Be my slave for a night

Chapter 15: Restrained flirting

After last night's altercation with Benedict, and in an attempt to avoid her girlfriend's relentless questions, Angela snuck out before the girls could wake up.

Using a 5 am bus, she arrived at her desk before the company's official opening time.

Yet trying to distract her thoughts with work, Benedict’s re-appearance in her life raised a concern toward Angela's fragile heart.

After peeping from underneath her lashes to see the way Rex had defeated her ex, Angela wished she knew which motive, brought the CEO down to their street last night.

Oh, how insanely pleasurable it would be if Rex hadn't dropped at her home by sheer coincidence.

Conflicted between the negativity of Benedict’s entrance and Rex's mixed display of emotions, Angela gets startled the moment his voice looms over her desk.

“What are you doing reporting into the office today?”.

“Huh?” Angela had replied. She came into the office to toil for an earlier effort. Being newly hired into an already successful company, in her perception, entails adding a meaningful impact to the team's long-term goals.

But why is he getting upset instead of being thrilled to find an employee dedicated enough to arrive this early to their post?

“Stand from the seat,” he requested.

Alright, he's flirting with me, Angela thought. Just yesterday he had asked her not to assume things about them, between the same day, and today he tends to her more than what is presumably normal from a boss to an employee.

“I meant now,” Rex needlessly barked. Still, his composure he retained, very much surprising Angela. Bringing her eyes upwards to meet with his intelligent but fierce at that very moment sights, the assistant immediately rushed to save her progress on the laptop.

Again, Angela is perplexed when he reaches out, to carry her handbag. The confident CEO placed the female leather on his shoulder. Angela only had a brief moment to register the scene’s shock before finding her hands glued to his. She panicked but relaxed, recalling the private floor was shared by just the two of them.

He would not allow tongues to wag once they got to the company grounds, she reasoned. However, a few minutes later after an intense elevator ride, Rex, still, didn't hand the bag to her, and neither did he retract his fingers that held hers.

On their way toward the exit, Angela got busy entertaining excuses to explain things to Nicole. Her new work friend was close to the company's receptionist, and they will eventually tell her, of how the CEO had draped Angela's bag like a trophy.

Now, while Rex strode without care of the dilemma, his innocent gesture implied, the assistant was however still without a tangible excuse for Nicole's inquisitive nature, despite the distance it took to arrive at his car. But, could she make out a rationale when even the display of affection wasn't yet defined?


Now, seated in an opulent restaurant, the tension between the two was plain awkward.

Rex sat studying Angela, she, on the other hand, stayed quiet, avoiding eye contact and not about to help him assume they were officially on a date.

Things could floor out in no distance, and the worst slap could amount to being told it was merely a friendly breakfast. But seriously, which cutlery was meant for the food placed in front of me, Angela pondered.

“What? Is the cuisine not up to your liking?” Rex asked.

“It looks more sophisticated than anticipated,” Angela responded, even as she still held her fingers together, fidgeting with the pair.

“Why aren't you chewing then?”

Is he always this commanding? Angela deliberated toward what should have been perceived as a form of concern.


“The food is getting cold, start eating”.

“I'm devouring it already, see?” she snapped, in such a fury state, she, rather picked up a salad fork.

“You're handling the wrong apparatus, use this instead.”


Angela's interest became aroused, and her eyes brightened, ready to learn table manners once Rex redirected her to the main serving fork.

“What's it used for,” she queried.

“To dish food into the plate. Here, let me teach you how to hold it.”

“Not here, I'm shy. Can we demand for a private booth?”

Soon, the two were led to a secluded section inside the restaurant, at the end of its hall, and quite far from its customer's noise.

Not long into the meal, Both Angela and Rex relaxed, care–freely enjoying the comfort of their opposite nature. Rex at one point used his fingers to eat the chicken directly without a cutlery, and Angela learned how to use a fork properly.

After eating, they proceeded to enjoy dessert with Rex resurfacing his yesterday's mental note.

“About your ex-fiance,”

“Can we not discuss that please?”

“Angela, as your employer, you do realize that I will still find out why you left him?”

There he goes, sending out mixed feelings again, Angela starts to assume last week's rendezvous is not completely lost to him even as he tries to make her believe, that today's outing is for her health benefit, after having fainted last night.

“You didn't pay attention”

“Of course I did, aside from the reason we broke up, what would you want to know about Benedict?”

“Not that, goodness. The juice is smearing your clothes.”

Great, Angela thought. The clothes had not only looked less fitting for such an elegant restaurant but now she has gotten it stained as well. It's even more embarrassing that Rex just had to witness that.

Stepping outside the eatery, Angela is gutted, knowing that she may not yet afford to dine in such a luxury. Following that, her disappointment and the weather’s breeze collide to dishearten her even more.

Out of reflex, she used her hands to cover her two pairs of oranges, still, she felt cold even afterward.

“Use this,” Rex said. Offering Angela his jacket, but looks quickly away too as if the gesture itself, surprised him as well.

Next, Angela stepped into the front seat of Rex's car, he slid next to her, and using a remote control, he commanded the map assistant to hands-freely drive them both to Crystal estate, road 2520. Amazed at the technological sophistication, still, Angela's face falls, for her naivety had again assumed that they would, end things at his city home, therein rumple his bedspread for the decoration.

Angela grits her teeth, she never imagined a day would come when her house address would sound so bitter an option to rest her fatigued body. She sighed, turning her head to look at the objects fast passing through his car window, as they rode to her home.

Angela wondered how so leading of his emotions he appeared, while the other sat admiring the same qualities he found in her.

Home at last, a very upset Angela wasted no time in turning to open the ride’s exit, opting to let herself out, but to no avail. With a pouty mouth, she turns to face him.

“It's locked, give me a minute to search and find the unlock button.”

“You don't know your car that much?”

“I hardly use this one.”

He what? Just how remarkably materialistic influencing is the boss?

When he leaned toward her seat, Angela endured the intoxicating splash of his perfume, along with his closeness.

Rex was practically leaning on her blossom while nonchalantly checking for his car's unlock button. Done messing with her, he casually pressed the exit switch, quite discreetly from the steering’s dashboard. A disgruntled Angela steps outside, rushing her strides as well.

About to shut the door and thinking Rex had probably left, he, however, appeared at her doorstep, using his hand to wedge its entrance from closing. He looked dreamily at Angela, her heartbeat accelerates in anticipation. She has never brought a man inside, but for her penny's desire, she wished none of her roommates were home.

This must be the moment he realizes that he wants to make out with me, to lean, and kiss like he can no longer restrain the urge. When Rex slants toward her, Angela closes her eyelids, expecting the kiss.

“You forgot to lend me back my jacket,” Rex, however, taunts.

Angela's cheeks flush red in embarrassment, her eyes blaze daggers at him for the flirting game she just caught him playing.

Equipped with his property, Rex turns to leave horny Angela, whistling as he walks away.

She stood there, wondering why he often infuriates her and still, she was somewhat intrigued, by his indirect chase.

Finally closing the door and a few strides toward her room, Angela's phone vibrates with a notification from Rex.

The text read: Don't be late for work, tomorrow. Angela cursed, but finding a place to sit and absorb the words, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips, for the word, “morrow” held futurity to it.

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