Chapter 6: Chapter Six – The Twins of Temperance
The twins sneered back, pulling their eyes over to the door between the Pride brothers. Julian's mind flashed back to their group, comprised of his brothers and sisters, who had been talking by the lifts about their plans for the upcoming Moon Day. Zyn had rolled in with Carmell under his arm, and the fridged Crown Prince had shunned any contact with the woman. They smirked at each other as Zyn pulled her past them, the scent of cherries and strawberries sending their heads into a swirl and their hearts set on containing Carmell in their castle.
"Why don't we show number one some of our freaky kinks," Casey taunted, causing Julian's eyes to shine with lust.
"What about that one where we both-" Julian started, placing his hand on his brother's shoulder.
"Shut that disgusting feathered mouth up!" Darrius seethed, his eyes burning blood red and fangs slipping from his mouth at the speed of light. "If you touch her, I'll rip those pathetic feather dusters from your backs and drain every drop of blood from your treacherous bodies."
"Damn, brother. Take a breath," Zyn laughed awkwardly; the image in his head of the dead twins was incredibly pleasing but quite shocking.
"We don't need you sticking up for us," Julian quipped, but his eyes held a tiny spark of fear.
"Stick up for you? Ha, no, I'm saving my brother from losing his lady to a murderous rage," Zyn shrugged with a loud, obnoxious snort.
Carmell wrapped her arms around her legs as she sat under the burning hot water, steam filling the room. Soft music from her smartphone, connected to a Bluetooth speaker, filled the room. She hadn't checked her bag correctly. In the middle was a secret zip that contained unlimited space and a system filled with her entire flat. She could switch the beds if she wanted, but she preferred her new one and didn't want to share something she had shared personally with Milo in such an intimate way after what he had done.
They didn't have TVs in the sense that she knew, so at least she could kit her whole room out, and no one would ever see it if she didn't want them to. She could feel a pressure around her throat that was unsettling, and she wanted to cry at the flashbacks of Milo ending her life and the look on his face as he tried to unbutton his pants, but apparently, her new body was not the crying type.
She lathered her long hair and shower-gelled her entire body, rinsing away the feeling of fear he left within her. She dragged herself out of the shower and dressed herself with great effort into the awful uniform, but when she saw her appearance in the mirror, she had had enough. She pulled her grimoire out of her bag and flicked to the illusion section. Dropping the book onto the black marble sink that just popped out like it knew it was needed, she loosened her tie to under her breast and undid a few buttons.
Her large chest spilt out a little, but the bra was doing its job. She pursed her lips and rolled the black skirt up to her mid-thigh. When she turned around to check the back, she laughed at how her skirt flew up and flashed her black silk thong and tanned soft ass. She leaned over to read the book, opened her mouth, and blew purple dust into the steam-filled air. Whispers shot around the room, and looking in the mirror, the whole of her eyes were glowing a bright purple, and her clothes were shaping and fitting around her curved, ample body. She smirked and spun around, purple sparkles circling with her, but her clothes stayed in their intended place.
"Yeah! This magic is going to make life here a lot easier." She snickered, pulling on her purple blazer and grabbing the handle of her satchel.
Her mind wandered to Darrius as she left the bathroom to head for the door, disappointment ebbing at the corners of her mind at the flashes of their first meeting. He didn't say a single word to her and left her hanging on a simple handshake. Carmell stopped a few inches from the door, her lower lip pulling into her mouth as she bit it. She could hear him on the other side of the door, arguing with muffled voices down the hall.
Carmell could feel her pulse rising as she reached for the door's motion sensor. She could contain the magic overflow if she remembered and repeated the line. As above, so below. But, when closing her violet glowing eyes, she took a deep breath and centred herself against her surroundings and Darrius's angry voice.
"You know, Julian, for an angel, you give abstinence the wrong coat of paint," he snapped, dampening Carmell's underwear and sending her brain into a haze of giggles. 'your mother must be so proud she raised snivelling rats like you."
She groaned, gripping her satchel straps closer to the sides of her body, mauling over the idea of doing tarot cards to ground her mind before bed later. Carmell opened her eyes and stepped forward, silencing the heated argument in the hallway as the door whooshed open. Darrius was right in front of her, facing the right side of the hallway, his side eye-catching her gaze, but hers flickered to his fangs poking over his bottom lip, and he could have sworn her bright green eyes twinkled with purple sparks.
Carmell licked her lips and bit down on her lower lip, a ghost of a smirk playing across her lips as he slowly turned to face her, eyes as wide as saucers swimming with a red hue. Ah, she knew how to get a reaction from him now, catch him off guard and make him unable to think about his princely mask. His eyes moved from her lips to hover over her chest area and down to the hem of her skirt, which was exposing far too much skin.