Campfire Shelter

Chapter 583 The sneak attack behind the scenes

A huge ice cube surrounds the area where it is.

Through the hard and translucent ice, Colin saw that this place should be a relatively spacious house.

And on his own body, the flames that originally covered his body had become very weak.

"Is the Snow Girl used to keep things fresh for me..."

Colin pursed his lips, then moved his body. Amidst the crackling sound of the ice cubes, he broke free from some of the shackles of the frost, and then discovered that he had many irregular and pitted wounds on his body.

These injuries were caused by some strange bugs.

They were like beetles the size of fingernails, piercing through the surface flames and gnawing at their own skin like worms eating branches and leaves.

However, it seems that most of the bugs have died due to the exertion of the phalanges on the chest.

The rare ones move under the skin

Colin put his fingers into the wound hole, dug through the flesh and blood, pulled out all the basically inactive bugs, and crushed them to death——

These things were not fatal to him, but they were just a little uncomfortable and aggravated his injuries.

"It's a bit like some kind of epidemic. It seemed to be the reason why I couldn't wake up just now, but fortunately, now that I'm awake, it's not a big problem."

"Even after fighting after battle, there were so many enemies that I couldn't even remember where the bugs came from and who was responsible."

Colin rubbed the insect corpses in his hands and wiped them beside him. He leaned against the ice wall and kicked his legs on the ground. He wanted to get up, but he was a little weak. His previous attempts to go to the sea were unsuccessful. He fought hard to escape. A lot of props were used.

Moreover, because he was afraid that using the bonfire would melt the aura seal that Mr. Wu had set for himself, causing him to fall into the eyes of those high-ranking beings again, he could only use props throughout the process.

So much so that the body has now entered a negative state of extreme fatigue.

Shaking his head slightly, Colin recalled the glowing hands in the darkness just now, and the words that still sounded in his ears that made people feel safe.

"Shana?" Colin was a little unsure and looked down at the necklace made of her finger bones on his chest.

He felt like he heard Shana's voice, but he wasn't sure.

Because logically speaking, she should be in "World Number-13" at the moment, and it is unlikely that she would appear here.

However, before he opened his eyes, he had some expectations. But when he opened his eyes and stabilized his condition, he saw that the surroundings were cold and cold, and there was no shadow of what he wanted to see at all. Everything was like a dream.

The sense of disparity made Colin feel unspeakable discomfort and regret.

It’s just that I can’t bear to spend more energy on this moment.

At this time, strange movement suddenly broke out.

A gust of cold wind came faintly accompanied by a roar of "oooo".

Colin, who barely stood up, stumbled forward a few steps, opened the door, looked across the hall, and looked outside. Only then did he notice belatedly that there seemed to be another enemy chasing him. come over.

The "Snow Girl" is fighting the enemy with the "Smiling Corpse Mountain" about a hundred meters away from here.

The roar just now was caused by the "Smiling Mountain of Corpses".

At this moment, it was unprecedentedly huge, consisting of three black corpse-like balls of flesh. During the movement, the ground shook, but it seemed to be due to the enemy's attack.

One of the zombie meatballs had been cut in half and was motionless.

The "Snow Girl" floats in the air, creating large areas of frost, ice picks, etc., and attacks from the side, using the mountain of corpses' huge body as a shield from time to time.

This time the enemy's strength is not particularly weak.

It is a female humanoid figure wearing a gray hooded cloak, and under the hood of the cloak is a fairly delicate face, but at the bottom, what sticks out from the hem are not feet, but a large number of worm-like shadows, such as Roots generally support her body

"Is it something that changes form like those fish-men back then?"

Colin could tell the other party's situation at a glance.

And this kind of enemy, among ordinary heretical groups, usually has the same identity as a high priest or a favored person of God, and they are very powerful.

If the "Snow Girl" hadn't strengthened her strength a lot now, she would have probably lost long ago.

At this time, the female figure in the cloak held a long sword in her right hand. On the long sword, there were a large number of "silk threads". These threads were connected to a terrifying ancient ghost, which attacked the snow girl like a puppet. .

At the same time, she held a silver cup in her left hand. She waved the cup from time to time, and there would always be several new little ghosts appearing in it.

The "Snow Girl" is mainly responsible for freezing and killing these dark little ghosts crawling around like long-legged spiders, and then taking the opportunity to launch a sneak attack on the main body.

"Where is he? Where is he! Hand over that damn guy quickly."

"Why help a sinner who caused the destruction of the world?"

"Hurry, hand him over, or you will all die."

The female figure wearing a cloak whispered while responding to the enemy.

From her body, there are often overflowing spiritual attacks, causing the "Snow Girl" to scream in pain from time to time.

At this time, facing the joint attack of "Snow Girl" and "Smiling Corpse Mountain", she even showed signs of reverse suppression!

It can even be foreseen that if this continues, defeat is almost inevitable.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt some extra sight, and then a ferocious smile appeared on her face: "Found it!"

As she finished speaking, she suddenly crushed the silver cup in her hand. The broken pieces of the cup quickly evaporated and turned into a curtain-like thing that sealed off the surrounding area.

The next second, she rushed towards a building in the direction of Colin.

Soon I saw Colin who walked to the hall and looked weak.

"It's you! It's you who killed our great priest and destroyed our ceremony." When the woman in the gray cloak saw Colin, her eyes seemed to be filled with bloodshot eyes.

However, facing her words, Colin just leaned against the wall and shook his head indifferently: "Your priest? I don't know him."

"Don't you know?" After hearing this, the woman who was in a very bad mental state was startled.

Colin nodded and said casually and honestly: "There are too many enemies. Maybe I just killed them when I encountered them before. I really don't know what the sacrifice you are talking about is."

To be honest, during the last attempt to break out, the enemies came in piles because they had "divine enlightenment", and I really couldn't remember which one the opponent's so-called sacrifice was.

After all, it was solved easily.

If it weren't for the serious injury now, the individual in front of him who might have reached the level of secondary containment would be nothing more than a glance.

"You deserve to die!"

After reacting, the woman in the gray cloak seemed to be furious, her hair standing on end.

Her body tensed, and then she suddenly dodged and rushed directly in front of Colin, swung her sword in her hand, and struck him down hard.

However, this blow finally hit the shield formed by the strong light.

Colin's eyes became cloudy, because some of the light originally used to suppress his own negative effects was drawn away for defense, which made him slightly absent-minded and entered a state as if he had been squatting for a long time and suddenly "everything went black".

However, almost at the same time, the snow girl who noticed Colin's flaw rushed over and attacked the woman in gray cloak from behind.

In the cold wind, the woman in gray cloak froze into an ice sculpture in an instant.

Then the ice cube thrown by the snow girl was smashed, and it instantly turned into corpse fragments on the ground.


The snow girl stuck out her tongue and made a grimace, wanting to celebrate her victory, but before she could finish her joy, she saw Colin suddenly grab her figure and pull her back.

It was at this moment that an ancient ghost wearing armor appeared and attacked the original location of the snow girl.

It opened its huge mouth and attacked, seeming to want to swallow everything.

"Bang!" Colin punched out, and dozens of "space cracks"-like fragments erupted from in front of his fist.

Amidst the heart-wrenching glass shattering, the evil creature, which could only stand up to three "smiling mountains of corpses" and once had the upper hand, was directly blasted to pieces and turned into dregs all over the ground.

Although he can't use much of the power of this authority at the moment, he can use it to deal with enemies of this level.

There is no doubt that it is killing a chicken with a bull's-eye.

That is to say, after killing this inexplicable evil spirit, Colin's head was shaken. When his body barely stood still, he couldn't help but cough twice, and a mouthful of dark blood poured out of his mouth.

After the blood overflowed, it was quickly ignited by some weak flowing flames on the body surface.

Then it is absorbed into the body again.

While doing this, he used inspiration to directly remind the snow girl who had just reacted:

"This thing is not dead yet, be careful"

Just as he finished speaking, countless dark shadow-like worms gathered together in the spacious hall, and the figure of a woman reappeared.

"I almost fell into your trap, but with this divine artifact, I am immortal in my domain! Hahaha!"

The woman looked at Colin and others crazily and sneered: "You are very strong, but unfortunately, can your body really support your strength now?"

‘Is that prop the cup from before? ’

Colin noticed that the sword in the opponent's hand was still there, but the silver cup was gone.

Perceiving some kind of invisible field around him and feeling the terrifying nature of it, Colin knew that the other party was not lying. That thing should indeed be a thing given by a superior and of high enough status.

The field created by him may not be able to be broken by punching it hard.

You have to use more strength, use "bonfire", or the "repulsion" or "space displacement" in the golden props to destroy it.

But in that case, the consequences may be even worse.

"Bonfire" will expose himself, and in his current state, he simply cannot support another "God War".

The negative effects of golden props have not been digested much since they were used a few times before. If they are used again, something similar to "the last straw" may happen.

'We have to think of a way to see if we can find any fatal weakness in her actions, and then charge up a strike to destroy it from the inside. ’

‘Otherwise, if we really fight, I will be very passive’

‘And move quickly, lest the movement here attracts the attention of something else. ’

Colin had an idea.

However, compared to being blocked, what makes him a little more uneasy now.

Judging from the personal level displayed by the opponent's item and his knowledge, it may not be as simple as just sealing off an area and allowing an enemy who can barely have a level two containment object to be constantly "reborn".

However, even though he noticed something was wrong, he didn't have time to think about it. The woman who seemed to have become much stronger due to the "god-given" power rushed up again.

The snow girl immediately returned to defense and once again blocked all attacks for the somewhat dazed Colin.

After several battles, Colin seized the opportunity and taunted one or two more words. The woman in the gray cloak suddenly became a little crazy again:

"It's all because of him! The world has become like this. If he hadn't destroyed the coming of the Lord and destroyed the beautiful future, the disaster would not have happened at all.

"Why! Why! I just want to kill this criminal, why are you standing in front of me!"

While screaming wildly, her offensive methods became more and more extreme, and it could even be said to be life-threatening.

Open and close, and begin to give up all defenses.

And this also gave the Snow Girl another chance to freeze it directly, then called the "Smiling Corpse Mountain" and swallowed it in one bite, crushing it into dregs.

But as the woman in the gray cloak said before, in this realm, she is an immortal existence.

His death did not weaken the blockade that existed here.

Not long after the merger, countless shadow worms gathered in a corner again, forming her new appearance not far away.

Her "reborn" state seemed to have recovered to a certain extent.

A new round of fighting breaks out again

But the fight didn't last long before the opponent went crazy again, and was then taken advantage of by the snow girl to kill him.

‘The death of this thing seems to be a little deliberate’

Colin's eyes closed slightly and he noticed that there must be something wrong. He immediately thought of communicating directly with the snow girl and asked her to hold him back and not kill him.

But even so it still doesn't work.

After a certain period of time, the opponent will go crazy on his own and die in a self-destruction attack.

Moreover, after each "rebirth", the time of sanity begins to decrease, the time of madness becomes faster and faster, and after death, the aura of the domain here becomes stronger and stronger.

After watching for a while, he vaguely understood the situation——

Every "death" of the other party is like a clear and powerful "echo".

And the existence behind it can "echo" again and again, just like a bat, locking the specific location here!

And the "field" also began to connect with the other party's behind-the-scenes existence

When the time comes, the being behind the scenes may be able to use the female heretic as a disposable divine vessel, descend directly here, and attack him.

"Ordinary means can't solve it, so I still have to take action and let the snow girl and the mountain of corpses seal her away."

As his thoughts flashed, Colin also started to take action.

Taking advantage of the opponent's madness and being frozen again, he charged up his right hand, combining the "vibration" band with the "repulsion", trying to work hard and tear this space apart directly.

Then transfer through "replacement" - the only thing left is to fall into coma under the strong negative effects and watch the snow girl continue to run away with him.

Whether you wake up or not depends on fate.

However, as soon as Colin set off, there was a "thump" and a sense of crisis emerged in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the female heretic, who was frozen like an ice sculpture, suddenly shattered the cold air and frost on her body, turned her head, and aimed her gaze at him.

In those eyes, it was no longer the woman's original consciousness, but another terrifying and indifferent will.

The next moment, Colin's face was distorted, and he felt as if an iron rod had been stabbed into his brain!

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