Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

096. Adam and Dark Harvest

Sorry about the delayed chapter. I'll be getting a few chapters ahead so this doesn't happen again! Th-this time I mean it!

Come join my Discord! It's pretty dead but I want it to be alive, just like Adam.



“What a beautiful sword,” Klara said as she carried it. The group were walking together, with Typ up ahead keeping an eye out, and Hisan bringing up the rear.

“It is, isn’t it?” Adam replied. “Karasmith made it before she was a Runesmith. Well, she made it as part of her ritual to become a Runesmith.”

“It is a great prize,” Klara said, nodding her head. Her eyes remained on the sword for some time, scanning along the runes and then the metal. She eventually returned the blade to the half-elf. “I wonder why so many people have taken an interest in you…”

Adam decided to not reply, he didn’t want to give anyone else any more than he already had. After a few moments he realised he had already told them so much after waking up from his near-death experience.

“It’s probably due to all of my abilities.” Adam sighed.

“Your abilities? I recall you mentioned you were able to cast Fireball.”

“I can,” Adam replied.

“Yet they gave you a blade instead?”

“I’m pretty good with a sword too.”

“How good?”

Adam thought about it. “Enough to beat a Chief in blade to blade combat.”

“That is very good,” Klara said, her eyes sparkling as she leered at the half-elf. “I wonder, what else are you keeping from us?”

Adam sighed again, his shoulders falling. “I’m fairly good with divine spells as well, such as…” He checked a few of the spells at his disposal. “Spectral Sentinels,” he said, though checked his other spells. He had forgotten that he had the ability to Create Food and Water. It would have been useful on the journey so far.

“Spectral Sentinels? Are you certain?” Klara asked.

“I’m certain. I’ve used it a few times already.”

Her eyes only sparkled further, but a voice cut through the air. “Don’t listen to him,” Hisan said. “He’s trying to show off so he can join our party.”

“Who wants to join your party?” Adam asked, looking back at him. “I was invited to be a temporary member. I don’t plan on staying with you. Once I meet with the giants, we’ll part ways.”

“Good,” Hisan growled back. “We don’t need free-loaders.”

Adam’s brow twitched, but he remained silent. “Is he always like that?”

“He is,” Klara replied with a soft smile painted on her lips. “Don’t worry, he’s good at heart.”

“I’m sure he is,” Adam replied dryly.

They continued to trek through the snow, the large walls blocking out any light which could come down from above them. Adam glanced back towards Typ, who was a halfzer. “How is she able to see?” he asked.

“Monks,” Klara replied back simply.

Adam wasn’t entirely sure if that was meant to answer his question. He wasn’t sure if Monks were able to walk around with the ability to see in the dark, unless she had gained a special insight in another way?

Finally they veered into a large tunnel, one which expanded out further in into several rooms. The rooms were large, giant sized, and were covered in runes along the bottom of the walls. There were a few bedrolls strewn about, as well as some personal effects nearby as well.

“We’ve been staying here for some time,” Klara said.

“Exploring the ruins to see if we can find-“

“Typ!” Hisan exclaimed.

“What?” Typ pouted. “He’s one of us now, we might as well tell him our task.”

Hisan looked to the others before he walked to his bedroll and sat down on it.

“We’re currently investigating the ruins here to see if they have anything to do with the new ruins popping up near the south,” Typ said. “So far we haven’t found anything that’s connected them yet.”

“What could have caused the ruins to appear?” Adam asked.

“A large influx of magic,” she said. “It’s a near unprecedented amount. Usually only a handful of ruins will pop up in the country, but recently there have been more popping up every week or so.”

“Golems have awakened too,” Klara said. “We assume they are related, but we aren’t entirely certain.”

Adam nodded his head, reaching up to hold his chin as though he was deep in thought. He wasn’t deep in thought, he just realised that he was probably the reason for the ruins appearing. He had been reincarnated into this world, and Belle had also intervened right after, and then there was Bandlor, who had tried to take on an avatar form, all of this within a few months of each other. He narrowed his eyes as his brow began to sweat.

“This sounds very troublesome,” Adam said, trying to steer the conversation away. “How long have you been here?”

“A few weeks,” Klara replied. “We finished with the special quest from earlier and then made our way north. We were tasked with finding more about the ruins and to investigate how far it’s reached. If the north is affected, then we know that this is a serious matter.”

“Has it been affected?”

“The effects are yet to be seen,” Klara replied.

“Hmm, hmm.” Adam nodded, trying his best to seem like he was thinking deeply about the situation. He needed to find another way to deflect the suspicion away from him.

“It’s lucky you arrived when you did,” Typ said, smiling up at him. “We found the entrance to a place. We were going to check it out, but we decided to leave it for the moment to explore more around the area.”

Klara nodded. “With you here, it will be much easier for us to tackle the dungeon.”

A dungeon? Adam’s ears twitched and he straightened up. “It’s unfortunate that I don’t have my die or my amulet.” Adam frowned.

“You need to channel your magic through some foci…” Klara then reached into her pack to reveal an amulet, one that held the stylised symbol of Sozain. “I keep a few extra in case I need to make a deal with someone.” A smile painted across her face, though there was a darkness in her eyes.

Adam accepted the amulet tentatively, unsure of whether he should trust the woman.

“Do you need a spell focus for your arcane spells as well?” Tyg asked.

“Yeah, I lost my die.” Adam frowned. The die had been something he had carried with him since his first die. “I’ll try and find it one day.”

“We can return to where we found you and then locate it once we’ve explored the dungeon,” Klara offered.

“For now,” Tyg said, reaching into her own pack, “use this!” She revealed a wand made of bone. “We carry it around in case we find a wizard who needs help.”

“We’ll expect you to pay us for it,” Klara said.

“I don’t really have any coins with me.” Adam realised he had very little with him. Even his trusty shield was nearly damaged beyond repair. “It’s a good thing I didn’t lose my sword at least.”

“Don’t worry,” Klara said with a smirk. “We’ll make you pay with your body.”

Adam raised his brows at the woman as he took the wand from the halfzer. With the amulet and the wand he’d be able to cast many of his spells, but unfortunately he would be unable to change his Wizard spells since he didn’t have his spellbook. That was an expensive loss…

“Don’t be so down,” Tyg said. “You’re part of our group now, don’t let anyone get you down.”

“Keep your chin up,” Inga said with her deep voice. “Don’t embarrass us.”

“Leave him alone,” Klara said, stepping between them and then brushing Adam’s hair. “He almost died. He needs some time to himself.”

“I should get used to almost dying,” Adam said. “I think it’s going to be a part of my future.” He rubbed his forehead.

“Sounds like you’ve gotten yourself into some trouble.”

“Something like that. I’m always in trouble.”

“Isn’t that your fault.”

“I wasn’t blaming you.”

Klara frowned but then quickly smiled. “Well, we’re here to lend an ear if you need us.”

“Don’t worry about me,” Adam replied, sitting down in a corner. “Give me a good night’s rest and then I’ll help you conquer the dungeon with you.”

“You say you have divine abilities. Which divine abilities?” Klara’s eyes gleamed again in anticipation.

Adam thought about it for a moment before his eyes fell down to meet her gaze. “I know the Priestly kind and the Guardian kind.”

“Both?” Klara asked, and Adam noted Hisan’s eyes fall across him.

“Both,” Adam replied.

“Who is it that you dedicate your abilities to?”

“My divine abilities go to Sozain. I follow the Underworld tradition.”

Klara’s eyes gleamed even harder as she then dropped down and clasped his hands with her own. “Finally! One of my cloth!”

Adam stared up at her in surprise as she took his hands. The look in her eyes were vicious and he suddenly understood what he had gotten himself into. He tried to look at the others for help, but Klara’s face blocked his view of the others. Then she began to talk his ear off for the next few hours, delaying his rest.

I am still going to post an extra chapter for each new Patron!  | Come join my Discord too!

Make sure you check out Wayfinder by TheRottingBard! He's sent a lot of love over and he's currently on Rising Stars!

What has Adam gotten himself into?

A dungeon next chapter?!

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