Avatar: God Of Bending

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Bumi, The Mad Genuis!

Looking at young King Bumi, or I should actually just say Bumi, I was a little surprised by his appearance since the show didn't do him justice for how truly crazy he looked; if he hadn't introduced himself as Bumi, I might've mistaken him for a crazy person.

'Well, I still wouldn't have been wrong; Bumi is surely a crazy person, a psychopath if you will. No, would it be more accurate to call him a sociopath? Hmm, maybe the word I'm looking for is eccentric. Yes, that's more fitting.' Thought Aang lightly as he gazed into Bumi's twitching eyes before glancing at his outstretched hand.

Bumi may have been weird and eccentric, but he was by no means a bad person, so after a second, I clasped my hands, greeting him, causing him to tilt his head before his smile widened, which reminded me of an evil green being who hated a particular holiday.

"Aang. It's… It's a unique meeting." Said Aang softly as he looked at Bumi, who smiled and nodded before pointing toward the rock on the ground.

"So, how did you stop my rock from hitting you? You didn't use earth bending, so how did you do it?" Asked Bumi earnestly as he squatted down beside his rock and inspected it before turning and eyeing Aang, who waved his hand, creating a small vortex within his hand.

"As I said before, Bumi, air bending. I simply created a spherical vortex and hovered the rock." Replied Aang lightly as he glanced at Bumi, who swiftly approached his hand and stared intently at it.

"Woah. So that's air bending? I never knew it existed; I only knew of earth and fire bending." Muttered Bumi with a look of intrigue as he placed his hand into the small vortex, distorting it and causing it to dispel.

"Only earth and fire bending? Did your parents not teach you about the four nations?" Asked Aang with a raised eyebrow as he glanced at Bumi, who shook his head, surprising him, only for him to frown afterward.

"Nope. I don't have any parents; everything I've learned is from listening to random people. What about you? Did your parents teach you?" Replied Bumi with a curious look, seemingly unbothered by his earlier statement.

"That is unfortunate to hear, though I'll save you the pity, seeing as you're doing just fine. As for me, you could say so; though I wouldn't exactly call Monk Gyatso my father, he definitely serves as a father figure." Remarked Aang softly with a slightly sad look before shaking his head while Bumi rapidly nodded.

"Awesome! So, tell me about these four nations; I need to learn more!" Said Bumi with a smile as he leaned forward, entering Aang's personal space, making him slightly uncomfortable, only for him to suddenly narrow his eyes while eyeing their surroundings.

"Shh, don't say anything here, Aang; we can't have people eavesdropping on us; come with me; I'll take you to my supersecret hideout." Added Bumi with a suspicious look as he carefully eyed his surroundings before grabbing Aang's hand and leading him down the street.

'Eavesdropping? There is no one but you and me present.' Thought Aang with a weird look as he followed behind Bumi, only to shrug his shoulders and shake his head.

After walking down the empty street, we turned down a narrow alley before stopping at a dead-end. I had expected him to use his earth bending to open or move the wall, revealing a secret path behind it; however, while I happened to be correct, I was only partially right. Instead of opening a pathway in front of us, he stomped his feet on the ground before spreading his arms as if he were opening double doors, causing the ground we were standing on to suddenly open.

'Well, I should've seen this coming; Aang did describe Bumi as a mad genius, though I don't quite know if I'd call this genius.' Mused Aang lightly as he and Bumi plummeted through the air.

We didn't fall for very long, though after a few seconds, I was suddenly assaulted by a potent stench like no other, causing me to scrunch my face in disgust as one word instantly came to mind.

'Sewer.' Thought Aang with a disgusted expression as he quickly touched his fists together, creating a spherical vortex beneath his feet.

Thanks to my quick thinking, I managed to avoid falling into an underground river polluted with urine, fecal matter, and other unholy things I'd prefer not to mention; while hovering above the absolutely disgusting water, I glanced at Bumi, who swung his hand, causing a piece of the wall to extend into a slide, allowing him to safely land on the bank of the sewer, avoiding the disgusting substance.

"Haha, wasn't that fun!" Yelled Bumi with a crazy smile as he glanced at Aang, whose expression was constantly twitching.

"I'm a little skeptical about that genius part, but I wholeheartedly agree about him being mad." Muttered Aang with a slightly annoyed look as he used the air scooter to quickly arrive on the bank before dispelling it and landing on his feet.

This underground sewer system wasn't anything crazy, just a simple pathway that allowed water to flow through the city in an unrestricted manner, something we Air Nomads could learn from.

'Reliving oneself in nature is never beating a good toilet.' Thought Aang as he glanced at the sewer before looking at Bumi, who began walking down a small pathway.

"Next time, could you please warn me beforehand?" Asked Aang as he followed behind Bumi, who nodded without even looking back.

Skeptically looking at him, I softly sighed and silently followed behind Bumi, who seemed to take us on a wild goose chase in this maze-like underground sewer; half the time, he didn't even look like he knew where we were, but after ten or so minutes, we finally arrived at a latter.

"Aha! Found it!" Said Bumi with a large smile as he quickly began to climb the ladder, while Aang simply created a vortex that lifted him upwards.

Once Bumi reached the top, he practically busted open a hatch while I followed right behind him, only to arrive inside a small, rundown building that was furnished with old furniture; looking around, other than a few paintings hanging on the wall, this place looked rather lonely.

"Welcome to Bumi's secret base!" Yelled Bumi loudly as he spread his arms while standing atop the couch, causing Aang to nod.

"This is rather impressive, Bumi; however, I have one question." Said Aang as he approached a window, looking out through the curtains and pointing outside.

"Why didn't we simply walk here? I can see the rock that you nearly hit me with from here?" Questioned Aang with furrowed brows as he eyed Bumi, who sported a crazy smile.

"Because the way I took it was more exciting!" Stated Bumi with a large smile, one that caused Aang to sigh while rubbing his head.

"O-Okay. But couldn't you have at least made it so you knew where to go? Markers would've most definitely been helpful." Asked Aang lightly as he closed the curtain while skeptically looking at Bumi.

"If you wish to fool your enemies, you must first fool your allies! Your enemies won't be able to predict your moves if you don't even know your next move!" Declared Bumi solemnly as he proudly held his head high, causing Aang to sigh again.

'Haa, this is one heck of an experience. Bumi is quite something; I see why Aang called him a mad genius. If only he were slightly more genius and less mad.' Thought Aang wryly as he rubbed his bald head, sparking Bumi's curiosity.

"What are those blue arrows? Tattoos? Can I get them?" Asked Bumi curiously as he started poking Aangs body, prompting him to gently swat his hand away while shaking his head.

"These blue arrows are tattoos and the symbol of an air-bending master; as for whether you can get these, well, you're an earth bender; that alone should answer your question." Remarked Aang lightly as he glanced at Bumi, who nodded with a slight frown while a weird glint passed through his eyes.

"Anyways, quickly, tell me about the four elements!" Stated Bumi as he grabbed Aangs shoulder and forced him onto the couch with his superior strength while Aang slightly nodded before clearing his throat.

"Well, for starters, there are four elements that humans can bend: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Most benders are from their respective native land, such as the Fire Nation, the Earth Kingdom, the Water Tribes, and the Air Temples." Stated Aang softly as he glanced at Bumi, who intently listened eagerly while he explained the world to him.



Having just finished spending the last hour informing Bumi about the world, bending, and other somewhat important things, he was not sitting down with a thoughtful expression, seemingly contemplating something very serious, and despite this crazy look, he truly looked like someone who held a great deal of wisdom.

"Hmm, I see, I see. This is all valuable information." Muttered Bumi with a serious look as he rubbed his chin while looking at the ground.

'Not really, this is all probably something you could learn at a simple library.' Mused Aang with a wry expression as he glanced at Bumi, though he stayed quiet and used this chance to meditate.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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