Campfire Shelter

Chapter 582

Without thinking too much about the new knowledge, after the two parties discussed some things, the "King of Crazy Sound" began to take action.

Not long after, Shana suddenly felt that there was a terrifying will coming from outside the maze.

A large area of ​​soil suddenly melted, then crystallized, turning into an active green irregular faceted crystal. The light emitted from it evaporated, and everything that was illuminated was rapidly corroded and dissolved.

At this moment, even if his body is bound, even if he cannot really come

But that extremely strong momentum fluctuation undoubtedly showed the identity of the other party——

An existence that can be called a god by the world!

"The 'Lord of Corruption' that the 'Resurrectionist' believes in." Shana's eyes moved slightly as she recognized this existence. She had also personally killed many of his followers.

Relatively speaking, this is a group that likes to steal corpses.

All stolen corpses will eventually be "reborn" through the power of this being.

But when it comes to rebirth, Shana thinks it's more like some kind of new soul stuffed into the corpse to parasitize it.

When she first sensed Colin through Helena, the daughter of a great nobleman, she had suspected that he was a "resurrectionist", but the flame made her overturn her idea.

Overall, this is an evil god who doesn't do big things but is constantly doing small things, and is not friendly to humans.

However, because of the "King of Crazy Sound", there was no chance of a fight.

At this moment, as soon as he arrived, the "Lord of Corrosion" sent a greeting to the "King of Crazy Sound", accompanied by ridicule - after all, Shana could see that he was seriously injured, let alone someone of the same level. 's existence.

"I'm just here to give you more choices." The aura of the "King of Crazy Sound" surged and spread, confronting the opponent head-on.

No matter what, he is still a member of the upper-level beings!

It’s not like anyone can step on it!

For a moment, the entire area shook as if a violent earthquake had occurred.

But this kind of tit-for-tat confrontation, in Shana's view, is like a prisoner in one prison confronting a prisoner in another prison. As long as they are not within a hundred or ten miles of the center of the scene, it is not a disaster. .

Not long after, when the atmosphere calmed down slightly, Shana spoke and asked the other party to help her. Suddenly, from the irregular opposite crystal, terrifying corrosive power rippled out, like a volcanic eruption.

Shana frowned, thinking that her words had "offended" the other party.

After all, these "gods" always have a majesty that cannot be looked directly at.

However, just when she felt that the negotiation had broken down, she suddenly heard a burst of spiritual thoughts coming from the other party——

"What kind of organization or treatment can you give me?"

It's really possible. Is the company's organization so magical?

Shana was startled in her heart, but when it came to the treatment, she suddenly felt a little undecided and did not speak immediately because she was not sure what she could promise.

At this time, some hints of inspiration seemed to come from the parchment in the pocket of his sleeve.

Under this prompt, she promised something she could do——

For example, it can be guaranteed that He will not be "harmless" at present.

Then there are the establishment positions and so on. This aspect can basically be said to be pure negotiation and tricking the pie. Although Shana doesn't have much experience in this area, it's not like she has none.

The first assistance was received so smoothly!

Shana looked at a "token" in her hand with a slightly strange expression.

This thing is a special prop that she made in cooperation with the other party under some guidance from the parchment, using her own authority. It is equivalent to a small clone of an ancient god. As long as the situation is suitable, she can use herself as a coordinate to use some kind of company to The internal channel calls on the other party to perform a "divine descent" regardless of distance.

It's not the kind of full-scale arrival. It's not as good as the main body, and it's a little worse than the "World Number-13" arrival, but it's not weak either.

At this moment, Shana, who is becoming more and more familiar with her authority in this world, also understands more and more why the ancient gods always want to target her.

Because except for her or some of the saints of the past who have reached the authority, these guys really can't find any other way to escape.

Of course, there are other ways, such as brute force destruction, accidental arrival, etc., but in the former, they must have the strength to break through the containment, so that they will not be trapped.

As for the latter, the current event happening far away can be regarded as an "accident."

You have to grasp it well.

After negotiating the relevant conditions, under the guidance of the "Lord of Corrosion", another Shadow Tree descended, with "fruits" like eyeballs hanging on it.

Another "old acquaintance".

Shana had seen the other party before when she was being chased.

However, her mental state was not very stable. As soon as she arrived, she attacked her as if she was crazy. However, she was expelled by the three people present at the scene not long after.

"Continue, next one." "King of Crazy Sound" looked at "Lord of Corrosion".

In most cases, he can only move within the maze. Every subsequent attempt would be extremely laborious, and coupled with his poor condition, if the "Lord of Corruption" hadn't been locked up in the same place as him, he would have been unable to move. Can't even call.

Not long after, another being was called out

And that's when Shana and others tried one by one.

In other areas of the world of "World Number-13", in each country or force, the strong men who have reached a certain level of strength and have sufficient inspiration are staring at the world there with strong uneasiness.

"'God's Descend'?! There's another 'God's Descend'. It's already the seventh one. What's going on over there!! What is the saint doing again? Does she want the world to be destroyed?!"

A high priest of the local imperial state religion said in fear.

Since before, the auras from the superiors have been coming, but no one reported it in advance, and they don't know what happened. They just know that the auras of some "evil gods" appear one after another.

It's not that they are so powerful that they can peek into the "gods", but that those auras are not hidden at all.

That's why they can observe some situations.

A small number of abilities tend to be precognitive and can sense things and "bonfires", no! To be more precise, it is related to the current saint of the "Light" sect. It can even be said that she took the initiative to summon him.

What stimulation did you receive suddenly?

Even if they were in different countries and different forces, they all thought invariably that the saint summoning the evil god with great fanfare was not a rebellion, right?

Compared to some orthodox countries, there are some heretics who have equally complicated emotions at this moment.

Because in the existence that descended, there was the existence that they believed in.

Some kind of extremely clear "divine revelation" made them give up all sacrificial rituals, stop any behavior that harmed lives, and go to a certain area to take care of the people there.

Moreover, a considerable number of people who have committed many crimes have caused a large number of untimely killings and torture because they deviated from the will of the "Lord".

Directly erased by the power of "the Lord".

Many heretics are clearly aware that things are about to change.

In the end, after summoning the consciousness of twelve "gods" one after another, including the "King of Crazy Sound", Shana successfully asked six high-ranking beings to "stud" this incident.

The rest are either in poor condition or have become too weak for some reason to be unable to hold major positions.

"Basically everything that can be found is here. There are still some left, but the risk is very high." "King of Kuangyin" continued to inform Shana about the current situation of the containment area here.

"World No. 13" served as a large-scale transfer site back then, enriching dozens of advanced beings.

About a third of them have died

The "disaster of the magic mist" has something to do with their death.

As for the remaining ones, there are generally only some "old, weak, sick and disabled" left.

"But along the way, you may have the opportunity to reach other 'numbered worlds' or something. If they are still within the jurisdiction of 'light', you can try to recruit them through similar means."

After the "King of Crazy Sound" finished speaking, another ancient being recruited followed and said:

"But don't try it after you have passed the earth boundary. Once you expose yourself, the risk will be very high. There will be many beings who will intercept and kill you, and some of them can even come in their own form."

Listening to the words of these powerful beings, Shana nodded to express her understanding.

After making enough preparations, she left here and responded to some people's panic inquiries.

Immediately afterwards, through some special devices, she set off towards the so-called "symbolic world" with a group of reinforcements she had pulled who wanted to be on Qingjun's side.

That is to say, Shana had only been away for about half a month, and some of the employees who had chosen to stay here for a long time and had confirmed to stay here three times suddenly had information appearing on their retinas.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned - after arriving here, they had not done any tasks for a long time.

But now it seems like it’s here again?

Not long after, after reading this part of the content, everyone's expressions became a little weird.

"It seems that we are being asked to contact the 'Light' Cult, as well as some imperial mages, knights and the like, and ask them to help us create marks that can use BUFF?" Someone said in confusion.

Some people also discovered problems with the mission itself: "This is not issued by a serious company, it is a bit like the 'branch company' that Brother Shunzi mentioned back then."

They knew something about this "branch" but had no contact with it.

"Let me think about it, this requirement is that some of our employees here will provide gold, and then this area will work hard, and then it will be used as a platform to sell it?"

"Is this going to restore the previous BUFF transaction? Make a little golden bean and give us three to five points to divide equally."

"Fuck, what kind of treatment is this for black slaves? I remember brother Shunzi has 30 points per gold bean, right? Isn't that only about one-tenth of the reward?"

Some employees couldn't help but curse.

But after scolding them, they couldn't help but think about it. Now they have no point income.

If you do this, you can still increase your income.

"Too bad, this 'branch' learned it."

"Life coaches are so cute" I couldn't help but mutter to myself.

I heard in the past that this "branch" prefers to deceive people into using physical means to rob and so on. The means of making money are relatively primitive and backward.

But from now on, it seems that it is actually starting to seek transactions or something.

Although I don't know where it is going to be sold.

However, once a systematic market is built by it, then this advanced free trade can make more money than the original robbery method!

"Alas, the tiger fell down and was bullied by the dog. Prepare to be a black slave." Someone sighed as if he was resigned to his fate.

For them now, this is at least an income. If it becomes bigger, they should be able to make some money.

And those employees who still traveled between the two worlds did not refuse. After all, they were just collecting some gold. This stuff was relatively not difficult to find. When the time came, they could just pick some up when they went back to inquire about Brother Shunzi.

As the days passed and deals began to be built, employees didn't think much of it.

However, the major local forces that have made a lot of profits from this have begun to feel something strange, and in order to get more people to join in, come and join the "Extraordinary Factory" to work.

Some forces have even opened up the downward path of extraordinary power for the first time in order to cultivate more extraordinary people.

The originally fierce situation in various countries has even eased and calmed down.

Some people with foresight began to realize that the civilization in this world seemed to be developing in some strange direction.

It has expanded to an unknown number of times on the earth.

Colin, who was covered in scars, reluctantly took action to deal with a group of chasing enemies. Then he was taken to a slightly safer place by the "Snow Girl", and then fell into an unspeakable nightmare again.

Over this period of time, the negative effects on him gradually turned into "chronic" after an explosive period, and his condition began to stabilize.

Taking advantage of the situation, he found a direction and tried to enter the sea.

But it's a pity that both attempts failed. He was chased and killed until just now.

Then, the negative effects that had been suppressed erupted again.

And this time, for some reason, my consciousness sank deeper and deeper, and everything around me became dark.

Climbing, narrow, difficult to stretch arms and legs

There is a force that suppresses and limits Colin's awakening.

He felt as if he was trapped in an iron cage, sinking into the sea ten thousand meters deep. His breathing was blocked and he became increasingly suffocated.

In fact, there was an extreme fear in his heart that he might never wake up!

However, at this moment, outside the dream, on Colin's chest, the finger bones that were worn suddenly glowed, and the faint light penetrated into his body. He who was constantly "sinking" in the dream suddenly saw arrive.

In the darkness, a dazzling light emerged, and from the light, familiar but soft words that made people feel a strong sense of security came:

"Colin, don't be afraid, this is my hand, grab it."

Colin stretched out his hand blankly toward the ball of light. The moment he touched the light, layers of glowing wings slowly closed in, wrapping him up and bringing him out of this dark dream.

The next second, a strong smell of blood hit him. Colin realized something, opened his eyes suddenly, and woke up from the nightmare!

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