Atelier Tanaka

Book 7: Chapter 2 (2)

Great Holy Land (1st)

This room is entirely too luxurious to be called a bedroom.

The maids lined up along the wall, each more beautiful than the last.

The maids all wore matching extra short skirts that gave glimpses of each of their panties with the slightest movement. The tops they wore were low cut and revealed the tops of their ample breasts. The way they all stood so still in such erotic outfits reminded me of a time stop porn. This is every man’s dream.


The shotachinpo has done serious damage to my heart and now I’m even more desperate for the touch of a woman.

The touch of a sexy maid.

I have dreamed of a moment like this for years.

Even just looking at them is enough to make this resort trip worth it.

“…could you show me to my bed?”

I asked it.

I actually asked it.

Oi, oi, you have to keep at it, virgin-kun.

They can’t say no.

If I were to command them to, I’m sure they’d even invite me into the depths of their dungeons. I’m sure those dungeons have been host to hundreds of adventurers in the past, but that just means there is a well-trodden path to reach the deepest recesses of the dungeon.

Even if the path is fraught with dangers, a virgin’s feet will never stop.

They can’t stop.

“Of course. Please, follow me.”

The maid that I’d consider the cutest stepped forward and offered to guide me.

I followed after her as she guided me through the room. The panties she wore did little to cover her ass and I could easily see her fully exposed cheeks peeking out from beneath the hem of her skirt. I was able to fully enjoy this scene by keeping a distance of two to three metres as I followed behind her.

These maids really know how to serve their masters.

His Majesty has provided me with the best reward.

If I can be guaranteed a reward like this, I will happily serve my country until the day I die. I can’t imagine any reward better. The Penny Empire is the greatest. Long live the Penny Empire. No other nation is worthy of ruling this world.

Eventually,  we arrived at a canopied bed that was even larger than a king size. It was lavishly decorated and suited the extravagant room it was in. The gold decorations that covered the canopy made me wonder if I’d really be able to sleep in a bed like this.

“What would you like us to do?”

I didn’t even notice that the other maids had followed behind us and were now lined up alongside the bed.

They came.

They really came.

This is the line that separates virgins from non-virgins.

This must be what people mean when they call something a ‘watershed moment.’

I feel like this is the situation that every virgin dreams of when they think of losing their virginity. True love with one partner is a thing of the past. We live in modern times. Now is the time of one-on-X. It is the duty of every virgin to replace X with the largest number possible.

Harems are the future.

A harem with maids that were skirts so short their panties are exposed.

There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s good. One night is all it takes.

One night and I can say goodbye to my virginity and hello to a summer vacation fitting of a yarichin.

“Excuse me, I was wondering….”

“You must be exhausted after your trip. Would you like a massage?”

“Eh? Uh, sure….”

The maids made the first move.

One of the maids nodded in response to my answer and approached me. The first made was cute, but the only word that can describe this made is erotic. Her eyes were filled with lust as was her mouth. Even the way she walked was erotic. It was as if she had trained her body to exude an aura of lust and eroticism.

How can a girl that appears to be in her late teens have such control of her erotic side? This is on the level of the sluttiest women alive.

Could she be a virgin? No, that’s impossible.

No virgin could display such eroticism.

“Lie down here.”

The maid placed her hands on my shoulders and guided me to the edge of the bed.

Before I could even understand what was happening, I was looking up at the ceiling. A skilled hand quickly unbuttoned my shirt and started removing my pants. This is the feeling of reverse rape that I’ve been craving.

Yes, this is good.


I have no complaints about her technique.

She gets full marks.


Her hand slid its way down my abdomen with its clear destination being my son.

My son was waiting with heated anticipation as he could sense her fingertips getting closer.

This is bad.

I think I’m in love.

I’ll have to marry this maid.

I love her.

I have to take responsibility.

“Pardon me.”

Her hand made a detour from my son as she reached for something on her leg.

She brandished a knife before quickly plunging the blade into my neck.

Blood began spraying out and stained her outfit.

I knew it was too good to be true.

Heartbreak is the only thing I know.


I activated my healing magic and, for the first time in a while, I had to use my invincibility mode. Simultaneously, I conjured a mass of swirling flames between myself and the maid. The fireball exploded between us and sent the maids body hurtling across the room. I failed to control the intensity of the flames and managed to burn my own body as well as the maid’s.

The maid’s body fell limp on the floor and was nothing but a charred black mass. My own body was covered in similar burns, but they began to heal shortly after the explosion. I didn’t even have time to register the pain.


The remaining maids screamed and scattered across the room.

They ran as far from me as they could and hid in the far off corners of the room. I guess she was acting alone. I suppose that’s a blessing in itself. If every maid here would rather kill me than touch me, my fragile virgin heart would break.

“…who are you working for?”

I knew something felt off.

There was no chance such a beautiful girl would volunteer to please a busamen like me.

The world doesn’t work that way.

“Answer me.”

I asked again.

However, the maid assassin was burnt to a crisp and the small movements in her limbs were most likely reflexive. I conjured a small fireball with low intensity flames and held it between us, but it seemed unnecessary. She was weaker than I anticipated. Most likely an assassin meant to get in undetected and kill her target without ever needing to fight.

W-What’s happening out here!? What was that noise!?”

The sound of the explosion drew the attention of Drill-chan who returned to the room to see what was happening. The Kimoronge was also beside her. I’m relieved that they’re both clothed. If either of them were undressed or looked disheveled, it would have destroyed me.

“…ara~n? I didn’t know you liked to play so rough.”

Drill-chan said this after seeing the burnt body and bed, the bloody sheets, and me standing there half-naked.

I think she can guess as to what happened.

“She was cute, but also quite dangerous for her age.”

“She looks like she’s still alive. What do you plan on doing?”

Drill-chan pointed to the twitching body of the assassin maid.

She was covered in burns, but her movement suggested she was still alive which meant I could heal her with my magic.

“I can still heal her in this state and I’d like to question her as well.”

“That sounds good. A dead body could certainly ruin the mood of our trip.”

“It definitely would, Doris-san.”

I couldn’t help but be reminded of the time Ester-chan was attacked in my room back at the school dormitory. I’m happy that I was the target this time rather than it being Drill-chan. I want to question her to make sure that she’s the only one here trying to kill me. My relaxing vacation would be ruined if this attempted assassination were to be repeated again and again.


I recalled back when Ester-chan was attacked in my dorm room that the assassin killed himself before we had time to question him and find out who sent him. I made sure that this time we’d have every opportunity to question the assassin by tying her up and healing her before she could succumb to her injuries.

I gave the task of questioning the assassin maid to Drill-chan. It only took a minute or so before she had learned who had tasked the maid with killing me. She claimed it was a baron of the Penny Empire. The child of a viscount that served on a council that handled foreign affairs for the Penny Empire.

Even though I am of the same rank as baron, I serve directly under Richard-san who is a duke. Apparently, this has been a hotly discussed topic among the nobility in Kalis.

This baron is most likely a scapegoat. It makes little sense for someone of equal rank to make an attempt on my life. He would risk losing far more than he could ever hope to gain.

He must have received word that I was going on an extended vacation to this resort and decided it was the perfect opportunity to try to kill me. He must have used some form of magical communication device to convey the orders to the maid. Even so, the orders may have come from the baron, but he was no doubt receiving orders from someone else. I have no way of knowing who and the maid doesn’t have the answer either.

This is the reality of being a noble; people you’ve never met trying to kill you for reasons you don’t understand. It’s possible Richard might have an idea as to who would want me dead. I should ask him once I return from my vacation.

Essentially, this means there’s nothing else I can do from here without canceling my vacation.

It’s unfortunate.

“I think it’s best that we forget about what happened for the time being and enjoy our vacation.”

“Yes, that sounds good to me.”

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