “You got transferred while I was away. Because I made a slight miscalculation, you disappeared, and after a while, I really began to think I lost you for real this time…”

Finishing recollecting, she faced Ticia, and stared at her straight in the eyes. “Sorry, I messed up.”

“...Are you trying to excuse yourself after sending me to do your bidding all those years?” Ticia asked, as a mix of anger and sadness made her voice tremble. Rika only laughed lightly.

“Fufu, perhaps. It’s true that I used you to obtain the position I got, and you DID have to go through dangerous operations in order to achieve that. So I might have broken the promise a long time ago…” Rika said with a sad look. “But, Ticia, there’s one thing I finally noticed after losing you. I don’t think of you as a precious and capable subordinate, I think of you as a friend.”

“?!?” Ticia was surprised, she did not expect Rika of all people to call her a friend. the woman had always been so uptight, keeping the hierarchy even when drunk. So why now?

“Those times when we drank together, or the others when we planned the structure of the brigade, or even when we trained together… Those are the best memories I had in the military, and they're more important to me than my old life as an upkeep, spoiled noble lady.” Rika ended her words with a smile, and Ticia could not do anything but stare back at her. She could feel the sincerity of the woman.


As Ticia was beginning to hesitate, her other daughters suddenly barged into the room. Just like Nia, they all grabbed her.

“Mom, don’t do it!” Mia said as she trembled, fighting her fear.

“Miss Rika helped us, you can’t kill her!” Lidia insisted, she too had tears in her eyes.

“Mom…” Even Licia, who did not understand much of what was happening, was sending her a pleading gaze, telling her to reconsider.

“My sweet girls…” Ticia mumbled, moved by her daughter’s actions, all of them were opposed to what she was doing.

Am I making the wrong choice? She asked herself, now unsure of what to do.

“Mom, believe us for once!” Nia exclaimed, voice trembling.

Nia’s words shook Ticia. What am I doing? She asked herself. I should trust my daughters!

“Phuuu…” Having come to a conclusion, Ticia closed her eyes, regulating her breathing.

“Mh? W-wait a sec…” Meanwhile, Rika was finally realizing that what was happening around her was not a dream. “Ticia?” She asked with disbelief in her voice.

“...” Ticia did not respond immediately, instead, she stood straight and finally reopened her eyes. She was now composed and thinking fluidly.

“Greetings, Brigadier-General.” She said, saluting the round eyed Rika. “Second class soldier Ticia, reporting to her former superior!”

Author's monologue:

Hey there, I'm back with another chapter! and yay! Ticia finally reunited with her daughters! and with Rika too!
Now wait a sec, can we really call this a happy reunion? Uhm, well, at least nobody died? L-let's just keep going for now!
So yeah, a chapter I that was really in my head for a while this one. I always thought: 'how will Ticia reunite with Rika?' 

I wanted it to be kinda tense, so that's why the result was like this, and I'm quite happy with it. just to be sure I did not mess up, I proofreaded it at least two more times before posting it, hence the delay...
Anyway, does the ending of this chapter count as a cliff? I wouldn't settle on any other ending anyway! Really, I thought it was the best way to settle the chapter, you guys will have to wait a bit to know what happens next!

And with that said, that's it from me for today! I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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