Chapter 191: 3 Birds One Rio
I had just returned from settling the Great Protector of Ta Lo in her new home on Gaia. Dealing with the Dweller-in-Darkness was extremely easy. I just evacuated the area to prevent the soul eaters from feeding the Dweller-in-Darkness then each Soul Eater that left was cleansed by Dawnbreaker. By the time the Dweller-in-Darkness got out, he had no followers and was easy to finish off using a few dozen traps. The Great Protector, whose real name is Lokvu, was happy to join me once I dealt with her prisoner. Apparently, she signed a contract a long time ago with a sorcerer but was tricked into guarding the Dweller-in-Darkness until they died. But she was too weak to kill them by herself so she was forced to wait for one who could complete her task.
'I am sure she will get along with Durnehviir. They share a similar past, what with being tricked into a deal that they cannot complete.'
With her permission, I sold the Dimension of Ta Lo and everything it contained. It got me 200 Million System Points which is pretty great. My next task was to deal with an annoying couple of magic users. Rasputin and Morgana are attempting to get into the Crystal Imperium to kill the monarchs of their respective home countries. I needed both of them alive for now so I just needed to scare them off. Which is easy since neither of them are working together.
'Rasputin can be first.'
I teleport to where Rasputin is hiding which was Iceland and watch as he does a song number. I had to admit it was a catchy song.
(AN: Play In The Dark Of The Night on YouTube you can use either the Animatic by Ink Potts and the version by Prue126. Either one is good. )
Rasputin: "In the dark of the night, I was tossing and turning.
And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be. It scared me out of my wits. A corpse falling to bits! Then I opened my eyes, and the nightmare was... me!"
I see several undead approach him.
Rasputin: "I was once the most mystical man in all Russia. "
Undead: "Ooorahoo."
Rasputin: "When the royals betrayed me, they made a mistake! "
Undead: "Ooorahoo."
Rasputin: "My curse made each of them pay. But one little girl got away! Little Anya, beware, Rasputin's awake!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night, evil will find her. In the dark of the night, just before dawn. Aah..."
Rasputin: "Revenge will be sweet!"
Everyone: "When the curse is complete!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night!"
Rasputin: "She'll be gone!"
He pauses and raises more undead.
Rasputin: "I can feel that my powers are slowly returning! Tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell! As the pieces fall into place.
I'll see her crawl into place! Dasvidanya, Anya, your grace, farewell!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night, terror will find her!"
Rasputin: "Terror's the least I can do!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night, evil will brew. Ooh!"
Everyone: "Soon, she will feel!"
Rasputin: "That her nightmares are real!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night!"
Rasputin: "She'll be through!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night, evil will find her!"
Zombie Mage: "Find her!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night, terror comes true!"
Zombie Mage: "Doom her!"
Rasputin: "My dear, here's a sign..."
Everyone: "It's the end of the line!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night. In the dark of the night."
Rasputin: "Come, my minions. Rise for your master. Let your evil shine!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night. In the dark of the night."
Rasputin: "Find her now, yes! Fly ever faster!"
Undead: "In the dark of the night. In the dark of the night. In the dark of the night..."
Rasputin: "She'll be mine!"
'I should step in before he sends his army of undead to attack the Imperium.'
Clap Clap Clap...
Rasputin: "What? Who's there?!"
Rio: "That was a nice song. But unfortunately, you are threatening my citizens and I don't like that so you and your army are going to have to be dealt with."
Rasputin: "You! But how?! This place is protected by numerous wards. I would have detected you were coming."
Rio: "That magic was child's play to get past. You are nearly 100 years out of date on magic."
I was talking to him while I prepared a massive spell that should wipe out all of these undead at once.
Rasputin: "I don't care if you are a god. Nothing will prevent me from getting my revenge. The Tsar's family will pay for what they did to me."
Rio: "A shame I was somewhat hoping you could be reasoned with but oh well."
'Widen Magic Holy Smite.'
A bright beam of white light is expelled from my horn and connects with the numerous runes I had set up while we were talking causing the spell to duplicate itself numerous times and instantly purge the undead in the cave. Including Rasputin.
[Undead Slain x 364 + 3740 XP ]
[Undead Lich Rasputin Slain + 10000 XP]
[Level Up]
[Level: 138]
HP: 6400 (Endurance x 10 )
SP: 153600 (Endurance x Agility/2 )
MP: 24650 (Intelligence x 50)
Strength: 298 (+50%) = 447
Perception: 310
Endurance: 320 (+100%) = 640
Charisma: 310 (+100%) = 620
Intelligence: 493
Agility: 320 (+50%) = 480
Luck: 300 (+150%) = 750
Stat Points: 65
Ultra Instinct lvl: 11/100
Leadership lvl: 98/100
Bending lvl: 63/100
Grants The User The Ability To Bend Materials With The Use Of Stamina Or Mana. Improves The Power Of Bending By 126%. Decreases Cost Of Bending By 63%. To Increase The Level Of The Skill The User Must Learn More Bending Styles.
Acting lvl: 39/100
[Nature's Blessing
Nature will be naturally friendly with the user and will come to the user's aid should they be attacked. The user can no longer be lost while in the wilderness. Grants a passive 25% Increase in all stats while in the wilderness. Nature will try to help the user with finding what they are looking for when possible. Can cause Disney Princess Syndrome, where random animals will help the user at random and may sing for them. ]
'I have made lots of progress on my stats. I feel I am so close to something but I am not sure what. I have hit a roadblock when it comes to Bending. Water Bending has barely progressed and Air Bending is very slow to improve. It's nice to see the blessing increase in power. The Guide to Environmental Preservation was a pretty good read. Ultra Instinct is being a pain to increase but I guess that is to be expected. Leadership should be maxed out soon and Acting is increasing very quickly. Speaking of acting Chrysalis has a school play next week. I need to remember to record that. Now, let's deal with Morgana.'
Finding her is thankfully as easy as Rasputin. Morgana is living on the island of Île de Batz. When I arrived she wasn't singing which was too bad as I figured she would have a good singing voice. For my attack this time I wasn't going to talk with her as she is a legitimate threat. I started by using Auriel's Bow at full charge and shooting it right at her house.
She survives the attack but is thrown from her home.
Morgana: "Eugh!"
She is only hurt a little bit but that is to be expected given her weakened but not powerless state.
Morgana: "What do I owe the pleasure of you dropping by my humble home?"
Rio: "You are targeting my subject's life. Thus I am dealing with the problem."
I nock another arrow and launch it. She dodges it but it can never miss so she gets hit by another arrow. By the time she had 5 arrows sticking out of her, she had completed her spell. I let her cast the spell as I knew it wasn't dangerous to me. The spell was an Emergency Recall Spell. It transports her to a safe location where she will be safe to recover from her wounds. Once she leaves I put away the bow and leave the area.
'That should get the ball rolling for our future plans.'
Defeating both Rasputin and Morgana but not killing them was on purpose. Now Charmcaster can bring them together to create an alliance to first deal with Agatha and then me. This means I will know what they are planning and I can also hopefully use them to get rid of threats I don't like having but don't want to deal with myself. Like Heaven. Charmcaster will be a part of the group as she will have 'lost' her home to the Crystal Imperium.
'I need to send Charmcaster the message to try and start gathering them into the new group.'
Once I sent the message I went to do some additional training as I was very close to 300 and above in all my stats. That and I was avoiding the Palace. As I felt like I was being watched there but I couldn't figure out why.
'Maybe it's Commie ghosts what don't know they're dead. Hoping to steal our rockets so they can fly up and paint the moon pink and draw a Lenin face on it.'
Or I am being paranoid and nothing is watching me.
Authors Note:
I decided to not go too in-depth about Ta Lo because I haven't seen the Ten Rings Movie and don't want to watch it. That and I know the Dweller-in-Darkness in the MCU is far weaker than the comics version. Dawn Breaker would be enough to deal with it and infinite prep time means you can beat anything. The next chapter will be Hydra's takeover and the start of the Second American Civil War. Until next time Ciao.