Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Gyatso The Prankster
As Monk Gyatso and I walked through Omashu, I took in the sights of the city, though, given the constant bustling crowd, it was slightly tricky to observe everything.
'Though, I suppose that's part of a city's charm.' Mused Aang lightly as he nimbly moved through the crowd while seemingly imitating the movements of the air itself.
"Well, Omashu citizens seem to greatly respect their elders." Said Aang calmly as he glanced at Gyatso, watching as the bustling crowd parted way for him while he wasn't so lucky.
"Hoho, that is true; the people of Omashu are taught at a young age to respect their elders; it's a pretty nice vacation for us older fellows." Remarked Gyatso with a slight chuckle as he stopped walking, allowing Aang to catch up while glancing at him.
"Hmm, the few perks of living a long life." Muttered Aang lightly as he stood beside Gyatso, dusting his clothes off before glancing at him.
"So, we won't spend the whole day here, will we?" Asked Aang curiously as he closely trailed behind Gyatso, who started walking again.
"No, we shall leave at around night time, though for you to be asking such a question, I take it you're not enjoying this experience." Replied Gyatso softly with a shake of his head, only for him to approach a small restaurant off in the distance.
"I wouldn't quite say that; I'm enjoying this, but it's not what I'm exactly fond of; I prefer tranquility and solitude. Well, maybe not alone, but not like this." Remarked Aang with a slight shake of his head as he followed Gyatso, walking through the flow of the crowd, causing his small stature to be bumped around.
"Besides, I would prefer not to be thrown around like a boat sailing through a storm." Added Aang lightly as he finally exited from the sea of people, only to dust himself off with a gust of wind, knocking all pebbles and sand off him while Gyatso nodded.
"Ah, yes, I know; if it weren't for the classes, you would spend all your time alone either training and refining your bending or with Appa. You really should try to befriend some of your fellow brothers." Said Gyatso, nodding with a wry expression as he gave Aang a side glance while standing outside a small stone building.
"No offense, Monk Gyatso, but we've had this conversation several times, and it's always ended exactly the same, so shall we save each other some breath and change topics?" Asked Aang as he slightly bowed while looking at Gyatso, who softly sighed and shook his head before entering the building.
Following Monk Gyatso into the building made of stone, which, unsurprisingly, so was every other building, and that gave this city a rather bland look; if it weren't for the bustling crowds and lively streets full of vendors, it would greatly take away from the city's atmosphere. Granted, I couldn't really blame the people of this city as it was in the Earth Kingdom, and when I learn how to earth bend, why would I not create homes, buildings, and stalls out of earth?
'It's simple, quick, effective, portable, and leaves no traces.' Mused Aang with a slight nod as he entered the stone building, following Gyatso while looking around.
The inside of the building seemed to be a small restaurant with no more than ten tables in total, and surprise, surprise; they were also made out of stone; sitting down at an empty table of two opposite Monk Gyatso, we waited to be tended to, while I used that chance to observe the many paintings on the wall.
There weren't a lot of paintings, but other than the few paintings of nature, most of the paintings were of a family of five, which consisted of a wife, husband, two daughters, and a son.
'He must be the son.' Mused Aang lightly as he glanced at a young man wearing a half-apron while standing before a table, taking orders.
"Do you know anything about this restaurant, or did you randomly pick it?" Asked Aang curiously as he looked at Gyatso, who faintly smirked.
"Not having any knowledge beforehand makes the experience even more unique." Stated Gyatso with a faint smirk while Aang blankly looked at him.
'Random it is then.' Thought Aang lightly as he shook his head before glancing at the young man standing beside their table.
"Welcome to Stonecold, the name's Takan; what can I get you two?" Asked Takan as he glanced between Gyatso and Aang.
"Hmm, let's see, I probably should've been looking at the options beforehand." Said Gyatso as he grabbed the small menu on the table and began looking through the various options.
"I'll take a dish of your choosing, just without any meat." Said Aang as he glanced at Takan, who raised an eyebrow before nodding and shifting his focus to Gyatso.
"Let the experience be unique, Monk Gyatso." Added Aang lightly with a faint, almost indiscernible smirk, causing Gyatso to laugh while putting the menu down.
"Haha, here I am, acquiring knowledge just after I gave that piece of advice. I shall have the same." Remarked Gyatso with an amused expression as he turned and looked at Takan, who nodded.
"Got it Sir, my sister will deliver the food when it is finished." Said Takan lightly as he turned around and headed into the back of the restaurant, where the kitchen was located.
While waiting for our food to arrive, I closed my eyes and meditated, and before I knew it, I inhaled a fresh scent that caused me to open my eyes as I stared at the two plates on the table.
"Hope you enjoy the meal, Sir." Said a young woman who resembled Takan with a smile while Gyatso smiled back.
"Thank you, young miss." Said Gyatso with a smile as he nodded at the woman before grabbing his metal utensil and digging into his food, while Aang followed closely.
Patting my full stomach, I set my utensil down and yawned, already feeling slightly drowsy, though not quiet enough to fall asleep, though just as I was about to stand up to leave, I suddenly froze and looked at Monk Gyatso.
"Monk Gyatso, I don't have any currency." Said Aang with slight concern as he reached into his empty pockets before looking at Gyatso, who widened his eyes.
"Oh dear, I knew I had a nagging feeling." Muttered Gyatso with an unsightly expression as he stood and began searching through his satchel.
Seeing Monk Gyatso search for Earth Kingdom currency, I grabbed my face and sighed, which only got worse when I saw Takan approaching.
'Will these clothes be enough to pay? I mean, they were worn by an air-bending master; that's got to count for something, right?' Mused Aang wryly as he looked down at his clothes before glancing at Gyatso, who was calmly handing Takan a few coins.
"Thank you for the delicious food. My pupil and I enjoyed it. Hope this is enough to cover the cost." Said Gyatso with a friendly smile while Takan counted the coins before nodding with a smile of his own.
"This is the exact amount, Sir. We hope to see you again. Have a wonderful day." Said Takan with a faint smile as he waved at Gyatso, who exited the building, leaving behind a confused Aang alone.
Aggressively rubbing my face, I hung my head and deeply sighed while exiting the restaurant, standing directly outside, yet Monk Gyatso wasn't anywhere to be found, causing me to sigh again.
"Haa, you truly love pranking me, don't you, Monk Gyatso?" Muttered Aang in slight annoyance as he lifted his head and stared into the sky, seemingly speaking to Gyatso even though he was nowhere nearby.
Now that I was on my own, I had half a mind to just sit down and meditate, but I decided to continue to explore the city, which forced me to enter the bustling crowd, and that was far from fun, especially since I wasn't exactly heavy for a child. So, for the next few hours, I explored the entirety of Omashu, seeing some rather interesting architectural designs, which would've looked really beautiful if it weren't for the bland brown that was on everything else and some somewhat questionable things that I'd prefer not to know about.
"Well, that's one heck of an experience." Muttered Aang lightly as he walked down a surprisingly empty street.
"HEY! Watch out!"
Hearing the sound of a child yelling, I turned and looked in their direction, though when I did, I saw a rock the size of my head speedily flying through the air right at me, causing me to act on reflex as swiftly outstretched my hand, enveloping the stone in a sphere of air, immediately bringing it to a halt as it hovered in the air.
"WOAH!? How'd you do that!?"
Hearing the voice again, I gently set the rock on the ground before looking at a child roughly the same age as me; he had spiky red hair that was being held back by a black headband, though the most striking thing about him was the look in his eyes, they looked mad. Not in the angry kind of way, but in the crazy kind, and if anything, it was slightly unnerving, though just slightly.
'He looks oddly familiar.' Mused Aang with a slight frown as he eyed the child, staring right back at him.
"Air bending, and next time, try to be more careful when practicing your earth bending." Replied Aang lightly with a slight shake of his head as he waved his hand, creating a strong gust of wind.
"Air bending? Awesome! I'm Bumi! Let's be friends!" Stated Bumi energetically as he gave Aang a slightly crazy look before outstretching his hand.