Blood Lily

33. Joy

A smile decorated my face as we walked back to my room, one overflowing with a warm, confident joy that Amber and Millie were both content to bask in.

For a short while, they had me continue to practice my writing. I was getting rather good at it rather fast, but soon enough, my groggy yawn made it clear that my energy had been spent for the day.

Amber gave me a pat full of praise on my shoulder. “You’ve done really well today, Lil’.”

Millie mirrored Amber’s action on my other shoulder. “But a girl’s gotta get her beauty sleep!”

I glistened with pride, nodding with a fatigued weight. “Mhmm… Tomorrow’s gonna be a good day! And the day after that, and after that, and after that…”

I was starting to ramble from sleepiness, and Amber and Millie couldn’t help but giggle at it. A moment later, they were both at the door. “Goodnight, Lil’,” they said in unison.


And I was alone once again.

I quickly slipped out of my dress, neatly folded it to the best of my abilities, and swapped into my pajamas. I plopped onto my bed and slid under the covers with ease. Three swift claps turned the lights off.

Considering that today was jam-packed full of just… everything, it was almost funny how easily I slipped into a pleasant slumber. Sure, there’s a lot of questions as to how tomorrow will go, especially when mother learns about everything I’ve done, but for right now…

I’m happy.

The calming shadow of night filled the room as I fell asleep. The world turned and, as it did, the morning sun’s beams poured in through the window, signaling a bright new day. The sweet little chirping of birds awoke me.

“Mmm…” I mumbled with a yawn and a stretch. A smile immediately returned to my face as I glanced around my room.

I’m still happy.

With a warmth in my heart and three swift claps to turn the lights on, I hopped out of bed. There was an undeniable pep in my step as I approached my dresser. Without really any hesitation, I slipped out of my pajamas and back into the dress. I softly squealed in delight and practically twirled all the way over to the mirror.

“Oh, I am feeling so confident today!” I told the mirror. And it was the truth, I really was. I mean, I had some worry about the possibility of backlash from mother later today, but you know I thought it would be pretty nice to ignore that seed of doubt in the back of my mind!

Looking myself over in the mirror, I definitely felt a tingling joy, but while most of my appearance gave me this deep sense of satisfaction, I couldn’t help but notice my silver hair was, well…

It was messy. Where’s Millie when you need her? She’s good at hair. And where’s Amber? Or Birch, maybe? Usually someone would be here by now. Huh…

The awkward pause made me consider.

I probably just woke up a bit early. I could just dwindle my free time away playing games, or I could try brushing my hair myself, but honestly I’d really like to try and see if I could…

I envisioned Amber and Millie, raised a hand up, and let a firm snap ring out.

The physical snap was, like before, pretty pathetic, but I succeeded in using magic to create the angelic ringing of a bell.

…Huh. I did it again. Nice.

W-Wait a second, I didn’t just summon all of the staff again, right?! Oh geez, I hope not, I didn’t really think that through and-



I twirled around to see…?!

“Good morning, Lil’,” the two maids I was hoping to see spoke in unison.

“We heard you call for us,” Amber said.

“But we were already on our way,” Millie added.

“Oh. G-Good morning,” I said, realizing. I couldn’t help but try and look over them to see if anyone else showed up.

“Don’t worry,” Amber reassured.

“Only we heard it. You’d know if you missed the target,” Millie reassured.

“Birch would have been here before us if he heard,” Amber re-reassured.

“So don’t worry! Good call, by the way! We heard it loud and clear!” Millie re-reassured.

“But anyway, did you need something specific?” they eerily asked together.

Ok their perfect synchronicity is a bit creepy at times but I don’t think I’ll ever have the heart to tell them that. It was also hard not to smile at it.

“Ah, well, I kind of just wanted to practice the magic thingie again, but also I kind of need help brushing my-”

“R-Reporting for duty!”

All three of us turned to stare in surprise at the mousy maid who had just darted into the room and inserted herself between Amber and Millie. She seemed a bit disheveled and was clearly in a rush.

She readjusted her glasses and spoke with trembling nerves. “Y-You, um, summoned me, L-Lady O’Sang?”

I think I was a bit off target.

“Meredith? Err, uh, well, yes and no, and uh…?”

She gave me this pleading look upon speaking her name, almost as if she’s just begging to be useful in some way. I don’t have the heart to tell her to leave.

“Y-Yeah!” I answered. “Think you can help me brush my hair?”

“Of course!” she squeaked. She scurried over to the desk, retrieved a brush, and started doing as I asked. Though she was impossibly nervous, she did so without hesitation. She seemed pretty good at it, too. I think.

Amber and Millie just shrugged at each other, smiling and watching.

“We’ll escort you to breakfast after she’s done,” they explained. “Lady Magnolia awaits you.”

I smiled and gave them a cute little thumbs up in acknowledgement.

Moments later, Meredith had finished. I was genuinely impressed with her work, too.

“Wow! Thank you, Meredith!”

Her eyes sparkled with pride derived from being useful. “N-No, thank you! It was an honor to brush Lady O’Sang’s hair!”

“Ahaha… T-Thanks,” I responded. I never ever thought someone would consider it an honor to brush my hair.

Then it got awkward when I realized she was waiting for more orders.

“Uhh… that’s all I, um, needed from you. Sorry. I-I mean, thank you!”

“O-Oh. Oh! Ok. O-Okay…” she said, slowly backing towards the door, her hesitance to leave clear.

“You can, uh… go back to your other duties now. Thanks. Again,” I said.

“R-Right. Sorry,” she said, still very, very hesitant. “Right.”

Then she left, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I feel bad for her, but that was so awkward.

“Ready?” Amber and Millie asked.

“Yeah, sorry,” I apologized as I followed them out the door and into the hallway. Meredith was already out of sight. She’s pretty fast.

“It’s no problem!” Amber said. “She’s new here.”

“Yeah,” Millie affirmed, “like today new.”

“Really? But wasn’t she here yesterday?” I justifiably questioned.

“She was,” Amber started, “but usually she handles some other work for Lady Magnolia. She moved in permanently last night.”

“So, like, not new to working for the O’Sangs,” Millie started to clarify, “but new to working here as a maid.”

“Oh,” I oh’d. I hope she enjoys being here. I do.

As the two escorted me downstairs and to the second floor, I was blown away by how different it was. There were… people! People everywhere! Ok, not everywhere, but it seemed so lively all of a sudden! Some servants were carrying crates of supplies from one room to another, others were carrying plates of food into others, but there were also quite a few simply walking by!

“Lady O’Sang,” one said with a polite bow.

“My Lady,” another said with a nod and a smile as she passed by.

“Good morning, Lady O’Sang,” a third waved as he carried off a plate of breakfast to another room.

Each time it happened, I felt this tingly warmth in my belly. It felt so unbelievably pleasant to have other people just… just talk to me! To care about my presence and really take notice! Being called a lady put a clear grin on my face, too. Well, it deepened it at least.

“T-They really took my accidental request to heart, didn’t they?” I asked.

“We did,” Amber smiled.

“But where are they all going with the food? And the other stuff? And…?”

“We all live here, too, Lil’,” Millie reminded me. “When one of us doesn’t have a shift, we serve the others. It’s like a happy little community between all of us.”

“Yeah,” Amber added, “think of Manor O’Sang as the hub area through which lots of other O’Sang affiliated locations are connected. Like you heard last night, we all do more than just cleaning and serving food.”

“Wow…” I said in astonishment. Oh, I feel so excited just thinking about it all!

My giddiness aside, we made our way down to the first floor, which was just as lively as the second! I saw a few servants heading towards the lounge room and some heading towards the garden. As we passed it, I even caught a glance of some working outside! My smile just kept widening and widening!

Oh, and the appetizing smell of breakfast was growing stronger and stronger as we approached the dining room door! Mmmm… and blood, too! It has this distinct smell similar to a sweet perfume, yet… oddly succulent. Its aroma is heavy like honey and rich like jasmine. But it’s light, too, like a faint spring breeze… it’s just impossibly perfect. I guess it has to be otherwise I’d never crave it.

It was enough to turn my walk into a slightly faster paced skip. Amber and Millie noticed and smiled at the sight. I could feel that they were certainly sharing in my vibrancy, like many of the other servants seemed to. Everything just felt so right! Everything felt happy.

I even took the initiative to push open the door! The leafless oak symbol was split down the middle as I pressed against it, and I was rather surprised at how heavy it was. But it wasn’t heavy enough to stop me!

Amber and Millie beamed with pride as they continued to watch me enter, though they stayed behind. Presumably to stand at the ready outside of the room.

With a few firm steps and light clicks of my heel, I was standing proud before the breakfast table and before…

“Mother!’ I beamed happily upon noticing her sitting at the far end across the table, as she usually did. “How are you…?”

After a short delay, she stopped staring at the table and noticed me. She smiled. “Ah, good morning. Please, take a seat for breakfast.”

Her eyes returned to staring at the table, and it went deathly silent.


I had closed the distance, and she didn’t realize it until I was already at her side. She was so out of it that I startled her. She simply… stared at me, shocked and surprised. There was a weight behind her eyes and an unmistakable aura of gloom. She looked so… different. She looked so tired and sad. No, up this close, I could tell she was sad, and in fact…

She had been crying.

Without a moment of hesitation, I leaned over and embraced her in a gentle, comforting hug. I asked the only thing I could think of.

“Are you okay, mommy?”

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