Chapter 7: Chapter Seven – The Royal Floors
'I didn't know that clothes could be worn like that,' the darkness slithered into the foreground, throwing his mind into disassociation as images snapped into his mind.
A slight brush of their hands to see if her cheeks will tinge pink as Zyn's sexual partners do when he makes a dumb joke. Leaning from behind her to whisper anything into her ear. His body pressed against the back of hers as his hand brushed across the very top of her thighs to travel under the hem.
With a hard gulp and an anxious glance back down the right side of the hallway. He stepped towards her, but she was much more on her toes and ducked under his oncoming arm to face the longer side of the Royal Floor. Most doors had been opened, and the students stood with their respective family members to spectate the testosterone battle.
'Jesus fucking Christ!' She cursed, immediately regretting her uniform choices and letting go of the straps to drop her hands at her sides.
Carmell wished her weird bottomless bag had a walkthrough or a way to view a wiki of the characters. According to her logic, the people in the game shouldn't be as bad as those in her first life. If the code has restricted the game, there should be rules around their personalities.
If Darrius's family are that wonderful, then the other families should be easy to make friends with. She stepped forward and internally shook away her doubts. There was one immutable fact that she knew of Merrida's life. She was royalty and belonged on this floor. Zyn's relaxed form straightened off the door frame as she stepped past him, and his eyes immediately darted to Darrius, watching his older brother's attempts to hide his panic and follow Carmell. Her skirt swayed unnaturally, and he had never seen it worn so short before. Zyn's eyes narrowed on the side of her face, and he stepped behind her, reaching to take her hand and pull her back before she went past the safety of their rooms.
Alarm screamed through his entire body as she whooshed ahead of them to the rooms for their cousins. Her sudden need to pick up speed was evident as she felt Darrius creeping up behind them to desperately grab her other hand. Carmell had gotten a few steps ahead and passed Elias's shocked green eyes. He raised an eyebrow as he disapprovingly watched her skirt raise high enough to show the very top of her thighs, but then it immediately dropped at the speed of light and danced around her mid-thigh.
He blinked, ran a hand through his straight shoulder-length white hair and caught her gaze but smiled with bright, sparkling eyes and pointed ears poking out from his thick hair. She almost stopped to turn and face him and ask what he was so pleased about, but his smile dropped, and he also reached for her as his eyes flickered to what was in front of her.
Julian and Casey stood side by side, smirking and hoping the sexy silver-haired goddess would bump right into both of their hungry, waiting arms. Much to their dismay, Carmell's entire body vibrated with unconscious danger, and turning her head back in alarm to see ahead, she abruptly stopped with eyes narrowed on their short white hair and slightly pointed ears, and she flickered to their green eyes with a sneer. She stepped back, almost anticipating the step forward they both took to close the gap between them, and her plump lips parted as her face morphed into a look of displeasure.
She knew the look that passed through their eyes when they realised she wanted nothing to do with them, and it was startling, raking her body at double the intensity. That kind of look had murdered her just a few hours ago.
"Darrius!" Carmell cried, surprising the twins and the entire floor watching with bated breath.
They hadn't had this much fun in the Academy in years, and it was only the first day. Elias smirked and dropped back to his door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. Immense pleasure coursed through his veins. His little brothers have met their match, and she's pulling her hands back at lightning speed to escape them. He almost laughed at the sheer perception of the woman; she knew danger when it loomed over her or in front of her, as it were.
Carmell's hands clasped tightly over Darrius' and Zyn's as they stretched them out for her. Without a second thought, they pulled her back into them and away from the furious twins of Temperance. Her back crashed into the top of their arms, sparks bursting across the left side of her skin through contact with Darrius, and they let go of her. Darrius' arm glided underneath the straps of her bag, his hand clasping around the top of her side to pull her into him, pulses of electricity running between their bodies. Zyn grabbed her elbow with one hand and took hold of her hand with his other in a way that closed their fingers around at the knuckles.
Her other hand lopped around the back of Darrius' arm to rest on his shoulder, and her forehead rested comfortably on the top of her hand as ragged breaths ran out of her. Her mind flashed to Milo's frame, shooting forward to eventually kill her, and her hand trembled a little against his shoulder. They had taken her from everyone's view except Elias, who felt like he was invading a very intimate moment between the oldest of friends.
Cassy was furious, her two-toned curls bouncing at the speed of light as she clicked past the four of them in her high heels. Transparent sparkling white wings burst out of her back, covering her entire body and propelling her forward as she threw her arms back and sent her fists into the twins' faces with satisfying cracks. The students scattered from the middle of the hallway, pressing against the walls as the twins flew past them. The cracks and supersonic bangs echoed into the second royal floor below, startling the children of the Lust Kingdom into snapping their heads up to the ceilings as tiny bits of it fell to the floor.