Begin Again In Marvel

Chapter 190: Underworld Movements

POV Kingpin

Petrel: "So how goes business, Mr. Fisk?"

I look at the representative from Team Rocket and just sigh.

Kingpin: "Not the greatest. The resource crisis has hit much of the underworld markets hard. The Drug Trade has seen a massive drop. A disease is affecting the plant that Cocaine is made from. Similar things are happening to Opium and Marijuana. That, combined with the massive increase in transportation costs, and not much of the drug trade is as profitable. Then, Addictol and the Cleansing Chair have reduced the addicted market. What about Team Rocket? I have heard that the Crystal Imperium has no crime."

Petrel: "We have lost all resources in the territories that the Crystal Imperium has taken over. We lost all our agents and contacts overnight. We only have control over Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, and Egypt. Everywhere else, Hydra or the Ten Rings has pushed us out. Well, in the case of the Ten Rings, we made a deal with them, so it's more or less what is expected. As such, that is why I was told to let you know. The Second US Civil War is coming, and you better remove your people from these states. Or else they will likely be lost."

I look at the map, and I am shocked at how many states seem to be joining the Crystal Imperium instead of one of the 2 factions.

Kingpin: "Is this info accurate?"

Petrel: "Yep, and before you think about selling this info, don't. It cost us a lot to get this info, and if someone else learns of this, then the Crystal Imperium will track down the leak, and we won't protect you. So it is suggested to quietly withdraw your people from those states."

Kingpin: "Thank you for the information. But I have to ask why you give this info. You could have kept this to yourself and it would have crippled me."

Petrel: "The Boss wants me to tell you that we are getting out of the game. We have enough money to live the rest of our lives in comfort. So we are getting out while we are ahead. Most of our members will be joining Team Galactic. Those that remain will be put in retirement. You have been loyal, and the boss wanted to reward such loyalty with this info. If you need anything else from us in the future, it will cost you. But you don't owe us anything anymore. Including Tribute."

I was shocked that they were giving up just like that.

Kingpin: "I am sorry to hear you go, but congratulate you for getting out without being caught. If I do ever need anything from you, how should I contact you?"

He tosses me a phone.

Petrel: "That phone is encrypted and only has one number on it. Use it if you want to contact us. Oh, and before I go, I have one other piece of advice. Don't mess with the Crystal Imperium. Also, be wary of Hydra and the Ten Rings. The world has been split into 3. Between the 3 powers I just mentioned. Carefully consider which side you choose. Or stay neutral."

Kingpin: "Thank you for your assistance, and please take this gift to Giovanni. As a final thank you gift."

I hand him a case that contains 2 bars of Gold that I have managed to scrape together. I hoped it would please them to ensure that even though our deal has ended, we could still be allies. He thanks me and leaves. I lean back in my chair and think.

'Maybe I should get out of the game as well. The world is a mess. If this map is accurate, less than half of the US will be a place I can operate in. Combined with the increased costs of transportation, it is starting to be harder to maintain control. I will lose a lot of business from the coming war. Maybe I should shift my business to arms trade and smuggling.'

Kingpin: "Tombstone."

Tombstone: "Yes, boss."

Kingpin: "I want you to oversee some moves we need to be done quietly. See to it that if someone interferes, they don't live to report about it."

Tombstone: "Yes, boss."

'I need to get more muscle. The only ones that I know about are Taskmaster, Kraven, Black Panther, and some guy calling himself Mysterio. Hydra takes the first 3, and the last one is too much of an unknown to be hired. I could hire some ICA mercs. That might have to do for now.'

I look at a report that makes me confused.

Kingpin: "Clowns?"

POV Underboss

Underboss: "Hey boss, the stuff is moved. Are you sure we have to leave New York? We were almost the rulers of this city."

Boss: "I am most certain. The Crystal Imperium will be taking this city, and I know they don't catch and release. So yes, we will be moving to a city where we can have more fun."

Underboss: "But what about Kingpin?"

Boss: "Don't you worry your little head. I have a plan to deal with Kingpin. The real problem we might have is the Boy Wonder and his playmates. I would rather have a real fight, but the kids might be an annoyance. So, for now, we stay low until this entire country starts killing each other. Then we can strike and make the entire war one big joke. Ehehehehe! Ehehehe! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!"

(AN: Play Joker Laughing on YouTube for the exact laugh. It makes me want to laugh, as well. )

I laugh with the Boss, knowing that it's best to go along with it rather than be caught not laughing. I still remember when Jimmy wasn't laughing and the boss used that gas. It sends a shiver down my spine.

'That smile. I will never forget it. I wish I hadn't gotten involved with the Joker Gang, but it's too late now.'

Joker: "Now, let's get a move on. We don't want to get caught by the Imperium."

I get in the van, and we start driving to our next destination. New Jersey.

POV Pierce

Pierce: "Project Insight is still 2 months away from completion. But Liberty Prime is expected to be operational in only a few weeks."

Zola: "We will need to use our orbital platform to destroy Liberty Prime if we cannot obtain it for ourselves."

Whitehall: "We cannot risk Liberty Prime being operational during the Civil War. It would crush our puppets in the South. Not to mention the Enclave is clearly on the side of the government."

Zola: "I have looked for the Enclave, and while I can ascertain that they exist, I have found almost nothing indicating who they would side with. What I have found suggests they are a shadow government made to take over in the case of a nuclear war or total societal collapse."

Pierce: "I have seen the tests of Liberty Prime. It can easily destroy the Helicarriers. I agree with Whitehall; it must be destroyed before it becomes a problem."

Stryker: "My research will not be able to fight against Liberty Prime. Thus, I must vote to destroy Liberty Prime before it is too late."

Zola: "We would have to move up our plans. Director Fury and his agents will need to be dealt with before we can use the Orbital Weapons Platform. We would likely only have one shot at it before our enemies destroy the Satellite."

Pierce: "Liberty Prime is being constructed under the Pentagon. If we launch the attack right after the President is assassinated, we could greatly empower our puppets."

Whitehall: "That's if we succeed. I have recieved info that Agent 47 is working to stop our plans."

Stryker: "So, he is just one man. The ICA is impressive, I will admit that, but he is just a human. My experiments will make quick work of him."

Zola: "Those things are not ready for deployment. And do not underestimate the ICA or Agent 47. I have collected a list of possible targets he has eliminated. Each and everyone was eliminated without any traces left behind. Most were not ruled as murder. Instead just accidents. I have almost no doubt that he is equal or superior to the Winter Soldier. Which I might remind you, we have lost all samples of doing your foolish attempt on the Crystal Imperium's leader's life."

Whitehall: "Yes, perhaps it was a mistake, but the end result is that we now know that we shouldn't attempt to fight them until we are ready."

Zola: "Which will not be for another hundred years or more. Based on my calculations, they are far too ahead of us in terms of every measurable factor. Even Project Insight is nothing more than a minor annoyance to them."

We all go silent, thinking about how to respond to that.

Pierce: "Let's table that topic for now. Instead, let's talk about what would happen if we fail to assassinate the President. If that happens, we will still destroy the Pentagon. And Liberty Prime with it. We should then simultaneously eliminate Fury and his loyalists. If we use 80% of the weapons on the satellite, we should be able to guarantee the destruction of Liberty Prime. With the last 20%, we should eliminate as many military facilities in Washington as possible. Our agents will eliminate any leaders we can and facilitate the desertion of any loyal to the South's cause."

Stryker: "What if your agents fail to eliminate Fury and his loyalists?"

Pierce: "If they fail, it won't matter. I know Fury well enough that he will go into hiding and regroup. I will make sure he can't tell it is Shield doing the attack. As for his loyalists, he has only 4 or 5 of them. I have hired Widowmaker to eliminate Natasha. Barton will be dealt with by Taskmaster. Fury will have to deal with Kraven. Coulson, May, and Hendricks will be dealt with by our agents. If they somehow survive all that, then we will only have to wait for them to come to us. Project Insight is too dangerous for them to ignore. Their hero complexes will force them to try and stop us."

Whitehall: "What about Tony Stark?"

Pierce: "Mr. Stark will be busy dealing with the Ten Rings in Afghanistan. Some intelligence will accidentally be leaked to Stark, suggesting that the Ten Rings are planning something big. Thus, Mr. Stark, with his history, will not ignore such information and will be out of the country when the plan is executed."

Zola: "I will also be monitoring Mr. Stark and making sure we learn if he comes into contact with Fury. But given their strained relationship, Mr. Stark will be less willing to assist Fury."

Whitehall: "And if the Crystal Imperium gets involved?"

Zola: "Then we fight to the death and let 2 take our place."

We end the meeting, and I start ensuring our plan succeeds without any issues. I try to get Killmonger on board to improve our odds of success.


Authors Note:

The reason why Nick Valentine wasn't mentioned was because he lives in the Crystal Imperium and isn't a full member of the Avengers. Also, yes, The Joker was summoned via the Mystery Box from several chapters ago. This is the DCAU version. Team Rocket is retiring because they have done what Rio needed them to do, and now they can be retired. Liberty Prime won't be destroyed, but instead, Rio will put it into his inventory right before the Pentagon is annihilated. Until next time Ciao.

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