Awakened Earth!!

chapter 79: becoming a demon lord part 3

Sophie transferred all the information to me telepathically. She was now a Devil Lord, the highest class of demon. Not only that, but it seemed the Demon Lord Haki ability had been integrated into her sub-skill, Sixth Sense, which received a power boost. Sophie’s unique skill, 'Realm Lord,' had evolved into the ultimate skill, 'Shadow Realm: Ruler of Mysteries.' She now had the following sub-skills: Infinite Regeneration, which meant that as long as Sophie’s soul wasn’t completely destroyed, she could regenerate.

It was even possible for her to regenerate her spiritual body and soul, meaning that any damage done to her soul would eventually heal on its own. Although it is possible to repair small amounts of damage to one’s soul without any specialized ability, souls are extremely difficult to repair and can take thousands of years to heal even minor damage. Unless someone has a skill specifically meant to heal souls, even a small scratch could take hundreds, if not thousands, of years to recover naturally. In other words, as long as Sophie’s soul wasn’t completely destroyed, it was impossible to kill her. Even if her soul was damaged, it would still repair itself over time, and once it did, she could regenerate her spiritual and physical bodies rather quickly.

Sophie looked exactly the same as before, which wasn’t disappointing at all since she was already stunning. Wait—no, her horns had now formed into a horn crown. The change was so minor that I didn’t notice at first. However, it was clear that her power was absurd. I initially believed she was ten times stronger, but I think she’s probably more like a hundred times stronger.

Additionally, her Sixth Sense skill also integrated her Demon Lord Haki. It retained all its previous capabilities but was now significantly more powerful. It seems that the Sixth Sense skill was influenced by me, as I have a strong desire not to possess a large number of skills. The third sub-skill was Shadow Realm, which allowed her to create her own domain. Not only did this make her realm extend 100 km in all directions from the center, but it also transformed the landscape. Instead of being entirely grasslands, the realm now featured a large lake. Moreover, the Magicules required to maintain its existence was reduced by 90%, meaning it now only used 10% of the Magicules it previously needed.

Another sub-skill she gained was Shadow Creation, which allowed her to create anything made of solidified shadow and darkness. Additionally, she could imbue it with one status attribute. For example, she could apply a status effect to a weapon, though the time it took to create an item depended on the potency of the status effect. The advantage of these items was that they no longer required a constant supply of Magicules to maintain their existence; once created, they would slowly decay, similar to how a sword rusts over time. The items would last as long as you'd expect them to—such as a sword lasting as long as a regular sword—but eventually, the passage of time would consume them.

Then there was the sub-skill Eclipse, which allowed her to generate a synthetic eclipse over an area of 4 kilometers. This was a truly terrifying ability, as it boosted her power by ten times. Shadow and dark magic also became ten times stronger within the affected area.

She also had the sub-skill Master of Space. This sub-skill was truly interesting; anything or anyone within a kilometer radius of her could be instantly teleported to any location within her perception or any location for which she had the spatial coordinates. This teleportation bypassed all traditional teleportation countermeasures, similar to the Gate spell, but with a key difference: you could no longer conveniently destroy the gate as it was forming to block her. In other words, it granted her the ability to perform unblockable teleportation, allowing her to teleport anything or anyone within a kilometer radius, with nothing anyone could do to stop it.

Not only that, but it also gave her complete mastery over all space magic. If she saw a space magic spell for the first time, she would instantly gain full Mastery of it. This seems to be a skill manifested from her spatial affinity, which was insanely high.

Then finally, there was the sub-skill Dark Heart. This sub-skill allowed her to generate unlimited Magicules from nowhere. I couldn’t understand how it worked, even though she transferred the information to me telepathically. The only reason I could think of for my inability to comprehend it was that I wasn’t supposed to understand it—meaning it was one of those magical things where only certain individuals could grasp it. Yeah, the usual magic bullshit.

After reviewing all of the information about Sophie’s new upgrade, I decided to wipe out the country using the Abyss Annihilation spell, which I had modified so it wouldn’t target souls. I flew into the air and summoned my staff, using its power to amplify my magic and the spell. All those who gaze into the Abyss will have it gaze back into them; those who flinch lose their sanity, and those who continue to gaze into the Abyss as it gazes into them sink into its depths and become the Abyss itself.

“Abyss Annihilation.”

A tiny black ball of absolute nothingness floated down to the ground, slowly and silently. The moment it touched the ground, everything—the entire country—was completely erased, disappearing into nothingness.

Sophie, on the other hand, quickly gathered the souls up for me before they could dissipate. Demons can naturally gather and see souls, which is why I knew my soul looked like a very small, rainbow-flaming sun. Sophie’s soul was a black hole, and Alex’s soul was a butterfly. Apparently, Rimuru’s soul was a ridiculously huge golden sun seriously the size was like multiple galaxies. Sophie said she understood Diablo’s obsession with Rimuru after seeing his soul.

Anyway, after collecting the souls—I really couldn’t collect them easily on my own—Sophie placed her hand on my head and began pouring the souls into me. Once I had reached the required amount, she naturally cut off the flow. I could feel it—the Harvest Festival had started. I began slowly sinking to the ground, struggling to maintain my consciousness. In the process, I dropped my Twilight Staff while trying not to plummet to the ground.

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