Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

095. Adam and Dying


He's dead. Rip. Check out my new work, "Below Average" coming out in 1 week.



The blackness was a void he continued to fall in. He was dying, that was for certain. This felt so different to his first death, and yet he could remember it so clearly now, though he could not explain the feeling. 

He had so much he wanted to do in this world. He had already thought about wanting to smith, but he didn’t want to smith just a weapon, but his armour too. He had the ability to do both, and he wanted to deck himself out with a variety of equipment he had crafted himself. 

He wanted to see Sonarot again. She had taken such good care of him, and he had lost much of the guilt from the death of Jurot due to her tender concern. Then there was Lanarot, her daughter and the sister of Jurot. He had yet to hand them a gift, a gift to protect the girl, so Sonarot could have peace in her mind. An axe, one which evolved with the child and designed to protect her. The vampiric enchantment, of course, and he’d make sure that it had the ability to channel other types of healing for her too. 

Death Save

He wanted to see Entalia, even if she was a little too much for his liking. She was a playful friend, one he had come to enjoy the company of, and one he had sworn a promise to. He should have talked to her more to learn more about her. She had been slightly secretive, but if he had made an earnest effort, he could have broken through her barriers to learn more about herself. She was a dragon, too, one of the most fantastical creatures in the world, a creature he had always been interested in. He wanted to know about her, and other dragons, and other creatures which were similar. She had assisted him too, even if the price had been vague and steep. 

Joti as well, who he hadn’t really gotten to know during their journey together. The dark north, where one could always die at any moment, where they needed to keep their wits about themselves. He was a Chief, someone many people respected. He seemed to be a decent enough man too, one who was level headed and calm. He had shouldered much responsibility on his shoulders, especially during the journey, where he had chanted the entire time, and took it upon himself to carve into the stones. 

He had only recently formed a relationship with Sera and Karasmith too, and Gant was only recently worming his way into the half-elf’s heart. Sera had been the cheekiest giant he had met, and Karasmith had created him the blade, which she had entrusted to him, even asking him to help in the forging of it.

Death Save

Then there was Elowen, the Lady of Sansant, a half-elf of one of the oldest families in the elven world. She was currently in the north, waiting with the giants. She would have been a great ally, though he had been rather rude in front of Aksak. 

Her party was currently resting with the little merman princess. Ylra, who had offered him an expensive arrow. Then Redboulder, who had offered him a sword, which he kept at his side. Then there was Rojer, who wanted to trade spells, something Adam was keen to do. 

Then there was the young princess, who had yet to return to her home, and had lost so much time due to her curse. Adam was worried about her still, and wondered whether she’d return home finally. 

Death Save

What of Paul? The Vice Master had been kind to Adam, and he could only hope that the older man was well. How was the guild doing? 

Did the illusive Guild Master return? Would he ever meet the Guild Master? He couldn’t die before introducing himself, that would be extremely rude of him. 

Then there was James, who was such a hard worker. Adam could only wonder about his tragic backstory, for he assumed the boy had a dark past. 

Death Save

“Wake up," called a voice. "Wake up, boy."

Adam's eyes flashed open, the blurry shapes and figures all forming together before separating. He saw four heads above him, each peering down as though he was a strange beast from a faraway land. 

As his vision came together, he stared up at the four blurry forms. They came into focus, slowly forming into solid shapes.

"Arya?" Adam called out, trying to sit up before he felt the pain tearing through his body. 

“Arya?” called the voice. The figure formed into something more concrete. She was a giant woman of some kind, though her features were quite pretty. Her skin wasn’t quite the same as a human though, more silver in complexion. Her hair was copper-blonde, and her eyes were even brighter, though she wore dark armour with an even darker heavy cloak. She had a large shield at her back, one of those shields which was long, as though the shield had been stretched, and cut flat at the top, which he could spy the edges of, and at her side was a sword that was purple and black. Her mithril tag was right beside her holy amulet, that of a skull, though it was stylised, with what looked like a throne around the skull.

Adam recognised her after a moment and his eyes flashed wide, checking each of the members of the party. There was the board shouldered devilkin, skin as red as flowing blood. Right beside him was the halfzer, a small woman in her mid-thirties, with her hands and feet wrapped in bandages, and her sandal boots which went up to her knees. Then there was the half-orc woman, with her thick furs and bits of scale, and a greataxe made of something dark on her back. Each wore mithril tags, the same tags they had worn the last time Adam had met them.

"Wait a second," Adam groaned quietly. "I know you." Though his mind was hazy, he was beginning to remember everything. The icewyrms, the giants, the fall.

"Quiet, boy, or you'll hurt yourself," the devilkin man said. "Trust our luck to babysit now that we're so close."

"Leave it,” the beautiful fey-giant said. “He is here now, and there's not much we can do about it. What are you doing here?" 

Adam lay there, panting for air. "I was hunting an icewyrm with the giants. We got caught and I split from them.”

“Hunting icewyrms?” the devilkin said. “You?”

Adam removed his helmet and then looked up at the man. “Yeah, me.” He reached up to his face and then rubbed it gently. 

32 -> 30
Cure Wounds
2D6 + 4 = 11 (3, 4)
1 -> 12

“Heal,” Adam called out as he rubbed his forehead, the healing magic flowing through his veins as parts of his body snapped together. He coughed in pain as he rolled onto his side. 

“You’re the boy from that time,” the devilkin said. “Fireball boy.” 

“Yeah, and you’re the one who was acting all rude in front of Paul,” Adam replied. “What are you guys doing here?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“I told you mind, it’s only fair.”

“Life isn’t fair.”

“No, I suppose not.” Adam then rolled back onto his back and he looked up at the four forms which formed the Dark Harvest adventuring party. “So, are you going to kill me?” His eyes fell to the woman with the symbol of Sozain.

“There is a time and place for the death of others, but if you ask me politely…” Her face formed a wickedly beautiful smile.

“I don’t think I want to go and see Sozain right now,” Adam said. “He’d be far too disappointed in me.” Adam looked around himself to see his sword was many metres away from him, right behind the adventuring group. The half-orc woman shook her head at him. 

“It’s not like you can do anything in your state,” the devilkin man said.

“Excuse me, I suppose I didn’t introduce myself.” Adam crawled towards the wall and then propped himself up against it. “I’m Adam.”

“Klara,” the woman with the amulet said.

“Inga,” the half-orc said. 

“Typ!” the halfzer said with a wide grin. 

“Hisan,” the devilkin said, surprising Adam. 

“Nice to meet you all.” Adam looked around to find his pack and then his die. “Have you seen my backpack?”

“We haven’t seen it around,” Klara said. She looked to Typ, who shook her head. “Let’s return to what happened to you. Can you tell us everything?”

Adam began to speak to them about the giants and why he was going out with them. They paid attention to him. Their faces remained relatively still throughout his explanation. 

“You fought a Chief?” Klara asked. “And you won?”

“Well, he didn’t use magic,” Adam replied as diplomatically as he could, smiling nervously. “It was pretty rough.”

“Nice scar,” Hisan said.

“Thanks.” Adam narrowed his eyes. 

Hisan looked to the others, who all were giving him a certain look. Hisan then turned around and walked off, sighing.

Adam looked at the rest, raising his brow at them. “What happened?”

“Seems like you’re our fifth member, temporarily.” Klara extended her hand out. “Welcome.”

“Excuse me?”



I am still going to post an extra chapter for each new Patron!  | Come join my Discord too!

Make sure you check out Wayfinder by TheRottingBard! He's sent a lot of love over and he's currently on Rising Stars!

Oh. I guess he's not dead?

I guess I'm going to keep writing this...


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