Chapter 10: chapter 9 : menacing tribe

" What about your maid? Hazen asked looking at Elizabeth who seemed to be lagging from the excess information she was receiving, she came here with the hope that they were getting weapons but this was way worse.

" She is coming with me I need her " Silver said causing Elizabeth who was dazed to quickly snap her neck towards him

" When did I say so ? " She asked upset, she didn't expect him to make decisions for her and she wasn't even organized to make any at this moment

" If you want your revenge then join me, if not we could just annul the deal we made " Silver replied to her, this decision was more confusing for her to make.

" She does seem talented, trying to hide all that shadow Mana and killing intent… . She is worth training " Hazens eyes were on her obviously curious about her but not so much ,left without any other choice Elizabeth had to agree with his request.

*in the middle of noone knows where

"I'll be training here? " Silver asked with extreme confusion, when he said he was going to train with Hazen he had other expectations but what was in front of him was way above what he was expecting.

In front of him looked like what seemed to be a bustling settlement located in a forest seemingly very far from any form of civilization, it was the best place practically for him to train but there was something else and that was the fact that the settlement was comprised of mixed races which was very surprising considering how hostile races tend to be to each other.

"Don't stand there being dazed , head in " Hazen called out to Silver who snapped back walking alongside him who was greeted by every single person that they walked past .

The structures were old and prehistoric with tents and sometimes thatched mud houses which was a little contrast to the more developed and advanced than them, even their dressing fit the time frame as of he had gone back in time.

" It's really strange people could live like this, " Elizabeth said in a low tone observing her environment with Silver, who was very much interested in this place .

The people around them seem to be thinking of something very similar to them, they seemed very curious of the people coming with Hazen but their curiosity stayed far away, not daring to go close. To them these people were aliens since their clothing and everything about them were odd to the core not similar to their tradition.

There soon arrived at what seemed to be the middle of the village where a large thatched building with what seemed to be remains of a large bonfire in front of it, " Wait here I have business to attend to " Hazen said to Silver before leaving him and Elizabeth outside and entering the building.

With Time the population around them began to increase, though they kept their distance he still felt a bit uncomfortable, it didn't take long before Hazen came back with a smile on his face behind him were six people who Silver could only interpret as the elders of the settlement.

Two of them were humans, two others were beastmen ; werewolf and Warecat, while the last two were elves , " You will be in their care for the next few weeks I have something to take care of " Hazen said turning to leave Silver who was on another level of confused this time " I thought we agreed that you will help me become stronger? " Silver asked " And that's what I'm doing, I said I'll help you become stronger. I never said how , don't complain and just do as I say " Hazen said as he suddenly disappeared maybe because he didn't want to confront any more of silver's questions.

Just after he left the female amongst the elves called out an elf whom she told to escort the two to their respective rooms, Silver wasn't stupid and could read the room and it smelled like they didn't want him there but didn't have any choice thanks to Hazen who seemed to have threatened them with some sort of trick but he didn't want to even know what it was.

Silver was taken to a single room thatched building which was located in far northern corner of the Settlement making it obvious that he had to stay out of sight, he quickly settled down since they wasn't much in the room to rearrange anyway ; stone like bed made with wood and covered with hay to provide cushions which silver didn't see " That damn old man " Silver cursed in his mind now somewhat regretting his decision to follow him, but after a little consideration remembered that not good ever came easy.

" Hey u in? " Elizabeth voice called out to Silver from the outside and he let her and she had a weary look on her face whilst Silver seemed nonchalant " These people don't seem happy with the idea of us being here " Elizabeth said in a matter of fact as if he didn't notice " I know but what can I say, it's not like they have a say in this matter and if anything were to go wrong I got you " Silver replied to Elizabeth who seemed stunned by his answer, with the look of I'm talking to an idiot " I don't think you noticed but many of the people in this forest are crazy strong I can't deal with all of them if anything goes wrong " Elizabeth complained trying to bring the point to silver.

" That's is a big ' IF' they aren't that stupid enough to do something like that , at least I have to remind you that that's my grandfather you are talking about he would not do something that would bring me to harm and he is curious about you so we are safe… at least " Silver said pausing in the last part knowing although his guess might be correct there is still a chance that they are not safe.

" That's if they decided not to make training hell for the both of us " Elizabeth said knowing well where they are driving at and it wasn't a pleasant place " The difficulty is what will make it even fun, where's the fun in it when they go easy on us " Silver replied with a smile that she considered twisted but deep Within silver he knew the truth and that was the fact that they were totally fucked.


It took a long while before a meal arrived, and from the look of it, it was obvious that his stomach will never be the same if he ingested whatsoever was in the wooden plate, he decided against it and kept it somewhere else and rely on something else, he went through his dimension ring and brought out a few fruit he picked up from the Royal garden while Elizabeth was busy helping him to set his room up.

It wasn't much but it was better than food poisoning and at least last him until he could fend his own food, just as he was done he noticed someone entering into his room and it happened to be the werewolf who happened to be a female, and with the looks she was no jokes " What can I do for you? " Silver asked heading straight to business not wanting any form of pleasantries " You are not welcome here, hope you have that at the back of your mind… . I know your kind and they… " " First things first I'm here to train and not to make friends,

second I'm not here by choice I don't have any say in this issue and

thirdly we might want to practice privacy a little, I would gladly gladly not want someone coming into my room to try and take my life " Silver said with a calm tone , since they didn't like him they was no use being nice to them as that could lead to him being back stabbed " We'll see " She said with a smile that sent shivers down his spine which for some reason Silver didn't like.


It was nighttime and Silver was already fast asleep enough to notice a shadowy figure which seemed to be that of a female that got into his room. The person seemed very satisfied with his current nature which looked very vulnerable to any form of harm .

The person raised up a dagger and drove it into his neck in an instant, he tried to struggle to struggle but he was overwhelmed by the person " Sleep tight " The person said to Silver as a last parting words before he slumped completely with no sign of life .


" How annoying can today get? " Elizabeth asked Silver whose concentration was somewhere else , group of young humans and elves who were in a corner of the makeshift training ground which was filled with boulders , sandbags and weights but his concern was the surprised look that was on their face like they had seen a ghost obviously they would be shocked who wouldn't be after seeing someone one you presume dead.

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